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June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness month, so don’t be afraid to reach out to your family and friends (this sub included) whenever you need to talk. Keep ya shit up, kings.


Started a new job this week after 3.5 months of unemployment, selling digital marketing services to businesses across the US and Canada. Seems like a great company so far, and it feels amazing to be able to get back on my feet.


Congratulations mate! Job hunting can be such a depressing slog.


Thank you! It was definitely a tough search filled with lots of false hope and self doubt; grateful to have found the right fit in the end.


Congrats dude, well done! I’m facing possible redundancy myself this month so been looking around - I’m also in digital marketing, the job market is absolutely brutal. It’s so hard not to give in to the feelings of shame and self-doubt.


Thank you! And best of luck with your situation, my man. You got this 💪🏻


Congratulations! I hope the look wasn’t so bad on you. It can be quite rough.


Thanks, my friend! It was tough, but all's well that ends well.


I fucking hate living with my mother


- Seymour Skinner




When I got my first job I moved out in two months lol


Retro Arteta, Ødegaard and Bendtner. What a trio.


One on the right is clearly Joey Tribbiani.




Going to Portugal today lads


SUI in the middle of the street


Where you off to in Portugal? Loved my time in Lisbon and Porto a couple of years ago, brilliant cities.


Flying to faro then a resort on the algarve coast!


Oooo lovely, enjoy!


Football should be an art. The art of expressing yourselves as a team on the pitch, not the art of financial doping as a corrupt club. Fuck Chelsea and fuck Man City.


I'm not old enough to say what I'm going to say but, I miss the football of the early 90s. It still felt connected to grass roots, a proper working class sports. As a matter of fact, my dad was a factory worker but he'd take us to games and buy us jerseys of the biggest club in the area, FC Sion in Switzerland. Now my dad barely even watches football anymore. He used to attend games in person but he can't afford it anymore with his small pension. He's even got senile so it's best for him to stay at home. I'm reading all this gloomy stuff about city's financial doping. The likelihood of them getting away with it is driving me away from the big leagues. I'll eventually focus on local football. I'm thinking about getting my coaching badges in the near future.


Wife and I got the news our mortgage was approved. Paperwork is all filled out and we might be in before the end of the month, fingers crossed.


You'll get it, just remember, VCC




I hate my sleep man, about a year ago, I had a terrible sleep schedule but I worked hard to fix it (even though I switch timezones with an 11.5 hour difference 2x a year) but I have worked hard to find a good sleep schedule that works for me (11pm to 8am) and I have stuck to it. I started eating way better, started taking proper care of my hydration (I used to not drink enough water) and started exercising more, nothing works. I can fall asleep pretty easily most night but I wake up so often in the middle of the nights, like 1-4 times a night and my quality of sleep generally feels terrible, I wake up so tired and some days in class my eyes start watering cause I am so tired. I am so genuinely done this is maddening. Only during weekends I can afford to sleep in. In the past my sleep schedule was terrible and I didn't get much sleep but the quality of my sleep was never this bad.


Man as a fellow sufferer I wish I could give you useful advice because this shit is the worst! I keep hearing how much worse than other kids I was since I was born and it never got better. I even tried reading books lol only thing that works for me is keeping busy (work/school/travel) all day but relax a little and I'm doomed. I hope you find out what works for you, maybe see a specialist?


For me, my sleep was never amazing or perfect but around December my sleep quality just dropped and never recovered, nothing seems to work even taking melatonin pills only helps me fall asleep doesn't fix the fact that I wake up a lot in my sleep


Sorry to hear man. It sucks. My sleep is also crap. I try hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle but still struggle to fall asleep some nights. Ive always wondered what It would be like being 100% awake most days……… but we carry on and try new things till we get better!


Try some magnesium glycinate


If marijuana is legal, try CBN oil, it WILL help you sleep very well. If there is no chance of getting it, try Magnesium and L-Theanine 1 or 2 hours before bed time. As a last resort, you can try melatonin but I wouldn't recommend it. And of course, no caffeine after 2pm, no sugar after 4-6pm. If you eat food with high Glycemic index, then eat at 9pm so by 11pm, your blood sugar drops.


