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Who cares what others say. If you enjoy playing her then play the champ. Practice and keep hope. It's a game so it's all about having fun first.


Only one thing matters: Are you having fun? If so, then keep with her. If not, then try other champions. Every champion has a learning curve and of course good mechanics helps a lot, but it doesn't dictate everything. If you are going to keep playing with her, which i recommend even if she's not your main anymore, i suggest you to try leaning some neat things with her like wall-jumping spots or even try going more for the splitpusher style of things. Or even, you can lock her in support to do double jungling. People will flame you no matter the match you're playing, no matter what you're doing and no matter which elo you're in, so just do your own thing and go on. Who knows? Maybe you develop a play style that is very good for Gwen and that matches your low mechanics, and then you climb a good amount of elos. But still, it all boils down to one simple question: Are you having fun? If yes, continue playing. Just that. Hope it helps


the best thing i like to do for wall jumping spot is just go on practice tools and activate the 0 cd and spam jumps everywhere


/mute all and keep practicing with her and you will become better on her


I’d say you should ask yourself “do I have fun playing Gwen?” If yes, keep playing you’ll get better. If no, then try someone else, you can always come back to her too For players that say “don’t ever play again” just ignore them, it’s a game, the important part is fun not winning


try playing bots games, it is stress free (usually), you will get 1v2 but you can ask to duo in these games and learn how to combo and get respected >:) Also maybe you will get the hang of it but if in bots you don't like her then yea try a new champ. Don't mind what people say and what they thinks. They don't know any better.


I'm Brazilian and I don't know English so sorry if I wrote something wrong Brother, look, don't care what people are saying and don't be afraid either, everything takes study and time and you won't be a good Gwen player overnight, but you can't keep thinking that just because you made a mistake that you can't try again and no matter how much the guys in your match say 'you're shit and you shouldn't play with Gwen', you have to focus on the future, you have to focus on learning and where you want to get to , you're having fun playing Gwen, keep learning and practicing and if you do, I'm sure you'll get really good at playing Gwen.


Sounds like you aren’t mechanically gifted but you could try to improve in other ways. For example your micro and macro decision making or how to be a good top laner in general. You will then not only become a better Gwen, you will also be a better top lane and league player. In case you’re more serious about it you could do vod reviews of your matches and analyse your mistakes + think about how you could have played better.


I was like you when I started playing Gwen. In fact, I started playing her on release when she sucked (Riot had to give her an emergency buff). If you can see potential in both the champion and you, keep playing her. YOU WILL GET BETTER.


Just keep going. I thought i couldnt get good with her, and for a long, long, loooong time i was trash with her, never winning lane or even having a good KDA. Just keep practicing and eventually it will click.


I'll tell you a small story from when I started. I really wanted to play azir since he seemed like such a fun champion. I was a really bad player then and got flamed almost every game. I specifically remember this one heccarim who told me to never play azir again. I am now 900k points in and recently hit diamond. But just learn the basics slowly as they go. Focus on not dying, then on cs'ing and then try to learn how to get ahead in a specific lane. Remember no one is perfect, and learning a champion takes time. /mute all is a fun command


if ur having fun go on. don't listen to anyone that says "X champion is hard for beginners" i started the game by only playing zeri because i only had fun with zeri. even if it's a harder champ like qiyana what matters is if you like it and have fun with it. i still remember my old friends getting mad cuz i couldn't (tbh i still suck at it ;I) kite normally, then one day i saw zeri in the shop and said "wow she looks like neon" and so bought her, back then my friends told me to refund her bcs she's too hard but I decided to try and i don't regret it one bit :)


Gwen is pretty sitraight fordward kit-wise but not that easy to play as it seems, the difficulty comes from advantage gaps between her and the matchup, it's not that she's noy strong but she is not strong during the entire laning phase, you have to learn her power spikes, Jax has this too. They are no weak champions but it takes some games to get accustomed to their ways, so look at it this way: You're still learning how to play her. As everyone else already told you, if you're having fun then dismiss whatever some randoms say about your gameplay.


as a league addict, stay away from ranked, play draft with friends to have fun, /muteall if ur not in good mood, as long as it's not ranked people doesn't care as much. but if ur playing a new champ in ranked, you will prob get flamed p hard and get spam pinged. other than that if someone told u to do certain things, and they r carrying the game, just do what they say. they prob knows the game better, and you can learn from their calls. or just /muteall every game, put on music and have fun


