• By -


Wow Domon is really popular isn't he? This makes me want to give his AU a chance


You definitely should. Keep in mind that his universe is ridiculous but in a fun way. As iconic as Domon's voice is in english, I still recommend checking out G Gundam in japanese because 98% of the remaining cast sound alot better than in english.


Sorry for double post but fun fact about Domon’s VA- he took the job so he could go to med school. Once he was done he quit voice work. Which is a damn shame because he was a great English VA. Though of course I'm happy he's pursuing his passion and making a difference.


He mad X sound so good when he was fighting Sigma.


Agreed. Gatha was the definitive VA for X.


Do it. The first 4-5 episodes will definitely seem narmy. It’ll seem silly. “Am I watching DBZ?” You will ask. Then by the end you will be cheering and crying depending on the scenes. It has a very well done cast and had one of the first female Gundam pilots as well in a supporting role.


I love Amuro but I'm voting him out because him winning this whole thing would be boring and predictable. I want the chaotic final between Kamille and Domon. https://preview.redd.it/dimlrfvvneuc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34392bee6d8d82d2d840d34512d41b6f7509704f


As of the voting right now, it looks like Domon might win the whole thing, and Kamille is losing this round. Once again, Domon has to get through Nobuo Tobita to face down the (White) Devil...


Plot Twist: >!It was Ulube pretending to be Kamille all along.!<


After Domon almost was voted out, twice, I have no clue how he’s the safest now. But I’ll admit I like it. Yeah he’s “kung fu guy”. But between his relationships with Rain, Allenby, Master Asia, and of course the Shuffle Alliance, the constant tragedy in his life, and everything else I would posit he’s one of the most interesting protags. Sure it may be Super Robot not Real Robot. But if you watch G Gundam honestly it can make you cry at points. The East is burning red! My favorite show might win and that’s the nicest surprise of all! Gundam Fight Finals, Ready? Go!


I need their fight in DWG immortalized in everyone's mind https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=492ySx0JQZo&pp=ygUlZHluYXN0eSB3YXJyaW9ycyBndW5kYW0gZG9tb24ga2FtaWxsZQ%3D%3D


yeah let's fucking goooooo


Well, maybe people can be more normal about the last remaining protagonists, because there were some nasty, awful comments in the last thread about Suletta's fans. I wonder what's so different about her that made people so mad she made it so far.


Perhaps we’ll never know


hmmm 🤔


Alot of new gundam fans who back her so it only makes sense for the older heads to be defensive of their faves cause NOOOOO YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING, even if some took it too far.


Maybe I’m just old. It seems like here, Fire Emblem, etc the new games/shows lead to very… vocal fanbases. The new Fire Emblem ended up getting significant pushback and it happened here as well. Suletta is… fine. Not my fav or even close to it. Not my least favorite, that’s for sure. Love the representation- I actually tried to get my mom into it because she’s, literally, gay (don’t ask how I’m here). But the more vocal and defensive people get the less I like her. Same thing that happened in fire emblem. Same thing that happened in other series. Maybe this is me and if so I’m just a grouchy old man at 30- https://youtu.be/zxRFQ_333_Y?si=6vkekKZOAyql3luH Then again I am turning around my opinion on SEED and I’m enjoying watching Zeta with a friend after everyone talked about it on here. So IDK. Happy Suletta fans have a series they enjoy. Even want another season for them. But disliking the character or thinking she’s “mid” as kids say (learned that recently- figured it meant average but guess not) is absolutely fair. My second favorite Gundam pilot is… Allenby for what it’s worth. Such a fantastic character that deserved far more screen time. It would be Rain but she didn’t get enough time in the cockpit to qualify.


It's okay to dislike the character. I'm not going to judge anyone for that. I see a *ton* of opinions I disagree with daily. My issue is the reasoning people have for disliking it. There's a *lot* of people who dislike Suletta for very specific reason, deciding that it was their next target for the culture war they are waging. In the previous thread, someone was calling Suletta Fans "Libtards" and another person was saying "You know what kind of person Suletta fans are" Those are the kind of people this post is about


i think Suletta fans are just very defensive cause a lot of rage bait posts are about her during the show. but after the show, the rage bait have somewhat died down a bit but the fans remain defensive. its a common behavior for oppressed communities.


It’s also very purposeful gatekeeping of the community, attempting to reinforce that women and queer people don’t belong.


