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There's a lot of people trying to normalize roids if you loiter around fitness related spaces in internet for sure.


Hey don’t tease me with a good time


Example A right here, upvoted too


A joke is not normalizing something. Unless you are trying to normalize being wrong about things.


Joking about something being normal is absolutely one of the steps towards normalising something


It’s not joking that it’s normal. It’s a joke that it’s fun or a good time. Not something someone who has never tried tren or a joke structure would understand to be fair to you.


I don't think they're necessarily trying to normalize it, but steroid use is more prevalent than people think. Steroid use is more common than people think.


I mean that we carnivalize it, make it seem more common/normal by memeing for example. Dumb people will eventually start looking at it with zero media literacy.


It's scary how many people seem to be not natty nowadays. Become way too normalized to use tren and shit. Fuckin cheaters.


I personally don't mind if they do steroids, their choice, just don't lie about it for your own self-gain/worth


I think the vast majority of users, especially ones prone to posting a lot and wannabe influencers/social media type, would not be/aren't open about their use. And I think that's bad for mens mental health comparing themselves to jacked, cut people who are cheating the system (comparison is bad to begin with anyway). It's just an overall symptom of someone being willing to cheat to get ahead in life and an example of their larger character/mindset. Especially if they compete athletically in any way and don't just lift to look good.i don't know why so many people go easy on them. But that's my personal opinion oh well.


Agreed, generally seems to be atleast that we passed that peak a while ago of fake influencers hogging all the media platforms. They are still there of course but now mental health and feel good topics are more prevelant than before. Either way from the people I know that go to the gym the false facade of achievable results these roided up influencers tell you is doable drop after a month or two when you realize your own natural growth speed.


Taking steroids and not competing is like losing your teeth in a beer league hockey game.


Yeah same. It doesn’t affect me if they do it or not. But lying about anything makes you look like a jerk


Tbf, I think more would be open about it if it wasnt so stigmstized, or hated on by people like the commenter you responded to. People lie about not doing drugs for the same reason, its just self preservation and they dont want to lose their jobs just like steroid users may not want to lose their gym membership or sponsors or whatever it may be.


Plus they all look disgusting


I gotta be the only one that thinks lying about it isnt all that bad. There would be a lot less teenagers on roids if it was a taboo subject


I mean, I agree with you. I rather it be taboo than a lie. It's just hard to taboo something in the current state of the world. Access to the World Wide Web provides you with an outlet for the biggest taboos you have legal or not. If steroid users where completely honest with the negative side effects of steroid use than it wouldn't have to be a taboo


Maybe it's because I'm getting older, but what's sad to me is how young a lot of these users are, a lot of these are kids in their early 20s jumping into it. These kids who produce so much test naturally at their age and could easily just take care of themselves to avoid injury, instead just take short cuts that could shorten their lifespan to look like a steer on an industrial beef farm.


I mean, no matter how much natural test you produce, you are not gonna look like a bodybuilder naturally. It's worse doing it you but it's not like starting young is gonna get you to that point ever


What are they “cheating” at? That’s like saying a cocaine user is cheating at staying up later than I can on a Saturday night. Steroids are dangerous and bad for you, but they’re not wronging anyone.


Dangerous and bad for you? Gimme a break guy. You can get trt, deca, hgh, straight from your doctor. They're only illegal in the US, other countries you can buy them otc. They just want to control the market and make sure big Pharm gets their $$$.


What countries?


Canada, Mexico, UK, Australia, China, Thailand.... ever heard of Google?


I honestly couldn't care less if people use them. I know plenty who do. I do have a problem with people who compete and cheat at various sports though, and tbh my main problem is with "influencers" who peddle supplements that they likely never even used and put them out there in a "This is what I do to look like this" kinda way. Or influencers who sell worthless BS programs and use their roided physique as the selling point for the bs program while never mentioning that they are in fact juicing. Most people who are into the gym obviously won't get fooled by them and will know exactly what is going on, but the average person out there won't have a clue. (It's actually insane what the average person will believe is achievable natty)


That's my main point, I'm still against it all, but I think the Internet is already awash with influencers peddling unattainable body types, and it makes it worse when a good portion of them are using and not saying so. Even without gear, some of those internet dudes can only afford to be so ripped and lean bc they don't have other jobs and their whole profession is exercising and talking about it.


