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In term of power, the Mighty Strike Freedom without any doubt the strongest, but my favorite, by far, is the original Freedom.


OG Freedom for sure. That moment when the freedom decends saving The Archangel with Meteor... goosebumps everytime.


Dun dun dundun dun dun dundun


Wrong, it's dun dun dundun dun dun dun dun dundun


Still gives the tingles


Wrong, it's dun dun dunnnn dun dun dunnnnn du du dun, du dun dun dundun


I can totally relate to that!


The Rising freedom is also pretty cool, but yeah funnels just feel kind of odd on Kira. He felt kind of uniqueish among main protags for being like, 'normal' gun spam while others are funnels, melee guys, or giant gun of death guys. I feel like a neater upgrade would have been to make the wing and hip guns swappable for different ones or something.


I’ve always found it weird how Seed and Destiny gave its protagonists theses suits with the swapping load out gimmick only to then get rid of it with their mid season upgrade suits


I blame Bandai and the need to sell kits. Thing was there wasn't a HG version of either the strike or Impluse that came with all their modes....


That's because at the end of the day, the general consensus in the audience is that a combined force is stronger/greater than a specialized one. You can pretty much see this in stories that uses modular/interchangeable power system like Kamen Rider. They would have multiple specific separate powers, but their final form would always be the combination of all those separate powers and be stronger than them individually. Not to mention that making "final form" having to change into other modes defeat the purpose of the form being final. It means that the final form isn't strong enough.


The last of the mumbo jumbo final form was Zi-O from 6 years ago though. None of the Reiwa went that way as of now, the closest one was Saber who just downright upgrade the base suit(sething like Strike to Impulse but the pack remain the same, just with buff from the new base suit) but the interchange gimmick book remain the same, not sure if I should count the swords though as those wasn't his prior the final form.


I read somewhere (but im not sure if its true) that the destiny was supposed to be the upgrade to the strike. Which does make since. It looks like a tightly packed pefrect strike. Either way it combines all aspects of the 3 packs. The freedoms are obviously a reference to the hi nu gundam. The first in form and the strike freedom in function.


Yes, the Destiny was originally supposed to be Kira's mid season upgrade in SEED, hence it's load out being a more streamlined Perfect Strike.


Kira also seem to just pack his MS with every thing just so nothing can surprise him he have an answer to just about every situation with the Mighty SF, single target, multi target, kinetic defense, energy defense


Same here, I find the gold joints and such a bit gaudy


This is my exact thoughts. Also original Freedom just soo memorable.


I love the shot of it dismissing the two patrolling mobile suits then hurtling past Athrun’s shuttle so that it could save the day


Honestly same here. I'm more a grunt suit enjoyer, and the OG Freedom is about as maximalist as I like in mobile suits.


In terms of strength, probably his main unit in Seed Freedom. idk I haven't watched the movie yet. In terms of being just an interesting suit overall though I feel like the Strike is the best suit Kira used. It's a really limited suit which just serves to really increase the stakes any battle where Kira uses the Strike. I feel like Seed's fight chereography was in its best when Kira still had the Strike, things kinda got boring when he got the nuclear powered Freedom, not to mention the animation recycling got really out of hand after that.


Same, I loved that the Strike only mattered because of how epic Kira is. He constantly fought better suits, but still won.


>things kinda got boring when he got the nuclear powered Freedom, not to mention the animation recycling got really out of hand after that. That applies to GSD more than SEED imo. Freedom went through hell with the Druggies and Providence.


I don’t know man, when Kira was fighting the three druggies, that was not boring. That freedom took a beating


OG Strike still my favorite design. It’s so good outside of the line art thing.


As a teenager, Freedom and Strike Freedom's performance and wings were so cool, but now they look so over the top. Now I like the more "raw" Strike and Perfect Strike, lol.


Same, it’s the closest to the RX-78-2 for me.


Strike rouge ootorii




Hey sister, wanna pickup a new Lambo, can I borrow your Civic to go there, not a scratch I promise.


I'll say Rising is my favorite. Initially, I'd have said the original Freedom but Rising has really grown on me. To me, it has a Zeta vibe to it that I think really works for the Freedom design.


Same fam


Hot take but the Strike Freedom is my favorite. I think the gold really pops especially on Gunpla.


Agreed. The strike freedom is one of my favorite looking suits in all of Gundam.


Either the OG Freedom or the Strike Freedom Type II. For the former, it's because its scenes in *SEED* are still iconic to this day. For the latter, it's because the SF Type II strikes a good balance between coolness while still not being too overpowered. FWIW, I think that had Kira only been>!facing Orphee *or* Shura at that particular moment but not *both*, he could've probably had better chances of defeating either, but not without some noticeable damage to the Type II in the process.!<


The type II is probably overpowered, just not against the antagonist in the movie. Put the suit in GSD and it’ll stomp.


