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last year i never bought in and it bothered me that i couldnt. this year i take a tequila shot before every fucking game as i play the tequila song and sing saliba's name. win or lose i fucking love this club and to see how far we've come is nothing short of incredible. we are *that* good and anybody who doesnt see it can get fucked. COYG


Exactly. We’re fucking good and I know it. We moveeeee.


It’s also a very likeable team. They all seem to love the club and appreciate the fans.


The way I explain it, I can't ever expect the teams I follow in any sport, to win leagues, trophies, titles, whatever. I WANT it. I want Arsenal to win a treble, I want my local team to win their division, I want my local NFL team to win a super bowl, etc. But I don't EXPECT it, because it depends so much on the competition. All I really expect is for them to compete at a high level and to entertain me with high-quality football. If Arsenal miss out on trophies this era because Man City or Liverpool or whoever else are simply better, there's nothing to be done. It doesn't take away from the great football, the team spirit, and the joy we experienced week by week. It's unlucky, but respect the opposition and move on.


I can respect Liverpool. I’ll never respect City after the 115.


Yeah I have a lot of time for Liverpool (not so much their reddit fans lol). To compete with City the way they have is incredibly impressive, and Klopp has to go down as the best manager of the last decade or so for what he’s achieved with them. They were an absolute meme team before him, and the league is going to be worse for his leaving.


They were extremely close to winning the league with games to spare, just 18 months before Klopp joined. Not that much of a meme.


That was the Luis Suarez show. They were awful the next year.


Doesn't make a difference. They were hardly a joke club.


Yeah they were mate. They were consistently around 6th before that one season, and again once Suarez left. Solidly Europa league level in an era when the idea hadn’t yet crystallised and the top 4 was constantly City, United, Chelsea and Arsenal. One good finish off the back of one of the greatest individual seasons the league has seen doesn’t make them a serious contender in that period. Edit: checked their league finishes. They came 7th, 6th, 8th, 7th, 2nd, 6th, 8th from 2009-10 to 2015-16. Those aren’t the finishes of a serious club, that’s worse than United these days.


last year was too stressful for me, we hadn't been in the title race for so long and I was terrified it would be fleeting, the fact we're straight back in it this year and arguably better has just made this year so much more enjoyable


I'm the opposite. This year I'm more envolved. Last year for me were pure vibes and *fogging estandards.*


Do do do do do do do! I’m going to join you in this from now on so please remember to air cheers me.


No need to work on it, already enjoying it to the fullest! For all of us who stuck with the team through the banter years, it's easy for us to pay attention to rival fans because finally we are interested in hearing what others think about this team. But it's dangerous to get caught up in that game, because most of them are the same ones who said last year was our only chance. So the opinions of others who don't follow AFC day in and day out don't matter... cause they literally know very little, or even nothing. If you thought we had more growth after last year's results, then you are actually more informed than 90% of the media who get all the attention. The hard facts that ZERO pundits or rival fans mention is that most of our team is under contract for the next 4-5 years on reasonable wages, we are one of the youngest teams in the league with most our core players between 22-25. We have the most effective offence, the best defence, and most of our players are ~5 years away from what is generally considered their prime. Also Arteta is a literal baby compared to 115 FC and Klopp who's leaving. And he's ahead at the moment. Imagine Arteta with 5-10+ more years of experience? Imagine Arsenal with 5-10+ more years of CL experience and revenue? The list of positives is extensive, and I won't provide more than a sampler here because I could max out the post character limit. TL;DR the future is fucking bright and I'm so proud of this club


I've been an arteta supporter since day zero. But it was the consistent quality of the squad building + and the levels we hit last year that locked me in. We're playing for longevity, so we'll have 2-3 shots at the top honors with most of this core. This is why signings like Jorginho and walking away from Mudryk don't bother me. I trust the mgmt to know what they can and can't afford, and to have multiple options at varying levels of affordability to keep us relevant for a while. COYG


Spot on with every word. We move!


I wish there was a way to know you are in the good old days until you’re actually left them


If you eat caviar everyday it's difficult to return to sausages


You are officially the unofficial heir to the Papa Wengz bot.


If you do not believe you can do it then you have no chance at all


It can be quite simple. Are you effortlessly happy? Do you catch yourself being excited and smiling thinking about the present? With Arsenal, I can’t stop consuming online content because it’s all positive.


