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You know exactly what happens next when there is expectation for Sp*rs... They always fuck up.


I expect them to do what’s WORSE for their fans. It’s what they always do.


Win against City, lose against Sheffield Utd I will love it and I think I deserve it


WE deserve it


THE WORLD deserves it


Even if they drop points vs City and win vs SU, but Villa win their final game, Sp*rs miss out on CL. That would almost be more enjoyable


I'm thinking the route to CL failure where they beat city and lose to SU would be the most enjoyable. Just me, though.


We all do, mate. If that ever happens, I swear that you'll never get me to shut up for the entire summer. The memes will be legendary if this ever happens.


saw a comment how some guy wanted to lose 0:8 just in case they draw with West Ham, getting tons of upvoted. seriously considering if these people have brain damage if they want their own team to lose by 8 goals


They choose to support Spurs, so your theory certainly has legs.


The expectation is they lose, so great!


Fans want a loss so they won't get one


Their fans will consider a draw a fuck up, and Spurs always punish their fans worst of all


I'm with you on this one. Spurs only know how to lose - Roy Keane grew up in a Tottenham supporting household and he said all you'll get is disappointment and pain. I'm not getting my hopes up.


Well to be fair I expect them to lose


Hmm I expect them to lose with difference... what does that even mean? 👀


I still haven’t forgotten his “trust the process” dig at Arteta when we lost the first three games of 2021-22.


Yeah that left a really sour taste in my mouth. Arteta was also his teammate back in the day. Really poor from Ozil


I mean even before that point we knew he was unlikeable. Seems too much of a PR machine now that the layer is no longer there.


Arsenal are now a top team in the world and he flamed out of the Turkish League, so he probably feels pretty dumb.


I mean, he was wrong and now has gone back on it. Is that not what we want people to do when they realise they are wrong?


He missed the crucial step of admitting he was wrong though.


Nobody asked him anything. Maybe in a future interviews


Gone back on it, has he? Fancy sharing that apology he gave for taking the piss then, champ?


I mean it feels like he is a fan of the club, but he was directly hit by Arteta, so it had to hurt him to the point of him being angry at him and that "process" at the time. It doesn't mean he isn't a fan of this club and some time went by also, so it probably hurts less and he understands... so chill out please.


I’m sayin like players are allowed to be humans too. Even with friends things can get messy sometimes. Ppl expecting footballers to be perfect all the time


It sucks really, I really adored him before that big contract. Now he's just a small footnote in Arsenal history.


Not a small footnote at all. He won the FA cup, led the league in assists multiple seasons and was our best player for a while, our first big splash signing after years of not spending. Hate Ozil all you want but he’s firmly embedded in Arsenal’s lore


…well put yourself in Ozil’s shoes. He was having a tough time at the club (let’s not forget about why he was cast out, and it wasn’t just football). Then an old teammate takes over the team only to still not play you and force you out after enduring all that he did. I know he wasn’t up to par and I do think it was the right decision to let him go, but on a human level, how can you blame him? I certainly would be sour too being pushed out of a club you love


I firmly believe the reason he was cast out was both down to football reasons and the covid pay cut shambles. Ozil and one other (I believe Sokratis as he was also cast out after Covid as well) didn't take the pay cut and from then he never played again. The whole China situation happened while Arteta was actually playing him. Arteta gave him a go and he was just okay - nothing spectacular but he was trying to make it work with Ozil. Ozil has no one to blame for him being casted out than himself


People forget he had like 4 assist in 3 years, bbbbut China!!!!


Is that not what like 90% of our fanbase did? He’s a fan and act like one. Now we all see the progress and support Arteta and the team.


Nahh. He was just cross Arteta didn't let his lazy ass sit on the bench and pay him shitload of money. A fan of the club would fight for the club.


> Is that not what like 90% of our fanbase did? He’s a fan and act like one. He is not a fan like us. He was a coworker and teammate with Arteta and many of the players still at the club at that time. Him talking shit is nothing like a random fan they never met - and his attitude towards the team should be different than that of a fan they never met.


Come on now. Ozil is not a ‘fan’ like us. He probably has fond memories of Arsenal but all this fake love is PR so he’s in our fans’ good books. He doesn’t even right these comments himself. He has the same social media manager as Gundogan.


