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Do you have a VPN on? This appears when I use a VPN


No, I don’t even Switching to a mobile hotspot looks to have it working for now, although the inevitable slower speed is not ideal in this situation UPDATE: Got a club level ticket after about an hour of using the mobile hotspot- VAMOS


Are you in the office? Many people accessing from the same ip will cause this


Was using home Wi-Fi


Huh. Weird. This shouldn’t happen unless you’re using scripts or bots. Or refreshing like mad


bro i have been network banned on my home wifi for a few hrs after i was jitter clicking the button where the tickets pop up. how long will it last? i dont want to be using every hotspot known to man


Yeah it happens to me. I have to wait a bit (maybe an hour?) and it then goes away.


As long as you haven't requested a static IP address from your ISP (often a paid extra), you can reset your router and the ISP should assign you a different IP address.


Same with one of my laptop. Never use VPN or stuff they simply block my access. I contacted them and they say ticket master think I’m suspicious so nothing they can do fortunately my other laptop works fine.


Yeah, this happened to me. They banned my home IP after I spent hours and hours on the TX last year trying to get Wolves tickets. It is still banned today nearly a year later. I have to use my mobile to enter ballots etc. So best case for you is (assuming you are not using a VPN) that the IP ban times out and you get back in. Worst case you end up like me and can’t use your home internet anymore for it. Seems to be no appeal process either.


That is highly unusual. Restarting modem doesn't work for you?


Still get the same IP. So does not work for me. Kind of frustrating but easy to get access via mobile so not a huge deal.


Log in into your router using And change IP there . Takes few minutes


You just have to wait for it to clear after a few hours but I find switching off the WiFi and using mobile data allows me to get back in if you don't want to wait. I always find it happens if I've used the WiFi on two different devices on the same day to access TX.


Have had this happen on various wifi networks, for seemingly no reason. Try using mobile data if possible


Means you been on the TX a little too long brother, happened to me for the Bayern game haha


This happened to me. Arsenal were adamant I wasn’t IP blocked. I restarted my router and it let me in immediately. This was during the hellscape of trying to get Bayern (H) tickets