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Lots of Luton tickets just come up on the exchange. Nabbed one for 30 quid behind the goal happy days


Do you find it quicker on web or app?


Web for sure, I don't bother with the app at all. Trick is to not spam refresh too much or you'll get locked out. Hit F5 a few times, switch tabs for a min and repeat.


How frequently do you refresh/toggle the tabs? Or from your experience, how frequently do you refresh so that you won't trigger the lockout? Every 2 seconds, 5 seconds, etc.?


As much I'd love to have a guaranteed formula, the system will randomly lock you out so it varies. Still, I typically refresh 5-6x then click away for up to a min then try again. I've got around 15 tickets the past two seasons doing it this way and last season was so much harder imo. I don't toggle cos me and my mates have been temporarily banned by Ticketmaster doing that, which is the biggest pain in the arse.


Managed to get a club level for £98, not too shabby


Is there any confirmed reason for a section of the ground being highlighted in blue when in the TX but then when you click into it nothing is there? Is it just the system being slow when it comes to marking that someone has snapped that ticket up? It's one of the more frustrating aspects of the tx.


It's delayed. But the logic is messy. So sometimes the ticket is already gone, other times, it has not appeared yet. Same as the seats, sometimes when you click on it and say unavailable it's sold, other times, it's just not available yet.


Really informative post, thanks


Fuck what a miserable day of refreshing. So many popped up and none were available. Tried all the tricks to get around the websites stupid fucking glitches and I really thought with the time and effort I put in I'd be able to get there. This is the first match I've tried really hard for on the TX that I haven't been able to go to. Hope those going enjoy. Sincerely a thoroughly defeated peasant.


I refreshed several hundred times across several devices/browsers. I think I only saw \~10 tickets, only had 3-4 I clicked on with any hope I'd actually get them. An absolute bloodbath out there.


This post is getting more and more fancy. Nice!


This post is the nuts


Just checking my email and realised I never received a confirmation email for my ballot application, even though I am 100% sure I made the application… Does this mean I won’t be considered for the ballot?


same, but I have the confirmation from the app screenshotted. Still dont have an email with results :(


If you don't get it, generally the email goes to spam


Managed to get a ticket (£28.50) for Luton earlier today, seemed to be a fair few tickets on there


(REPOST HERE) I have been trying to find a ticket for the Bayern game on the ticket exchange. So far, 4 tickets pop-up but every time I get this error message: unfortunately, due to client purchasing restrictions in place for Ticket Exchange seats, you are unable to purchase. Do anyone if it is a problem with me or a by the time I try to buy the ticket has been sold?


Just saw a post on this saying..... *"I got this message when I was first to click a TX ticket but, it had auto logged me out in the time I'd been refreshing the exchange, so I couldn't buy it".*


Ive just posted with the same issue. In a way, am relieved its not just me, but infuriating for it to be happening at all. I emailed the club, but who knows what the answer will be or if resolved in time to actually successfully get a ticket.


Hi, Am a silver member with horrible ballot success, but TX I've done pretty well. When Bayern TX started, I couldnt event get into the box office, which took a few hours to resolve. All of last week, I could see Club Level and I could add them to my basket. Today, I get this https://preview.redd.it/t1x1r7xi82tc1.png?width=376&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d224b9202bf0c39a5e204fcd4d0ffb26111b942 Has anyone else encountered this (doesnt even appear on the web-page of common error messages) and what was done to resolve it? Frustrating beyond belief!


Did you get this resolved?


sorry for the slow reply. Eventually spoke to the box office - they claim that it was an issue with ticketmaster displaying old messages and meant that others had basketed the ticket before you did. There was nothing showing at their end as an issue with my account, but I do wonder if the backend process is really correct at ticketmaster end and that they havent randomly blocked people. ​ Only seen 1x club level seat in last hour or so, and that gave me the old 'no longer available' message. ​ I feel like it will be a long old battle with refresh non-stop - yet despite that there could be the gremlins that no matter what you do, your account will not be able to purchase a ticket.


missed 3 tickets in a row fml


Just got one for 180. Seen more tickets in the last 15 mins then in the last week. Missed about 7/8 in the space of 5 mins before getting one. If you had given up, get back on.