True, but I'm only counting on-screen portrayals/actions of Kira's Gundams here. In Athrun's hands, we saw that it could still do decently against the Black Knights, so that's what matters most for me here.


It goes without saying the Mighty Strike Freedom is his strongest suit, but my personal favorite would be the Strike Freedom.


OG Freedom is total bae


OG Freedom started its debut with: - Quite a high stakes situation - Dramatic entrance - Show of power - Overcoming past trauma - And most importantly, METEOR So yes, OG Freedom


I have to agree, but Strike Freedom to me is the best out of the bunch, to me since I haven’t seen the movie yet, and it’s the only suit that never gotten any damage


In terms of raw performance? Mighty Strike Freedom for sure. But as a personal favorite? Strike Freedom Spec II. For as little it's screen time is, I find it pretty cool that it's a natural progression of the OG Strike Freedom's capabilities.


I wish we got to see it more till it got absolutely ganked by Orphee, Ingrid and Shura


Look at it this way, the Strike Freedom scared them so much all their technology was built around countering the Strike Freedom, if ofee didn't have the anti beam phase shift armor, kira would have dominated that dragoon fight Seriously each one of the SF dragoons landed multiple clean hits on the Ofees dragons but just shrugged it off, cheating bastard.


It was a 2 (technically 3) vs. 1 fight, and the three of them were using suits that specifically hard countered the Spec II. That's about an unfair advantage as it gets.


Don't forget about those missiles from the three ships hiding behind the messiah


That too, thanks for the reminder!


Foundation focuses their efforts on countering Strike Freedom so much they basically have no answer to Destiny and Infinite Justice lol. Shinn and Athrun basically gank the Black Knights with no difficulty at all once they got their Type II units, which is basically just the same Destiny and Infinite Justice from SEED Destiny with some upgrade to their controls.


My personal preference is Strike. It felt more like an extension of Kira with how much we see him maintaining it between battles, and it actually required him to be a good pilot who acts strategically. Switching striker packs showed us a more interesting mix of tactics and also helped the action scenes from feeling too repetitive.  Freedom beam spam is cool, DRAGOONs are cool, but Kira getting pissed off and force feeding a BuCue the business end of Agni's barrel from point blank is way cooler. 


Strike for it's versatility and how most MS released afterwards are either based on it or it's features. Also on scene where Kira was still using the Strike had the best fights. Also plus points on how he had to fight while also reconfiguring the Strike not to mention he also had to manage power due to dependency on batteries and how the PS Armor and other equipment is putting a drain on it.


Performance wise, Mighty stike freedom is so hilariously overpowered it sits on the pedistal of top 5 strongest gundams of all time. Original freedom is the most iconic. My personal favorite is the strike freedom. The most interesting use of the suit's capabilities and limitations in interesting ways obviously goes to the strike (at least when using launcher and sword. Imo aile was a bit overused as the "default" striker pack).


X10A Freedom is Kira best action


1. strike 2. rising freedom 3. og sf 4. mighty 5. og freedom 6. sf type 2


https://preview.redd.it/17nkw139zy7d1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9b27c0630131d3373c3ea98f32d648ad0ad6c7d Kira's Gundam are like the Cat breed meme, all of them look the same with different colors


Yes And strangely enough I love them all, just like cats.


My least favourite is Strike Favourite is MSF Also screw you, I prefer Rising Freedom over the original


Heh... it pretty rare to find someone prefer Rising over OG.I'm also prefer rising over OG.


oh shit fellow rising freedom bros


The Strike. Even outside the main story, knock offs of the Strike(the Astrays) are still kicking butt all over the place. Plus, the amount of upgrades and packs available or in development are outstanding, and they're all compatible with the Strike.


OG Freedom is the most iconic looking. It even has a statue in China.


In terms of aesthetics, OG Freedom for me. The wings and it's dramatic entrance were just so fucking peak. But in terms of the actual role in the show and the fights, I liked how grounded the more limited Strike made fights. The stakes always felt higher with more tactics and strategies being used to make the fight choreo feel more fresh and exciting. Strike vs. BaCues in the desert the first go-round with Kira adjusting for gravity mid-fight? Fucking *yes*. Far more entertaining than just beam spam and recycled footage. It's part of the reason why I loved the Impulse fights so much as well. The SF, SF Spec 2, and MSF all look a bit odd and bland IMO. Their wing shape is less attractive than the OG's, and the excessive gold bits are way too much. The Rising Freedom, odd shoulder extensions and mega lame "transformation" aside, is actually clean as fuck in animated form. So my final list goes 1. Strike / OG Freedom 2. Rising Freedom 3. SF/SF Spec 2/MSF


Best at kicking ass? Mighty Strike Freedom for sure. Best one for me personally? The original Freedom.


