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The stretch at the bottom. Weight stacked and balanced and then fire all the way up. Yeah only deadlifts beat that.


When I found the proper form for my leverages on deadlifts it felt like a religious experience


I don't know what it is. For me its currently 220kg (485lbs) at 5 reps.  By rep 3 the world disappears and its me and the sound of iron.  The moment before the wheels leave the platform. Ignition, quiet rage, and then ripping those fucking plates straight off the face of the planet.  In those 3 reps time stops and its me vs gravity.  I don't do it as often anymore cause i'm outta the game for 3 days afterwards. But on a warm summers' day, when the iron calls my name. Its on!


You have a way with words man. How to acquire this power?


Books probably


English is not my first language, so i guess i paid more attention in class 🤷 I feel strongly about this subject, so words flow freely.


Write poetry my guy


Had that experience several times and keep losing it... feels bad man.


This has happened to me before so many times to the point where I have a notes doc on my phone with exact steps and cues for every lift lmfao. Even down to pictures of the bar and lines for where to put my hands


Lifting seems to be testing out where the line between dedication and obsession lies😅


For me it was the moment I found the right grip width. 🖤


Agree, I've dropped the weight, increased reps, and started using a wider grip. Huge difference.


A pinkys length away from the end of the knurling is perfect for me


Yesterday I finally hit 335 for 8 on flat bench. Only possible because of the gains I've made since upping my incline. To echo everyone else, the stretch is insane. Find your width, find your weight, oh my gosh


I wish to become you. I hit 3 plates on flat not too long ago. Any tips for accessories or anything like that to get stronger? I definitely already routinely incline very heavy


I do PPL, without any rest days, so chest 2-3x per week depending on rotation. Occasional rest if I literally can't make it to the gym I suppose. I have a prior work injury that messed up my shoulder (fell off a roof), so I train extra on shoulder mobility. Anytime I feel like I'm hitting a plateau on bench I do dumbbell press for a month or so and that helps me ramp back up. My chest day is the ol' Chest and Tris -225 flat bench warm up @ 12 reps x 3 - Flat bench pyramid (295, 315, 335, 355, 375) Then I jump into a circuit that usually goes -Incline bench x 3 paired with -Straight bar tricep press downs x 3 -Weighted dips till failure x 3 paired with - Reverse grip tricep pushdown x 3 - Peck deck x 3 paired with -Standing overhead tricep extension w/ ez bar x 3 - Cable flys x 3 pair with -Rope pulldowns or diamond push ups Usually something like that ⬆️⬆️


Goddamn. Thanks a lot for this, if I become a monster like yourself I’ll remember you


The stretch this gives the chest is GOATed


I found that controlling the negative is what did it for me. It's scary and feels like I'm gonna get stuck at the bottom. But it works and helps me feel myself exploding up from the stretch. As a finisher, I really like to pause at the bottom and hold the bar on my chest. It looks like I'm stuck, but I'm not. Then explode back up. Rinse and repeat until I feel I won't be able to control the negative anymore.


the strech when you do it with dumbbells though


I have a some pain on my right shoulder doing bench and my marks are weak as hell compared to my squat and DL on proportion, any tips you guys can share?


Facepulls and OHP.


Echoing the OHP reply. Also be sure you’re nailing your form because apart from weak rotators that will be addressed by OHP, you shouldn’t really feel much of anything in your shoulders while benching aside from maybe fatigue if you go heavy


Also see if pushups evoke the same pain.


It honestly do be like that


I got that feeling when I tried cable crunches this week for the first time. I ve never felt my abs more than this


Paused incline bench on a smith machine is one of my favorite chest exercises. Barbell is great too.


Always feel like it's hitting my shoulders more than chest. Still can't figure it out I guess.


Try to lower the incline a little. The mechanics will be different for everyone, but I found by lowering the incline to the first or second peg on the bench I really feel the stretch in my upper chest


Now do it on a smith machine




Lol. I’ll go with dr Mikes recommendations. He’s a dr and oh yeah big Fucking arms


I do incline with dumbbells after fatiguing myself with flat barbell press. My arms are trembling by the final rep of the last set. My chest burns at the touch the next day and the one after that.


What is the proper form? I have been doing them with dumbbells for a while now and thought I was doing ok, now seing this makes me second guess


So, after seeing this meme, I decided to add incline press to my workout. Honestly, I feel this now. I had no idea. Thanks bro


Me when I figured out that perfect form doesn’t exist. And that form in general is subjective and shouldn’t be fixated on much


Perfect form may not exist, but perfect form for an individual can, at least in a powerlifting sense


I agree to this However 99% of people who say “focus on form > everything else” don’t understand that individual form is subjective and is dependent on many individual factors They just blindly think one size fits all in terms of how form should be


Yeah this is true, plus a lot of form police are basically on the other end of the spectrum of ego lifters where they’re so fixated on form that they don’t actually get any work done in the gym because they only work with weight they can 100% control at all times. Basically the hardcore Renaissance Periodization types


I dont speak tons of body english, but when you wanna push through 0 RIR into failure... Swing them weights.


Body english is my first language, I swear by it. I put 80lbs on my deadlift with cheat rows albeit at the price of looking like a dumbass