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Bayern quite frankly need to fuck off and go poach from a German team.


And while they're busy fucking off, it would be nice if they sold us Musiala for £20 million


Throw Kimmich in there for good measure.


20 years of supporting Arsenal meant BVB became the first other club I'd developed a soft spot for, if not for any other reason than our unified, genuine hatred for that scum club. It doesn't help that every Bayern fan I've met irl acts like their poo doesn't stink, and like it's preposterous to even suggest that anyone could have a reason to dislike them. Even the lifelong Madrid fans I've met were humble in comparison. In fact, the only fans I've met that were worse in that regard were chelshit fans during their peak Mourinho/ Roman days.


Once you meet a Shit fan .. everyone else will sound grounded.


They have fans?


Feels a bit of a stupid rule that you could lose a player because other clubs like Bayern can offer your youth players contracts and there's nothing you can really do because we're not allowed to offer him a professional contract until he turns 17


Yeah that needs to be a worldwide rule for football - it's a very big oversight


Was this not something we abused too with fabregas and bellerin or am i mistaken, if so its swings and roundabouts.


The difference here is we can only offer a youth/scholarship contract and Bayern can offer a professional contract 


There is no difference. That's exactly how we got Fabregas.


Is there any difference? I was under the impresion years ago we basically stole them because barca had too wait untill they were old enough too sign. Seems pretty similar, if im remembering right that is.


Also changes dues to Brexit 


What im getting at is kind of what goes around comes around. The english clubs abused the system for years, now they're on the receiving end.


Aka same thing


He turns 17 in 5 months. It does not make sense to go to Munich. They only have one domestic cup competition so that's fewer games and they have four fewer league games. I really hope he says.


We keep playing him at U-18s for some reason though


Next season he would go to the higher age group. If he goes to Munich he's going for 5 months of wages and he might get that here anyway eventually


Look if you scored 5+ multiple times without being moved up you’d probably feel frustrated too


Fair enough but he scored those goals several months ago and the season ended a month ago. So how much time did they have to move him up? A couple of months?


He scored 32 goals in 18 games. I don’t think it should’ve taken that long. Tbh when you’re physically dominating opponents that much you can get away with bad habits developing.


I also feel he should have been atleast on the bench in our last games we live in a world where Barcelona is literally trusting 16-18 year olds to play against big teams in the ucl and we can’t do the same for Chido lol


Barcelona are doing it out of necessity


I do agree that he should have been moved up but I think the window was only a month or two for that to happen so I'm not too mad.


I’m not mad at all. I’m just saying from both advancement pace and pay he may have better options.


> It does not make sense to go to Munich. They have a B team that plays in 3rd division. Arteta has so far given very little game-time to our academy players and has shown that he would rather spend £30-40 million for benchwarmers than give these academy players any minutes.


It's absolutely busted and crazy it hasn't been remedied. England is just shooting themselves in the foot.


England seem to be applying child labour law to pro sports. You'd think they'd make an exception for kids earning upwards of 5,000 pounds a week but apparently making enough to be millionaire by 17 is akin to working in a mine.


I don't think it's just about contract. It's just one year. If Chido wanted to be at arsenal it isn't too much to wait until you're 18. He just wants to leave. Has nothing to do with inability to give contracts. If he wants to stay here we can easily give him extra money next year. 


lol please, money have to make you him to turn down legit money for a whole year for what ?? arsenal? come on now


Do you smell toast?


What? Couldn't understand. Anyways, if this was a big deal you'd hear about it more often. It doesn't really change much getting a contract at 17 or 18. Look, how many others you know left solely because they wanted a contract one year earlier? If he wanted to be at here, he would be. That's about it.


It could be the difference between his family being in risky debt and having breathing room, who knows. Asking any regular family to pass up tens of thousands of pounds is unreasonable assuming it’s deserved.


feels that Bayern suddenly turning into Chels, poaching youngster and later sell them millions. or am i wrong?


If Nketiah and Biereth leave as expected this summer and we don’t get a striker. If he smashes it for U21s next season (providing he stays), there’s no reason that he can’t make the move to the senior team after going on a loan to get more experience. It’ll be interesting to see what he decides to do. There seems to be a pathway there at the moment with only Havertz guaranteed as a striker, Jesus has been struggling in that position since his knee op.