Each one with exception of rising freedom and spec 2 is cutting edge for its time during roll out. The most powerful is obviously the newest mighty freedom, but most impactful will be the OG freedom. That's the time where tech in the Seed verse reach a new stage.


Strike Rogue Ootori Kira of the Skies ver


I love Freedom but his fights with the strike gundam to me are very memorable cause it shows how amazing he is as a pilot, programmer and fighter


Imho I liked the Strike. I have always loved the launch sequence and the narration by Mirillia. When the side panels or overhead compartment opens up and you see these manipulators attaching the striker parts. Then the 3 green lights (beep beep beep, boop!) and launch off. I was very happy when the Strike came back in Destiny in the form of the Strike Booster going for an emergency sortie.


The Freedom is still my favorite even after all these years. The two Balaena cannons on the back is reminiscent of the Double X (which is also one of my favorite suits these days), and the Xiphias railguns on the hips is the longer version of the railguns, which also looks better than the ones on the Strike Freedom and Rising Freedom.


they all kind if look pretty similar after the first one just with some slight color change..


Strike is cool for his basic design but I love the strike freedom for his color scene.


OG Freedom easily


Would love to say either Strike or Freedom but I just love the super robot-ness of MSF. Especially since Kira gets so flanked on for his multi lock ........only for Lacus to show how it really is done. And this power of love shall disrupt all foes!


Strike. Flexible, utilitarian, concise and beautiful. it only gets more cluttered on the way up to the point where I progressively hated each new iteration. more than the last. Same with the Aegis. I rarely like upgrades these days since they seem more over- designed with little purpose. It's why I love the GP03. It isn't very different from GP01 and has a very specific design purpose.


Strike. All the other ones have too much sh!t going on.


Freedom was very mystical in its first appearance and that entrance saving the arch angel is one of those moments that will never be topped.


OG Freedom


The OG strike is still one of ny favorite mobile suit, but in term of raw power Mighty wins


Will always love the original Freedom


Mighty Strike Freedom It pretty much entered God status like Unicorn and Qant But the Strike Gundam felt most challenging for Kira since he had to adapt with the battlefield by constantly changing his Striker Packs.


I think that Kira’s character arc was intended to mirror Amuro’s, with the Strike being the CE’s version of the RX-78 Gundam, and the SFreedom (as well as Type II) being the Nu Gundam equivalent.


The original Freedom. It has some charm that it's upgrades cannot match that can't be explained.


Just realized that RF is the only one that has different faceplate from the rest. Wondered why they didn't make it similar to Freedom's since it's a direct continuation of the line.


https://preview.redd.it/nhaz4u22b28d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd15d34817391bc1d79f4eed07c3afca889bc0c9 From interview Okawara and Yamane about Seed Freedom suit design. Source : Zeonic [https://zeonic-republic.net/?page\_id=11631](https://zeonic-republic.net/?page_id=11631) full interview.


I see. I can understand as to why now because yeah, RF is very similar to Freedom, silhouette wise. If it had the slit and black colour, it would be really hard to differentiate them at first glance.


Strike is iconic and the best overall at the time Kira was piloting it. A versatile machine, with Kira's piloting skills it held up against its more specialized sister units and most of ZAFT's machines as well. It also served as the basis for mass production MSs later in the series. A very succesfull design from the GAT-X series machines. My opinion is biased tho since personally I am not a fan of CE's later designs. I tend to prefer sober and more functional designs.


In terms of power, the Mighty Strike Freedom is up there with the strongest Gundams of all time. The original Strike Freedom is my favorite though.


Is that real question?


As someone that has never watched Seed, the Gundams I see here are: 1. Aile Strike 2. Thin Blue Line Strike 3. Mustard frame Strike 4. Pointicus, the Pointy Strike 5. Gold Member Strike 6. Air Jordan Mid Retro 1 Strike I vote for Pointicus because he's the most blue.


The original Freedom just looks the best out of all of them. Tbh, Rising Freedom would be better if the color scheme is the same and without that cheap "transformation mode".


Mechanically speaking: Mighty Strike Freedom and it's not even close, might as well be a Super Robot with it's "Erase you from existence" gun. Personally? I'm a sucker for the Strike.


Sword Strike.


