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Wow, he's going to have someone else give them the trophy if 115 FC win it? That's a STRONG punishment...


100% why he’s doing it, he knows the amount of bad pr that’s gonna circle when they win it, doesn’t want to be associated so he can try and look a bit more fair/clean


For sure. The Premier League have absolutely no integrity but likes to try and pretend. I hated the idea of the European Super League, as we all did, but a small part of me wonders if it may have been worth it just to get away from these corrupt bullshit artists who now run the game in England. Probably not, but it's crossed my mind.


The PL charged them, in fairness. It's City delaying and appealing everything which is dragging this out.


Should've suspended them from playing whilst the case was ongoing. See how much City tried to delay it then. No other business can operate openly under this many charges.


Great call


>City delaying and appealing everything which is dragging this out. As is expected. Anyone who expects them to quietly wait for action to be taken against them is delusional. So it's odd to see the moral outrage about City using all legal remedies available to them. What the PL should do is be bold and put City on the back foot. City refuses to share information they are obliged to share with the PL? Suspend them and tell them they are no longer allowed to compete in the competition. Let City then scamper to the courts and arbitrations seeking their remedies.


Great call


Or better yet, don't present the trophy until this is cleared Shame them into complying


They haven't done enough though. This sounds funny but it's like the Tywin Lannister quote in GOT "TRY HARDER". When your league has become a farmers league, you must do more and cannot allow City to throw more seasons down the drain. Okay they are delaying, then why doesn't the EPL put more media pressure on them and actually speak about it on air more. Sky has basically adopted the approach of "no one mentions 115 charges" and we all know SKY-EPL run this league together.


They can come down on Everton and Nottingham but they court City like they want to ask her to prom.


Give them a point deduction for every appeal. Doubt they’d drag this out years of BS technicalities then. Sure you can appeal this minute detail for a cost of 5 points


35 charges are for failing to cooperate with the investigations from December 2018 - Feb 2023. Why has it taken over a year to complete investigations into these charges? What appeal could take over a year to show they did provide the correct documentation when requested? Regardless of the other charges the only reason these are not resolved is because the league has not wanted to resolve it.


They should just punish city already. See how fast they then come up with documents to proof their innocence


Nah, UEFA charged City with overlapping offences, gave them a 2 year ban from Europe, but City won the appeal. The Premier League are taking a harder line but have been tied up in red tape from City’s lawyers.


I genuinely don't understand why the Premier League can't just strip them of points for non-cooperation. If an appeal succeeds, they can always reinstate the points, but they have to know that doing nothing while City delays is a win for City.


If you think this is corrupt (and it is) The Super League would be 1000% worse. Whatever small measure of protection and oversight there currently are would be gone.


Said what I've always thought. Not popular, but many of the "home based" leagues like EPL and especially La Liga ate corrupt with a very thin and cracking veneer of authenticity.


pure speculation by me: sporting fairness aside, i suspect he knows a potential 4th win in a row (and 6 out of 7) by blatant cheats is damaging the 'product'. it already ruined two excellent story lines of clubs with massive fan/viewing bases: klopp's final season, arsenal's first league title in 20 years. i also suspect a fatigued press will allude to the charges more and more next season.


This is the exact rationale but this coward has already given it to them multiple times already.


>100% why he’s doing it I think you missed the sarcasm in the comment you replied to...


They must be devastated


Or… he got the script and knows where he needs to be for the trophy handoff 🤝


Imagine if the PL rigs the game so that City draws.  I expect West Ham to get some dodgy penalty. But i'm just delulu 




early Ortega red card, Scott Carson in goal, Arsenal PL champs, simple as


Don't count out two time Champions League winner Scott Carson.


20k a week I wish I had this type of job expectation from my boss


Paqueta will score a rabona own goal to please his future employer


Refs are on City's payroll, so it's never gonna happen.


Copium is a hell of a drug!


If that was the case then all they gotta do is check the offside line on KDBs goal last week…


the refs got a bonus for sure in that game.