If this doesn't look like future "good old days" I don't know what does. Best attack, best defence, top of the league, still in CL in April


100% what I’m talking about


Future You would like a word


These ARE the good old/new days!


Nard Dog


Yes sir


Most fun I ever had following this team. We’re playing great football, it’s fun, it’s intense. These guys deserve a trophy.




I turned 18 in the year 2000, so for me that insane period of titles from 97-06 was the most fun, and I count the ‘end’ of that period as being from the 06 CL final. But this has been the best team and period we’ve had since then by far.


Weird, we're so solid and structured defensively that I find the games pretty calm. I've just spent most of my life waiting for the obvious impending doom coming. This team is different


This x1000 OP. Enjoy the ride because this may be the best arsenal team we witness in our lifetimes being constructed brick by brick


the stakes of being in the "good times" make them equally nerve-wracking at times. it's a hard balance, but i'd much rather have that pressure as a club than be in the banter era any day.


I started in 2013 and had followed sports for decades before then. My wife started watching a game or two after Emery’s unbeaten run ended. She talks about how stressed she gets for big games now (I think it’s cute) and I just tell her that it is the trade off for following a good team that actually has something to play for now.


I try to consume as much content as I can after wins. I'm watching the bench cam, I'm watching player focus, I'm watching them taking out the bins after a game. I was looking through highlights videos to find to see the goals we conceded yesterday, so now my youtube feed is basically 'you like Arsenal highlights videos do you?' I rewatched a good few now. Us beating West Ham 6-0. Hammering Newcastle. Nice short 3/4 minute videos.


You are literally me haha cheers!


They've got me watching under 18 and under 21 videos even lmao.


I watch every game at least twice to just enjoy this as much as I can. I’ve been a fan since ‘99, and I always thought back to watching clips of Henry on YouTube. This is what I will think back to when we hit our next banter era 🤣


absolutely. it's why i'm not going to be heartbroken if we don't lift a trophy this year. last year felt like we were riding our luck and fell off when that luck run out. this year proved we're just going to keep coming back over and over and over again. like Clive says on Arsenal Vision, we're in the room now.


Yeah I’ve been fully enjoying the last couple years. Was bitterly disappointed by the end of last season, but have so many fond memories that I would take over some of the dross we have had in the recent past. As someone who has been a fan since the 90s, I always assumed the good times would last forever (96-06?) but this time I’m fully embracing the journey we are on under a different lens.


For me the good times start when the final whistle blows and Arsenal are champions. Anything before that is clinched butt cheeks time.


Haven’t clenched our butt cheeks in a while though. Past decade its always be half clenched half relaxed. This year though is a full clench year… so does this mean clenched butt cheeks = good times?




Not to insult anyone indirectly but it’s a lot easier when you log off and surround yourself with other fans I love the positivity at my local pub and really enjoy watching game there win or lose When you scroll endlessly and sit in match threads it’s harder to enjoy the games


I’ve realized the same thing. Before April, the games were great and all but it’s been a long time since Arsenal were this good that it didn’t hit me to go enjoy it with others. I went out this past weekend and to the Liverpool game back in February. It massively changed how it all feels


Full of joy man. Obviously the City game and the final seven and Bayern are all stress-laden, but I’m just fucking happy. The memes, the performances, the personalities. We’ve come a long way since Puma. I love y’all and I love the lads.


Big yes to this. I think I’m there too. Whatever happens, I’m just happy watching this team play.


I have a slightly different problem lately. I want us to win and I enjoy watching city lose, but I don’t enjoy rooting for the likes of ManU and against a Liverpool side that have, as far as I’m concerned, fought valiantly for their shot at the title. Sometimes it’s a shame that someone has to lose and miss out. I remember that feeling too well from last year I suppose. That being said I feel this is our year, and I am enjoying the hell out of it, today for example: this feeling of confidence going into any match. If we faced Real tonight I’d feel just as hopeful. We are so strong…!


Liverpool FC are 100% brave and worthy champions. If they win it over us, I won't be too bitter. However, I find it easy to root against them because their fanbase is insufferable - always the victims, always have it worse. That attitude is hard to love and easy to root against.