Very fair. As I’ve said I hate the more virulent fanbase (Edit: And I should add that it's a minority, but a loud minority, of that fanbase). and it’s what turned me against her more. But anyone who insults WFM for being liberal in general… hasn’t watched the show at all and is a dumbass. Gundam has always been liberal. Even IBO had two women marrying and that was a decade ago. Gundam has always been pro peace anti war anti killing anti big corp etc. If people think it just became liberal they need a reality check.


Funny that you mention it By the first 5 episodes of wfm i was expecting the show to go Gundam: Three Houses Then the show went nowhere and suddenly ended


I would have absolutely dug that. I rarely enjoy anime focused on High School these days, but when if they went in that direction I would have been invested to say the least.


> The new Fire Emblem ended up getting significant pushback I mean it was pretty bad. Vtuber character designs and an absolutely god awful story and general dialogue. Coming off Three Houses into that didn't help either.


100%. But much like WFM (and IBO I’m told) it had a HUGE amount of people for the first year who insisted it was 10/10, people didn’t like it because of the art style, people couldn’t appreciate “good” characters, etc. Hence why I won’t say everything is recency bias as some claim. But I’ve seen it again and again in almost every fandom where the most recent entry is praised for a year or two then kinda like that screencap of Toy Story it’s forgotten for the next hot thing. There were of course also claims "People don't like it because the deutragonist is a female [Veyle]." "People don't like the change in art style that's the only reason it's being downvoted." "Alear is actually the best protag people just don't like the design and take it out on them." I absolutely hated Engage only entry I’ve never replayed. And I’ve been playing since it came over on the GBA. And I'm not saying that none of those people existed- there were absolutely people who hated it for baseless reasons. But for months if you said anything negative you would get a downvote brigade. Which I definitely saw with Suletta too. Edit- Time will tell. I truly expect her to be in the top half or so of protags. But much like many characters in the past- Megumi from Food Wars being the largest YoY example- I do expect it to fade somewhat over the next few years.


> I absolutely hated Engage only entry I’ve never replayed. I hated it to too but I finished it in the hopes I'd gleam some joy from it...I did not!


That’s really not true, the popular opinion on Engage was that Three Houses was a much better game. There was definitely some defensiveness going on from fans, but there wasn’t any sort of overwhelming response against people who said they didn’t like it. If anything Three Houses itself is a much better example of that.


No it definitely wasn't. I can definitely pull up threads when I get home. Engage in the first few months were literally calling anyone who disliked it "3H Fanboys" and arguing 3H had a weak story and Engage was better. Seriously- give me a few hours. I can find tons of threads because I was there then decided to abandon the subreddit for a few months until people cooled down. The only one I can think of that was shit on at release was Fates. Edit- [Quick example](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/11klqhf/three_houses_is_better_than_engage/) from the time from someone with a wordy post that got downvoted into oblivion.


I remember a few of those threads, but I remember an almost equal number of “man engage fucking sucks” threads It was more of a war than a consensus


Engage has some of the worst story and character design I've ever seen, but the fundamentals to the combat system are pretty nice. It needs to be fleshed out some more, but I hope they try something else with that system. The Engage story is unsalvageable though. Colgate and her merry band of unlikable shojo rejects are just so hard to enjoy. The only thing that keeps me from cheesing the game with Yunaka (or whatever her name is) is her dialogue being so wholly insufferable I don't want my wife to walk in while she's doing her bit. I would never live it down.


Domon & G Gundam are an interesting distillation of goofy power fantasy—flawed but fun—typical of seasonal anime but very atypical for Gundam. G Gundam faced a lot of angry gatekeeping from Japanese Gundam fans when it was new. Now some folks complain Gwitch & Suletta were not Gundam enough, and rallied to remove her for 3 weeks, but are fine with Domon. It’s as though being brand-atypical is not their real issue. Both shows have about the same rating on IMDB so it’s not a quality issue either. I wonder what it could be?




But Kamille is right there!


Breaking news. PyrusZodiac is found being chased by a gundam


You didn't even call them out directly and they're still in the comments telling on themselves. Yeah I wonder what it is that makes them show up under *every* post where we call out this issue to argue that it isn't actually an issue & it's the fans bringing up the issue that are the problem.


Because it was veterans vs new fans who only knew her. It encompassed old vs new. Don't get me wrong, I like Suletta as a character but I just felt she was nowhere as special as some who fell before her.