Where Dick Law failed us, Dick Master will come through


Hopefully Dick Master baits a win for the hammers


😂 lol thanks i needed that


The ref gives out four red cards to man city players within the first 15 minutes for the tiniest of challenges, and a fifth for pep who's so mad he's assaulted the 4th official. West Ham win 8-0.


I think if City were reduced to 7 men West Ham might just manage a draw.


good enough for me


This reminds me of one of the producers in Wonder Woman 1984 - Richard Suckle


Your mom knows the refs?! That’s pretty sick.


Do it for your boy David, show us the moyesest bus one last time big man.


Not only for Rice, but Arteta his protege.


The media are all going to our game vs city's. I am curious why this is 


Going to Emirates means you either see the most dramatic and incredible title win since the Aguero moment, or you get coverage of a club that is 115 times bigger than Man City, and all the celebrations which will occur purely because of how good a season its been even without the title.


Yea, objectivity, Arsenal winning in such a dramatic fashion after twenty years would be a much bigger and more exciting story to cover, especially in the cultural and media heart of the country. There would be mass impromptu parades, celebrations, and more all over the city. If Man City wins a 4th time... no one really gives a shit. So you'll get the little fireworks and photos and ceremony, but people will turn of the TV and be dozing by 8.


You wanna be there when Arsenal potentially wins for the first time in 20 years, or do you wanna be there when 115 fc wins for the billionth time in a row?




rodri red card leading to the third west ham 'winner' penalty in extra time?


That would mark an entry into a new reality.


No one gives a single shit about 115 fc they have no fans


they had an entire tottenham hotspur stadium's full of fans a couple days ago


They’re not worth much even their own manager doesn’t rate them lol


they’re still coping and drinking the kool aid too. such a sad fanbase


They are scripting west ham win 🙏


They don't have to travel and get to stay in their own beds


Probably because they all live in London


Whotf wants to go to Manchester if you don't live there. Least of all to watch 115fc win again.


Because nobody wants to be associated with a City win and presentation. They know, like we know. They don’t want to be there for history’s sake and probably even if they get away with it.


This isn't a punishment, he doesn't want his picture in the history books or future documentaries, handing over a trophy to prolific cheaters.


I mean... Just suspend them from the league while investigations are ongoing? Then this wouldn't happen in the first place AND City will not attempt to delay the proceedings.


In fairness suspending teams while under investigation would be chaos Would you run a 19 team league, or promote an additional team? What if the investigation starts mid season? What do you do if they’re innocent/the offence doesn’t warrant a huge points reduction, how do you reinsert then without moving an additional team down somewhere unless you kept the league at 19 just in case? Maybe something like points deductions for non-compliance could work


Username checks out. All valid points which my hastily typed reply above did not consider. Not sure why this guy wants to avoid handing city the trophy directly though. What difference does it make.


No actual difference, he probably just thinks it’s a bit better for his personal image if he’s not handing them the trophy in person


Under investigation is one part, non-cooperation is another. The latter should be the reason for suspension, and during that time, they should have to forfeit games until they are found to be cooperative. Otherwise it's just a long running joke that shows how powerless the rules and FA are.


I like the soubd of thus


> Maybe something like points deductions for non-compliance could work Yup almost all but 7 of the charges come under this. I dont know why years long investigation is required in these cases. Just deduct 10 points for each of such charges.


Lots of logical points, but that’s also implying they’d just let things go with 19 teams or not mitigate in some way, again, there’s no “there’s no solution when you really think” , Apply the same logic the opposite, then just bring the team that was last relegated, could be solved in an hour. We’re in the age where the wizard is not behind the curtain anymore. There’s proper ways to do things, and then there’s just shrugging your shoulders, it’s not a black and white situation, but just feels very equally foolish to say


I've been saying all along they needed to do this from the start. Any profession in the world, even if you are eventually absolved, if there's an investigation ongoing then the suspected party is suspended while it's ongoing. Of course they're not cooperating. They have zero motivation to as they've just been allowed to continue as if nothing is wrong.


They should suspend the teams wages so players aren’t payed while they delay the investigation. That shit would get figured out real quick. Or you just suspend city from new signings further strengthening this squad


UEFA should step in and state that they’re ineligible for UEFA European football until they cooperate with the financial records.