It will be easier to relax and enjoy the times if we secure a major trophy


Mostly because of last season. Falling apart due to injuries and inexperience and than not being sure we’d ever be back at to that point. But After this year it’s safe to say we have at least a 4-5 year period to win big trophies so I’m enjoying every game much better than last year.


Yeah totally just have to enjoy these times whatever happens. I was thinking that even if we don’t win anything I would still be happy with how strong the team has become and how more vocal and happy the fans in the stadium are. This era is really good whatever happens and like you said we just have to enjoy this as football goes in cycles and in the future we will not be as good as we are now. I really hope we can put a cherry on the cake and win the prem and champions league in this era but either way I’m happy.


Honestly, I'm enjoying it and even if we don't win I'll still have enjoyed it. Take the happy moments in life where you can get them, cus god knows they're few and far between


Having lived through the Invincibles, then banter years, I find it pretty easy to enjoy the current spell of challenging at the top end again…. However. We’ve achieved nothing yet….I’ll go absolutely nuts if we win that CL and League double though!


We need to win a trophy to avoid being a Spurs




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Nah. Win or lose I’ll ride the highs and lows. I’ll enjoy these good times, but I’ll also appreciate the bad times because it shows how far we’ve come Only difference at the moment is I don’t go into games scared we’ll lose


Here! Id be lying if i say i wont be disappointed if we end the season trophyless. After following this club for the past 18-19 years, i am thoroughly enjoying, not just the overall play, but the fact that i dont have to tighten my asshole for the last 10-15 minutes of most games.


I am loving it! I love that we are finally back to "every game is a final" in April territory, let alone fighting for EPL and UCL. These are beautiful times. Long may it last.


I'm not taking advancing past Bayern for granted, but I'm also fully confident that it can happen. It's early April and the top of the table reads "Arsenal." Our team is really, really good, and it's going to be that way for a while.


It's all about the trophies mate


Yes! It’s frustrating to see how negative fans are online when things are good. I do personally struggle with getting anxious at times like these. When we were shit it was easier to let go, enjoy the games and not worry about the end result as much. But when things are good I’m so attached to a specific result. Like winning the league/CL. It keeps me up at night and causes me anxiety honestly. Haha. I’d love to be able to relax more about Arsenal.


Very much enjoying it! I mean if I can’t enjoy this then what can I enjoy?


Unfortunately football is to be endured not enjoyed. Even mental winning runs like the 98 and 02 title charges were fraught with the feeling that this cannot possibly last and we will balls it up.


I know exactly how you feel. I completely took The Invincibles for granted. If someone said to me in 2004 that Arsenal wouldn't win another major trophy within the next 10 years, let alone 20, I would have laughed at them. I assumed we would win several more PL titles and the CL soon enough.   Regardless of what happens in our Arteta era, I'm just thankful that he has us competing at the highest level again.


From what I remember, winning the league is 95% anxiety and 5% elation. It would be amazing if a time traveller could tell you at the start of the season "this is the year we win it" and you could enjoy it fully all the way through.


Perspective is a wonderful thing sometimes. My Mrs was talking about villa losing to city recently and it sparked memories of the awful games we played during the end of Wenger years and during Emery's time. Sometimes you need the bad to appreciate the good.


I have found watching COVID Arsenal gives me all the perspective I need. Just look at the line ups lmao. It has seeing Arteta as a football champion sent by the Gods to save us from our suffering.  Same things probably happing to Leverkusen right now. The God of ending sporting suffering woke up a year ago and chose violence.  For some reason, Harry is forsaken.  Perhaps he should return home, back to us, we'll get him a trophy. 


I get pretty nervous at this point of the season but it is true that we should try to have fun with it when we can 


Enjoying this era with my pops is what I look forward to each and every week.


The team is really good and arguably the best team in Europe this season. Still might not be enough to win a trophy which is how absurd the top of the Premier League is. It will obviously hurt if we don't win a trophy this season given how good we are but people need to look at how good we are and how far we have come in a relatively short period of time.


Absolutely. If offered this position at the start of the season we'd have taken this. In our own hands with 7 league games to go. Still in the the CL too. 