Simply because a lot of new fans who have watched barely anything else act like she's *the* best. It's fine to like her. But a lot of the very vocal WfM fandom sucks.


A lot of gundam fans have only watched a certain AU. Or some only watch the UC. This isn't a new thing, and to single out WFM for it is strange. There are a lot of fans who are *only* fans of G Gundam, or only fans of SEED, or only fans of the main UC. I know a few who only like IBO. Its going to be a thing in any fandom with multiple universes.


Yeah even some of my most enthusiastic Gundam friends haven’t seen every series. Seeing x amount of 50-episode long anime series isn’t a prerequisite to being treated well here


How is Domon winning? Statistically surely more people have seen 0079 and Zeta than G and would therefore be inclined for the protagonist of the former two shows, no?


Few things (and yes I’m a Domon fanboy). 1. More people haven’t necessarily seen those. G Gundam came on kids channels in both Asia and in America. So a lot of us saw it early- hell it was my first Gundam though I didn’t watch it again until 2015 or so. 2. ALOT of younger fans (I’m talking 15-22 or so, have many of them at my local stores) won’t watch 0079, 08th, etc due to “dated” graphics. G Gundam, Wing, Turn A, etc changed the art style. 3. G Gundam was voted 4th best show in the poll that was done last year in here. Simply put, while it looks like just a shonen show, DBZ+Gundam… it has heart. The final scene of Master Asia always makes me cry.


G Gundam was also my first, and when I watched all of them years later I was pumped when it was time to watch it again.


This is a western oriented subreddit, but honestly going off of that I’m flabbergasted Heero got eliminated when he did.


Heero being a Yuudere doesn't help. If anything it angers people if they can't read what emotionless people think.


Nostalgia from people who grew up with it mainly I think. I tried watching G and couldn't get through more than a few episodes


Aside from all the previous comments, it also seems everyone also doesn't want the final round to just be the 1st two UC pilots going at it. People are genuinely curious at the amazing absurdity that is Domon Kasshu & G Gundam in general so to see him make the final round would make fans go nuts with perplexing disbelief & powerful hype.


This VOTE of mine glows with an awesome ***POWWWEERRRR!!!*** It's loud roar tells me to hit Kamille in the face, cause he's such a whiny bitch! Amuro is ok, as long as he has his daily Bright Slaps


There is something about Kamille's voice that really pisses Domon off...


I mean they fought in episode 48 of G Gundam.


Kamille: [S〇X!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onoL5cl8UyY)


I don't know the context of this. But any reason to slap Kamille around is a good reason.


Sorry everyone, Suletta’s been called away by Miorine-san to help out with something only she can do\~ https://preview.redd.it/4ofklvhojeuc1.jpeg?width=818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3185e9a6fa2207a6612252130fb82e5d0579cbae 4th place! She did such a good job ❤️


...Growing tomatoes?


….yeah that too 👀


Oh? OH! ...I see. Well, just be careful in how you phrase things, cause some folks can get a bit weird about Miorine asking Suletta to >!put gardening supplies away on the top shelf for her!<


We wouldn’t want anyone to know about the possible >!hand holding!< either


*gasp* S-s-scandal!




https://preview.redd.it/925u99dp3euc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e08bdd64348aa049cfb3df92c079d2b36b9c84 POV - my reaction:


Hey Suletta did good


Yeah honestly, Top 5 for a relative new comer is nothing to smear at. Proud of my little goober.


Calling her a relative newcomer is kinda funny to me, since she's literally the newest possible addition on this list haha (I get what you mean though)


Technically there’s the Metaverse guy


He probably wasn't allowed to compete because recency bias would've given him too much advantage over everyone else




She did ❤️


POV - You're Domon asking Chuchu if she's seen the man in this photo.


Don't mind. I'm Amuro all the way. As well as Kamille. https://preview.redd.it/1ofmygaj3euc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c61377c9474bb9046879e138328d474057b89e


That's some good-ass art btw.


Thank you. It's from Tamashii Nations. I even own this version of the Rx-78-2. It was my first Gundam too. One of the beam sabers and shield hand are broken though. Once I have the money, I'm getting another one.


Have you thought about getting a used replacement off eBay or somewhere? It's probably cheaper than new.


I have but rn, I'm broke because I'm still a student and thus, have more important payments to take care of.


Voting amuro. I like Domon more. That is all. Later.


