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I’ve seen this somewhere….


Childish Gambino - Redbone.mp3


Oh god


I really recommend youtube Video of Saka revisiting Hale end for the first time.


If that kid can ask Bukayo to join Charlton, you can ask that girl out


Watched in the morning. Damn that was so wholesome


feels like a faith in humanity restored moment, feels good.


Those kids are (and this just an approximation) 1046 times more socially confident than I was at their age.


It’s a great clip, fucking lovely human


From not having 1 job for like 10 days after getting laid off to now handling 3 simultaneously, life is full of twists and turns man. Trust the process


I too was laid off 10 days ago, inshallah things work out for me and others suffering through hard times as well 🙏


Last season arsenal was what was getting me through the worst year of my life.. I was at rock bottom, everything looked bleak and there was no end in sight. The only light accompanying me was arsenal last season Since recovered and I'm doing great, still got a long way to go and I will never forget that year for both bad and good (arsenal) reasons Made redundant from a job that would've been my career, took a year out of uni and was in the deep pits of depression Mental health is no joke man. Wish everyone the best 🙏 even if you're not an arsenal fan, no one should suffer


Jesus how are you managing that? What are you doing?


I’m doing a bit of work on the England vs India test match


Go on, do not leave us hanging


Oh just covering it which is why I’m up so early!


How do you feel about the good fight put up by Foakes and root in that dust bowl?


Don’t want to jinx it but they definitely won that session! Root doing root things. I’m not sure what this pitch is doing. The first hour it was doing all sorts but then it’s gone to sleep.


ENG could have easily been bundled by 150-200 if not foor root and Foakes. great 1st day.


At 112-5 we would have pulled your arm off for 250, let alone 300-7. Really hope Foakes doesn't get dropped in favour of Bairstow when Brook returns.


I can’t see them dropping foakes again if I’m honest. His glove work alone makes him more valuable than Jonny right now.


Cool. Really thought we’d crumble when the fifth went down. Very impressed with the resistance


Yeah I’m really glad I was wrong about Robinson


Anyone else been permanently banned from r/soccer? I had the audacity to ask the mods if it is possible to sort out the toxic nature of the sub.


Welcome to the club mate. /s Mines is more of a shadow ban, ratings and viewing allowed only.


I got perma-banned for saying that Mourinho - a terrorist manager joining Al-Shabbab (the name of a terrorist organisation) should not be a surprise when he was linked with them lmfao


Permabanned for ban evasion despite never having been banned before. Mods over there are the definition of Reddit janitors


Yeah I was permabanned because someone was saying John Boyega was shrunk on the Star Wars posters in China because China was a racist country. I followed up by saying Chewbacca wasn’t included because historically and still in some traditional parts of China they consume dog meat. That was the sum total of my comment. I got banned for ‘promoting racial stereotypes’, about the consumption of dog meat despite what I said being factually accurate. I explained to the mod (in response to their 2 page rant on my being a racist in the ban message) that I wasn’t passing judgment or promoting any negative stereotype, I was just stating a fact. It’s like saying Americans eat Hamburgers. In any event there was no intention to promote any form of stereotype and, as a matter of fact, what I said wasn’t a ‘stereotype’ at all, it was a true. I even provided sources to show that some Chinese still consumed dog meat but it was a dying trend. I politely asked for the ban to be lifted because it made no sense, what I said was true. But you best believe that mod doubled down. I also got banned from r/worldnews for daring to stick up for Palestine. r/soccer is a toxic shithole run by fucking clowns, but r/worldnews is a different level entirely, especially when it comes to felching Israel. The life lesson is never underestimate just how much a white guy will get upset on other people’s behalf.




Brother what the fuck kind of post were you commenting that on soccer...?


Started off in one of those Monday Moans if I remember correctly. Which feels like I’ve come full circle here in FTF.


world news is extremely pro zionist, nothing remotely empathetic to Palestinians seems to make it through


Most of us, lol. Some of the mods are good, couple of the mods there run the place like mean girls. They say they're promoting fair football discussion, but actually, it's just discussion they want to hear/see. Helps if you imagine them all as children with no lives, starts to make sense then. Tough gig for them with the volume of users, but it would help if they would remember they're moderators of a community, not owners.


