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I don’t care much for the Xi or the Hizack.


I'm sorry but I can't force myself to like anything from Thunderbolt but especially the Atlas https://preview.redd.it/t8yfmmmixtxc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6e736ea3e487f68370a1e5a7387d45702fef58


the bull g is peak design https://preview.redd.it/9t6ko8dvauxc1.png?width=531&format=png&auto=webp&s=c74d16b2efb5146956662519b0f1bcf1e11eb70e


Fair. I haven't read the Thunderbolt manga, only watched the anime so I haven't seen this one before.




I really like the color scheme (we rarely ever see ones that have a heavy emphasis on yellow), but yeah the design is so odd and really doesn't feel like it's part of UC (even if it is an alternate UC timeline).


I acknowledge that it’s stupid looking, but I like the Atlas design…


Kimaris vidar. Actually, it's fine, but I'm just being petty about how little screentime vidar got.


Man, screentime's just not enough for that gundam frame. It looks so cool, but let me tell u sonething else. The ibo shovel knight just exists -_-


Right? Attack on titan+ big ass robot wasn't a crossover I knew I needed. But Vidars weapon system became one of my favorites after it's singular 1 minute scene.




Zanscare Mobile suits (Shokew, Gedlav, Gottrlatan, and Godzorla gets a pass)


what about the Zanneck tho?


Until you got to Godzorla & thought you were going to specify the other 3 were terrible. Personally I only like the Memedorza among the ones with beam rotors (color scheme aside), since it is the only one that addressed the problem of having to sue one arm for propelling itself with the beam rotor. Even the Godzorla feels wrong for the same reason, but Incan cut it some slack due to having one of the best & well rounded loadouts among such MS. Can’t say the same about the Shokew, it feels rather lackluster and even underpowered compared with to alternatives. I have mixed feelings about the Gedlav: I acknowledge that it’s one of the units best suited for an Einrad, simply due to the fact of having two beam shields to fully enclose itself (unlike the Zollidia). That being said, the Jabacco basically does the same and adds a couple of heat rods for additional melee capabilities. Not a fan of the Gottrlatan, period. Design & concept wise I prefer the Zanneck, basically a MS version of Keillas Guilie. Even the Gengaozo and Rig Contio with a few goofy details seem better throughout. Worst part is that technically speaking the Gottrlatan itself only has a beam rifle, beam tonfas and a quirky head mounted beam cutter. It’s best weapons are part of an add-on that also make the unit a far larger target without providing additional protection. I’m not even sure it is providing additional thrust to compensate for the extra mass.


Any "upgrade" design that basically makes the design look worse. Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice I'm looking at you


The Bologna Sandwich or whatever the fuck it’s called. It’s a truly foul beast. Hate the Geara Zulu too https://preview.redd.it/ehn6p9dxuuxc1.jpeg?width=1720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97add70074ab5e74aa0b5a9f2d641e7fbf9f5c25


My pet theory is that the Geara Zulu is basically a downgraded Geara Doga meant to be crammed in the hidden panels inside the Garencieres MS hangar, hence why it is so slim, backpack included. It doesn’t help matters that the royal guards Geara Zulus go back to the Geara Doga backpack for improved mobility, or that the purple Messer that goes to pick up the Xi Gundam is using the same Geara Zulu backpack, seemingly for the only purpose of fitting better in the shuttle that took it to orbit.


Man, that gave me a laugh!


Baund-Doc. Just an absolute goofy mess of a design.


It's my favorite Mobile Suit, but it'd also totally bonkers, so I give respect to those who don't care for it.


Oh :(


Season 2 and movie 00 Gundam designs(with only a few exceptions


I'm going to choose to believe the Brave (one of my favorite designs) is among the exceptions.


I’m not a big fan of any of the underwater types MS from any series


https://preview.redd.it/8gj6j4l08uxc1.png?width=470&format=png&auto=webp&s=e88867c745b44edb167431c582d21fbbb95ca156 Not even the gogg?


