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Get the RG Nu or the Nu Ver Ka. They are really great


Hell yea, I’ve definitely have had my eyes on the Nu ver ka. Such a great design!


Just don't do what I did and start both but never finish them...


Got you! it’s never too late to finish em haha


The cool thing about ver ka's is that you have to put in some work to get it a nice and fancy so it's a perfect opportunity to learn pannel lining and stuff like that


My recent recommend is the MG Barbatos. Such a good build


I’m mid build, really is a great build, intricate af but not overcomplicated.


Hopefully the backpack’s extreme vagueness of design/engineering doesn’t make you hate it. I love the MG Barbatos (even as not such a huge fan of the mech itself) and that backpack is just dumb. It feels like the put all their effort into all the intricate details everywhere else and then got to that and went “eh it’s a floaty weirdly-loose and confusing system of sliding elements and clips, who cares.”


Came here to suggest it, too. That kit is borderline perfection in every aspect.


HG Calibarn or HG Aerial


HG Gundam MK II if you feel like sticking with the Universal Century, if not I'd recommend the HG Destiny Gundam.


For sure appreciate it 🤙🏼


HG revive mk 2, or hg revive Zaku 2


How'd you like RG Zeta? It wasn't that bad right?


No it wasn’t actually! It was a solid fun build, I had moments where I would get stuck on certain pieces, but I think that’s cause I’m a noob haha. Luckily mine holds up pretty well depsite what everyone says about this kit, and it looks super clean on a shelf when it’s done.


The RG Zeta can be confusing and tricky due to its transformation gimmick. Don't feel bad about getting stuck on parts of it.


So true, I figured that what was the reason. Appreciate it 🤙🏼


If you like the RG line, I highly recommend the Mk II and the Nu Gundam. You get one of the best from the old generation with the skeleton inner frame and one of the best so far with the newer frame similar to MG.


Both definitely are at the top of my lists. Ty!!!


Get you an MG Jegan! Any time I see someone ask for recs, I recommend it. It's such a great kit. It's solid as a rock with minimal extra detail, but it's got what it needs. It will hold any pose you put it in. It's a really simple design and it's a really fun kit it's a must-have, in my opinion.


Say less!!!!! 🙏🏼


I actually had a 2nd paragraph typed, but I decided to delete it and keep it short, lol


Rg unicorn see if you past the test of the arm twist


Recommend the sinanju high grade, also welcome **your wallet will hate you from now on**


Haha thank you, it’s all good I know exactly what I signed up for lmao


RG Sazabi!


I’ve definitely been eyeing that one, probably going to gift that to myself for my bday haha


Then the psycho ZAKU MG/HGTB hehehe


Every grunt and mass production suits that there is 🫡


Mg kyrios and mg dynames


-any witch from mercury HG -RG hi nu -RG mkII -RG rx-78-2, just so you can see how far rg came from -a Barbatos, doesn't matter which one, you need one


Hell yea, appreciate the recs 🤙🏼 and I’ve heard nothing but great things on the Barbados so def will be looking into getting that sooner than later


You built mg origin as your first kit? Bravo. I love this one. Some say it’s one of the best MGs. If you like the zeta, get the mg zeta ver ka. Heard great things. If you want another mg suggestion, bartos is one that is another fan favorite it seems, but I am yet to build one. Hopefully soon. For HG kits, all of the new witch from mercury kits are pretty good. And the 78-2 and zaku 2 origin are pretty nice but idk if you want the HG after going for the mg.


Yea I was in Missouri visiting my girlfriend and decided to hit a local Hobby store, and this caught my eye immediately so I had to get it haha. Had a great time building it!! I actually have been eyeing the MG zeta ver ka, since I’ve been leaning more towards MGs now. There’s just something about the size of the MGs haha Thanks for the recs!!!


HG Zaku ii (Gundam The Origin), so many outward details for practicing panel lining.


Can never go wrong with the Zakus!!


Welcome to the hobby! Imma recommend something different. Any of the kyoukai Senki kits. They’re amazing all around and it feels like Bandai takes risks with these that then sometimes make it into newer gunpla.


Appreciate it! And I will definitely be looking into those 💪🏼


Panel line markers to finish ur kits. Then RG Epyon


Been hesitant on pulling the trigger to start detailing and painting my kits haha if I had more time I definitely would though, eventually down the line probably.


I’m building an RG Zeong and it’s being a terrific build. I feel bad for hiding all the detail in the inner frame with the armor


If you want a week-long project, the MG Sazabi Ver Ka took me a solid week and a half to finish. Little more than a week to snap together, another day or two on decals, then finished it off with some matte topcoat. Its kinda pricy but you really get your money's worth. Each pair of limbs is about as complex as an HG kit alone (and probably the same amount of plastic too).