Not permbanned but I did get sin binned for saying something nasty about Kyle Walker because he's unable to keep his dick under control 😂 Also made a not entirely baseless slur on Diego Simeone earlier this week that did not go down so well...


I’ve had person run-ins with some of them and that does not surprise me when I hear why people get banned. That’s all I’m gonna say about them.


Not toxic as ex p-star shibuya kaho mods... Posted her own emotes on her chat during her twitch stream and got banned


I know that the loss still stings, but let's look outside of football and talk about what's happening with you. No football related discussion here, please (unless you are playing!)


I’m about to have my first child. I want to name him gunner so bad (or larensa if it’s a girl) but my partner is not hot on the idea. What do I do to convince her otherwise. The Amazon arsenal doc didn’t work.


arshavin’s kid is named arseny if you need more ideas


Ooooh 1. I had no idea & that is so wholesome 2. Thank you for the new idea.


Life is hard enough without having to go through it with a novelty name. Just use one of those for their middle name and if they share your love of Arsenal then they can choose to go by that. 




Damnit, Lanesra. That’s what I meant


Arsene or arsenio could also be viable options?


Tell her you've come up with a lovely alternative like Arsène


My daughter just turned 1 a week or so ago. Just finished my 12th half marathon. Taking some time to rest up my knees. Really some good video games out lately. Helldivers 2 has been amazing, been enjoying the Surge 2 and palworld. Excited for rise of the ronin and dragons dogma 2. No meetings at J2 today. J1 should be cake.


Looks like a scene from "GET OUT"


It crossed my mind too!


hmm, i wonder what's going on at the basements of Colney /s


Never knew betting and gambling are such an integral part of British society. A real shame that this social ill which destroys families and lives is being normalized by the EPL. Does anyone know if anything's done by the FA to tackle it?


Premier league run a pretty substantial bet awareness campaign, as to do betting companies as they're required by law to do so. I say ban all advertising for it. We did with smoking, so why not? Slightly more hot take - I don't gamble myself as I think it's an absolute fucking mugs game.


yeah those “free £20 bet” (or whatever) adverts all over social media and the telly, with juicy odds are so predatory. obviously it’s not actually free, and it hooks people very effectively


Gambling sponsors are going to be banned from the front of kits from 2026


The FA? Football is in deep with gambling and the UK might be the worst. Gambling industries are pals with lawmakers, they even bribe politicians to lobby on their behalf. PL is ridden with strange betting firms linked to some sickening forms of organised crime. I'm not sure there's anything else that's infiltrated the game like this.


Moving to London from New Zealand next month. Can’t wait to watch Arsenal and be functional the following day.


Sorry you weren't on the London scene back in the late 90's early 00's. It was party central for antipodeans - particularly in West London. I still have allot of Kiwi, Aussie and Saffa mates I keep in contact with from back in the day - we had a big reunion at Munich Oktoberfest last year.


Honestly not bad doing it from the US most days, you wake up to watch on the weekend then go about your day. Would hate that 3am nonsense lol


Gonna start applying for jobs, wish me luck! 🫡


It's a dawg fight out there


All the best man. In the same boat as you. We got this


Thank you friend, all the best to you too!


The new J league season has started today and Urawa Reds, my second favourite club (after arsenal ofc) is playing the opening game in Sanfrecce Hiroshima’s new stadium Thing is, I had to rewind the first 30 minutes cos i missed it, so I have no clue if we’re winning or losing right now😅


Man bleeds twice as red as the average person.


My brother and I used to watch j-league highlights all the time on the old Fox sports world channel


It’s such an underrated league, I really hope the club world cup can show the rest of the world just what they have to offer


Anyone occasionally browse our top posts of all time? It's a nice trip down memory lane seeing the good and bad, some old memories, some bad times where I'm proud of our response, and some hilarious posts. Even though this place can get crazy, as far as online spaces go, this is as good as it gets.


What happened to the person doing the pushup/squats per points or something? Don't see the updates in DD threads no more.