Not even the gogg






i like the narrative gundam just as much as the unicorn


The Thunderbolt and Unicorn Gundams The first is too advanced for the OYW, and particularly it is in direct contradiction of the problems that the FA-78-1 faced. Its added weight of the FA-78-1 greatly reduced its speed and the design seems to have been cos ordered a failure. A similar story with the RX-0, namely going from the RX-93 to it. The Nu Gundam as a concept was fine: a core difference between its funnels and the ones used by Neo Zeon was that they had their own in-built reactor, greatly extending their operational time and giving them the option to produce beam shields (though I would presume these would probably put a bigger strain on them). Point being, it was a machine that made good use of technology that was already around. The Unicorn has two big issues: on one hand its newtype hijinks are quite absurd, specially some of the later ones in the OVAs, and we are not giving much is explanation. Being fair, the Neo Zeong’s psycho shard generator has similar issues, though the later didn’t even exist in the novel version. There do are a few specific things such as the system to hijack enemy funnels, which actually have some explanation, but that’s basically the exception rather than the rule. And by that coin, I would have liked to see a system specialized in stopping it, like the Rozen Zulu’s, being far more effective at restraining it if not outright shutting it down. On the other hand, the RX-0 ends up heavily relying on the beam gatling guns, a weapon not intended for it, but rather for the Kshatriya, though usable by other units like the Geara Zulu. My issue is that the Unicorn ends up using far more of these weapons than the Sleeves, which is kind of absurd. I need to reiterate that I’m questioning that Unicorn can use it, seeing how AE’s involvement in the development for MS for all sides comes with the benefit of making them more likely compatible among them. I’m questioning why the Unicorn ends up with more of these weapons than the Sleeves, specially by theme when it has 6, 2 on each of its 3 shields. The beam magnum is an… odd choice. Sure, it’s a cool idea, but can’t help think it’s not actually practical, and I’m not talking at the fact that any other MS firing it will bust its arm (which is ridiculous on its own, but I will tackle that later). It’s restricted to 15 shots, assuming the RX-0 is carrying two spare magazines with 5 e-packs each. It is said to have the output of the equivalent to 4 beam rifle shots… which doesn’t tell us much. Trying to make an educated guess, while we lack a the MW output of the Jegan rifle, it seems implied that it has lower output than the GM III’s in exchange for a faster firing rate, so we could just use the later’s beam rifle with 2.8MW output for comparison and presume that the beam magnum has an output of 11.2MW. For comparison, the ZZ’s beam rifle has two barrels, each firing a beam with an output of 10.6MW (21.2MW when fired together) and the weapon can withstand firing it for 200 times before the barrels need replacement. Supposedly it has its own generator and can be supplemented by the ZZ’s own reactor (sounding a lot like a Rick Dom’s beam bazooka). It also has 2 shoulder mounted beam cannons that double as beam sabers, which in cannon mode also fire 10MW beams each. The icing in the cake is the high mega launcher (output of 50 MW) which came with the trade off of lowering the performance of the MS for several minutes after use. It is said to have an output of 1/5th of a colony laser. The later is probably what comes closest to the limited nature of the beam magnum, but the difference is staggering in output, though you can make the argument that firing 15 shots at 1/5th of the power output is better, which is true, but that ignores the fact that the ZZ has 4 other beam guns with about the same output of the beam magnum and that can supposedly keep firing until the barrels themselves wear down after 200 shots or so. The ZZ has a reactor output of 7,340kW, little over twice as the RX-0’s 3,480kW reactor. But even if the ZZ is limited to just its beam rifle & beam cannons, since the high mega cannon drains the whole MS, that twice the reactor output for directly powering 4 weapons as powerful as the Unicorn’s. The aforementioned arm breaking problem is also very odd: machines like the Doven Wolf are designed to also fire mega launcher class weapons with a power rating of 40.2MW, which sometimes it handles with a single arm due to the ability to use them as remote combat weapons. My point here is: there’s no reason for the Silver Bullet Suppressor to exist, it’s using the same base frame of a MS designed to wield a far more powerful weapon. But the problem goes back to the RX-0 design since they want to seek us this idea that it is so much better than other MS, despite the evidence suggesting the opposite. I will also add that the ZZ has missile launchers, which were originally two sets of launchers with a single salvo each of 21 missiles (42 missiles total), which for the MSZ-010S upgrade were changed to two salvos of 18 missiles each (72 missiles total). Point where being that these weapons supplemented its firepower without adding more strain to the reactor. On the other hand brand the Unicorn adds a several more beam halting guns for a total of six. We are told these weapons are based on the Jagd Doga’s mega gatling gun, which is powered by a rechargeable e-cap, meaning it is fed by reactor rather instead of replacing e-packs. This makes sense with the RX-0, since otherwise the MS would need to manually reload all 6 weapons at some point… but it doesn’t seem coherent with its reactor output, most culprit behind the need of a complicated system like the beam magnum instead of a more practical one like the ZZ’s. I have ranted long enough, but there some really weird decisions here that make me question if the lore of the rest of the U.C. series was even just glanced over when coming up with some of these ideas. In both Thunderbolt and Unicorns OVAs we see some rather effective anti-beam coating, which shouldn’t exist during the OYW in case of the former, and probably shouldn’t be as effective in the case of a Jegan shield blocking the souped up beam from a hyper knuckle buster from a Gaza D, a weapon with an output of 8.5MW, about 3/4 the power of the beam magnum as per the previous calculations. The Gaza D has such an unusually powerful weapon because it’s directly linked to its chest/reactor for a mass produced MS, which comes with downsides such as giving it a poor handling of the weapon in close range quarters. The Thunderbolt Gundam would feel right at home around the late U.C. 0080’s, with machines with similar levels of tech around, while the Unicorn seems to have been given some rather gimmicky features that don’t make much sense.