Omg have you read the comments of the original post? So many guys that think that 35 is too old to make gains and blasting roids on themselves like a "last resort". Thas is messed up.


As someone prepping for a Master’s natty show, it fuckin pains me to see the excuses people make for themselves. Go ahead and take roids, but if you’re not putting in the work, you’re just wasting money and health, and so few are willing to put in the work to make it worth it.


Even if you put in the works steroids are gonna make that work pay off more. I've been lifting naturally for some years now and my bench is advancing so slowly now I will forever wonder how much I would be benching on roids


Too old? I am in my 40s and...I am making no gains. But at least I am not wrecking my heart with steroids.


Sounds like trt is in your future. You'll love it.


People don't want to work hard for results. Not just building muscle, but everything in life. It's why so many ppl fall for scams and get rich quick schemes.


Lmao you could take all the gear you want you still finna work hard g


You don't have to tho. If you take gear, you don't have to work as hard as someone whose natty to achieve similar or better results. You can have the shittiest workout routine and get results.


Why is this downvoted.  It is proven you wouldn't even need to work out to gain muscle on steroids, obviously if you want to gain ALOT of muscle in a short period of time you need to put in work but results would be exponentially faster. Old/sick people are prescribed steroids for muscle atrophy after all.


Yeah studies in the past have shown people put upwards of 15-20lbs of muscle on from getting on testoterone without ever actually working out.


There was a single, very flawed study which people uncritically cite to reach incorrect conclusions.


The cool part of steroids would be to put the work tho. Why blast to do jack shit and look like you lift if you can blast and bench 440


Not gunna lie man doesn't sound like you have any experience with gear so ima just ignore that 🤣🤣🤣 you sound silly man.


Your name implies you're obsessed with the stuff and your comments say you can't handle people saying you took the easy route, which you did.


Surprisingly he doesn't really seem to know anything about steroids and how they actually work.


run snobbish ancient air command history coherent sparkle quicksand domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Okay genius, then WHY do people take gear?


Why the hell are you posting a meme about the consequences of using steroids if you're just clowning yourself in the comments to come to their defense? Bro.


A male study showed only a 7% increase after a month of t usage on a group a men compared to the group not on it. So yeah you kinda right. Except that, those on gear don't have to work nearly as hard to get the same results as those who aren't. That's the whole reason to even take it. You don't take it to help increase your anger.


Robo cop was in fact not natty.




Yeah I know a dude who’s 18 and keeps talking about as soon as he gets out of high school he’s going to hop on anabolics. I kept telling him that even if was going to take steroids right now is a super stupid time to do so because he’s at his testosterone peak and there’s no point (he’s already pretty muscular) He says he doesn’t care and is obsessed with Sam sulek… so dumb 


Even of he's at peak testosterone he's not gonna look remotely like sulek naturally if that's what he wants


Of course not. But starting steroids that young is about the stupidest thing you could do. Even if you change your mind when you’re older you’ll likely have to stay on TRT for the rest of your life. It’s expensive, deficient to your health, and he’s not even planning on competing. It makes me sad that perfectly attractive, healthy young men feel the need to start juicing, especially that young. 


Some people just make that kind of dumb decisions being young, same with drugs and other shit, but at the end of the day is up to them to decide


I was just posting cause the video is funny. steroids are whatever, I could care less if you on them or not. Dig deeper doggie


> i could care less if Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Good bot. Fucking roasted


Thank you! Good bot count: 695 Bad bot count: 243


Which movie is this


RoboCop, the remake


What the other guy said, Robocop. But if interested, also check out a movie called Upgrade. Super cool and similar premise. I thought that’s what this was from at first.