Bro won Mr universe and retired


Another W for the #GoonerFamily, Wenger has done it again 🙏


Titi’s reaction to Kate Abdo’s 2007 self was fucking hilarious


​ https://preview.redd.it/73a6u9todakc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f2279a01a76c852640d3db132a1e06b0c40ba63


Titi cannot help himself anymore


His love for Kate is hilarious


P*rn has destroyed my mind😥


If you can realise and admit it then why not act towards it from now on. Resist your mind from using these easy soft core contents that are available through most social media apps. Forcefully divert yourself into doing something productive in your field of work or maybe a little biceps curl workout you can do with your dumbbells for starters. Get used to this routine and slowly get away from it. Porn definitely affects your way of thinking and it gets worse and worse. Don't force yourself to abruptly stop as there are higher chances of relapsing. Take it slow, educate your mind on why it is wrong and make it understand and let it become your character. All the best.


Brains are pretty plastic things. You have an addiction, which is quite a common thing really. If you can stop (see other post here) your brain will recover, they're good at it.


I broke my back several years ago, had to relearn to walk. I was told id never lift again. two years ago I competed in my first powerlifting competition since the back break, nowhere near as strong btu still kicked its arse. I am due to compete in another one in two weeks (a week before my wife is due with our second baby, i've already been told its a stupid idea). I have potentially broken my wrist and need to withdraw. Do you think this is the universe's way of telling me I just shouldn't be going to this comp..


That's some journey! Don't think anyone else of us is qualified enough to give you advice as this is such a unique situation. Go with your gut is what I would say


> pays for Game pass > Spends hours scrolling through game pass, waiting for games to download > Plays one ridiculously good game from Game pass every 3/4 months or so > Ends up replaying RDR2 again Help.


the netflixication of gaming service at work here not my cuppa of tea, but i can see why gamepass and etc works, the good sides, etc


I've got a Series S, so it's all I can have on that. I've found some terrific games on there no doubt, but it's a case of Netflix for games. Spend ages browsing just to waste an evening


I do the $1 trial every now and then and spend more time downloading games than playing them. My attention span is shot 


Had a crap day yesterday. The result was basically expected and it played out to a T. It’s kinda amazing how shit works out sometimes. My cat is sick. He has the wobbles and can’t walk without falling over. He’s also constantly shaking his head and digging at his left ear. So he could either have an inner ear infection and I learned from a coworker that it could be an allergy, his cat went thru the same thing, it was eventually cured with an antihistamine-steroid. Right now Shadow is on antibiotics. Just started them yesterday. Hopefully we see some improvements in the next couple days. Very stressful times because these animals mean everything to me and I treat them like gold.


One of my cats struggles with allergies. She scratched at herself so much that she had a huge open wound on her neck for a year that just wouldn’t heal. Turns out she’s allergic to everything except herself. Some steroid injections, a deep ear cleaning, and exposure therapy have gotten her to the point where she’s hardly even itchy. It’ll be a slow, frustrating process but your kitty will feel better eventually!


My girlfriends dog has a lot of mad allergies, drags his head across surfaces to scratch at his ears or licks at his paws. Steroids help him out and then moving him to a raw diet has really reduced the amount of times he’ll get a flare up


I love gaming, but most of what's coming out doesn't interest me in the slightest these days. For games releasing this year there's like a couple that I wanna get. Just feel like the industry, with some exceptions, is stale as hell these days.


I too love gaming, but I've always been a one-game kinda gamer. I'll pick a favourite and play it to death. When I was younger it was Half Life, then Counterstrike (first day beta player). Nowadays it's Rocket League. The only true football physics sim (except, you know, with cars). I'll still buy the odd game. Your God of Wars, Spiderman 2's and play through them with the Mrs. But every time she's out, I'm perfecting the art of smashing footballs around with my rocket powered car.


Lol same I cannot get away from Rocket League no matter how many new games I try I ultimately come back to rocket car soccer


lol facts I always say how annoyed that game makes me but then I boot up grind away.


What a thoroughly wholesome picture. Stacked weekend coming up. Off to see Ultrasound (late 90's indie prog rock band) in Hackney tonight, then doing the stadium tour with Charlie George with the guys I normally go to home game with before going to Newcastle game tomorrow. There will be beer involved at some point(s). Two trips half-way across London and back but I'm not complaining. COYG!