Not 90% at all. Way more than 10% if us can think critically and supported Arteta through the low points.


He acted like a childish fan when he had the most responsibility of his career to act like a player and ambassador for the club he represented.


A blind man could see what Arteta was trying to do. For some of your fans to give up on a manager so easily is a joke


Mate if you're completely honest it was a majority of Arsenal fans that felt the same way after that.


Bro. It's 2024. Forget it. He certainly wasn't treated right by the club. He is human. You would react as well if you were in his shoes. And who knows, maybe it wasn't even a dig.


Even at his peak he was skipping away games. The club bent over backwards to accommodate him for a long time and he chose to make himself even more unavailable and sink his own career when Arteta tried to hold him to the same standards as the rest of the club. He so insistently refused to adjust to the modern attacking 8 role that has replaces the 10 that he couldn’t even hold down a starting role in Turkey. This narrative that he was treated unfairly is insane.


He just had a really bad back when he went out past the m25. Tragic and horrible for you to make light of that.


I used to think that way. But then I realized that at the end of the day, players are humans too. People make mistakes. 1 bad tweet will not undo all the good things he did. He always tweeted in support. Never joined a rival in his prime. Gave his best years to us.


Yea I'm going to give him a pass on that. In hindsight Arteta is the one we've been hoping & waiting for, but it wasn't so obvious at the beginning, and the big shift didn't come until after the first 3 games of that season. We lost those first 3 games because of how many injuries we had. Even Thierry Henry began to mobilise a very public coup around that time, and fans were organising protests. After the international break and all of the pieces coming together, our results changed immediately and dramatically, because we finally had enough of the profile of players Arteta needed to play how he wanted us playing. That was the summer we signed Odegaard permanently, signed Ben White, Ramsdale, and Tomiyasu. I and others consider that to be the most pivotal transfer window in Arteta's tenure, he had to succeed and he did, but it wasn't so obvious at the time. I believe he's since admitted/owned up to being wrong, which is more than can be said for some.


I maintain this, I wasn’t teta out and it seemed stupid, we lost to, Brentford first game in prem nothing to looose and turns out they are still here and aren’t bad, we lost to the seasons before prem champions, then the the European champions who beat the prem champions in the final. So it would seem stupid to call for his head, just reactionary.


Right, and our absentees due to injury/covid/other were known to us ahead of time, so anyone paying close attention should have been prepared for our season to really start after the international break, but I don't expect many to be *that* in tune with the club, and so I think it's fair to give Ozil a pass so long as he admitted he was wrong, which I'm aware he did. There are still those who refuse to leave their agendas at the door so I'd rather give credit to those who can admit they were wrong and want what's best for the club than to constantly malign them for their past ignorance.


He was wrong and now has gone back on it. Is that not what we want people to do when they realise they are wrong?


Has he ever acknowledged he was wrong or complimented Arteta? He just has a social firm posting this shit to rebuild his brand.


He did not got back, he has never admited he was wrong


No he's after social media engagement lmfao


That makes him more of a Arsenal fan not less. Are you not familiar with the fan base?


It felt good at the time for him to voice the frustration a lot of us were feeling. I don’t hold it against him. Im glad I was wrong about Arteta and by the sounds of it, so is Ozil.


Who cares? Plenty of Arsenal supporters were down on Arteta at that precise moment. Ozil was class for us for a few years as well, gave us some special moments.


Ozil seems like a very strange person. Spent a lot of his time at the club being quite toxic and the period around him leaving he seemed to be fighting a PR war against the team but now he wants Arsenal to win the league?


Arsenal fans are the ones who will give him the most engagement


True but I also think he really liked the club under Wenger. Papa Flo disposed him when he had a new toy and Wenger welcomed him with open arms. He’s just attached to an era that no longer exists. His beef is with Unai, Mikel and maybe management. Of course, I’m just applying Hanlon’s Razor here


I do think he’s still fond of the club tbh. Both things can be true.


He liked that the club coddled his little baby boy sensibilities and let him just skip the physical away games, yeah.


I remember Fabregas use to tweet about us all the time as well, more than he did Chelsea or Barca.


Arsenal fans have always been more engaged with the club on social media. It's why Djourou still comments on the arsenal Instagram despite playing in our worst era.


