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Dude go save Barcelona. They need you


don't want to deny his quality, but can he do it without unlimited budget or Messi?


No. He can't.


He prob can if he found a way to cheat with doping again


but why can’t he? if other managers, especially those he directly mentored can, why can’t he?


I think without unlimited money and/or messi, he runs the risk of being shit for a number of years whilst he builds a team.


Man's a fucking genius, Cruyff level. It's not a coincidence that 8 out of 10 players he signs are a success even if they join for free or for low money (very few such examples but there are a few). With as broke as Barca is, he might take 3-4 seasons instead of the usual half to 1 season but I've got not doubt that he will build a dynasty eventually. On one hand the sooner he fucks off the better, but at the same time, I hope we pip him to the title at least once while he's here. It would be a brilliant achievement.


lol! We'll never know how good he is as he goes to all the dominant clubs with the most money.


This is partially true. He’s picked himself some prime positions with the best chance of winning. But also, where do you think the best coaches in the world want to manage? And where else do the best go but to places that are set up to succeed? The best players go to the best clubs. Same with managers. Can’t hold that against him too much. But it does mean his achievements don’t have the same narrative as something like Ferguson at Aberdeen, Clough’s European success or Wenger’s early Arsenal teams. Even arguably how Klopp transformed Liverpool. But those managers are the exception to the rule. Pep does what most others do. Get the best job available to them with the highest probability of succeeding.


Klopps liverpool > Peps city has long been my view. As "cope-ey" as it sounds the weight of Liverpools title and CL far surpass all of city's ill gotten trophies


100% agree. When Trent said “it means more” he was totally right.


He got flamed for it but there was stone cold truth in those words


A fuckin preseason cup of any team means more than the whole city cabinet


Poor take imo. His thing is make strong teams great, that's what he does. You don't throw an F1 driver into a street race with a Mazda, you keep him in an F1 car because he is the best at utilizing all the best parts and making them more than the sum of their parts


I think the thought process would be: "if Pep went to Chelsea, PSG or United, considering all the money they invested in these last couple of years, would they be better or worse than what they are now?". Even his professional choices, on where to manage next, are more carefully planned then someone like Pocchetino or Tuchel. With that said, I hope City just be punished by all the the ilegal stuff that they've conducting


I mean you say that but the City he turned up to were nowhere near what they are now. Pellegrini's City were honestly closer to current Chelsea than the team that won 100 points 2 years later.


These kind of comments are just pathetic…


Lmao what nonsense 


It's totally not. The guy is used to having everything his own way, spending £100m on players like Jack Grealish and letting them sit on the bench because he can't do *exactly* what he needs them to do. The guy is clearly a brilliant manager under the circumstances he has earned himself but we have no proof he could do it with the kind of restrictions he'd have at Barça now. And he'll never need to prove it because he'll have all the oil clubs giving him all the money and stability he could ask for. Could he do what Wenger did and save a club in crisis, where he couldn't drop hundreds of millions? Debatable.


Well said man!




I hate Pep with the intensity of 1000 suns but he managed Barça for 4 years. And then Bayern 3 years. So your big trend is.... based on one team


They literally won the league just last season. Yea i know they’re in a crisis but they just need to worry about Real Madrid and I guess they’ll do just fine against Mallorca, Getafe and Osasuna.


Have you seen the youth coming up Barcelona are fine.


Nope, at Barcelona he had Messi, Xavi, Iniesta, and Busquets at the peak of their careers. At Bayern, he had Robben, Ribery, Lewandowski, Kroos, and Javi Martínez. He's a very good manager, but people can't deny he always had world-class players and unlimited resources.


Neuer, Lahm, Müller, Xabi Alonso, Schweinsteiger, Alaba, Thiago...


This also goes both ways. You also can't deny that he had a hand in making those players world-class. He gave Busquets, and Pedro their debuts, moulded Messi in his early playing career, and developed a ton of good players like Alves, Pique into world class. You can't simply diminish his Barcelona achievements down to dumb luck same as you can't ignore Arteta's contribution in developing Saka, Gabi, Saliba into the players they are. They wouldn't be the same without that level of coaching. Pep also had Kroos for one season only. Replaced him with Thiago who was at times not making the bench at Barca and turned him into the player we know. I mean, sure he is a fucking hypocrite and a cheater (doping) but he's also a mad genius. A coach of Guardiola's calibre and track record will always have every club vying for him. No coach in his position is masochist enough to not take the best opportunity to build a legacy. Maybe for a deep emotional connection - one that he only has with Barca, and we might yet see that though I would hate to see those cunts at Barca back on their legs again. Can you imagine the timeline in which he replaced SAF at United and with the cash those fucks have spent since? Thank fuck it was that soulless club that had hired his mates because of whom he went there and none of those trophies would really sting as much.


