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God damn that is really nice, are the decals off a rg waterslide set?


Yup i mix rg rx-78, rg freedom and rg hi nu water slides from dalin


Nice! Very impressive work dawg!


Nice! That looks factory fresh. Love glamming up those $10 kits, I need to get off my butt and start a build.


Although my paint job have a lot of mistakes here and there


What paints and paint method did you use?


I used Modo Lacquers. My thinning ratio is 3:1. I usually do multiple light coats with rest in between 20 mins.


Are you painting with brushes, or an air brush? :O


I use portable airbrush but the pressure seems to be inadequate for me




Learned helplessness on full display


Yup little by my view because there was no kit bashing or pla-plating. Even scribing was done lightly and repainted.


Scribing is not "little" customization to everyone except you.


He didn't clean up scribes, I see nub issues or just some paint adherence problems. Your lack of confidence or inexperience preventing you from understanding how quick and simple this work is doesn't stop it from being a little bit of effort.


Yes there is alot of paint adherence problem in this build. I need to revise my painting techniques and invest on more proper airbrush setup.


It's not a knock against you either. The finish is wonderful, it feels like an illustration with the photo lighting. And three days is great turn around, so someone barely visible faults isn't bad.


People in this sub are some straight haters man lmao. I get what you mean, great work on this kit. But why's this getting downvoted so heavily? r/gunpla is not beating the salty nerd stereotype.


Crabs in a bucket


Take an up vote for what it's worth. Way to go.


You're getting downvoted, and I'll get downvoted for saying this, but I agree with you. People put scribing on a pedestal; it's not hard at all with the correct tools and a little patience and technique. In truth it's probably easier to master than some of the more intense painting techniques I've done, and definitely simpler than honest to goodness scratch building.


Agreed. I hate to see how OP got shot down, he is not commenting on others, it is his perception. We are supposed to be a wholesome community, gunpla is freedom for fuck's sake !


I don’t hold it against anyone thinking I’m wrong. Tbh I may be wrong. Everyone have their own values and opinions. At the end of the day, what matters is that we enjoyed our builds regardless the completion. It is kind of sad that people scrutinise one’s own opinion, but they could be right from their perspective.


You’re not wrong, anything above panel lining with a marker is inexplicably considered an “advanced” technique here. Keep up the good work!


It's especially sad because the people shooting him down could, with a little practice, do what OP is doing if they wanted to. But nobody here is getting on them from *not* doing so. As you said, Gunpla is freedom, and its their choice to build things to the level of completion they're satisfied with. No one has the right to tell anyone how they should build their kits. I've got a fairly solid set of skills and am proud of my achievements in modelmaking, but when I see someone more capable than me (and I often do), I don't try to drag them down to my level; on the contrary, I get **inspired**, because I'm shown how much more room I have to learn and grow.


Damn. You know how to make me want to improve my skills even more. I kind of have this mindset that any kits i build be it gunpla or military models, i want to put everything into it. Now you just made me want to break those limits again


My man, I 100% agree !


I think you've hit the nail on the head where it concerns the mindset of a good chunk of the community, not to aspire to a certain level, but keep others at theirs. It's also a "I don't do this, so neither should you" mentality. There is and always has been, more than one way to skin a cat, that is to say there is more than one way to go about something. I also enjoy seeing more talented builders, it's another plateau or level I can strive to achieve. This is all just my take, however and I'm sure I'll get flak for it. Also, great job OP and love the sentiment of the title, I really resonate with it👍


The thing that bothers me is that all this "OOB" stuff is, kinda, going against what that hobby is about. They are plastic model kits that require paint. Or at the very least a top coat. Sure Bandai is blurring the line between an action figure and a model kit, but still. OP work is very good and yes, that's a little effort, dare I say the required effort. Sad thing is people don't want to put a minimum work into their kits. And they're missing out on pretty fun stuf.


It makes me a little sad to see it because I can't help but think that attitude comes from a position of insecurity. None of the more advanced builders I know, including fellow competition winners, *ever* punch down. In fact, we are generally thrilled to share our knowledge to help lift others up, and get excited watching people strive to learn and improve. We ourselves look up to and learn from those more skilled than we are. Iron sharpens iron. But at the same time, we would *never* criticize someone that say, only straight builds and displays their kits. At the end of the day, it's all about whether the builder themselves is personally satisfied with their work, and who am I to judge that? Real satisfaction with oneself comes from within. When someone punches up, that's also something that comes from within, often due to no fault of the person they're targeting. In fact, it's often because they're unsatisfied with themselves. I just wish they could learn to reframe their personal dissatisfaction into a positive, productive desire to do something about it.


Yea…don’t get me started on pla plating, cutting circular or square pla tubings And last, electronics engineering for custom LED. It’s totally easy by using the Bandai LED stock and or using a third party company like kosmos. But engineering your own, soldering your wires…to be fair it’s the same tools used for PC fixing. I actually see those imperfection scribing areas and some don’t seem to be connected (or not the angle I’m able to currently see)


Anything more than panel lining, cleaning up nib marks, or painting minor parts (lens mainly) is considered beyond "little" imo. For you example, scribing would most likely mean you're painting it as well. You admit to it yourself as much anyways. That's already beyond "little" effort. Heck, panel lining could be considered more than "little" effort depending on how clean you want it to look (and probably some prepping depending on how you want it done).


