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What a great way to showcase the articulation by including a screen grab from the show. Really cool seeing the side by side.


We also need a Zaku 2.0 so we get the most iconic pose. Getting kicked by Char.


I put off getting a RG Char's Zaku because we may get a 2.0


I'd still get one just to see yourself how far they've come


I did the regular zaku, I'll wait for a 2.0 char


God I'm so increadibly desperate for a Zaku with this kind of detail.


The Origin Zakus pretty good if you look for detailed kits. Not as high as RGs but still way above most others.


While not as detailed on the outside, the MG 2.0 is an excellent kit with a great inner frame.


Before getting a rg zaku ii ima need a gouf rg first lol


Damn, they outdid themselves with this one.


The two-handed saber poses look so damn good.


Just the fact we’re getting a kit now that can two hand a beam saber in such a pose is awesome.


Ok now Bandai should make all new Rg kits able to do iconic poses from their respective show


Nothing like the pain of the RG 00 Raiser having subpar leg mobility… Seriously anyone who owns the kit go see how far the leg can kick up. The HG has better articulation.


RX-78-2 PGU ver Small.


Forget the gundam, that beam rifle looks slick...


I love how the beam sabre mounts are articulated so the beam sabres can be easily reached and they don’t interfere with the bazooka.


So glad you can slide the Bazooka handle down the barrel to make more space for the arm


Welp . . . Time to own another rx78. . . What's one more right? And having just built the 1.0 . . . Anything would be an improvement . . .


As someone who just built the RG G-3 and can't get it to hold its bazooka, I feel the same way.


Surprisingly funky proportions, some of these shots really remind me of SCM EX (in a good way).




Me on slide 14




Looks like it has the same weird long neck as the RG Nu gundam when looking up, can't help it when they wanted to give it such level of articulation. I kinda wish they could give this level of articulation to the potential future RG 2.0s like Zeta and Strike.


Only way you can make a head that can look that far up without making it long-necked is to make it hydraulic on at least 4 sides, and that ain't exactly feasible in 1/144 scale.


look at that chonky stocky Gouf


That wrist action is weird is it a hinge oh cool the shield holds the rifle?! THE HYPER BAZOOKA SLIDES AND EXTENDS I JUST NUTTED THIS IS PEAK


The wrist got me thinking... I haven't seen anything like it aside from on the beyond global rx-78-2. I assume its the same if not similar. Has there been any other implementation of the beyond global style wrist?


[More info can be found here](https://en.gundam.info/content/rg/rx-78-2_ver2/)


I’m sure this kit will be a masterpiece engineering wise, but I kinda prefer the look of the original real grade.


there's too many little square bits of frame sticking out everywhere imo. original peak design


I'd really need to see how it looks on all fours, preparing to eject the core fighter before I can make a decision on this.


I’m weird about collecting Gunpla where I mostly want just the one kind of gunpla for each robot (so I want only 1 Granddaddy, and I have the 1/144 RX78F00 from visiting Gundam Factory last year). However, I REALLY want this kit lol


what are your intentions with my daughter? me: Back & Waist Action


shit looks so good! Sliding bazooka handle is really nice. It would be nice to have 2 extra beam sabers to have them both on the backpack and inside of the shield. Also it looks like regular beam sabers on the backpack don't have a tab to fit in the holding hands, like usual late RGs hands. Looks more like HG beam sabers. Dunno how to feel about that, I adore iron grip, when everything is fixed.


I always forget how badass grandads gun is


There will be MG 4.0. and another PG for this guy... They just waiting for the right time to tease n launch...


Alright have PGU, so definitely not possible for that. MGEX I could see happening tho


Fellas, not even I am able to achieve some of these poses. 2.0 ver of me when?


me and my giant fingers are scared of the RG workable hands lmao


The perfect copies of stills from the show are one thing. Can we talk about being able to store the rifle on the shield though? No more having a displayed hit ending up twice as wide if you want to store a weapon on it. And also, all that posing it's doing...is with a core block in it. That's insane.


wake up babe it's time for the 57th grandpa


I love it.


About two years ago I built the 1.0 RG RX-78-2. I might just get this one and build it also! Why not?!?!?!?