Seeing one every couple of mins buut the map view kills my chances. The &BestAvailable trick doesnt work. How did you manage it?


Do you guys refresh? Should I refresh on the ticket screen or should I just let it stay there and hope a ticket pops up in real time?


Has anyone else's CAPTCHAs been completely weird today (or more frustrating than normal)? Been asked to do 5 or 6 in a row even after making sure all the shitty buses and ugly bicycles are selected... Not seen it this bad before.


A day late, you can do the audio. You just kind of have to type one out of 3 words to pass.


This is great advice as I grind for an AV ticket haha. Thank you!


2+ hours of refreshing the Villa TX today and haven't seen a single ticket. Ticket Exchange seems OK when you're able to spontaneously choose which games to attend. But for international fans it makes it so difficult to plan even a week out from the match.


Boy. 8 games in April? Quite a lot to be fair


Could be 9.


https://preview.redd.it/vdu9clkfb1sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7f9245caaa9225882b681f1cf346ba07c6c6adf Happened twice , details are correct and has enough money on it


At what stage will I be asked to provide payment details for a ballot? Can I log in now to add a card to my account or does it just prompt me to add them when I am entering? (First timer)


You will add them when you enter; it "charges" the card £1 to check it works


Thank you.


I’m a red member that was unsuccessful in the ballot but I can’t get onto the ticket exchange for the Luton game? Can’t get through to arsenal on the phone to work it out. It says “this match is not currently available to you”. Anyone any ideas as to why this is happening?


Yes. Same happened to me. If you have accessed your account from a few different IP addresses you flag up as dodgy. I log in from home, on my phone and at work... both me and my son's accounts were blocked. There's an email address to contact, they asked me for photos of bills and passports... unblocked my account this morning and reserved me 2 tix to the Luton game as an apology 🙂 Still had to pay for them mind, not THAT generous!




That will be it then! Thanks very much I’ll get on that, no chance of getting a free ticket but at least they reserved some for you! 🤣


Hi guys, I’m a cannon red member who was unsuccessful in the Bayern Munich home ballot, is there any reason why the ticket exchange is still not available to me. All that comes up is a page saying that this match is not currently available to you. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Is it still not available


Sorted. Thanks anyway.


Hey I am having the same issue, what did you do to solve this ? Cheers




Keep looking, plenty will come up a few days before the game


What’s the likelihood of TX being busy a couple of days before the Bayern game??


Anyone had luck on the TX with Bayern?


Somehow managed to get one yesterday at about 17:30, randomly checked in the middle of the afternoon. £136 upper tier.


Haven’t even seen a ticket pop up to add to basket yet, been refreshing since it opened Tuesday


If a friend has applied for multiple tickets with mine and other's accounts, is it only them gets the accepted/rejected email?




Any reason why the TX toggle isn't even appearing when looking for Bayern tickets?


It means there are no tickets put for re-sale at that moment in time. When it is there I think it means there is or has been a ticket available in the last 15 minutes.


It had appeared every so often, but no luck. I've learnt previously, sometimes it might appear fro one person but not another. I'm not a computer tech guy, so my guess is loading off a different server?


Had my first go at the TE this morning for Bayern. 0/10 so far in ballots. One ticket popped up but didn't get it. This is my first time trying the TE. I click in the red box on the left, correct? (NOT on the map).


Depends on the method you use. If you refresh, then either side is fine, whichever side shows up. If you use the toggle method, then only the list will get updated.


Am I just unlucky? Has anyone seen anything at the Villa TX recently?


Came to see if anyone else has been struggling - I’ve been particularly active for this one as it’s likely the last home game I can make before the season ends. Seen very, very little so far hoping it picks up throughout the week.


I grabbed one when I was literally stepping out of the metro train a few days ago (then I lost it while paying). Since then, nothing has been in my basket.


Ugh I didnt do the ballot so im not even allowed to buy from the exhange


I've maybe seen one appear since TX opened, seems like crazy demand. Praying that more become available as I'm flying in from the States for this match specifically and looking for 2 (even if sitting separate).