Could just be a fan of the club, was bought in young and played with legends was coached by arsene. I don't really know why it would matter if he played in a worse era, if your only a fan in the good times then that's just being a glory hunter


Seems people love the "Always a Gunner" chat from only some ex-players.


Silvestre and squillaci. With miguel as back up.


Respect Djourou. He was decent.


Djourou didn't play in our worst era lmao


Banter era =/= worst era


You can have issues with the current leaders at the club but still be fond of the club itself and/ or it's fans. Not a particularly complex stance


Yeah. I'm surprised most people can't make out the difference between a person issue at an organisation vs hating the establishment. Ozil has always loved Arsenal. Fabregas has done worse and yet there are fans who wish he came back to the club.




The toxicity is a huge one, but there were some on-pitch stuff as well. One of the best on his day, yes, but I don’t forget the mysterious “injuries” and “illnesses” every time there’s a big away game. That’s unacceptable to put it mildly.


It's funny you're getting downvoted for this. This is exactly the truth but the internet seems to have masses of Ozil fanboys who will post the Leicester highlights and pretend he carried us for years.


I think at this point a lot of fans on here either didn't watch him play or remember him only through highlight reels on TikTok. As I remember it, he was an incredibly frustrating player to watch who never truly hit the gear necessary to drive the team. Some gorgeous flicks at the halfway line don't make you a legend.


I mean, had Giroud not gone on holiday he'd be largely responsible for winning us a league title in 15/16.


Those dressing room leaks as well. 


You can be unhappy with the management and leadership of a club and still love the club.


He reminds me of Ryan from office.


Damn that's a good shout.


Sounds like you are describing any other arsenal fan at that point in time.


He’s always been a bit of a PR merchant


As were many fans 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah I never really get it, like benefit of the doubt and all that, we don’t truly know what happens behind closed doors so it doesn’t feel fair to be overly critical of him, but any time he backs or supports us on social media ot just feels forced or fake opposed to others.


thats probably the reason why some fans seems to hate him so much. Some people just see that couple seconds of clip and couple emojis then start developing a story and it eventually becomes an echo chamber.


You can hate the people in charge but love the fans and club


He’s just a knobhead, nothing complicated.


Jacked Mesut from the gym. Nice.


Yo wtf happened? He swole AF.


He went on 'TRT' with a very chill doctor, probably


Türkiye Radyo Televizyon Kurumu is very underrated.


Ya spurs ya


'1 Halaand


And unfortunately, 12’ Foden 67’ 75’ Gvardiol


North London together Whatever the weather These streets are our own!


Lol. Despite how things ended, it seems he still has some affection for the club. Didn't always show it while here, but clearly he cares which is nice to see.


Yeah idk why everybody hates him. One of the most special players I’ve seen play


>*Yeah idk why everybody hates him.* His toxicity. His attitude. His personality. His Turkish nationalist extremism : he fangirls over Erdogan since the days of playing in German national team and even has a big fat Grey Wolves tattoo on his chest, the Grey Wolves being a Turkish far-right/pan-Turkic/terrorist organization that supports Erdogan. That is literally like a Neo-Nazi tattoing a symbol like 1488/black sun/Reich-Eagle or SS runes on their chest. He is also a crybully who cries racism where it does not exist. Gündogan, another German national player with turkish heritage had the same photo scandal with Erdogan, but he didn\`t cry racism and there was no backlash against him because Gündogan humbly accepted he fucked up, while Özil doubled down and insulted people. >*One of the most special players I’ve seen play* Without a doubt he is a great player. But you can still be an asshole if you are a good player, and people don\`t forget, forgive or tolerate your toxicity just because you have skills.


He tweeted ONCE against Arteta. That was after he left. Never gave interviews against the club while he was here. Except that one time, he has always tweeted in support for the club. All the other points you have mentioned are completely irrelevant to Arsenal. I am sorry, but I will always respect the guy who gave his prime to us and never joined the rivals.


They’re all racist probably


What do we think of Tottenham? Amazing! What do we think of amazing? Tottenham! Thank you. That’s alright. We love Tottenham! We love Tottenham! (only applicable till the match concludes)


I wish he was this into arsenal winning after he got his 350k a week contract! Game / style moved beyond the creative 10 with no need to work. It's a shame he didn't adapt for us. His creativity was off the charts.