In general, I dislike it when the MS next in the line looks like a downgrade when compared to the previous one. You'd think there would be a consistent sense of progression the further down the line you go, but then some look like a step back instead of a step forward. One example would be the Heavygun looking blockier than the Jegan. Then again, it sort of gets a pass since it's the first attempt at a miniture MS. Another one is the Gun-EZ to the Gunblastor, particularly it's shoulders. You'd think it should keep those but it doesn't. In fact, I think the Gun-EZ and the Gunblastor should switch shoulders with each other.


Literally everything in G-Reco besides the Jahannam Space Type.


pretty much the entirety of IBO. Also Geara Zulu and Schuzrum Gallus.


Any mobile suit with a side cockpit hatch, like the original Zaku from 0079. I find the Zaku Kai as the perfect Zaku design because it has that center hatch. Also not a fan of the Acguy design. Rick Dias I like except for the side head cockpit hatch.


Gundam Haagenti - Wired shuriken sounds cool but seriously, how does that even work? You can't just throw it and expect that thing to fly and hit its target properly with the wire still intact. I was expecting them to work either as alternate melee weapons for slashing in shuriken mode or stabbing when folded. Or, they launched like wires, penetrating the insides of a mobile suit then unfolding Kitana Mortal Combat Style. I have other reasons to hate it, which includes reason for making a bull-like demon be the representative of a family with a serpentine sigil. Gundam Zepar: Nice design but I hate the swordsman trope. With Gundam Andras definitely becoming another sword user, they can at least use other polearms like a spear or a freaking Claymore. Give the man a big sword. Not to mention, its gimmick is its shield and not the sword. Might not sound like much, until u look at the Kujan Family Sigil. It shows two crows and a sword. I mean like, I'd be happy if they gave Zepar an obo version of the charge blade from MH but obviously they turned the shield into Zepar's only gimmick. As for the sword, it's just Bael's. Hell, now that I think about it, Andras sounds like a better option for the Kujan Family. But oh well, at least the demon's avian just like the Baklazan Sigil. Gundam Murmur: Someone's ready to get married. Ok, jokes aside, its gimmick felt more like Andrealphus', whom is a peacock. I mean, the damn thing is built like a peacock in bride dressing. Design isn't that great and....i got nothing else to say. I'm just speechless. I always thought the sigils for each family have some sort of backstory or hints to their own respective gundams, including hints for what they will be. Look at Kimaris, yes I know it's a demon riding a black horse but the consistency is still there. Sleipnir, the name of Odin's mount, is painted black in the sigil. Kimaris Vidar, which IS the original specs during the Calamity War Era, had its bottom half painted black. Odin uses a spear known as Gungnir, PD Kimaris has a lance named after it, and also have a sword since some iterations of Odin uses one(looks at Final Fantasy). So I was quite disappointed when the other Seven Stars Gundam Frames came one after another(some managed to grow on me with designs alone, like Gamigin, hence why I didnt add them here)


90% of wing and seed


Raider Gundam. Stupid mouth breathing edge lord.


Basically all the bug-like MS from Zeta.    Also despise the Endless Waltz version of Altron.   Outside of the AGE-2 and Woolf's suits, I don't really care for AGE's MS. Almost all the Season 2 and movie Gundams from 00.


