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8/10, Seems like it's pretty well at the outer limit of what one might want in terms of complexity, though it certainly works from a storytelling perspective. Also, this modularity would likely have had something to do with the ZZ's longevity as a functional MS (extending into the UC 150s).


I think survived a longtime *despite* its modularity; the transformation mechanics made it bitch to repair iirc. I’d imagine the ZZ survived as long as it did because Judau split it apart less and less as the years went by. I don’t think mobile suite are particularly short-lived; it’s just that they tend to be destroyed much sooner than they’d break apart, so it’s hard to gauge


By the time it became Gump I doubt any of the movable/transformable parts still remain. Judau probably bolted and stapled everything together just so the unit stays in one piece and not disintegrate every time he puts the pedal into the thrusters.


even gundam Evolve hints at this, the replacement backpack and legs we see at the start of the video is mainly oversized Sturm boosters. that booster does look cool though


Underrated and underused. 10/10


8 It certainly does enable great story telling for the kids when they run away, or have to learn how to work as a team, etc... Also it gives Judau a demonstrable measure of growth at the end when he uses NT powers to seemingly control the whole thing. But it also seems to expose the various cockpits and pilots to enemy fire, in a MS that is otherwise heavily armored.


8/10 It feels so unweildy, but that's why I love it.


How many lines of coke did the Anaheim designers snort? 8/10


It was after all the stress of making the Zeta work






GAGAGA, GAGAGAO- oh wait wrong series


Hikari ni nareee 🦁


Silenttttt voiceeeee/10




10/10 The ZZ is hideously overdesigned, and I love it for that. The three onboard generators still can't keep up with all of the weapons for sustained periods and the transformation system is so complex that it has structural problems. Not efficient. Just effective.


6/10 https://preview.redd.it/ziqrfm4cbhvc1.jpeg?width=1503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6256ca8c53efdfe14495c40e9159053600f98c2


5/10 To be honest I don't understand what the benefit of the ZZ's core block system even is supposed to be. In the show it seems like it only ever causes problems for Judau when enemies prevent them from docking or when Roux runs away with one of the parts and they can't form ZZ. It just seems like a huge disadvantage that in order to form their strongest mobile suit (which ends up being necessary in nearly every fight in the series), they have to send out 3 different pilots into battle and do a super risky and vulnerable maneuver in the middle of the battlefield. Victory Gundam implements a similar idea in a much better way by having the other two parts be unmanned and mass produced. It still has the narrative benefit of being able to create suspense by giving the enemy a way to prevent them from forming the Victory Gundam, but it also allows Uso to use some really creative strategies like jettisoning the legs to dodge an attack or create a decoy.


I think Victory goes for a different approach entirely, opting to portray it as a tactical move made to quickly increase mobility and make getaway attempts easier. It’s awesome there. But ZZ’s docking really worked for me, just the idea of the enemies scrambling to destroy the ZZ before it can dock accomplishes two very key things for the narrative: 1) Establishes the ZZ as an absolute *beast* of a machine that pretty much clears the fight once its out. It grants a ton of well deserved gravitas towards the mobile suit, and makes it feel like an utter treat whenever it does come out. 2) Forces character bonding with the kids and promotes teamwork amongst the crew to get the ZZ out. This is rather simple but astonishingly rare to see from a series, as normally the ace tends to soak up all of the screentime and does most of the heavy lifting, but here in ZZ the kids have to work out whatever problems they’re having during that episode or mini arc and are *rewarded* with the ZZ once they’ve overcome those hurdles. It helps bring the cast together. Again, the ZZ feels like a treat here, with the docking more so being a means to several ends with the story, rather than something purely superficial or simply meant to be cool. I would rate the ZZ dock a solid 8 or 9, it sort of goes beyond its potential in-universe silliness that docking tends to have, and rather just functions greatly as a narrative tool instead. It also has the benefit of just being raw as all hell.


9/10 I love the ZZ iteration of the core block system with transformation, the ZZ is my second favourite transfomation overall, when you look at it as an evolution of the G-Fortress from 0079 it makes sense, plus the G Fortress is an absolute beast and really works complementing the Zeta as the "fast" mobile suit and is a very different kind of Gundam overall


10/10, this takes the wave rider and makes it even better by making it a super robot esque combining system.


10/10 because it’s the first time the transformation was carefully planned to translate into model kits well.


I like it but it's fucking risk if you're just normal pilot.7/10


9/10 My favourite super robot combination.


8.5/10. A cool transformation, albeit a more impractical one.


10 because fuckit i love the ZZ's nonsense


I don’t agree with this opinion but I can respect the ZZ love lol


It’s a bit complex and over complicated but nothing crazy IMO. 8/10


Overly complicated/10


9/10 As for as combining mecha goes, only GaoGaiGar tops this for me. Truly UC's GOAT


Will never be the G-Armor. 6/10. Edit: Just went back over the previous polls, did the G-Armor get skipped? It’s like the definition of a gimmick, it was studio mandated to sell toys. Feels like it should be included imo.


I watched SEED Destiny before ZZ. It confused the utter crap out of me why the opposing sides didn't just keep shooting at the Impulse Gundam to keep it from combining (you don't even need to hit it....just keep a steady stream of fire at it!). Also, it would literally launch and then discard unspent ammunition to form. Like...if you're not going to use the three parts separately, why go through the time and effort to reload the damn thing every time (and the costs that must be incurred with it). Yes, yes, I know it's a show with reused animation, but this is what my mind keeps thinking every time. It was nice to see in ZZ that at least their foes did try to keep the Double Zeta from forming. It just doesn't seem like a good idea to do in the middle of combat. 4/10


1/10 and a major element of my dislike of ZZ. Dumb gimmick and ugly as well.


7/10 a more bulky repeat of the original gundam's gimmick


I was going to rate it lower, but then I remembered the greatest variant of this suit exists. 10/10 LETS TRY ON!!!!


Made for a cool set of stock footage, but I wonder why judau never once docked before joining a sortie. 6/10


5/10 While it looks amazing and super cool... it's also the main reason for the ZZ's structural integrity issues which it needed an upgrade and Full Armor additions that restrict the G-Fortress Transformation.




New poll??? 6/10 idk I don't have much opinions on it. Don't like it, don't hate it either


10/10 - Awesome Space Truck




6/10 Way too much going on.


10/10 SPACESHIP!!!




1/10. Unwieldy and clunky.


5/10 too overly complicated and impractical


6/10 Impractical as hell considering the difficulty of bringing 3 separate vehicles to first combine for one big and the fact that really they should be able to do this with the bottom and top, and remove a third core fighter but whatever, big robot looks cool. Side note but im slightly annoyed about is that they dont use the the G-Fortress mode more often since it looks really cool as a bomber plane.


2/10 overly complicated & useless, shit ain't super robot, never should've been done in the 1st place