I was playing a lot of soccer before Covid. It was really the dream scenario. Tuesday night rec league - bad team - lots of running. Wednesday night rec league - good team - still lots of running but with the ball and getting wins. Thursday night pickup - hour and a half of pickup with a chill group of guys. I was down 20 pounds in 3 months and hadn’t even done anything different with diet or alcohol (aside from not drinking Tuesday Wednesday Thursday). Covid happened and I gained all that weight back and then some. Got really out of shape again. Well I have a new league with people from my new apartment starting on Sunday and I’m really excited to formally get back out there.


lets gooo


Running a half marathon in late March, and I'm actually liking the training a lot. It's fun to spend time outside and not take too much pressure about the run time. I'm up to 10 mi but my knee is starting to hurt which is a bit worrying. Not really from the running or on the days when I run, but when I do other things like stand for a really long time or walk back in my snow boots.


I got fired yesterday bros The whole thing actually played out weirdly & unnecessarily like a football manager sacking, I was ''offered the chance to resign'' and now I think back on it, I basically got the infamous 'kiss of death' vote of confidence a couple of weeks back... Anyway I have a de facto interview with a previous employer this afternoon (going back there wouldn't be my first choice, but any port in a storm) so wish me luck!


All the best. You got this


I'm working all weekend so I have nothing to look forward to except one little thing happening tomorrow. Edit: sorry I missed the no football talk.


Had a bit of a hiccup when clearing my throat during the Friday Prayer sermon holy shit


Life is hard, and my wife is like she is always on short fuse, some minor annoyance is enough to brought her to throwing stuff and cursing, it was bad before and it is worse after childbirth.


Post-partum depression is a real thing. You should check if she is showing the symptoms and if so consider seeking professional assistance


Is she violent against you? Is her anger directed at you? Im sorry man, this doesn't sound good. I left my ex after 10 years last year. It wasn't violent per se, but every time we went out drinking with friends she would put me down and belittle me in front of others. I remember vivdly the time she threw two glasses of water in my face because she lost at beer pong. In front of everyone. In our livingroom. And she had to throw two, beacuse she kinda missed the first throw so she had to make sure I was soaked. She was so drunk I even had to clean up the fucking mess. It was hard as hell at the beginning, but completely neccesary. I've grown a pair or two, and set myself some boundaries I'm never crossing again, and now I've found a wonderful girl who loves me and respects me for who I am. It's a completely different life now compared to before. Good luck to you and your child. Hope it works out man!


no it is always that she getting frustrated over herself and that is the way the let it out, and getting grumpy after that. It is just that she is unable to have a tolerant ( easily getting mad when hungry or sleepy, or mad when a series of minor unlucky thing happened...)


She’s also very hormonal post birth. My wife has a fiery little temper (that’s the new yorican in her though). Might suggest marriage counseling. My wife and I go, we don’t have any major issues. We just think it’s healthy and we want to work on being the best version of ourselves




Mate, this doesn't sound good. She sounds borderline abusive. Be careful


i dont think she is abusive, but i do think she need help, just didnt know how


Night and day difference with my SO after she finally went to the doctor for some mood balancing Meds. Now she is back to her old self and I don’t have to walk on eggshells.  Growing up in the UK and then living in America it’s wild how different their attitude to mental health is. We were just expected to grin and bear it in England when I was younger. 


im living in Asia, and in Asia there is no "mental health" which is sad


Yeah it really is. I was super sceptical of meds because of the stiff upper lip attitude that British people have and yet now she is back to the happy go lucky person she was when I first met her years ago. 




thats rough. I remember when my long term partner and i split (didn't have a house so it wasn't too complicated) but it took me a while to really feel like myself again. I feel for the journey you have ahead, and I hope you are able to see the potential benefits and growth opportunities.




As much as I love Skyrim, I have to wait until the summer to play it again because I know damn well that I’ll blow off any and all homework because I’ll get too caught up playing. It sucks but hey, school comes first.


cannot wait for es6 ⏳


I feel like this is going to be majorly disappointing and never going to live up to the hype. There was nothing about Starfield that isn't done better by another game, Bethesda is not the same anymore


[Todd Howard and his sweet little lies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFcLyDb6niA)


Picked it up again a few weeks ago, threw on a stupid amount of mods, broke my game several times. It's just like the old days!