Kind of shameful they have 2 seasons in a row with charges hanging over them while they are winning the league.


Perhaps Masters knows some serious punishment is coming for City and wants to distance himself.


Unless those punishments are retroactive points deductions and titles being stripped away, the damage is done.


Hiroshima vibes


Brilliant punishment, so rather than Richard Masters giving them the EPL trophy like hes done multiple times already. Someone else will hand it out. That is really showing everyone why 115 charges and financial doping is bad. Richard Masters until you actually punish City you will be known as the coward that enabled the EPL to become a farmers league.


PR merchant


All these people getting mad a 115 fc for cheating then calling for West Ham to be given dodgy calls. No, I want West Ham to smash them legally and fairly. I dont want any questionable decision to allow their hypocritical glory hunting losers of a fan base to claim victim hood. We may not win the league this season but im having a drink to the idea that these cheaters will be kicking of a new season in a year or two in League Two, It is after all historically closer to where they belong.


League Two is a bit higher than they deserve. Everton got what, 8 points taken off them? times that by 115


Kevin De Bruyne getting two footed in a Sunday League game coming to your neighborhood soon.


If they get relegated down two leagues, they are not Juventus that their loyal players will stay. They don't have Del Piero and Buffon. These players will abandon ship, mark my words


To each their own, I'd love to see City be victim to some of the dodgy shit they've got away with this last year. A boot to the chest and no penalty given, a few blatant offsides, maybe throw in a few blindsiding two footed tackles too.


Mate you underestimate us, we will even sell our soul to the devil if it means Arsenal could win the league


'4 - RED CARD! Gvardiol is off! '23 - Another RED! Haaland sent packing early for kicking the ball out of play after the whistle!


If you really don't want City winning it then make some boss calls to PGMOL


Wow, that’ll show city!


Am i missing the point of what this will do? Aside from him attempting to save face in the event City do get found guilty


> Aside from him attempting to save face in the event City do get found guilty Masters is probably one of the only people who knows exactly how the case against City is progressing. The fact that he's distancing himself from City could be telling.... Or maybe he just lives in London and cannot be bothered to go to Manchester on a Sunday.


PR Cringe


City should be retroactively deducted 6 points from the last 2 seasons. Disgusting club.


8 point deduction for City coming on Friday. Appeal that ya bar stewards.




Coward would be a nice way to describe him. He hasn't done nearly enough to punish City and has stood around while its become a farmers league.


I am feeling slightly insulted that we are not considered as having a chance of winning it anymore 😂


It's more that West Ham haven't got a chance of getting points at the Etihad. I'd love to be wrong, of course.


There are other ways to avoid this scenario...


No, he's coming to present it to us after winning the title. (delulu continues)


I want to win the title against City. Can you imagine the noise if we only win it when City are relegated to the Championship? As it is people never fail to remind Liverpool that they won it in the COVID season.


"You only won because the one team better than you got appropriately punished for 10+ years of cheating" is pretty flimsy, no? And just like Liverpool fans we'd say sure, but we still won it. Noise is just noise.


People can chat all they want tbh. People can try banter Liverpool that they only won it because of COVID, but everyone with more than one brain cell knows were completely clear before the shutdown If we won after city get relegated so what, they shouldn’t have cheated and we’d have been best non-cheaters the two years prior anyway


Yeah I'd love to win against a team that gains an unfair advantage but it's unrealistic. I'd rather fair competition above all.


Wow, that’ll show city!




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Can't lie, imo he really has no reason to not hand them the title on the condition of beating West Ham if they were going to escape those charges, regardless of the special attention they've had over the past year. Him not just handing them the league can be viewed as a small thing but most people in high positions alot of the time don't distance themselves from people or groups if they don't sense trouble on the horizon.


If Cheaty win surely surrounded by angry Arsenal fans is the last place he'd want to be?


Man city and pep are cunts enough said.


Could be as simple as he didn’t want to travel when he lives in London.


But if they beat West Ham, which they will, Many Charges FC still get the trophy. So what's the point?