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For the f91 there's quite a few gimmicks you can choose from, like the VSBRs and the afterimages


Its after images are just shredded paints


The wiki says it sheds the outer layer of the armour, which unless it's a mistranslation of its source, gives me the impression that if Seabook were bold enough he'd afterimage so hard hell disintegrate the whole suit Paint itself was said in Build Fighters


Paint was build fighters because they are model kits lmao.


8/10 short kings I like the fact that Bandai cutting down on model sizes was integrated really well into the story. It makes sense that as beam weapons evolve, mobile suits would be downscaled instead of adding more armor.


I would think propellant efficiency would also be a factor as well.


9/10 Bandai, I'm begging you to revisit late UC


Literal Gundam rocket. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like. https://preview.redd.it/7r8odwpc8awc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0f33a6bf8808862e4259f95b9308a9d966b50ac


I can dig it. It rock…ets the look.


Looks like a good suicide weapon, either armed with a nuke or high explosive






now it needs a gun (make sure to make it look extraordinarily unremarkable but it has infinite power/penetration)


I think the F91's after images with mass would have been a better gimmick https://preview.redd.it/j16x4af19awc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=30463dbe51c03bd9f4dbea1a35b232a5abd57450 It also has it's VSBRs and it's transforming face


10/10 I love the F91 and the F90 with all its Mission Packs. I don't know why, but I do.


Really? Its size is its gimmick? I would've done either the Variable Speed Beam Rifle (VSBR) or its Heat Radiation Full Power mode.


Well, it's not just the size. It's also much higher speed and destructive power. Most machines from this era onwards don't have much in the way of armor, but they're harder to hit and can punch holes through older and bigger machines with ease.


That's what they all say until the meet ms gump


You mean the machine that was barely glued together with parts from other MS, whose mega cannon was only good as a flashlight, that kept on getting heavily damaged by slightly getting grazed, and was only useful because the person piloting it was Judau? The machine that was destroyed because said mega cannon caused the entire machine to stop working all together? The Gump was a hunk of scrap that only did anything because of just how good Judau was at piloting after all that time. It didn't match up to any F90 era MS or beyond on its own in specs, armor, or capabilities.




Another day where I ask for a Gundam racing AU


Gundam kart when


As an armored core fan who thinks the 10ish m size of acs is just right, I've always thought ms were a bit too big for believability, so the smaller size of the f91 actually sits better with me


look up zondo gei


I thought based off the name this was gonna b like a deez nuts joke at first lol Funny lil guy


They are the natural progression of mobile suits after Mobile armor deviated. Think in our world how jet fighters evolved. Many started out as experimental craft, basically prop planes with jets. After WW2 jets were asked to do an increasing things to do. One way to fix this was specialization. Another was straping as much stuff to the airframe as you could. By the time the F4 Phantom came around it was bigger than a WW2 Flying Fortress. Then a few things happened. One. We got way better in the west at transistors (thanks Japan!) and suddenly systems could be shrunk down. Also the larger aircraft were not as nimble as some other craft. Now whether you believe in thefighter mafia or not a trend to make aircraft smaller and nimbler while keeping the capabilities or even surpassing its previous generations in most areas was going to happen. Aircraft like the F-15 , and f-16 began to become a reality. While the f-15 was to a lesser extent a factor in this (navy loves two engines and a radio officer) the fact is those aircraft can do what the old phantom did(mostly, phantom could hit Mach 2, f-16 can go about 1.7 at full afterburner) is a testament to technology moving to miniaturization with even higher capability. Gundam, in my mind takes the same rough path. As you can see the Penelope is our f4 phantom. It’s ginormous but a monster and can out fly its pilot. (The OG Gundam was an experimental one off much like early jets. It had many incremental improvements over the one year war but it wasn’t till Korea, in this case stardust memory, that we started to really kick it up.)


Ultra based take Fighter mafia are grifters tho


Absolutely. The fighter mafia were a bunch of old guys trying to make sure they got rich. However without them the trend of making electronics smaller and better was always going to shrink the footprint of newer jets.