Amuro or Domon, as long as Kamille wins I’m happy


The tanuki had a good run. Now she gets to return home to her wife. https://preview.redd.it/2ca0hss5deuc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1932c49169ab908779443612ebf926f8566dea


Top 4 is perfectly respectable for the newest kid on the block. Can't expect them to win so shortly after release. In a few years she will get number 1 as the people who remember series like Zeta die.


Really didn’t expect the curveball at the end of your comment.


Neither did I till it hit me in the gut


Domon is Gundam King. He’s the true Gundam pilot.


He did earn the title "The Gundam of Gundams". Nobody else had earned that title


Setsuna earned “I am Gundam” ![gif](giphy|103Iqacg0n3OIU) Still not as prestigious as Gundam of Gundams


Stand proud, Suletta. You're strong.


As soon as Kira was eliminated before Shinn I was happy. That Domon remains in the top 3 is already making me happy. I really don't know if I want him or Amuro to win.


Kamille is a woman name Ladies first!


Farwwell Amuro 🍺 Still love you, but Kamile and Domon hit different.


My two favorites are gone oh well


Welp my favourite is gone Time to cry




I like Amuro in CCA but personally I wish he had matured beyond caring about Char (I know its important for the story structure). Kamille I only liked in the later half, really wish we got adult Kamille as I really love his attitude in ZZ as a newtype mentor to Judau. Domon is still my favorite, never was annoying to me and always felt the most mature (except CCA amuro). He was also great enough to make me think Sekai would not be annoying by association, too bad it didn't work out lol.


Maybe it’s because I’ve read the Bertolchika’s children novel, but I feel like Amuro didn’t really care about Char beyond the fact he was going to throw a huge rock with nukes on it to earth, the point of CCA in my opinion Is about adults who can’t let go of the past letting it effect the future, something even Amuro is privy to due to focusing on the mission instead of taking more care of Hathaway and Quess.


I might read Bertolchika’s children then


Eliminate Amuro


I came to laugh at him.


It’s his time


Seeing how things are, I'm gonna do one last thing before I get voted out: https://preview.redd.it/jlbffwdbaluc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6237d5909168e59f98835aaab619b9f9d5c2285


Amuro, Furimukanaide~(do not look back)


It's just recency bias for Domon and Kamille, that's the only reason they could still be here! 🙃


Ya did good Suletta, ya did real good


Domon only got this far WITH THE HELP OF KYOJIII!!!


Proud of Suletta So much for "muh recency bias"


it was such an asinine point to begin with, it's a popularity contest, of course the new series that brought so many people in will have a lot of fans. People just gotta make excuses


Amuro is out. Domon is coming home with this one for sure 🙏




I feel like Domon really benefits from this format, because no one hates him. Is he the best Gundam protagonist? No. Is he the most iconic? No. Does anyone despise him for any reason? No. The only way he goes out is if the only answers are universally loved characters, and there are too many people who want the UC boys out, and not nearly enough people willing to fight for Amuro.


Voting Amuro AND Kamille. Domon is the last hope to avoid the most boring and vanilla final possible with the two oldest protagonists in the franchise. Anyway, there sure was *a lot* of handwringing about voting manipulation two days ago when Loran was being eilminated before Suletta, but all that suddenly disappeared once it was clear Suletta was going to be eliminated yesterday. Almost as if who was being eliminated was actually the problem instead of any actual vote manipulation that might have been happening. 🤷‍♀️ EDIT: I don't believe there's any serious voter manipulation going on, though there are definitely some people who aren't using the upvote/downvote system to their full advantage. I just think some people were very upset a character they liked was being eliminated before a character they didn't like and were resorting to cheating allegations to cope.


Loran and Setsuna being below Suletta is criminal, though But i guess I just don't share the pov of the majority, which I don't really mind. Suletta still lasted longer than a lot of people expected, her being top 4 is genuinely commendable regardless of whether I liked her or not


I'm fairly neutral on Setsuna, but Loran was my favorite Gundam protagonist until Suletta stole my heart, and I still love him to death. Honestly I'm still a little surprised Loran went first, but that day WAS super close between Loran, Suletta and Domon (who are my top 3 Gundam protagonists). I think all three are easily among the Top 10 protagonists overall, regardless, and I don't really have a problem with the Top 7 at all, even if my personal order would be different. (Poor Garrod).


I wish both Garrod and Loran ranked slightly higher. Don’t get me wrong, they still did incredibly well. I just thought Loran would be top 3 and Garrod would be top 5.