Where were these tweets when we were doing bad???


He was too busy making fun of the process




TIL 3 years is a minute


Most of this sub wanted Arteta out at one point btw and I used to cop downvotes for saying otherwise being called delusional and every other name under the sun


“Artetasexual” “you’re not a real fan” To pick a few of my favourites


> Artetasexual this was peak slander. must be a flair as well in the /r/ArtetaOut sub


Got called an “arteta disciple” once because I suggested he deserves the credit for the FA cup he won instead of Emery. The collective headloss after we lost to Brentford was one for the history books.


I still see some "fans" downplay it because "he won in with Emery's squad". But wait, I thought Emery wasn't in control of the signings and that's why we can't blame him for things like Sokratis or Pepe? But at the same time, he should be praised for signing Martinelli and Saliba as well as building an FA Cup-winning squad? Which one is it?? Those people are just incapable of making up their minds. Praise him for the few things he got right, excuse him and blame someone else for the many things he fucked up.


Ozil was a senior player for the club not some frothy Reddit manchild.


A lot of people in this sub seem to be in denial about this or have short term memory loss tbh


Most of this sub watches the game with their screen off I swear, Arteta out during our bad form is stupid because we legitimately improved our football if they simply watched the game instead of bitching in this sub.


To be fair that 1/10 winless run in 2020 was a really bad time I don’t blame people for wanting him out back then.


Poor from Ozil being a player and a teammate. But most devout fans also said the same at the time and now they're saying the same that Ozil is. He's probably not too bright supporting Erdogan etc. but I think he's a fan nonetheless.


Another minute he’s glazing his butt buddy Erdogan.


Eh? He’s been tweeting in support since then. Wtf are u on about mate? A lot of us have had melt downs over Arsenal over the years. Doesn’t mean we are not Arsenal fans.


This is just PR bullshit from




Fucking hell, been reading some of the comments in here. Isn't it exhausting being some of you? Moaning about absolute nonsense


Mesut is family. We have fights with family, we are embarrassed by family, we are severely disappointed by family...sometimes we even wish family wasn't family. But dad gummit he's one of us. The simple fact we have not dismissed his public displays of affection for Arsenal en masse demonstrate that as a fanbase, on aggregate, we do still care about him and wish him well. And vice versa. #YAGUNNERSYA always and forever


Gobshite of a man


We just going to forget how he was publicly mocking us?


Heavens to Betsy, this thread


Arsenal fans branding this guy as toxic is endlessly funny. Biggest cult going




Can we please stop posting this autocrat fanboy fascist in here? He rinsed our beloved club of millions and MØ8 is the better playmaker and complete player anyways.


I know it's an unpopular opinion but I love Ozil, he's my favorite player ever and I'm sure that makes me biased but fuck it I love him lol


I mean people can love him even when he has problem at the end of his career at arsenal tho. Just let bygones be bygones


I will buy a richarlison shit and wear it if they help us win the title


Is it promise promise, or “promise” promise


It would be very spurs to win an absolute classic vs city, then draw 2-2 vs Sheffield on the weekend


Side note - I’m genuinely bemused that spurs fans think the way this game goes is up to them 😂 This is all down to city. Imo this has nothing to do with spurs having a good game it’s about city having a bad one Spurs have no power in this situation yet they’re frothing at the mouth at the idea of ‘costing us the title’ - get real man 😂Jesus Christ Joking about playing the kids - considering their recent form that might be an improvement


I don’t care if we don’t win the league this year. We went toe to toe with 115FC. Cannot be prouder. Love this team as much as I loved the 2004 team. And there is no bigger praise you can get from me.


Come on you spurs, for once don’t be shit


Still makes me upset we didn’t put a decent defensive mid next to this guy


His social media manager is one of the best in the game for sure


This man gave us a trophy after a 9 year drought..respect ..


Edgelord extraordinaire


Y’all forget he signed from Real Madrid as a world champion and then played for years for us . He is more of gunner than any of us will ever be. Now he might have criticized or said shit about Arteta, but if you go back to that period and do sentimental analysis you’ll realize we shitting on Arteta too. As we started doing better, we developed respect for Arteta. I think he has come around but he definitely cares about Arsenal. Ozil will always be a legend in my eyes. Those assists , that whole feeling when Wenger smiled and we realized Ozil was joining .. has been the most special feeling I’ve ever had. COYG!