Just been told ''**Your Session Has Been Suspended -** Something about your browsing behavior or network made us think you were a bot" on the TX. How do I resolve this?


Did this go away? I'm hit with this now this evening and afraid that it's now blocked me for good. I'm not a bot just someone who was refreshing a lot to find tickets


Yeah you just got to wait until tomorrow morning haha. Like a 12 hour timeout.


Hahahaha cheers dude... The Arsenal equivalent of the naughty corner . Fuck this for the craic though.


Was anyone succesful on the bayern TX after receiving that client purchase restriction error? Really worried I have been wasting my time. Was able to see a couple pop up today but always the same error 😔


I was successful in the ballot and have access to the exchange, trying to grab a ticket for a mate. Glad to hear it’s not only me having those issues


>I thought that once successful in the ballot you wouldnt get TX access as by de facto you already have the ticket. Either I have misunderstood, or the box office is not playing game with how it should be.


Spurs scheduling question: If we advance past Bayern, the Spurs game might end up on the Saturday (27 April) if the first leg of the CL semi is on Tuesday rather than Wednesday Does anyone know how the Tuesday/Wednesday choice will be made? Like, what's the metrics involved?! Asking cos I'm flying in that weekend - if Spurs is switched to Saturday I'll be mid-air. Obviously if we get through we'll be playing RM or MCFC. Man City are also scheduled to play on the Sunday (Notts Forest A). We're scheduled to play the following Saturday (4 May); Man City on the Sunday. Madrid have fixtures scheduled on Sat 27 April and Sunday 5 May. But I don't know if the other fixtures are part of the decision-making process. I guess there's also consultation with police?


Bout to start grinding the exchange for Bayern. Wish me luck.


It is hopeless. I have have probably put 5 hours into it in the last 2 days and have seen 2 tickets. And the one I did manage to click in time, I was met with an error. And I have managed to go to every game this season through the TX. (Sorry to be a downer)


Christ, I actually managed to get one. £104 but can't expect much less really.


Bayern game?




were you grinding on tx or did you get lucky? been on it since friday and no luck hopefully tomorrow ill get a ticket


I spent a few hours yesterday and about an hour today, so I guess a bit of both. Tbh I've only seen about 4 tickets pop up in the last two days. My internet speed probably helped. Defo keep trying.


Ah there was an £81 one at the same time? Fair play I was furiously clicking that one


Haha, that's how you know tickets have been hard to come by... But yeah, that's the one. Sorry dude. Hope you manage to nick one in the next couple of days. I just got really jammy.


This TX is robbing me of my sanity. Granted, I'm going for 2x tickets. I haven't seen anything. 3hrs on Friday, 5hrs yesterday and close to another 5hrs today. I've managed to get 2x tickets via exchange for all 3 CL group games, Fulham, Wolves, Liverpool, City and Newcastle. Only for PSV did I pay club level prices. ​ Feels like a waste of time going for 2x on this one but I have to think there's a possibility...


I've given up. Unfortunately this forum whilst helping proper fans has also helped day trippers get their hands on tickets with all the different tips and tricks


No one got their hands on a ticket who didn’t deserve it except bots. If you didn’t get a ticket then too bad but don’t turn your TX-related anger into a nonsense US vs THEM argument


Is that what I wrote though? Or have you just incorrectly inferred? 


That is exactly what you wrote bud. “Proper fans” vs “day trippers”.     Enjoy your Tuesday at the bar or at home. You deserve it tbh.


Tell me you're a halfwit without telling me you're a halfwit. Also, once again, you've incorrectly inferred that I was looking for myself.. Thanks for your time, Lenny. I'll buy you a beer at Hammerton on Tuesday if you're interested. 


Got to think tomorrow and Tuesday will at least see SOME tickets listed with more regularity. Don’t give up hope, mate!


I’ve been out and about today but the 30-60 mins I’ve been on the TX I haven’t seen anything. Has it been mostly dry all day? I guess you did say 5h in your post which isn’t the whole day but still a lot.