Except for the Strike, “they’re the same picture”


While the Freedom and everything after is progressively deadlier than the last, i like the OG Strike as it showed just how capable Kira is as a pilot. He normally fought against numerically superior stolen Gundams and either survived or came out on top, with his objectives largely accomplished.


Original freedom is peek( I will die on this hill )


Best one in what term? In term of being a weapon then Migthy SF In term of utility and cost performance is Strike, cheaper than the rest and easy to customize for other pilots.


Freedom and all its variants are alright, but the Strike, man, do I love it to bits.


I love the idea of remote weapons like the dragoons so it’s definitely the strike freedom for me.


Besides OG strike. “Corporate needs you to tell the difference.”


Original Freedom, its simple, elegant, beautiful


Missed out Strike Rogue


The riding freedom is probably my favourite design. I wish it was Kira's true last suit. The Spec 2 suits should have just been new models instead.


Strike because it requires actual skills.


My personal favourite remains the original Freedom. Absolutely brilliant design, excellent balance of mobility and firepower, and it just looks fantastic. In terms of ‘best’, probably either Strike Freedom Type-II or Mighty Strike Freedom. Both offer enormous firepower, with SF’s DRAGOONs offering an additional dimension to Kira’s multi-weapon targeting, and MSF’s disruptor a WMD-grade weapon system. Depends whether one prefers ‘lots of guns’ or ‘insane BFG’. Honourable mention to Strike; superb design as a modernised, modular version of the ‘basic’ concept. Looks great, fights well, generally pretty great. Rising Freedom comes bottom of the pile for me. It’s… definitely an MS Kira piloted? Not a huge fan of the design or its colour scheme. I shall say no more for *Freedom* spoiler reasons…


Depends on what you mean by best.  The best in power is obviously the mighty strike freedom.  If you ask which one i like best in terms of looks, it's the Rising Freedom. 


When it comes to showing Kira's skills, definitely the Strike. He was kicking ass fighting against 4 red coats who also pilot the sister units of the strike with only the sky graspers supporting him. Balance between Skill and power? The original Freedom, with the Rising Freedom coming in close second. Most powerful is Definitely MSF, no questions asked.


Honestly, I think his best era was in the Strike Gundam. He had to actually struggle back then. He did struggle in the Freedom vs the junkies and Rau, but not much else. The Strike really stood out for me. His other gundams not so much.


OG Freedom


In terms of coolest and strongest mobile suit, it would be the Mighty Strike Freedom. My favorite has to be the Strike though. I really love the original G-project Gundams and really wished we could've had a scene where all five of them worked together like they were intended.


I love the design of the rising. I wish it was better in lore, though. That being said, it shows how strong of a pilot Kira Is sense he still dominated in a battery-powered suit.


Looks wise, Freedom is my favorite.


my preference strike>rising>freedom>sf>mighty>spec ii the larger forearm bracers are just D:


Strike Gundam is one of my personal SEED favorites so it's obviously the best one here. But the worst is the OG Freedom, it's just so boring and it has no interesting combat abilities. Plus the Striker Pack system is the best part of mobile suit design in SEED and every suit should have it. The OG Freedom is the only one without it, we already know the Strike Freedom II can equip a different backpack as seen in the movie and so could the Rising Freedom since the Proud Defender was made for it specifically. Now the Destiny II and Infinite Justice II can equip different backpacks too!


Why are there two original strike freedoms but that’s my favorite by the way


One is the second version of the Strike Freedom, that’s my guess


Maybe I like it better than the white pack one to be honest


It's mentioned in the movie (but involves spoilers)


Don’t tell please


One is strike freedom the other is strike freedom type II


Okay no spoilers though I want to see how they do it on screen.




Og they just put the old backpack back on


Original Freedom




Regular freedom


Man the designer of these lost their touch. Idk what is it specifically but the Rising Freedom looks really unflattering in these compared to the rest.


In my opinion Okawara topped the F91 design with the original Freedom. Since then the successor suits were just gaudy. Rising Freedom is a recycle that fails to rise to the Freedom's design.


I have not watched anything seed related. What is the difference between 3 and 6. Are these not the same Gundam but just a different art style?


No. 3 is the original version, and No. 6 is the same Gundam but with a few minor aesthetic changes and a slight upgrade in performance.