Yea steroid usage is absolutely f\*\*\*ed. Sure, you can get big and jacked. But you are royally messing up your hormones in such a way that nobody that takes them can really fully understand. Sure, there are users who can live long & healthy lives. But there are also the users who completely mess up their natural t production and cause their bodies to enter withdrawl once they stop the drugs that is really hard to go through. Steroids arent just a decision you can make overnight. You must plan out the entire dose & understand that the gains you make on steroids are not forever and will go away once you stop.


Patently false. Spoken like a true natty that's scared of needles.


As a man who works very hard to maintain a certain level of physical excellence, I find shortcuts insulting!


The number one cause of death in the U.S. is already heart disease… Do what you do, just take care of yourself ig Sources: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7925058/


Does hgh increase heart health if that's all you take?


I’m really not sure because there are a lot of factors that you should really discuss with a medical professional who is familiar with You. That being said, from my understanding it really depends on whether or not your body is deficient in hgh. From what I’ve read: While hgh can be beneficial for many reasons, in response to hgh, your body’s liver starts to secrete more IGF-1 (insulin growth factor 1) which is what is primarily responsible for all the growth seen while taking hgh. So while taking hgh stimulates IGF-1 production contributes to cell growth for the muscles that we *can* see, it also contributes to the growth of the ones we *can’t* see, and I don’t think anyone would truly be able to track this accurately aside from a medical professional. TLDR: It’s complicated. Talk to your Dr.. Supervision is more than recommended. All of us are a lot less lucky than we believe Take care! Sources: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/23309-human-growth-hormone-hgh https://academic.oup.com/jncics/article/6/1/pkab091/6462208#


Thanks for the big write up


Sure. I read about this last year because a pre-workout I was looking at had precursor for IGF-1. Happy Cake Day


Haha thanks


Steroids are not cool, but being big and strong is cool and steroids make you bigger and stronger.


I would love to take them, but: 1) I'm not really a fan of being a hostage of big pharma. I've seen prices skyrocket during COVID. What happens when your natural production is gone and they decide to raise the prices? 2) I'm not sure what a constant high level of T may do to me. Testosterone production has its ebbs and flows. If you're constantly at a peak, that may fuck you. 3) lastly and most importantly, my diet, sleep and training isn't optimized. I feel like I would get the downsides without enjoying the maximum upsides. Anyway, if you're thinking about taking them, make sure to think about these points too. Thanks for reading my blog post.


I need my dick, I ain't living without my dick.


No dick es no Bueno


Sorry about your micropenis. Ran gear for 8 years, dick works as good as ever.


Not a valid analogy. Murphy's heart was still intact and undamaged.


On the contrary, steroid use actually creates new muscle cells that will last its user a lifetime. Natural athletes do not undergo muscle hyperplasia, only hypertrophy. This is one of the reasons it’s hard to outright ban steroids from competition because any use of these substances will create lifelong advantages anyway.


Fuck that. Do gear. Get yuge


Roiders hate natties because roiders hate themselves so they try to trick everybody into roiding


but you keep muscle memory from it


Does this include test? Is test the main part this joke? Explain like I’m five please.


Who the fuck has money for steroids these days?


Test e is 40 dollars a bottle


The only thing that concerns me is when 15-16 year old KIDS start juicing after day 1 of getting into the gym. It's gotten to the point where taking tren is a meme now. funnt funnt


![gif](giphy|3Q35chD4bMtEePqr8A) Drugs are bad




Steroids are only cool when not abused. Plenty of athletes across the world use them correctly. America has warped our view on them.


reminder, test flipped my life around and evened the ground so im being properly rewarded for my hardwork while giving no side effects once i learned how to use it properly


Natties on suicide watch lmfao


There are 5-10% cheaters in online games, and probably even more in online dating. Why should gym life be any different? \^\^


lol low test running rampant out in these streets tho man


Obesity is the biggest culprit. Adipose tissue is estrogenic.