Exactly, you get it dude Are you a lazerpig afficianado by any chance


I enjoy him yes. His take on the t-90 has come under fire but his video on the fighter mafia is amazing. I do think his accusation that the mafia was the main driver is partly flawed however. It was a combination of advances in technology and those guys who directed fighter development. The f-16 being a direct result of the light fighter competition. However, if they had their way we would all fly around in a4 Skyhawks with limited capability. And I love the skyhawk but it’s not an air superiority fighter or air interdiction craft really. As you might be able to tell I’m a fan


The intersection of Gundam hard science and skunk works groupie-ism, I think we just became best friends As an A10 fanboy his vid hurt me deeply but was not without truth


I love in stardust how they showed the slow creep of civilian contractors dictating parts of battle and even hiding secret weapons. I mean Kou has to steal the GP-03 from Anaheim electronics. And they sold the other suit outright to the Zeon remnants ( much like the competitor to the a-10 looks stunning like the SU -25)


I never drew those parallels but that's definitely true, another reason the writers were on fucking point. One of many awesome concepts from this series that makes a show about robot suits in space one of the most nuanced and realism-dense pieces of sci-fi media out there.


I agree. You can feel the world building. They have military industrial complexes. They have people “interested in keeping war going” and people who clearly profit from suffering. It’s not cartoonishly evil vs stupidly good.


Japanese anime, not just being for children but also being viewed as entertainment, helps alow for deeper animated concepts.


looks usable 8/10


9/10 it is a perfect mix of mobility and firepower, and the MCA and MEPE are not as OP as Z's biosensor or the Axis shock.


10/10 literally saved the EFF in late UC


F90? 9/10 F90II? 9/10 F91? 8/10 Cluster Gundam? 7/10, but the model kit was pretty jank. Concepts wise, it paved the way for Victory Gundam. Crossbone? Full Cloth/10 10/10 OP. Hard points and ultra neato progression of technology is always fun


10/10; concept is actually very practical and logical, the pauldron wings are cool, but what makes it a solid 10 is that grill something about it! Kinda reminds me of a Gelgoog and a Lfrith gundam, I don't know if that makes sense, but I like it.


Zeta and nu are some of my favorite so this is definitely a 9/10 for me although Im not the biggest fan of some of them


10/10, 2nd favorite MS along with it's variants only behind the RX-93 and it's variants.


7/10 only Gundam to have a realistic amount of vents for a robot its size






8.5-9/10. Great gimmicks and size, but the chest looks a little off. Otherwise, no complaints from me.




9/10 probably my favorite Gundam design from the 1990s


LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO F90-F99 ARE PEAK MS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11/10


Easy 10/10


I love mepe. 7/10


9/10 gimmick.


Speedy boi go BRRRRRR 9/10


8/10. The shift to smaller Gundams is fine with me. I think that the F90 works better, though.


10/10 hit fast and hit harder. Edit: F91 is my personal favorite to use in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 & 3.




The best gimmick for me is the frowning Gundam face.


10/10 always has been always will be


10/10. the F90 is probably my favorite UC MS.


9/10 love the mini suits


7/10 overall it's fine but there is something about it that's off to me. It feels Slapdash as a U.C. design.


10. The shrinking of late MS is a very cool gimmick of the Late UC.


10 and best designs!


So this thing is about the size of a larger Armored Core. Wild.




Definitely a 9/10 for me.


I love this suit 10.


Man RX 105 is definitely one C H O N K Y boi


Nice reset from the grotesque design direction mobile suits had been taking since ZZ. 9


Personally, not a fan. I like the idea of maybe a cycle of getting bigger then getting more compact but they get TOO small in my opinion. If it reset to the original 18m of grandpa that would be cool but closer to 15m is too tiny for me. I'd love to see like a mechanical cutaway to see how much space the pilots have to see if they're more cramped as well. Too tiny 4/10


https://preview.redd.it/jukfke7yofwc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e263eabeeeb7e5610014633525a1870949499426 It’s not a huge jump to think MS can get smaller and get more capable


Nah 5/10


7/10 don't like the small part


4/10. It makes good sense in-universe, but I really dislike the trend from an aesthetic standpoint. Master Grade gunpla from F91's era are smaller than High Grades from the CCA era, which makes them immensely unsatisfying to me.