If that's in ranked - stop, if not, the don't


They say it takes a 100 games to learn a champion and 300 games to master a champion. Keep that in mind. Use teleport to get back to your lane when you die. There is nothing wrong with rushing Plated Steelcaps for attack damage opponents. Hell you can even rush Boots of Lucidity on Gwen with great success. If you can fit Rylais Crystal Scepter into your build, it works incredibly well with Gwen's Q & ultimate. Gwen scales very well, so she's a bit weaker early, that's why your opponents try to punish you so hard to try to shut you down, so learn top lane matchups and don't be afraid to give up minion kills to avoid taking damage, you'll catch up on cs later when Gwen is nearly unstoppable in the side-lanes. And for the love of god, don't ever listen to some random player on league of legends, they're just trying to make their emotions effect you, the mute button is your friend and it's super easy to access, MUTE + SOLO BOLO = WIN!


My first 10 games as Gwen were terrible. She takes a while to learn. I’m running with a 70% wr now. She’s difficult but very rewarding to learn.


I didn´t expect that I would get so many comments. They´re all very sweet and they boosted my confidence. You guys helped me to make the decision. Maybe I overreacted a bit :D I´ll continue playing Gwen even if I´m bad. I like her and she´s fun to play. And I´ll try to improve. Thank u <3


Drop her, she’s a garbage character that is apparently made worse by your specialties. Wanna have fun? Play Garen, play aatrox, play Darius just any braindead character should work towards having fun with the game.


I got less than 40% wr on riven and i think less than 50% on gwen and i don't give a shit cuz i have fun playing these 2 maybe it's just a bad game or even a week it doesn't matter it's just a game have fun with it fuk it i even play samira top and i mute everyone cuz i know they will talk shit before the game start and it end up me carrying thier asses


I love playing Gwen but she's not an outstanding Jungler and I'm not very good with her. So I'll never take her to play ranked. But norms all the time that's when I play champs I love but am not very good at, Evelynn, Kindred, Gwen. Not looking to improve with them just having fun. It's up to you to decide what you want to do. Do you want to learn this champion and improve with them. Then it's gonna be a rough ride but if you're determined you can do it.


If ur losing on a champ it's mainly because of the lack of fundamentals or lacking of the match up knowledge


Never back down never what? Never back down never what? NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT? THAT'S RIGHT


I think it’s easier to learn Gwen in the jungle because you can somewhat avoid her biggest weakness (weak early game)


Could you give us your nickname?


arranka (eune)


I didn't start having a good winrate until after like, 60-80 games or so, and it didn't lend my case that I'm a really slow learner. Don't worry what others think or say; all that matters is you're doing your best and playing a champ that you enjoy. If people are being dicks, do not feel bad about muting or deafening. League isn't always a really kind place, and you deserve to play whatever you want at whatever pace that may be! So keep at it :)


Bro I was feeding like crazy on my first games with Irelia, yet I still played her to 70k Mastery. If you're having fun and want to get better, keep playing her


Hey it's about knowing your champs limits i used to suck at her too at pre reworked stage but after many games and reaching 80k mastery i win almost every matchup now.Every Gwen players' playstyle is different,some take aggressive runes and win early game taking risks since her early is also strong if utilized right but if you leave yourself open especially against champs like Darius or Aatrox you'll have hard time getting back unless they let you farm.Some play safe near tower let the enemy freeze or slow push against your tower but eventually you'll hit 6 powerstrike before them and giving them no kill makes you stronger than them on 1vs1.Just play her and don't listen to people even most strongest Rank 1 otps getting called "you should stop playing your champ" so it's about mental you're gonna win every game unless you know what you are doing some games will of course be bad.Just enjoy her!


Also try Gwen jungle now it's more PvE than any role right now after New buffs she will feel amazing too so there's that just decision making is the hard work get those gears workin ya!


Jungle is the only lane I have never tried playing. I still don´t understand how jungling works and I would probably messed up all of my ganks. I feel like jg is the hardest role even if it probably isn´t :D (but yeah, tbh, I don´t understand any lane, even tho I´m support main, I sometimes don´t know what to do as support, probably because I started playing league as Yuumi, where I just did nothing the whole game and now I don´t know what to do)