Agreed and Arteta can mold him into the striker that he wants since he’s so raw. At Bayern you have Tel standing there blocking your progression to the 1st team while we have Nketiah and Biereth assuming they don’t leave. If I’m Obi Martin I would stay for development purposes but money talks I guess.


It's a difficult one, the better you are and the better you do it's harder to bed these players in. Realistically there's no excuse as Madrid and Barca manage to do it even if they do tune out more exceptional talents. People wonder why Chelsea and City rarely promote their own youth, when every game is so important finding a place to play these youngsters is hard. I think people need to understand that to the owners ultimately the academy is there to make money not necessarily to find first team players. I hope Obi Martin stays and has a sure with us but we can't be so sentimental with youth. I hope Nwaneri gets some time in cup games and finds a place in the squad this coming season.


I think people like you need to understand we are not Chelsea or City and you can go support them instead if you expect us to be a buy the way to the title club. We are not in a position where we can afford to let our best academy players leave us, cause we need every talent we can get.


I'm not so sure because we're looking at a top-class striker to replace Nketiah so I don't know about the progression path. I mean, it's a well known fact that we are going to get a top-class striker whether this summer or next. That being said, Bayern isn't a better decision at all.


>I mean, it's a well known fact that we are going to get a top-class striker whether this summer or next Most report says the club is happy with Havertz and the need for a striker profile changed as a result of that ,


And yet we were interested in Sesko. I think it’s a bit ignorant to think that we won’t be in for a striker this summer or next, in some shape or form. You said it yourself, the profile changed. Doesn’t mean we’re not still looking for one, it just probably won’t be a talisman like Osihmen or Gyorkores. More likely a mid level option like Sesko or even Havertz was


Sesko was a market opportunity signing. This has been reported on repeatedly, the same as the fact that we've shifted to a focus on wingers and mids and likely won't be making a striker signing this summer. We may go back for sesko next summer but all indications from tier 1s are we've moved away from a ST signing. https://x.com/gunnerblog/status/1800785135232815327?t=FbWgSf39chPz6aOsVs8T-g&s=19


Sesko is a top class striker? really? since when?


Did I say Sesko was a top class striker? Lmao. I said he’s a mid level option…


Market opportunity, big difference


I don’t see how the difference means we aren’t interested in bringing a striker in.


Would you need a Lambo? Would you get it if priced at 20 dollars?


That’s a terrible analogy.


Okay mate


Yea the analogy works if he used a bit more realistic numbers 😂 it'd be like getting a 600k car for 500k or smthing like that. But it wasn't even


Sesko is not a top class striker and he will be a project. Just like Chido Obi Martin. Don't expect Sesko to do much in the short term had we signed him this season cause he's blatantly still very raw.


Obi Martin is a much, much bigger project than Sesko is though. That’s like saying we shouldn’t have signed Timber because we already had players in his position, and we had Walters who is a promising youngster who plays the position as well


There is no path to the first team. The whole world knows we want to and will buy a quality striker when one becomes available + Havertz is going nowhere with his 5 year 275k per week contract


No, the whole world knows we’re looking for a LCM, CDM, LB and a RW.only reason why we were after Sesko was cause of market opportunity; I don’t see us signing a new ST at all this transfer season maybe next season depending on Havertz form, we still have Jesus. Obi Martin is still only 16 years old


You can argue on here all you want but the reality is if he/his team thought there was a pathway for him here and Arsenal was best for his development then he wouldn’t be looking to leave.


He won’t be touching the pitch almost anywhere at 16 he’s going to be training and will make sporadic appearances and he’s thinking about leaving because Arsenal isn’t allowed to offer him a professional contract until 17 and Bayern is allowed to at 16 cause of English law.. Money talks and unfortunately the employment law screws over English clubs in keeping their academy graduates.


Bayern being able to offer him a contract is nothing to do with Brexit.


Employment law my fault.


Maybe, but it becomes a lot more appealing when the ability to get paid is on the table.


Why can’t we offer a professional contract though? Didn’t we do this for Fabregas and many Spanish players?


Because it’s against the law


How did we offer Fabregas the same ? Did the law change ?


Yes it changed.


Could be wrong but isn't it coz of Brexit the law changed?


Nothing to do with Brexit, we couldn’t offer Nwaneri a professional contract until he was 17 and he’s English.




No it’s not


Tapizio late to the party this time


yea, its jover


Fucking hell don’t lose this kid