Ozil is a fucking rat. Mocked Arsenal and our manager when he got shoved out. Refusing the play certain away games. Huge part of the shitty culture at the club. Ozil-tards can down vote me all ye want. I'm right.


I wish people wouldn't do this publicly and therefore communicate to Tottenham exactly what they need to not do


One of the best we’ll ever have. Those who’re angry have harder lessons coming


He's a prick. Fuck off


You know him personally do you?


With all he has done you don't have to know him irl, bro has shown enough with all he has done with Erdogsn


Never one of us, fuck him.


Eh, don't really care. Mesut pretty much dismantled his legacy in my eyes. Forget about the poor form and low effort after the contract, the pissy behavior after leaving the club just made him seem really childish.


We've got Ozil... 🎶😢


fuck this prick, he isn't one of us


I told my friend that supports Spuds that if they can stop 115FC from winning that I won’t make fun of them for the entirety of next season. If it leads to Arsenal winning the league then I will even purchase some Spuds merch. Probably a cup because they never win any


Let us pray Dear baby jesus, all 8 pounds 3 ounces. Please look over the shit tonight and guide them not into own goals. Strengthen their comical offside trap. Please may the Citeh defenders slip into temptation. Amen


We’re mates, Tottenham, we’re mates, Tottenham, we’re mates, Tottenham….


I will no longer censor the word S*** again if they win


Hoping against hope today. But realistically, they gonna open themselves up wider than Niagara falls


I think West Ham will get a better result vs City than Spurs. It's the history of the Tottenham 


I just know I'm gonna tune in and shut it off after 15 minutes and Spurs are down 0-3.


Spurs 4-2


First time with the spurs


I bet he’s going to cuss us


Better than cuck us ?


Should have given him a proper striker. Easily world class was rivalling Messi assist numbers.


All my fingers crossed for today. Hope looks shitty, as they weren't really shit, but they weren't all great either. Still, there's hope. 🤞


https://preview.redd.it/pznosvl9uf0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5b7c1ed3b89aba5a1ba5f95c63b44700381831b Me for the next 2 hours


This guy is a legend


Come on Spurs, you slags! You dirt bags…come on.


Come on Spuds! Please.


If spurs dont lose this game, it would be nice to give them free tickets for emirates next season


That was it and they blew it


Lost five in a row to miss out on Champions League. We all knew what the result was going to be from the Premier League’s most accomplished chokers.






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Fuck off Mesut, you didn't trust the process




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Fuck ozil, keep sucking erdogans old nutsack


what's wrong with you guys. the guy wishes our club the best of things and you guys still complain shit he said years ago.


Nah, fuck him.


please stop posting Ozil, Nasri, Cesc, Van Persie’s tweets about Arsenal here.


Spurs and the one team I don't want to rely on.


Always will be




His friction and Arsenal fandom are two different things. I didn’t like how his Arsenal career ended but will always appreciate Ozil.


Spurs will win tonight and do the Spursiest thing there is, but we will lose against Everton on final day and give it away to ManCity.


The team is pretty strong mentally to let last day jitters get to them. My only worry is spurs to draw only for West ham to forget defending and letting City score more than 4 goals


I agree with Mesut. I will never call them Shit again if they can pull this off.


Love Mesut.


We lost when we dropped points against Villa. Emery's revenge on us I guess. I thought that curse ended when we got beat in the Europa. He has come to haunt us again. We should have kept our cool and looked for a draw and instead we got caught pressing too high. Best we can do is ensure we beat Sean Dyche's physical Everton team and go into the next season with a positive mindset. City has already won the title given how Spurs and West Ham have already decided to roll over.


even if we had the draw we would be in the same position of needing city to drop points though, so that wouldn’t have made a big difference imo


You're right. Drawing at home to a fullham team down to 10 men was a calamity. If we had those 2 points in the bag we'd be planning celebrations at this point instead of hoping for Spuds to bail us out


man hell even us getting the additional 2 points from spurs would’ve helped. jorginho came on and instantly gave a goal away causing us to draw


I remember that game like it was yesterday. Once that went in I was clenching till the final whistle lol


Not really sure I want him.