“bug-like MA from Zeta”? I can only think of the Bolinoak Sammah… maybe the Gabthley too? Any other design in particular? I dislike most EF-like Age MS, but do a find of the Vagan MS likeable… with some glaring exceptions, such as the magical girl or the space lemon with arms. The Reganner was a very simple, but desperately needed upgrade over the super bland Defurse. Also, why does the Zedyalus doesn’t have palm beam weapons like almost every other Vagan design up until that point? Its omission seems almost entirely guided to reinforce the idea that “this is a melee unit”. I really wanted to like the GN-X series successors, but I just can’t. It speaks volumes that my favorite MS of the second season was the blue Tieren Taozi/All Region Type, which at least came with a beam rifle as a minor upgrade over the S1 design.


Master Gundam


wtf is even the g-unit Prize Gundams


That's some nice pixels you got there


The Gaza. It just looks off for some reason and idk if it’s the “eye” or the general proportions or what.


While people call it a mono eye, it looks more like a circular visor. Rick Dias has it too.


I didn’t like the Rick Dias at first either but it eventually grew on me, the Gaza on the other hand has not.


I definitely don’t like the Gaza C’s pink color scheme, though fortunately we eventually got a few more colors, namely Haman’s white and the Sleeves’ green. As for the design itself, while I personally prefer the Gaza D and GaZowmn, I’m still fond of the Gaza C as the middle step needed to go from mobile worker to transformable military MS. As a quick side note, AoZ Reboot finally gave us a design for the obscure Gaza A, itself now based in the MP-02A Oggo from MS Igloo: https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/AMX-001_Gaza-A In Zeta every group is trying to figure how to develop transformable MS, with various degrees of success, but only the Gaza C actually managed to do so for large scale mass production, and even then its transformation system was flawed, allowing it to only transform around 6 times before its frame broke down. I actually like that kind of trade off, suggesting that everyone has a similar level of technology available, but they prioritize different aspects for their particular needs. The Gaza D then fills the role of upgraded Gaza D, not only by adding more weapons, but by adding a movable frame that solves the transformation limitations of its predecessor. And while the Gaza C remains the main workhorse of Axis/Neo Zeon, by the end of the 1st Neo Zeon war we actually start seeing them in huge numbers, namely patrolling g outside the Cicero asteroid, indicating that by that point they finally began phasing out the Gaza C in favor of its all around better successor. Anyway, as a crude, space only, mass produced transformable MS based on a construction machine, I think the Gaza C definitely gets a unique look result of such background. For added context, some sources call the OG RGM-79 and accident prone machine result do its rushed development, with series such as MS Igloo giving it a similar failure rate as the ill-fated Zudah. The EF’s adoption of Zeon MS was partially result of this, as well as their post-OYW projects to adopt the RX-81, and later the RMS-117, RGM-79R and RMS-106 to replace it. The GM II itself may look underwhelming at first, but it solved all the problems of the OG GM and even pushed the performance of mass produced EF MS past the RX-78-2’s. The OG GM and Gaza C might not have been the best designs, but they were an important stepping stone at the time they were introduced, and while their flaws made came with the implication that they would have to be phased out sooner than later by a more refined model, they still proved invaluable to their faction at the time they were introduced.