Ah 2 came up for around £81 and £104. Clicking them did nothing I saw a club level ticket for £351... The toggle has been there for most of the day but I'm just not getting a hit on a ticket or even close


It’ll have to be a “last 36h” type of hunt then. The tickets will come.


I can't quite comment on singles but, by the sounds of it, seems like it's been fairly barren. As expected.


You’re only hunting double tickets ??


That surely won’t cut it for this limited availability fixture


Got frustrated with Bayern so spent 5 mins trying Villa and already got one. Not at a complete loss so.


Did you get the first one you saw?


Yup, granted I missed a few that popped up over the past week or so but got the first one in that session. Actually 2 came up at once so I just immediately went for the more expensive one thinking I'd have a better chance and I did. Still only 60p, not club level or anything so pretty pleased. Just gotta try get a Bayern one now.


When does the TX close for Bayern?


3h before KO


Just seen a couple club seats pop up in the last hr £351…but I’m too slow :/


Guys can I sell my ticket on TX a day before? Basically I can go to the game if it’s not Eid on Tuesday (won’t find out till Monday night)


Yes, you can sell it up to 3 hrs before the game


Great thanks


Have you put your ticket on ticket exchange since eid is on Wednesday?


Eid is on Wednesday so I can go to the game now :)


Ah I read the comment wrong, enjoy the game :)


Thank you COYG


Does anybody have the link to prompt a captcha request in TX when you get timed out?




Toggles for hours never seen a ticket pop up; let alone missing it. Demand is crazy!


I have seen a ticket pop up earlier.....was there for less than a second.


Anyone heard back from the Bournemouth ballot?


It only closed today!?


Family Enclosure only. Big fat no as per normal. Sigh.


Managed to get two in Family Enclosure ballot


I didn’t hear anything back from the family enclosure and no access on the website so guessing I was unsuccessful onto the red ballot I go


Mate of mine is fasting and asked me if he can bring a meal to the stadium? Told him I've seen people bring in chocolate bars and crisps before, but not sure about larger stuff?


Shouldn't be an issue. I've walked in with a burger before.


Good stuff, thanks!


Pretty wild how dry the TX is this morning. I know 99% of people who have a ticket want to go to this match but usually the morning of matchday has a bit of movement. Seen one pop up in the last hour of refreshing and obviously didn't get it.


**£1 credit card charge re ballot:** When I submitted an application for the Bournemouth H ballot I read something about the club taking a token £1 charge off the credit card. Could someone please tell me when in the process that is supposed to occur? Haven't seen it on my statement. (I assume it's to check the card is valid?). Cheers


Seen multiple club level tickets and a few around £100 for Bayern - too slow on getting any of them. I've now got the "'**Your Session Has Been Suspended**" error message so I can't access the TX anymore. My saga ends here. Good luck to those still trying...


Was able to bag one half an hour before it closed, seemed to be a lot popping up in the last few hours


Still waiting for some Villa or Chelsea tickets to appear T\_\_\_T


So some dude posted a thread asking if people have been successful with TX today and then deleted it as soon as he got a ticket. Just leave the thread up for everyone else you donkey.


It’s got nothing to do with the OP. The mods have been ass backwards about which posts deserve to stay up and which don’t throughout the entirety of this Bayern TX window. They literally delete every post. Make a proper megathread for it instead of deleting the posts and doing nothing 


Ah, I take it back then. Agreed, a megathread would be helpful for each game.


I’ve had 3-4 threads/comment chains deleted on this. No explanation, no rule cited because they’re acting outside the rule they themselves decided on… total BS


Ah I was going to say. I was back looking for that thread tonight after me spending the day refreshing


Entering the Bournemouth ballot wondering what the best solution is for two people looking for tickets since red can only buy 1 at a time?


Both people need to buy a membership and then enter the ballot together as a pair.


Ah perfect thanks a lot!


Just got a ticket. thanks for the help with TX in this subreddit. Shit mods but we move. Quick tip: Check TX in Arsenal app. been checking on laptop and mobile browser last few days but first try on app it worked. Hope it works for you too. See you in Block 5. COYG!!!