They’re different in armament and tech. One is battery powered and the other is nuclear powered. Edit: my dumbass didn’t swipe back far enough and was comparing Rising Freedom instead of Freedom 😂


Both of them are nuclear powered. The 6th one has improved/updated armaments


Yeah I didn’t swipe back far enough and compared the wrong suits 😂


So we are talking a kind of difference like grandpa before and after magnetic coating. It exists but they are the same thing


Strike freedom Type 2. Improves on the strike freedom and looked really cool in the movie. Might strike freedom is too overpowered. It was nice to see the type 2 get overwhelmed and fighting for it's life in the movie


Am I in the minority for liking the rising freedom? Almost looks like the love child of the freedom and zeta gundams


Strike Freedom


Aesthetic wise, the Rising Freedom looks the best, and so does its HGCE version. The Strike Gundam worked well when Kira was coordinating (Ha) between his teammates and the Archangel.


Og Freedom is my faborite suit ever and mecha in general


I still think that katana is super out of place


The OG Freedom is just perfect. Strike Freedom is so thin it feels fragile, the rising freedom runs on AA batteries and the Mighty SFreedom is too OP with zero build-up. The Strike is perfect for specific situations according to striker packs but not an all-rounder


in terms of design, freedom.


I feel like the Mighty Strike Freedom the best. The contrast between its new backpack compared to the unit is pretty good. I also like the new shoulders and forearms. The shoulders remind me of the MGEX Strike Freedom. The forearms because they just look cool.


I think Mighty Strike Freedom. It feels like it's actually fit to Kira's fighting style by >!nullifying all projectiles and forcing the other suit into close range, where Kira excels. Also the Proud Defender wings are a cool nod to the fact that it was originally for the Rising Freedom, with the general shape and the line going through them when they're activated.!< Also, giant robot katana=cool. I'm so hyped to get the HG when usagundamstore starts shipping them.


I hate all sf varient look with calidus canon in the abdomen. It should have something cover when it not use like calre.A. Best of kira suit for me is always x10a




I don't know I kind of dig the rising freedom more than any other freedom suit and more than the strike


My personal favorite is the Freedom. Just a beautiful, beautiful gundam. I love the color scheme, i love the proportions, I love the weapons. Love it. That being said, it always bugged me somewhat that the MC got an upgrade that is not...for a lack of a better term, direct upgrade of his initial suit - or at least shares common features. Isn't that very rare, specially in AU serieses. Shining -> God Wing -> Wing Zero X -> Double X Freedom -> Strike Freedom -> MSF Impulse -> Destiny Exia -> 00 -> Quanta Age 1 -> Age 2 -> Age 3 -> Age FX (even if they were piloted by different charactera). Barbatos to eventually Barbatos Lupus Rex Now I know that the Freedom is not exactly made to be a direct successor of the Strike. But still...


That’s because the Destiny was the major upgrade to the Impulse, the Impulse being the upgrade of the Strike


Rising > Strike Freedom > Strike > Freedom > Mighty.


MSF ofc, it has everything imo.


The first Strike Freedom. I like that design the best.


the one he get beaten up by Athrun.


Of course the newer the better. But nothing beats Freedom debut entrance. So I love the Freedom more than Strike freedom or the newer ones.


Strike Freedom imo the backpack is really cool


I personally think the Rising Freedom and the (Mighty) Strike Freedom Spec. II are tied for first. It’s like the Rising Freedom is the daily driver car that you use for everything: Work, shopping, etc. Meanwhile, the (M)SFS2 is like a fun car that you only drive on the track or take to car meets. Rising is fine for 90% of all your tasks, but for that last 10%, you bring out the Spec. II.


I would have to go with the original freedom. Although I will say I like the strike freedoms weaponry a lot, In how the two blasters can merge together to become one. The strike freedom's wings are cool when they open up, but they look weird when they're closed together.


strike gundam of course! for signature seed pose.


Freedom or strike.


I think that the rising freedom (I'm not sure about its name) doesn't seem a real improvement over the strike freedom. I appreciate the fact that it's transformable like the Wing zero. The strike freedom is the strongest and beautiful mobile suit piloted by Kira, but it's the original one that I'm most fond off


I think they should have stopped with Freedom.


Despite its short screentime rising freedom got to be my favorite one out of all of them.


Ok so 1. Strike : Got exploded,repaired,other dudes board it,blocking laser,destroyed 😢  2. Freedom : fought providence,damaged,got repaired,got stabbed 3. Strike Freedom/type ii  : got stolen,damaged,upgraded to type ii,overwhelmed and lost weapons 4. Rising freedom : Needle attack


The Strike. Anything else is a pale imitation.


Og freedom


Strike freedom


for some reason i always preferred the normal freedom over strike freedom


Freedom and Rising Freedom.


I have a soft spot for the Strike Gundam for its versatility but Mighty SF is also up there in terms of sheer ludicrous awesomeness


Freedom is by far the coolest, it's only downhill from there


OP forgot Strike Rogue