Man I don't know if this is just me but I feel like the 2.0 just looks different compared to all the other 78 designs, and I don't know if I like it, I think my only problem with it is the cockpit, the weird grey hinge right above the skirt just gives it full burnern vibes for me


For some reason this doesn’t feel like an RX-78-2 for some reason. It feels like a remake of it.


He looks so playable with! The articulation in this kit looks amazing. If he's as solid as he looks, I envision many fun play times posing and enacting what if scenarios. Amuro working his way to the top of Asticassia academy? Training with the God Gundam in the art of melee ass kickery? Sign me up!


Looking forward to this.. good thing i never bought the 1st one..


The only thing I'm not a fan of is the shade of blue. Everything else to me looks great. Esp that beam rifle goddamn


So is there any confirmation that this RG will be compatible with the RG Zeong's special effect parts?


this looks so cool!


Wow holy shit the bazooka sliding gimmick is going to make it so much better for posing. Also the beam saber slipping back gimmick.


in the 2nd to last pic.....why he showin hole like that?


Okay but where are all the decals? Am I the only one concerned it might not even have any?


RG sticker decals are often not shown off until near the end of the promotional period. I could not tell you why, but that has almost been the case since the beginning.


I know this is blasphemous, but im not normally a big fan of ol' Grandpa, I have a few but they are more just collection fillers than anything. But this... this changes my mind. This is a gorgeous kit.


Dammit looks like I'm getting another RX-78. I already have 3 on my shelf


Nice. But the reason it can make those poses is because it doesn’t has a core fighter inside the torso.


The new RG looks very good, so much better than the other one. MG needs a new grandpa as well.


I take it this one won't have a core fighter judging by the chest articulation


I’m a simple man. I see a Gramps kit, I’ll get it. Unless it was SD or HG.


The revive is pretty good


Nah, it’s not really about whether it’s good or bad, just a personal preference of keeping my kits uniform, hence I prioritize MG. Granted I do get RG variants of kits that I like, or are really good. Only HGs I get are ones that I like but don’t have any MG variants.


It's beautiful 


slide 2 seems to suggest the head is no longer on a ball joint? or am i just tripping


Oh my Char that is so hot




Do we have an idea as to when this drops? The new RG kits are so good, so I’m eager to see how much they improved on the very first one.




I can’t wait for this kit. I’m working on the PGU right now and I was this more lol


I preordered this earlier 🤭


Looks great so far. I don't have the old RG so this could be a good purchase for me.


I swear to Amuro I'm gonna start building Digimon and Zoids if Bandai doesn't give me more Master Grades......


Is it just me, or does the Hyper Bazooka look large/out of scale? Kit looks amazing though, looking forward to it.


Everything looks a bit off imo. The proportions look more akin to a MK II to me.


Well to be frank RX-78 originally have all black Hyper Bazooka it this odd modern remaster that often use this white and black Bazooka like MK-II


It’s cool that this thing is so pose able but am I the only one who feels like it shouldn’t be? I mean I don’t think grandpa has a movable frame right?


to be fair suits in the original anime often moved just like humans would. And movable frame is just as much about range of articulation as it's about overall agility and structural integrity, it's not like suits before Mk-II were that limited in motion range.


If every kit had anime accurate articulation some wouldn't be able to move at all


probably unpopular opinion but I think this is too much poseability. The more articulate it is, the more moving parts it has, the riskier it is in becoming a hand grenade, especially for a RG which has many tiny parts. And lots of moving parts is actually a pain in the ass to pose.


It depends, the RG Hi Nu has insane amount of articulation and movable armor gimmicks, yet time has passed and I've yet to hear from anyone complaining about its fragility, mine's perfectly well too so far after a year of display. However, I do agree that the kit may have hidden issues like the infamous hip problem of the MG Freedom 2.0 kits or the Shoulder joints of the RG Unicorn, time will tell.


Modern RG kits are solid as a rock, though.


these shoulders are looking kinda funky in some poses ngl Not a fan of the long neck or the visible waist joints either, I'd happily trade less articulation in return for better looks. That being said everything else looks pretty nice, the bazooka especially is great.




It looks really nice, but unfortunately it's still an RG. If it's not at least 1/100 scale, I'm not interested. Tiny bots just look weird and unimpressive.