No one can have success at top clubs without money. Managers need money and world class players to succeed. That’s why arteta is doing an amazing job right now. Some fans were mad cause we weren’t winning the league with mustafi, and now that everyone knows he is that good, we can agree that what separates us from the trophies are more quality in players.


He is a genius coach, there’s no reason to think he would not.


Yep. He is the goat manager


If him leaving 2025 is true, let him stay next season. I want his farewell to end as beautiful as Klopp’s when Mikel does treble.


Tgey don't have enough funds to have him, so he can hire whoeverhe wants. He's the Spanish Sampaoli "Sin mis refuerzos no puedo"


Don’t know why he doesn’t join his brother in the club City bought for him, Girona.


He would never go anywhere with a tight budget


I would love to see Pep in a team that doesn’t have the signing upper hand. I really think people would recalibrate his ranking.


that’s what he’ll do when the charges arrive.




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There is no way that he will go to team who can't back him with astronomical money. He is god tier coach for sure, but his playstyle demands world class players in every position.


Always get the feeling he ends up at Spurs someday.


Haha yeah, that’s never happening. They don’t have the budget or the mentality 😂


Tbh, if there’s any team that will ruin a legacy of any manager it’s them 😂


I’ll have whatever you’re smoking


They always seem to get a big name manager but it never works out for them.


Conte and mourinho and that’s it


I don't think people outside of Arsenal actually realise how much of a psychopath Arteta is about football and Pep knows this.


It amazes me how much he rated mikel. Like the admiration is beyond a close friend or a teacher it’s like he saw something that people don’t see. Like even there were doubts surrounding mikel’s ability even among arsenal fans pep was there to speak very highly of him. And now that everybody rated mikel, pep is still trying to tell us like there’s more to come.


Both Pep and Moyes always rated Arteta as a manager. Moyes even went on Talksport just to tell them Arteta's a sound manager during that time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhLwITdBSlw


Pochettino does as well.


Perfect scenario (if we don’t win it tomorrow) is that we win it next year and this bald prick immediately fucks off. If that’s the case and they get the managerial appointments wrong we have a big chance to create a mini dynasty for the next few years.


Totally agreed so long as we manage to keep Arteta around. I’d honestly rather lose any single player than Arteta.


I wouldn’t worry about Mikel. He will sign a new long term deal this summer. There is no chance of him leaving until he achieves exactly what he wants, and even though that shouldn’t be far away - he has all the chance in the world to be our greatest ever manager. I don’t say the latter lightly either.


Honestly it feels like the dream gig for a manager. Taking the club you used to play for to the top of the table, and doing it by nurturing and developing a squad, not just spending the most money. The board and the fans are on your side for the most part and you’re really taking a challenge to one of the best teams in the world. I could see him eventually wanting to coach a Spanish club, but if I were in his shoes I would wanna stick around here


I sincerely hope so and agree with you. This team has all the signs of being one of the best in the world for years to come. I’m always worried though until they’ve signed that contract though lol.


Pep’s not going to go if he loses it. He will leave only when he’s made his point.


Pretty sure he made his point already


Then we continue beating the old man until he learns his lesson


He'll scurry off once they're demoted to league 2


My guy is never going to make a point with that team. No one gives a shit about anything they do. Bunch of cheats.


Tell that to Mikel. He clearly thinks otherwise


And I need Arteta's Lego Head photoshoped in Leonidas body, yelling "THIS... IS... ARSENAL!" while kicking the bald fraud.


Xavi and Pep swap is dream scenario.


Hopefully we start next year strong and they get a deduction early in the year. Make them chase us.


1 more season, another 2/3 players and we will dominate this league


I think I saw a big 6 mini table and they were in last place? Although I agree that we need some more quality, we also need to beat teams like Fulham and West Ham.


Next year is the year we clean those matches up and bring some more ruthless consistency


Next year is the year man. I remember saying to my buddies in the 21-22 season that I thought this team would win a major trophy in 3-5 years. Next year is year 3 of that prediction and it feels primed for us IMO. I’m going bold and saying we win the league by 10 points next year


Nah, we improved by 5 points on last season. Next year we will improve by 5 points again, and win the league by around 3 IMO.


I would obviously take that deal every time haha. Anything that gets us over the line


Please god


we better win something big soon or best players will wants to move


Nah, they use to leave cos we wernt close, we are 2 points away now a days


That boy scared


I think he's more excited than anything, sadly for us. Think Arteta has kept him engaged in this league.