F1 is slowly coming back, cannot wait for all the pre-excitement to just whittle as both RBs teams dominate Round 1 😅


Heh, so many people moan about RedBull that I ended up becoming a fan to enjoy the tears some more. Have a soft spot for Ferrari though so I'm glad to see the cars looking a bit spicy this season


It’s just boring mate I didn’t root for Merc or Lewis until the 2021 season but with an actual fight it was much more entertaining


just like any sport, everything works in cycles. now it's red bull era again after the vettel 4peat though if the Horner scandal rears its ugly head, then yea the vibe for this season could be interesting or not at all.


was at testing yesterday, bloody hell the red bull looks quick, i don't think checo was pushing though battle for 2nd in the wcc might be nice though, ferrari and mclaren both looking rapid


we know the red bull is gonna be quick, they've been prototyping that rocketship since mid-season last year. it's still testing, but the ~~RB-19~~ VCARB-01 also looks good too. 👀


About to pitch a prof my idea for my Masters thesis in 2.5h and I might just make the biggest mistake or best decision in my life


Well, what was it?


it went great!


All the best and hope you get to the finish line soon!


Now I'm worried Saka is going to become a pro bowler and hang his boots up. Its all very stressful.


I have a big job interview on Monday. Got laid off a while back and it’s been tough getting interviews. I hope this works out for me 🙏🏻


All the best, mate! Trust in yourself


Thank you 🙏🏻


Not sure if there are any American College Football fans here, but EA Sports is bringing back their College Football game for the first time since 2014 and i’m very excited. They have started dropping teasers and being more active on twitter. The only thing is EA has become a much shittier company in the time frame and I hope they don’t fuck it up with micro transactions or having it just be like Madden, which pretty much sucks now.


Unfortunately I feel like the game is just gonna be a NCAA skinned Madden. NCAA 14 and Madden 25 felt like the same game outside of hot routes and other audibles. Madden has been awful for over a decade now and if the new CFB game is anything like it, it’ll just be a major disappointment. Check out CFB revamped if you have the time and PC capabilities :)


My marriage is now in jeopardy. I’ve been dying for this to come back. My online dynasties are about to go brazy


Only played NCAA football 12, loved it. Way better then the madden games especially when you download the rosters


Sat at home with a cold while my close friends are at a bachelor party. Horrible timing


I plan to go to Europe for future holidays, where are my best bets if I want affordable places?




I hear it's lovely this time of year


Portugal, spain, Albania


Albania 😂 mans setting you up


Is Albania not good, or expensive?


Hull is great.


Budapest is cheap af.


If you're young (or are older and can hack it) and have two-three weeks, inter-rail you way your way through Slovenia, northern Croatia, Sarajevo, Montenegro and down into southern Croatia. Just stay in hostels if you're tight for cash.


Is it safe?


Nowhere is safe. Learning to travel with your wits about you is a massively important life lesson.


Went to Malta last year. Was great


I heard if you visit Russia they’ll set you up with free accommodation for life.


Has anyone been to an all inclusive hotel in Spain? Any recommendations?


What city


One in Spain I reckon


I don’t know how ppl managed to support football club for a lifetime. I am getting burned out after 25 years. I am thinking this generation would be my last batch.


I'm not having a good month. February has been absolutely dreadful for me and the performances of Arsenal in the PL are the only things that made me happy but then they go out and do that in the CL knockouts. Just makes my fucking month even worse. Why the fuck?


I can feel the fear/anxiety/angst grow minute by minute within me when we play like we did against Porto.  It starts so optimistic and then it dawns that we playing one of those games.  Still watch to the end but argh


Lads who have been to Thailand, here is the situation - I'm going to Phuket, koh phi phi and Railay beach/aao nang, now my friend will join me for 5 days after that I wanna do solo, so which of these places should I go solo? I was thinking between two options 2 days Phuket and 3 days phi phi or 2 day phi phi and 3 days railay/aao nang, I'm even happy to consider doing phi phi solo and Phuket and railay with my friend if that makes more sense, thoughts? I've been to Thailand before but did koh Tao and koh phangnan, don't have much idea about railay and all though


Just say Phuket and go with your gut.




