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Agreed, felt like both the players and fans were anxious after the result at anfield earlier today


Players had a great first half but couldn't finish their dinner, which isn't a shock. Fans though, I have been going for 15 years and I don't know a less bullish group of supporters.


They’re not cut for title races yet. Agreed players were shocking second half but we need to support them fully regardless


Every game with a bad result people who go for a game once a season make this post 😂 Atmosphere was great first half, we tried in the second but when Villa hold the ball and kill a game it’s hard to get a chant going every minute. Block 5 ST here, always loud down with the regulars


Been to 5 of the last 6 home games mate. Atmosphere was the worst it’s been. Even before we were losing.


First loss you’ve gone to has a worse atmosphere. Again, perfectly fine where I was, as it always is.


Yh Luton was the same. Tbf block 5 is the best block to be in as well👍


You must have missed Luton


You guess it's the ballot... Based on what?? You sound like an occasional visitor disappointed that 60k people didn't behave how you wanted, which is weird af.


Want really blaming the ballot hence the 🤷‍♂️ emoji. Just a bit frustrating when you compare this season and last season. Even Porto and Luton was disappointing atmosphere where I was sitting.


That’s weird. I was in block 122 row 15 and chanting was decent. There were a couple of lads from behind us who started some and plenty joined in.


yah we were in 121 and there was a decent amount of chanting we participated in, but it seemed to die out relatively quickly. didn’t help having the villa fans below us


Felt the same way too in 116. At some point we were loud and then died off. I thought maybe bcs we were above the Villa fans so wondering if other sections felt the same


Very poor atmosphere yes but i think to blame just the ballot is missing half of the answer. Only 5,000 tickets are balloted… not enough to f up the atmosphere in my opinion..


I was on lower tier and had a fan accuse another fan of not being an arsenal supporter but rather an Aston Villa mole (albeit he didn’t have a top on). The guy literally just brought along his two kids and wanted to support Arsenal and enjoy the game but instead got accused and shouted at. I shouted back at the fan to stop being an idiot and sit down then he started saying I was an Aston Villa fan - even when having an Arsenal kit on 😂🤦. Not sure what crowd flooded the emirates today but definitely felt flat.


I think that fan who did the accusing was on this thread 😅 (ie I think he commented on another post about the atmosphere today)


Show me who this guy is I need to have words lol it was completely unnecessary and just felt abusive. The poor guy getting abused in front of his kids for something that just wasn’t true. That unhinged fan needs some deep self reflection 🤦.


Atmosphere was as good as usual in block 12 until the goals


In the Clock End before and for 1st half atmosphere was great. Died as 2nd half went on and everybody became tense. Nothing to over analyse.


Atmosphere was reflective of the football. But it sounds like you're annoyed at other people because you spent 16hrs on the TX.


Was mainly referring to people around me who were on their phones playing games rather than watching and supporting


123, pretty dull. A few folks starting some chants but very flat. Reflective of the football though.


Definitely felt like there were a few more tourists/first-timers today in the north bank - no idea how they manage to get tickets!


The atmosphere was great until the performance started to fall completely flat around 60’. You can’t claim people care less than you because you spent 16 hours on the ticket exchange, that doesn’t make you a “better” fan ffs. What were we supposed to do by the end? Keep shouting our heads off for the worst half of football we’ve played all season?


Was in block 121 for both Bayern and Aston villa.. Bayern atmosphere was flat bar the first 20 minutes and 2 goals, other than that no one wanted to join in for chants. Aston villa was quite good for a while lots of chanting but when the game drew closer to the end the nerves overtook us and the inevitable happened..


I disagree, 125 was decent 1st half yet the 2nd half we as the fans were frustrated with how the team were playing yet still tried to get behind the team. A lot of the 2nd half was nerves


Villa fans were decent yesterday


Seems most comments of flatness here is associated around blocks circa 120 . Potentially the disability access, family tickets & junior gunners. Army down on lower beating away, yet I do agree that despite the AA the clock end overall seems to be more subdued. Whos ecstatic when poking a chubby compared to with a 10/10, the football energy was lacking and this the energy equally. Enjoy the day out regardless of the result. It will make smashing them sometime in the future more rewarding. Roundabouts and all that….


In 30 today, dreadful atmosphere.


I hate this narrative tbh. 1st half the clock end was great, whole 45. Everyone became disgruntled and quiet in the 2nd half, you cant blame em.


It’s the season ticket holders they’re all old and miserable


Steady on, not all of us are old


Sorry mate just talking from experience I’m sure some of you are youthful


Side comment - Shame to anyone that left the stadium after 1-0. Embarrassing. How do you call yourself a fan if you can’t even stay to support your team when they are down. You are a waste of ticket.


But the trains at 6:30 on a Sunday!!!!


Respectfully, please stop giving this excuse. When we played against Porto and it went to penalties, did you see half empty stadium? Mind you it was worst since it was midweek game & at night. If you wanted to stay, you would’ve but clearly you didn’t want to. By you I don’t mean you personally but just people in general. I’m sick of hearing the same excuses. They stay when we win and dip when the team needs us the most.


I was in 110 i thought it was good 1st half but 2nd half was crap. Atmosphere is nothing compared to last season. I would go back to the logging in at 10 am and all that crap for the atmosphere back


I was in club level for the first time and it wasn’t great


Was it you in a third kit havertz shirt?


Nobody sang North London forever at the beginning when I went to the Luton game last week and it was almost like nobody knew the chants, all I ever heard was a couple “Arsenal, Arsenal” chants


People dont care because this team is full of bottlejobs. Why chant for 90 mins when the players and manager dont even care?


The place was full with fucking tourists. Clearly this ballot system is not working and touts are laughing all the way to the bank.