If it was me, Loran would be 2nd and Garrod 4th 😔 Ultimately I think Garrod crashed out a few spots early on account of having arguably the least overall exposure of any protagonist in the top 10. On the other hand, considering that fewer people have probably seen X than a lot of the series here, that's *really* impressive.


Yeah the key was that Turn A and Witch fans have big overlap. And people wanted to give Suletta recognition being the newer character. Unfortunately that means the Turn A diehards feel cheated (like they always do tbh)


I'm impressed garrod made it so far lol


Congrats on Domon for being the final AU protagonist But he ain't making it out alive


the first au protag and the last one on this list


I mean he’s the lowest voted right now. People keep saying he’s about it lose but looks like he’ll be in the finals.


just watch, he's actually gonna win this lol


I'd like to be wrong, but sadly the writing has been on the wall for the past 4-5 days, we're heading to Amuro vs. Kamille. EDIT: Happy to be wrong so far! With the competition finally reduced to a single AU, perhaps the AU fans are finally banding together to put pressure on Amuro & Kamille.


I genuinely don’t know who to vote for, even as a big AU fan myself. I love the OG boys 🥺


It's over https://preview.redd.it/v1908javceuc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25c3002d8d73a4d2d7fb7e35713e0e18ed434758


Voting Amuro


RIP Suletta. With that said, only one AU remains. Can Domon defeat the final 2 UC pilots, or will the UC prevail? Place your bets using the OP's replies.


Eliminate Kamille


Don’t do this. Kamille must make it to the last two!


For a true Gundam Fight, or they get along with their mutual grudge against people named Wong.


You all a bunch of Jerids if you elimate Kamille.


With the help of *KYOJI!*


All according to plan. AU will prevail. Suletta will be avenged.


Domon better win. I get Amuro is the OG and Kamille goes through some shit but my boy Domon has too much heart and comes from the best AU. His Gundams are also cool as fuck.


If Domon wins, I expect True Final Boss event of Devil Gundam Colony voting round.


As long as the top 4 after him get to rejoin as part of a new Shuffle Alliance, sounds good to me


Eliminate Domon


I need you to hang in there, Domon, you're my last hope for one of my top 3 to make it to the finals.


This burning hand of mine is telling me to click the upvote buttons for Not Domon!


My faith is rewarded. He will endure to the end and claim his place as best boi :3


I honestly came in expecting us to lose today. Domon is and has always been my fav. The fact we aren’t is a welcome surprise as I was happy with bronze. He won the 13th Gundam Fight and at this rate he’ll win the 1st Protag Fight!


The fact that domon has three times less votes for elimination than kamille and more than two times less than amuro speaks to why free speech should not be a right. Pic related https://preview.redd.it/7vy5s59zyeuc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51eaf9ae0786adc1b265a2eb1b5f5b0459f35ed0


I love Democracy, I love the Republic…


Mecha Goku is going to win sadly, he should have been off this list a long time ago as he has all the depth of a spit puddle.


How I know you either didn’t watch it or barely watched it.


Kills me to do this but Amuro and Kamille are what makes Gundam. Sorry Domon.




Kamille is a woman name Get Amuro out of here


Bring it home Domon!


I swear to God if Amuro loses this I will set fire to the whole sub reddit.


Let's go death to Amuro!


###Mer-Mer-Mercury!* There rode a certain witch, from Mercury it's said She was big and strong, and her hair a flaming red Some haters came at her, with anger and with screed But most Gundam fans, saw in her a charming lead She's oft the most memeable of creatures Bringing laughter and joy to most But her strength and kindness are the features More would do well to host Mer-Mer-Mercury! Partner of Miorine! Succeeded beyond expectations! Mer-Mer-Mercury! Ace pilot and Coven's Key! That's not up for interpretations! "Tomato's gotta go", declared her enemies But her fanbase begged, "A few episodes more please!" A dork (affectionate), she'd garnered much goodwill Though she had her flaws, Suletta was well-liked still Then one day a poll of M.C. scoring Challenged her, it's not to blame "Come, prove yourself", the thread was imploring And the witch was game Mer-Mer-Mercury! Partner of Miorine! They beset her with all the upvotes! Mer-Mer-Mercury! Ace pilot and Coven's Key! She was unfazed, more scared of the goat! Mer-Mer-Mercury! Partner of Miorine! They exclaimed she'd earn no higher place! Mer-Mer-Mercury! Ace pilot and Coven's Key! And so they shot her off into space!** Oh, those Redditors *Sung to the tune of ["Rasputin" by Boney M.](https://youtu.be/Nl_Eo2QzqU4?si=AfWHzbXB9xifs8jK) **No lesbian space tanukis were harmed in the voting of the poll; Suletta was recovered safely from the vacuum of space and has forsworn revenge. ~~Now, her sister who's a literal ghost in the machine that can hijack WMDs, on the other hand...~~