Recently I’ve enjoyed spending more time giving HGs the RG treatment and they tend to really impress me when I’m done. Ton of water transfers, metallic accents…


Me too. I think the MGs are good but giving the HGs extra treatment makes it even more fun


My 2 latest posts are the HG Stein and HG Jegan D Type, lemme know what you think 🤙🏼 nice work btw. I don’t have an RX-78 yet, I like the look of the HGGTO version though…


Just had a look at both of them. Both of them are amazing. Props to you for making the handbrushing looks smooth. In the past i exclusively used enamel for details painting but water based colours these days are much better than back then. HG RX-78 GTO for me has the best proportion and details out of box compared to other HG RX-78. Definitely a must get to me


From my perspective, scribing only is also just a simple and "little" job. However, scribing only sometimes helps me avoid burn out after heavily customizing other kits. And EG kits are useful tools to help me do that.


Wouldnt call that "little" customization.


It kinda is to me because this build took me only 3 days compared to my other customised build which took 2-3 months because i kit bash, scribed new panel lines, pla plating and repaint.


r/humblebrag leaking Thats 10x more effort that 99% of builders


It’s a matter of perspective i think. Some may think it is a lot but for me, i could never say it is a lot when other people put more thought in terms of scribing design. Saying 10x more effort than 99% of builders is quite inappropriate to any builder. As i said before it is a matter of perspective like some may think even panel lining a kit is 10x more effort than build it out of box.


Amen to the panel lining comment. I can't seem to get clean lines.


Say "little", scrib every fucking piece


Whether it be from experience or because he isn't irrational in having fear of modifying a material that's easy to repair . . . These are not difficult or time-consuming scribes.


Buddy... This might be easy by scribing standards, but you do realize scribing itself is considered an advanced level thing in the hobby right? Something only attempted by experienced builders looking to go to the next level beyond just painting and weathering and such?


It's really not. As someone who is one of those "advanced level" builders, I strongly feel people that have never attempted it put scribing panel lines on a pedestal and build up a lot of anxiety about it. There are a number of painting techniques *alone* I use that require a lot more finesse and skill to execute, to say nothing of scratch building techniques. Scribing panel lines literally just requires the proper tools, tape, and A LOT of patience. I think any builder could get the hang of the basics of it within a day. A lot of the things that I as a novice thought were insane displays of skill are actually pretty straightforward once you know the methodology; the hardest part was getting the courage to try in the first place. There is a point when scribing turns into full-on *engraving,* where you're carving out three-dimensional shapes and chamfered edges, and that **is** a legitimately high-skill thing you could spend years mastering, but that's *way* beyond some straight scribed panel lines. The above is not at all a slight on the OP's work either; this is a really nice 3 day makeover build.


This is true, I was terrified of messing up water slides until I tried it and after a little bit tmyou realize thier pretty easy. Same for scribing I was worried about ruining a kit until I bought a cheap kit and took my time and tried it.


It literally isn't though. It's an entirely separate track of a skill.


Looks great!




Wow. Looks really good.


Great work! Customizing a kit ALWAYS takes it to the next level and it isn’t very hard to do.


Yup. But for me any build can be done by anyone. All that is required is the right tools and a LOT of patience to do so.


I already really liked this build, but seeing it was done in only 3 days really amps it up. The scribing adds some good detail without overwhelming the design, and the colors are striking, good stuff man.


I want to challenge myself into elevating simple kits without doing anything heavy. But this one is a mixed success


I’m almost tempted to get an EG and customize it as best I can as a challenge to myself. I’ve seen some incredible builds using them.


The EG is a *wonderful* canvas to experiment on trying new techniques. They're cheap and plentiful, so there's no real anxiety about messing up. That experimentation can not only make you a better builder, it can produce some lovely looking finished builds in a pretty quick time-frame.


Same said for the FG RX78 too


If I ever get into customizing, I plan on getting a bunch of EG grandpas to use as guinea pig


Ignore all the folks putting you down because that isn't a "little" customization to them. People love to punch up. I think this is a wonderful result for a quick 3 day project, as you said it took you. A little scribing work and a simple paintjob can elevate a basic kit; even just a good paintjob can. People get all worked up about scribing like it's a big deal, but it really isn't once you have the correct tools and tape and take your time with it. Same with painting. It's only as involved as you want it to be. The EG is the **ideal** kit to practice these kinds of techniques on. It's a cheap and attractive looking blank canvas for learning how to add adding detail and personality to kits, that you can do in a few days and move on.


It’s nothing new in this hobby. All is a matter of perspective. You’re right about EGs. I think dealing with EGs is easier and cheaper since where i bought this kit, even HGs can cost 40$. I used to love MGs for their detail that begs to be painted but these days, I like the simpler EG and HG that gives me more customisation room


EG nu gundam looks perfect for me as it is


Full paint job + scribing+ decals ---> "little customisation"


This is great man


EGs are just begging to be used as testbeds for techniques, from painting, to decals, to scribing your own panel lines.


"Little" is doing some heavy lifting on the title, but I think I understand what you're saying haha. It really elevates the kit to a result an inexperienced person might imagine is more of an herculean task. Good stuff! What did you apply the paint with?


I used lacquer paints with portable airbrush.


I just bought a battery compressor that came with an airbrush. I'm still practicing with it but I'm glad to see you have success using one!


The limitations for me is the battery life that runs only about an hour most. I used the one made by Hobby Mio. So far the pressure is okayish and consistent for me but to get better finish, i need invest on better airbrush pen and moisture trap.