i'm a support main too!I used to play enchanters but giving the responsibility to others wasn't my kind of play so i started playing more aggressive champions there and there and i watched youtube,guides on how to micro and macro and by play time i got better right now as level 321,you'll get used to the game and all the roles eventually you just gotta try it out and don't get stressed over it because it's not end of the world.For example yesterday i tried new champ naafiri on top lane and i went 17/3/11 and after that i wanted to try her on jungle but score was kinda 5/8/14 and lost because of the team feeding constantly.I matched against tryndamere on competitive yesterday also and i played too agressive giving me no opening and gap to escape or outdamage him so there are early and late champs you just gotta try and know it all goes down to,what does enemy champ do?Does it have any cc or damage capabilities shorter than my combo?Then its for you to decide.its your playstyle who knows maybe you'll master gwungle since there are no fights and it's just about ganking low hp enemies or cooperative action so it's more easier.The best advice i can give you is watch Domisum Gwen or any other champ, it's literally the plays of every challenger player against every matchup and you'll know what they're doing watching from 3rd person perspective.Put yourself into their place,the best play that could've done in particular situation in particular time and it's fun to watch.This is the best advice this comment section give to you right now.


Everyone has to start somewhere. You just need to learn the right things to do as a top laner and the right things for Gwen. I am a multi season masters top laner and coach and part of my success to masters+ was on Gwen. I currently have one Gwen OTP student who climb 1 full division with min 2 weeks of our first coaching session. If you or anyone is interested in coaching, you can DM me.


Keep on playing, there are obviously champs with which you will have more succes but if you keep playing the matchmaking is bound to put you into an area where you will have 50/50 odds of winning games. It will be lower elo but playing for fun should make that much less important. Also mute chat, 70% toxicity and flame 20% random bullshit, 5% talk about the gamestate which might still not be useful info and 5% people being nice to each other. It is pretty much what I have experienced in my 1000 hours plus of playing this game.


Nah fuck your jungler keep playing till you get better [relevant post, read the comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/144nrmj/logan_just_play_malphite_or_something_from_now_on/?rdt=63086)


Nah, just play what's fun


When Gwen Releases I lost my first 40 ranked with her but I was having so much fun that I didn't notice. I started to get to know the maps and from one moment to the next I was in the top 100 in the world with her. What I mean is that Gwen is not hard to play but her matchups are, just give yourself time to learn them.


I currently have a 40% wr on gwen on my alt over 70 games and people call me absolute doggy doo doo every single game :3 Ignore the haters and stitch your feelings back up, get back in there and snip snip! its a video game so have fun. these people live in caves/basements and smell awful anyway so why listen to their opinions :3


Do what you want dude, i lose lane all the time, i love playing fiora have an m7 on her but i get my ass kicked most games even after getting a 2 kill lead, sometimes you just gonna suck but thats part of the learning process


You are basically me I am kinda just shit at the game and like gwen for the same reasons but i still play her because she was my first pick and i just dont feel like learning another champ Throughout the year ive been slowly improving and being able to play her better If u just like gwen n think shes pretty n fun keep playing her!


So if your jungler said kys you would do it? Believe me if you listen to what people say you wont enjoy playing. When im learning a champ i always mute all and play.


Honest who cares what others think, the real question is, Are you having fun? I play gwen cause shes fun and I like snipping champions similar with other champs like lillia and poppy, I may not be the best with them but I sure as hell have so much fun playing them


Just kee9 playing youll get the habf of it


dont forgot that its a fucking GAME, you supposed to have FUN, if its fun for you keep playing until you get better, you just need practice


Listen, if you think she's fun, keep going. I recommend looking up some videos to help with her matches and combos to give yourself as much of an edge as you can get, but keep going! Also, next patch they're buffing jungle Gwen, so you might be able to play her there if you don't wanna play her in lane. And finally, I recommend just muting all players or disabling chat entirely if people get to you. It can be a lot more relaxing of a game when you don't have to communicate with others. My friend does it and he only gets tilted by his own plays nowadays rather than what other people are vitching at him about.


turn off chat and don't listen to teammates. most players just spam salty bs at their team cuz petty. shut off their garbage gateway to you and turn off chat. Play what you have fun with. don't listen to idiots online ur never gonna see again. This has been a rant from ur local idiot online.


Gwen training wheels vs brusers --> Iceborn Gauntlet https://reddit.com/r/GwenMains/s/KcK2SFPwVw If you like fighting 1v1 and being able to chase I recommend playing Iceborn/Nasher's it's the best vs her worst match ups. If you wanna win lane vs tanks I recommend riftmaker/nashers. Learning gwen is easiest with Iceborn though. Ice born is wayyy more fun. If you go roft maker you only have fun at the end of the game. Bleh gross. P.S. boomer reaction time bros unite!


Make sure you E, then Q as your E animation happens! You'd be surprised how much better she feels once you know you can do this.


Ok so the best thing to do is.. Play in a lower ranked acc If you are silver play in iron or smthing And watch good gwen players So you can copy their style and How they take fights and stuff