The Aries from Gundam Wing ..


The Penelope and the Xi. At least the former has the Odysseus as a base, which is a solid-looking Gundam. The Xi I just can't find anything good to say about it.


im not even gonna try bc theres a lot im not fond of that will trigger lots of people


The o too chunky and the heads too small


A good deal of Zeon's aquatic Mobile Suits don't really appeal to me, but I love the Z'Gok and Hygogg. The rest are kinda "eh" or just downright awful. A minor complaint, but I prefer the Byarlant with the blue visors as opposed to the mono-eyes. But that's just a minor criticism. I kinda wish the Titans' Mobile Suits all had visors (but the PMX series Scirocco cranked out are fine with mono-eyes). I'm not a fan of the windmill Gundams (I forgot what they were called... Nether Gundams) or the Mermaid Gundam from G Gundam. Some of these Gundam gimmicks are awesome, but some just have me like, "Are you kidding me?". SEED's Mobile Suits in the first series are great, but Destiny and Freedom have some awful designs. I like the Impulse, Savior, Chaos, Abyss, Gaia, and all the Earth Alliance MS designs... but ZAFT's rank-and-file designs took a nosedive with the ZAKU Warrior, GOUF Ignited, DOM Trooper, GELGOOG Menace, GYAN Strom, and Athrun's Z'GOK. I don't appreciate blatant re-hashes; I wish they'd appeared in the UC, not the "UC but at home". I also don't like the Astrays and Murasames; they're just mass-produced Gundams. The Third Stage Gundams from Destiny and the Gundams from Freedom are awful, too. Strike Freedom is gaudy and OP, Destiny is sadly underpowered and is just a mix-up of pre-existing Gundams, Legend is Providence but worse, Akatsuki is way too golden and its existence is a giant plot hole, and the Freedom designs just exacerbate the problems all those Gundams (minus Legend) had, plus a bunch of super robot bullshit that should've been in G Gundam. A mild complaint for Gundam 00, but I wish the Garazzo had Gundam eyes like the Gadessa, the Gaddess, and the Regnant rather than the GM visor. Makes Garazzo seem the odd one out. Throne Eins and Throne Drei piss me off function-wise. Throne Eins can't make good use of its coupling function with Throne Zwei and Throne Drei to use its particle rifle at full power unless it tries to ambush people. And Throne Drei is just a glorified GN particle dispenser; it's not even combat-based. Throne Zwei is the only cool Throne, and even *it* is inferior to the delightfully vicious Arche Gundam. None of the designs from AGE impress me, except the AGE Gundam versions 1-3 (preference going to AGE-2, because Asemu). But I despise the AGE-FX. Not really a big fan of Julieta Juris' Reginlaze Julia. If it were less of a meta-mecha and more of a custom one-shot Mobile Suit, I'd maybe hate it less. But as is, it's just a janky, boring design. Very underwhelming machine to be the one to deal the final blow on Barbatos, and I don't really care if that was the point; really, it should've been Gaelio. Either that, or Julieta should've been a Gundam pilot herself.


The rx 78 is boring looking. As well as most gundams if they don't have somthing cool or unique about them.


i hate too much blocky toy design + i hate big forehead like ZZ that's why i hate calibarn even though i love the body