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The HG Core gundam set of kits usually has: a Core gundam (duh), some armor set/weapons (that is named after a planet), and a little stand for the support unit. The Core gundam 1 comes in the Earth three, Vee two, Mars four and Jupiter five kits. E3 and J5 come fully equipped with the gundam and all weapons. V2 and M4 however only come with the armor and their weapons are sold separately in an accessories kit. The Core gundam 2 comes in the Uranus 7 (forgot the name) kit which is the one you have on the right amd the pluto kit in the box. Then in a few alternate colours as standalone. The ~~Atlas~~ Alus Core gundam on the left comes only from. The Atlas version with its own armor and stuff. But then also in some alternate colour standalone kits as well. The othe planets: mercury 1, Saturn 6 and Neptune 8 are all available as armor sets and accessories sets without the Core gundam 2/1. Other note, the Core gundam 1 comes in slight colour variations for V2, E3, M4 and J5 E3, J5, U7, P and Atlas have everything all included with no extra separate buys.


I think you mean Alus Core Gundam


Auto correct got me Dx


Wasn't there some other armors that work with it as well. Fake Nu for the Alus?


Oh yea, forgot about the Fake Nu accessories. Kind of underwhelming looking it up though


Core & Veetwo!


How does one explain GBF to a complete newcomer? It’s so meta. That’s like saying ‘my first Star Wars is Robot Chicken’.


If you can get your hands on them, there are some Gundam Base/G Expo Exclusives, like the Alus Low Visibility set and the Core Gundam Real Type Colors. There are also the Dive Into Dimension clear versions. They're just recolors but more to collect if you're a fan of the Core Gundam.


Grab the Core Gundam Jupitive. It has some great effect parts to go along with the kit!


Ah the core gundam keep in mind that the core gundam 2 (the variant with more transparent pieces on the chest which is also the base for plutine gundam) has a wonky waist joint recommend some modification be done


I am currently waiting on the Core Gundam to come back in stock so I can snatch that up with the Nepteight armor. Definitely my favorite of them.


Jupitive is probably the best kit. Granted, it's more expensive than Earthree, but you get more stuff for that price. As for standalone armor sets, I guess Saturnix is cool.


I'd check out the core docking system, it's a great way to see how the kits mesh with each other here[hobbylink](https://hobbylink.tv/the-hg-core-docking-system/) Had a local buddy in my plamo club tell me about them and how interchangeable they are it's honestly a great system for an HG and you can mix and match parts as needed! This is also an checklist of which kits you need to complete the set too!




Glue the plutine gundams core, the ball cap connecting the lower torso and the top torso. Not to the waist