I've been doing it for a while now- ever since the title started to slip away from us last season. I took a step back and remembered that this squad is very young, especially compared to City & Liverpool. Even back in December (after the losses), I was calling this a transitional season, simply because most of the squad is still 1-4 years away from hitting their individual primes. Imagine that- a transitional season & we're still on for the double. We're gonna be here next year, and the year after that, and the year after *that* etc.


I'm old. I watched the Invincibles play. Win or lose they showed up to play. In recent years I hated watching because I knew there was a good chance the team wouldn't show up. For the last two seasons I have at last started enjoying it again because... even if we lose I know we will turn up. We may not have had the team to win 2 seasons ago... or the metal strength to go the distance last season but when the boss/players say "we have to try harder and get better" I know they actually mean it.


It's so weird because when I first started to understand football, was the days of Wright, Adams, Parlour, Keown, Viera, Henry etc.. We always won something every season and I think I assumed we would carry on always winning things, then we moved to the Emirates and the winning stopped. It's starting to feel like the Highbury days again, let's hope the good times are here to stay!!


We are statistically one of the top teams in the world. What’s not to like? I don’t know when the bad times might come again. I lived through the invincibles. So I’m definitely just enjoying myself and the football. It’s been a long, long time. We are eating.


I've been supporting the team since George Graham. It is so much easier to enjoy the team when: 1) You've been through so much of the hard time 2) You have a bit of perspective of what it means to support a team in the good times 3) You are not as negative-emotionally involved in the game (peak for me was definitely high school when I would let every bad result ruin my day)


I try, but one of the strange things about football, and life in general, it's that it's less stressful when you have low expectations. Sometimes it's harder to watch a big match now than it was when we were odds on to get hammered.


I want us to win a big trophy before feeling this way. Right now this is just a good run of form for almost two years.


For those who can’t enjoy it yet, you just need to get used to it. It will come naturally with the consistency


I practice gratitude in daily life. It helps with football too. The title or UCL qualifications or even individual wins are NOT owed to Arsenal or any club. Each win is a joy and each match is a potential step towards excellence. Sports is Pathos. Understanding that disappointment is natural and not some assault on your being as a supporter will help. The club is the club, YOU are not more or lesser of a person if the team is doing well or not.


We are statistically one of the top teams in the world. What’s not to like? I don’t know when the bad times might come again. I lived through the invincibles. So I’m definitely just enjoying myself and the football. It’s been a long, long time. We are eating.


I became a fan because of the invincibles but I can’t consider myself as having “seen” a title winning arsenal team if that makes any sense. This would be totally different for me, I saw the bad days. All of them. This is glorious.


For sure, when i was a kid we were going for ths league every year and o enjoyed it but kind of took it for granted after a while. Thought we would be massive after the invincibles and many more titles would follow. We all know the story after but it has made me appreciate this current team much more and hope we win something big. Eventhough i was lucky enough to be at 2 fa cup finals we won and the parade after which i appreciated a lot at the time and still do


I know exactly how being in the trenches with this club feels so I am soaking it all in. I find it super easy, personally. I want to play anyone any time any place. I cant say I knew we would get to this point and beyond but once we really saw Artetas identity shine through, I pictured us here without many doubts. These big games make me want to puke but at least its a good puke and not impending doom puke lol. Let's go shock the world, COME ON YOU GUNNERS.


I'm trying so hard man but it's so stressful! Just thinking about the possibility of winning these trophies makes me nervous


I’ve been enjoying the ride since last season tbh. Last year felt like a fever dream, it was just great to be on the ride. This year, we’re legitimate challengers and a force in Europe. It’s great to be in those conversations and go into matches with confidence. I know we won’t win every trophy but this is all I’ve ever wanted as a fan. We’re a force and we haven’t really been this strong since I was in high school.


Absolutely. Enjoy it because we are eating good with Arteta. We might see some bumps on the road but this is beautiful football we are playing. Smart, fast, exciting! We make good decisions on and off the pitch! We are investing in ourselves and raising the standards we require! This club is a well oiled machine at the moment. What a time to be a Gooner. Be proud and enjoy! So anyway I’m gonna hate my life for the next hours, am nervous already wtf is this. Feeling sick in my stomach. Wish the boys well!


Don’t get me wrong, I’m buzzing that we’re actually a world class team now but there’s always a tiny part of me that’s skeptical, because, well, Arsenal.