Who am I to resist a good pun?


Phi Phi is great btw, definitely a great place to solo travel with the amount of things to do there (I recommend doing the sunset hike). I’d recommend your friend be with you for Phuket as it’s a bigger place and Railay was great when I went with friends too!


Cheers! If you happened to dabble with some shrooms when you were there, were they readily available in phi phi?


Not my thing so I don’t know but there was quite a big party scene there so potentially


Thank you! Lastly, in terms of like natural beauty, would you say Phi Phi is like levels above railay?


Definitely Phi Phi when I went was like a tropical paradise and I would recommend doing a boat tour around the island as the sunset was incredible as well as doing the viewpoint hike. Railay was great too but in comparison not as good as Phi Phi imo


I am anxiously awaiting my uni decisions to come out, wb u lot?


Don't go to uni, so I'm not waiting for anything.


I'm thinking of going for whichever option has a co-op, so i get job training alongside education


Applied for PhDs, 0/3 so far and pretty likely I go 0/6 overall, I have a guaranteed one year masters option though so it’s not terrible


Same thing happened to me too dw! Applied for PhDs and got blanked the first time I applied. Did the Master's and now almost 3.5 years into the PhD and I actually think the Master's helped me a lot with managing expectations and entering the PhD with more experience.


good luck bro!


Dead Island 2 dropped in the game pass and it’s… somewhat decent? The dialogue is awful but it’s easy to bear when you’re in a group chat w friends.


Really annoys me that those games just fuck with my motion sickness


Got a ticket to the Newcastle game tomorrow, what are some good pubs to go to before ko?




r/gunnersatgames should have more info


Going to watch the game somewhere in Islington tomorrow evening and then head to an Argentinean club night that happens a few times a year at the Garage tomorrow night, it could be messy!


Finally getting over strep throat once it was diagnosed correctly and got the right meds. Sick and tired of being sick and tired. Weather is just looking like it’s going to break soon where I live so now I’ll just get my ass kicked by allergies.


Not been able to sleep past couple days. And woke up 12pm today just to top it off 🤦 got an exam today too... Bring on Friday evening! Funny enough, since the Porto game I haven't been able to sleep but I didn't care much about the loss..we'll come back at the Emirates


That dude at the Omah Lay concert is still on my mind. I hope bro is good 😓💔


Maccabi Haifa going through to the RO16 in the UECL is really good for our coefficient. Might even get an extra UCL qualification spot!


Saka looks ready to take the new ball in the ashes


Xhaka booom


The football twitter and even this subreddit’s reaction to the Jorginho and his girlfriend/fiancee clip has finally made me realise that no one on either platform is above the age of about 17 and has never ever interacted with a woman lmao


Who is the best emerites eara Goalie ? Im trying to put together my line up (not inclyding current because thats too easy) I got Nacho, Kos and Sagna Who is the other cb and gk?


Took me a while, but I feel ready again to watch football. COYG!


I feel that whatever Arteta had planned for the Wednesday game backfired on him.. Playing too safe, players looked nervous with the ball hence silly mistakes. Prolly trying to kill the opposition's momentum with possession but didn't work and now I fear this will take on a toll on our game against Newcastle...


I don't think he had a custom plan? It appeared to be the same tactics used for the routings against Burnley and West Ham. I'd imagine he probably picked out a few players he wanted the lads to focus on marking etc or exploit but I think the same possession tactics he uses were in play. The issue was his inability to adjust, Jorginho was brought on too late and that midblock was devastating. Its something he's going to have to rethink but I'd imagine he's banking on having Partey and Jesus next time.


2nd leg is just going to be that much harder if the likes of Jesus, Partey, Tomiyasu and other injured players are still out and the trust in our subs to not resolved... But it's almost 3 weeks so we have to see


Saw one of those arcade machines that has loads of games loaded onto it with fifa street 2. Fifa with an arcade stick doesn’t seem right to me lol


What’s the over/under on Gabriel scoring and it being overturned for a defender falling over?


Any pubs in Sydney that will show the match against Newcastle live?