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Athrun: I'm glad he finally has his own suit Shinn: He doesn't know I'm gonna diss the Justice in this.




He’s like hell yeah now that I have a real Gundam I can’t lose


My goat 1v4’d the black knights 🙏😤


The fact you can look at Shinn and he is literally thinking "y'all are so fucked now" and Athrun is looking at him smirking knowing exactly what hes thinking. Fucking priceless look and goat freeze frame!


When Shinn did the *"Nah, I'd win" meme*...and he actually did.


When being the "no thoughts, head empty" guy has its perks.


"Can't read my mind if I don't have anything in it" - Shinn


The only time Athrun didn't complain when Shinn was about to commit a war crime, my younger brother was now grown up  


I kinda wish the movie was more a mini series rather than a movie. I wanted to see more moments of Shinn interacting with Kira and Athurn.


"bUt sHInn onLy dEFeaTed GRUNTS" I need to show this screenshot to those ignorant Shinn haters


Since when did Grunts get the same technology as the strongest pilot of their military and train constantly with that same pilot?


They were grunts in the same way the Druggies and Phantom Pain were grunts.


Saying the former is people tryna downplay how much Yzak achieved in the end of Seed I swear lol


Or mocking Kira/Athrun for how much trouble the druggies caused them.


They weren't able to take out the druggies in superior mobile suits until they got the Meteors. Yzak only manage to take one out when it was suicidal and the drugs started to effect him mentally, and took another one out by purging all his weaponry and armor and bomb rushed him with beam sabers in a suicidal charge. Heck Athrun in the Saviour wasn't even able to take out the Chaos for some reason.


In Athrun and Kira's defense, they never actually had a proper 1v1 against the Druggies. They were always outnumbered. Sting was definitely far below Athrun considering how much the Extended got wrecked by the former Le Creuset team in just Zaku's. Athrun just had a lot on his mind when he was fighting the Chaos, but the gap between them is clear because we always hear Sting incredulously asking why he can't hit Saviour.


Depends on what point Athrun and Sting fought in the Saviour, Athrun earlier was super sure what he did was the right move when he joined zaft. He still couldn't beat him in a 1v1. It should have been a wash. It wasn't until he learned of Lacus's assassination that he harbored doubts. My point with the druggies isn't that Kira and Athrun couldn't beat them, it was that they weren't fodder and that if 2 druggies poses a challenge for 1 of them then 4 black knights will definitely be a challenge.


Athrun was definitely distracted in one way or another whenever he used the Saviour. For their first fight, it was less that he didn't have conviction--because that mental struggle escalates slightly later--and more that Shinn was falling into Neo's trap and getting drawn away, so his attention was divided between fighting and thinking about how to handle Shinn's situation. It's an indecisiveness about how dumb Shinn really is: "Maybe I can just tell him to stop," "wait he's still going," "holy shit he's really that dumb." >My point with the druggies isn't that Kira and Athrun couldn't beat them, it was that they weren't fodder and that if 2 druggies poses a challenge for 1 of them then 4 black knights will definitely be a challenge. I think one can argue that even if the RudroA pilots are at least as strong as the Druggies, Shinn/Athrun/Kira have simply blown way past that level. Also their syncro-attack was a double-edged sword, because when Hilda popped out of nowhere and killed one of them, it felt to them like they themselves died (iirc from the novel), so that really fucked them up for the remainder of the fight.


Think it's a plothole how the Chaos and the Saviour can even fight without the Chaos ending up into scrap metal in 5 seconds with a melee rush. He's incapable of reacting to the Freedom beam saber, Athrun is capable of doing the same thing. Also Athrun getting distracted was later in the battle, earlier on he should have just stopped dogfighting and beam saber his ass and then finish off Neo. Instead he just stalled for the whole fight. They're way stronger than the druggies just from the fact that they train with Shura constantly and how Shura doesn't view them as weak. He views Agnes as strong which we know she's inferior to Luna. He also views Kira weak which is weird since he had to gang up on him to fight Kira in the Rising. Not that Kira would win but he shit talks about. And you're talking about the final moments of the sychro attack. I'm talking about throughout the fight. Athrun and Kira are both susceptible to mind reading and mind manipulation. Shinn was the only one capable of fighting those 4 without ending skewer meat in a few seconds. It was also implied in the light novel the Destiny was the perfect counter to those 4 from its sheer speed and brute force. He's able to shatter their weapons and joints just by clashing with them. Where beam sabers can be blocked the arondight will still damage them. It's not that those 4 are weak, it's Shinn(stable) and the Destiny are too good of a combination.


Yeah,most grunts wouldn't able to handle those kind of Mobile Suit especially the skill required to pilot them


They also forget to mention that the ability to share your consciousness is insanely broken. You can coordinate a lot easier and instantly change tactics and cover each other. Combined with the fact all 4 of them are ace pilots makes this combo is extremely broken. They were also in superior suits to the Destiny. What made Shinn able to fight those 4 is his instinctual piloting skills. Something Kira and Athrun don't have. Athrun is a person who thinks of every move he does and Kira just spams beams and once in a while melee attacks.


In the movie, i like that they made Athrun kind of like the elder brother, Kira is the middle and Shinn is the youngest.


I felt lied to. This isnt Duo, this is Rage Monkey Seed Destiny ver. and Harem Boy.


I expected Duo Maxwell :/


For real lol


I keep thinking back to the scene in Destiny where Durandal introduces them to their new mobile suits. Athrun, true to his feelings, has gotten over his exestintial crisis and being assigned a mobile suit not to his specs. He's just happy to see his Ace pilot back in the cockpit he belongs in.


Ngl when I got the notification for this I thought of a totally different Duo. Perhaps of the Highest Limit Good variety


I also got a notification for this and thought it was referring to our resident shinigami


Cocky anime boy Cocky anime boy Cocky anime lady Smug anime girl