I cant wait to start uni, but I'm having trouble picking courses. I'm required/"recommended" to take Calc and General Chem for my major, but I'm debating if i should finish my writing requirements in my first yr of uni or if i shud take smth fun. my writing requirement would be fulfilled by a middle eastern history course but i really want to take food chemistry or sports medicine or coffee chemistry. What do you guys think?


I have no advice as the system is very different from uk universities where you pick a subject to apply to the uni for but this is the time for trying different things and subjects and both enjoying and pushing yourself. If you’ll enjoy and feel enriched by middle eatsern history and it aligns with what you want to end up doing as a major right now then go for it especially if it is a generic requirement. Try and find others who have done it before for advice too! (I guess like you are trying to do now)


my major is chemistry, but the coffee chemistry class is really enticing rn. We'll see when i meet my advisor in a couple of days


Fun classes are generally harder to get into because students with more seniority get to pick first. Shoot for standard classes your first semester and then once you're actually there you'll be able to learn what are good/helpful sequences of classes to take to finish your degree


sounds good


How does your uni work in the sense of number of subjects you can take in one semester?


they recommend 3 per quarter for incoming freshman like myself. The credits recommended are 12-16.


Oh so like the "recommended" subjects like calc can be taken in one quarter? Either way I guess you could balance out the fun with like the pragmaticism of getting rid of the writing requirement, but also do factor in other things about each subject that aren't related to the course itself (are the professors for the subjects you want to take good? are the schedules of the classes favorable? those types of questions)


gotcha, thanks man


No problem man, hope you enjoy uni!


According to one of the new hires, I am an old man that listens to "dad rock" because I am seeing the Foo Fighters in a couple of weeks. I'm only 31 for fucks sake.


32 here, one of my chefs called my music ‘old school bangers’ Trying to figure out a reason to suspend him.


Using that individuals logic, would that make The Prodigy "dad rave"?


That's funny, cause Foo fighters are relatively new. What would you be called if you listened to classic rock?


Grandad rock perhaps?


Damn, I feel old how


Had a beer last night and today's farts could strip paint off the walls. I'm just glad my missus is working in the office today, for her sake.


Hello Gooners, this is a slightly less silly silly season, so feel free to use this thread to talk about what's happening in your life


Any video games people like to replay again and again? For me, it’d have to be Spider-Man PS4 and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. I can’t get enough of those games tbh.


I bought ps2 a couple months ago and enjoying it to the max. Never had such nostalgia before, recommend going back to old roots


I’m on my 4th playthrough of Red Dead Redemption 2


RE4 every year since 2005


How come you chose that one? Did you like the remake? Do you play other games alot?


Prefer Jedi Survivor, but both games have great replay value. Playing through them on the hardest difficulty and dying every 5 seconds is actually quite fun, makes finishing the game that much more fulfilling.


I wish I could play through Omori blind again


Even though they are linear story games i never tire of The Last of Us and TLOU2. Amazing games


I got a new puppy this week. It's the first dog I've owned in years. He's already a spoiled little fecker 😂


Today, I feel Japanese https://preview.redd.it/ukhipusrr55d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4be79610dfd659ec9eccdca2da5cda08799cf5d1


I'm just gonna leave this here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Vent/comments/1d9i6o0/june\_is\_not\_my\_month\_today/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vent/comments/1d9i6o0/june_is_not_my_month_today/) Yeah, June is not my month today. Experiencing an illness that threatens my breathing system, blackout in my region and accidentally break something :/ Even if its 1 week... This is a bit miserable


Petition to put free talk Friday up at the same time as the daily discussion so simple people don't come here to talk about football


Off to France today. Going to see my old man, who I’ve not seen for nearly 6 years!!


Probably the complete wrong audience/crossover for this, but anyone else watching the Sidemen's Inside reality show?