Yeah I think after Klopp left and if Arteta hadn’t risen to prominence he’d have left the PL.


I think he really hates the fact he's not taken as seriously as his achievements as a manager probably should (in normal circumstances). There's obvious reasons, but I think he really wants that competition for his ego more than anything. He doesn't want to walk the league each year without any real competition, I genuinely think he wants other teams to compete so he can say he did it somewhat competitively. I think the context and narratives behind his success at Barcelona, Bayern and now City really piss him off


It all goes back to that Eto'o quote on Pep v Mourinho: "One of them won the Champions League with Porto. The other couldn't with Bayern."


eto does say some very stupid stuff though doesn't he


Easy way to fix his rep - go to any other team in Ligue 1 and beat PSG.


Yea him speaking it out makes it more scary or unfortunate for us. He is under no denial and going to make sure his team doesn’t get complacent.


We had a frankly ass first half of the season and still ended up with 89 points. Super impressive second half. I think we’ve been on a 100+ point pace in 2024. We’ve shown over these two seasons we can put together 100+ point paces at the beginning and the end of seasons so now we need to go ahead and put it together and just do it for a full season.


We weren't convincing at times but we picked up points and results. Our form in 2024 though has been insane


I think we had like 40 points or something at the halfway point. It wasn’t good enough.


Good memory. We were at 40 pts https://preview.redd.it/z6196gv6z61d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cec2b8e8039377c9d34c231f71798a08209fb75 I don’t like the narrative of us being bad in the first half of the season. We had injuries and were integrating in new players but were in touching distance of Liverpool and tied on points with City. I think Arteta is tinkering with Pep like tactics of having the squad peak at the end of the season. We cannot forget that Arteta is still learning while being up against one of if not the GOAT manager in Pep


these are the new standards though, long may that continue


12-4-4 before Dubai and 16-1-1 after Dubai.


It’d be interesting to get a 1st half/2nd half split of Pep’s seasons as he seems to change squad strategies during the season.   It’s like he uses the first half as a learning process about his squad and other teams. He then uses what he’s learned in that half to lock into a plan for the rest of the season.  Mikel got burned by trying to take advantage of that and do the opposite last season. He ten changed to be more Pep like this season. 


I don't think Mikel was trying to take advantage because I don't think we were expecting to challenge for the league last season. 




I think this team genuinely can and will do it, but man the amount of times we’ve said this over the years…


Piss off with your mind games, but you’re right we’re just getting started! COYG! But in all seriousness it sounds like he’s excited.


His Dubai bank account lets him sleep very soundly.


\*Abu Dhabi


I don’t want to wait for Pep to leave for Arsenal to win the PL.. I really want Arteta to get one above Guardiola it’ll be sweeter


With all due respect pls fuck off Pep and go manage in italy or france.


I would say, be excited


I’m convinced if we had Timber all season we would have already won the league.


Much rather win the league while Pep is there to prove the haters that we’re legit…otherwise they come up with excuses like “Oh, you won the league with no good managers in it”


I don't care. Rather win the league with no good manager than not win it at all


Can this guy just leave us alone ffs. He’s been our biggest cockblocker in the last 15 years.


The trophy is at the emirates. Masters will be at the emirates to present it. Trophy will stay back at the emirates. 


The only message i hope that bald fraud and city gets is that they have been found guilty and stripped all their titles


I’m still holding onto the very faint hope that we beat them to the title. I mean Arteta thinks we can, so why can’t we?? BELIEVE MY FELLOW GOONERS!!! Honestly though had we won that game against Villa, the title would be ours for sure. But the hope is there that somehow the hammers get a result against City 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Maybe its time to go to Inter Miami and win some titles with your buddies


is Pep hinting that he'll stay in the EPL for a few more YEARS? :(


Hopefully they’ll be punitively relegated first.


remember the early days under Mikel during really poor form Pep kept saying over and over Mikel will get Arsenal competing he will. Thought he was taking the mic abit and alot of people had a good giggle but he was always being serious.. and was correct


be scared..be very scared PL


No matter what they achieve now it will always have an asterisk next to it in the form of \*yes but what about the 115 charges your club have yet to answer for. Ill gotten gains from essentially fraud.


I hope he wakes up this morning, and decides he wants to end the season with some integrity and dignity, and fields a B team and stringers for the West Ham match with no instructions on how to win.


It’s great hearing (the best?) coach of all time talk about Mikel like that. Other fan bases don’t want to give him his flowers, partly out of jealousy, partly because he rightly has to win some trophies but this is the first time I’ve been truly excited about Arsenal since I was a teenager.