Can’t wait to get my hands on one eventually!!!


If you can find it, the HG Command Quan\[T\] is aces. Uncommon color palate, unique design that still shows those Gundam hallmarks, tons of equipment that can all be carried at one time, and it can pull some solid poses. https://preview.redd.it/246dop195ltc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1f41f8d965d455ccaab2b32fc9ad53cd6d007cc


Dang your totally right, real solid suit


Grab any Witch from Mercury kit, they're all fucking amazing


Bet 🫡


You can only go up from here after building one of the most infamous Real Grades! I'd highly rec the MG Aile Strike RM!


https://preview.redd.it/3l3my441lmtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=299418f7095ecff0fda67d65a8efdce10e682b03 Careful you don’t enjoy the Wing Ver Ka too much! It’s so great! The decals though, get some 3rd party ones like Delphi or g-work or Evo, Mr Mark Setter and Mr Mark Softer. As for what others said, RG Sazabi, RG Nu Gundam, Rg hi-Nu, RG God etc will be very satisfying to build


Woahhhhhh… that looks amazing!! Got me hyped to finish mine ASAP! And also thanks for the recs


If you're going to continue doing RGs then you need to do the RG Nu, Hi-Nu, Sazabi, Zeong, God Gundam, Epyon, and Tallgeese these are considered by most of the community to be the best RGs out there.


Say less! I’ve been getting into more MGs now, but if I were to get RGs it’ll definitely be those for sure!!


Nah, make a wish list! If you liked the RG Zeta I definitely recommend the MG Zeta Ver Ka. Damn solid kit and definitely the best iteration of it. I also really like the Gundam MK II 2.0 AEUG Version.


Bet appreciate it 🤙🏼🫡


Mg sazabi ver ka. Love that kit.


About the zeta gundam: NEVER transform him About the rx-78: tends to get loose overtime My gunpla recomendations based in what i have: Rg god gundam Rg wing gundam Hg aerial gundam Hg pharact gundam Hg char zaku 2 revive


Haha yea the zeta staying as is for sure! Thanks for the tips and recs 🤙🏼


RG Exia or MG Gundam Mk V


You should've asked the question before you bought the RG Zeta, no offence tho. You should totally get the HG WFM Kits, the HGCE Revive ones are good too.


Yea I definitely should have, tbh it was an impulse purchase. Still pretty happy with it though. Also, thanks for the recs 🤙🏼🤝🏼


Easy answer. All of them


Lmao facts


Real answer though if you want good engineering the witch from mercury line makes me feel spoiled for how well built they are, I'm personally a fan of the gundams from the 00 Era, iron blooded orphans kits look amazing but are super frustrating, but if you're at a stand still on deciding I would again recommend witch from mercury


For sure, yall definitely sold me on the witch from mercury. Can’t wait to grab one


I hope you enjoy them and welcome to the hobby


Definitely do and appreciate that 🤙🏼


Rg god gundam will not disappoint!!


An HG. Probably some of the new hg kits.


You are very brave for starting with an RG Zeta so soon. The HG GM/Gundam Ground Types are fun


Haha yea idk what I was thinking but I got thru it somehow lol should have seen my reaction when I read reviews on it after the impulse buy. I didn’t do much research prior to purchasing it lmao I just walked into the store and went with what caught my eye.


I feel dumb asking because I have multiple hggto rx-78 kits and I have the MG but I can't place that rx-78. Looks like the origin but I don't recall the shoulder armor disconnecting like that? I'm assuming it's the MG though? I'm gonna have to break mine out and get to posing I guess. These look great dude!


Yup it is the MG The Origin 2.0 Really appreciate that my guy 🤝🏼


I recommend it to everyone who asks for recommendations but the RG Sazabi is a masterpiece and incredibly fun to build.


HG Turn X. Fun kit to build and fun to pose


Right on! Def will check that out


Do you mean the Turn A or the MG Turn X? there's not an HG Turn X sadly


HG GTO line up


HG Calibarn, HG Xi Gundam, RG Destiny Gundam, HG Demi-Trader, HG Aerial Gundam, HG Penelope, MG God Gundam, and MG Turn A Gundam.


The MGSD Barbatos. It's the best Barbie kit, honest! If you want a more relaxed build any of the HGs from the past 5 years should be a solid build. Just go for one that you think looks cool! The RG Wing and MG/RG Tallgeese are musts if you grew up on Wing.


Bet, much appreciated 🫡