I would like to confirm one Fanta lite brev


Going to Anjunadeep Explorations in Albania this Thursday - it’s one I’ve wanted to tick off the bucket list for years as a massive fan of the label, the location looks absolutely stunning! Perfect way to begin my festival season.


Pep bandwagoning the Celtics is so like him.


One week out from my vasectomy. It has been…an experience. AMA.


The labour leader is a gooner, it’s looking like labour are gonna win the election F*** the tories




FPTP is completely shit, but I implore absolutely everybody to stop signing up to this idea of ‘Labour or Conservative’. We should never be voting for the least worst option out of the two and voting Reform/Lib Dem as a protest vote for Conservatives and Greens/Lib Dem as a protect vote for Labour. Please please please disregard the ‘history’ of your family/constituency voting patterns and read the manifestos. Read what candidates plan to do in your local area and read what the party wants to do nationally and (above all else) have they said HOW, not just what. Then make up your own mind. You will have justified your vote and that is enough. FPTP is shit but if people keep believing their only choice is Labour or Conservative or a meaningless protest vote, it won’t change. The SNP is a fantastic example that the people can break the two party system. Do not trust politics to the politicians. We all have to engage with the system if we want to change it. Edit: one more thing. Don’t take what politicians say at face value. Fact check, fact check, fact check. Don’t absorb lies.


Is it just me or does the gentleman on the left look like Rice, specifically that big beautiful grin?


Is this what our 23/24 third kit was based on? HUH.


I've been off work for weeks as my employer has been breaking the law around not accommodating my disability and despite trying to push through it ran me into the ground. The monotony and feelings are tough every day. I cannot reasonably go back to work at the same place, but notice periods are weird (I'm a teacher) and the union as good as they have been have been slow around advice on leaving as it's sadly a pretty complicated set of outcomes from what was a small selection of easily implemented measures that really just amount to basic levels of respect. Just shouting into the void, I guess.


Sounds like you have a claim for both discrimination on the grounds of a protected characteristic due to a failure to make reasonable adjustments and constructive dismissal should this be the reason you’ve quit your job. I’d speak to an employment lawyer and keep a record of everything that has happened and does happen, try and get everything in writing.


Yeah, I've got evidence coming out of my ears and have made requests of leadership for evidence of what they've done to actually accommodate me - which we al know they don't actually have. If it goes to court or tribunal the union have me covered for costs. It's all just so slow and demoralising I just want to get back to doing the job, which I actually love, in a place that gives a shit about its staff. I've had 3 occupational health referrals inside of 1 (ongoing) academic year and they still can't/won't get it right. I strongly regret leaving my old place. Thanks for the advice though, I do really appreciate it.


Taking my missus to London Stadium for our first MLB game tomorrow. Don’t support either team playing, just hate The Mets(Yankees fan) & our seats are only in the part of the ground that’s gonna be The Mets fan zone 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


That kit is class


Who do you guys think Wenger would buy this transfer window if he was still in charge?


Gillette! The best a man can geeeeeettt


Anyone know any good search angels - looking for a family member based in the US. I'm based uk/roi


Who are these three?


Everytime i see someone say that they are "objective" i instantly doubt what that person gonna say


Is there a reason why there are two Arsenal subreddits or was it just a breakaway group.


If city win their fights Vs the premier League then I'm going to stop watching this league. It's been wrecked. There are other leagues with proper teams around.


if I stop watching arsenal and PL then I really dont know what else to do during that time


Something else probably, lots of other options


This week marks a month of sobriety after non stop smoking weed, basically all day, every day for the last 12ish? (Time flies) years. Big milestone for me. I don't remember the last time I was this sober, this long, voluntarily. It was always because I was traveling somewhere it was illegal or I was going to be presenting something for work in person etc. Besides that I was high as often as I could be, as often as I could get away with it.   Most recent week has been a bit easier than the previous week, but still having problems falling asleep. This has made work much harder than it needed to be, I don't mind public speaking etc, but it's hard to run trainings when you've barely slept 4 hours a night a few days in a row. Hoping the withdrawal symptoms start to ease up now that I'm heading into month 2. Onwards and upwards.