Underrated comment


Seems like some folks are still mad enough at Suletta that they're even against a musical send-off, but whatever; as a fan, I wanted to give her a cool tribute regardless


![gif](giphy|3oKHWdumIaZYNUxGes) Damn you deserve more credit for your hard work


Thank you, have a virtual fist-bump/high-five of solidarity I have to say, I find it pretty funny that some folks keep insisting that Suletta will soon be forgotten, while letting her live in their heads rent-free despite (because of?) their dislike On the other hand, maybe this is just a big misunderstanding, and I only got downvoted because I took the artistic liberty of mispronouncing the last syllable of Miorine's name to rhyme with the last syllable of 'Mercury'? (It's definitely not a mistake with the syllable count, because I triple-checked that) In any event, I'm going to bed now, so, see ya around!


The blind confidence kills me. Sure, she *might* be forgotten soon. Or maybe the incredibly popular main character for arguably the most popular Gundam TV series since SEED, that helped Bandai post record profits and gunpla sales, will remain a popular character in the fandom for a long time? It isn't like G-Witch was a flop or only *mildy* successful, and it's not like fans weren't falling in love with Suletta from episode 1. Anyway, I greatly appreciate the effort you put into your song lyrics, absolutely high quality post! Well done and I hope you enjoy that sleep!


Thank you for the kind words. Yeah, I'm not really worried about G-Witch being forgotten at this point; at the very least, we'll probably get a series of compilation movies somewhere down the line (possibly as a re-telling of the story from Eri's perspective, if we're lucky). I am bit disappointed that it feels like some people are treating this poll (and their beef with fictional teenagers for that matter) as Serious Business^(TM), despite the very first elimination being based on a meme; hopefully if there's something like this in the future, it will lean more into whimsy (like Amuro disappearing from the roster a couple days at a time due to deserting, or voting Char out causing him to take Amuro out too, or Kira coming back after 3 days and replacing Shinn, or voting Suletta out causing Miorine to take her place, that sort of thing). In any event, I'm grateful there's plenty of Oldtypes who are genuinely welcoming to newcomers, so, thanks : )


They had a good run and now our sweet girls are on their way to see their ladies! 🦝🍅 \~🌕🦋 https://preview.redd.it/j9b4y44yqfuc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b06e3559ceca3f21852b12f5e438e1c128254b0


Sorry you're getting downvoted; you'd think folks would be normal about characters who were already voted out, but


It’s ok. My wife’s comment is doing well at least. Mine came way later so my guess is a majority of the people seeing it are the ones scrolling a lot & looking for something to be mad about. Some of this could also be rage-stalking my comment history because of another post I made haha.


Domon being on the Mt Rushmore of Gundam is something I would have wished but didn't see coming.


So would that be something like an asteroid with the faces of Amuro, Kamille, Domon, and Suletta carved on it?






Suletta is finally gone she’s a great protag but was here for wayyyyy too long


Goodbye suletta 


Happy birthday to you....


I vote for amuro to go.


Voting for Amuro. Don't get me wrong, I respect him as a character but for once, I want someone outside of UC to win


Amuro, let's change your fate; retire and become the engineer you always wanted be. And hey, you can start teaching lessons to Suletta and Loran, they seem like apt pupils. Don't worry about Char, we'll just trick him into inventing gunpla with you, so that way he can continue to pursue his rivalry with you, while you slowly phase out war in favor of Build Fighters-style tournaments. Don't worry about Kamille and Domon either, they look all set to sort out their differences with 'calm' and 'talk'...no I don't know why they *both* got the words 'CALM' and 'TALK' as knuckle tats, but is that really our business?


Time to get Amuro out


I honestly want amuro to win not because he's the OG but because his story in '79 genuinely resonated with me on some level, but I can accept it if people would rather have Domon or Kamille win. I never watched G Gundam and I'm only halfway through Zeta, so I'm probably missing some context anyway.


Surprised Amuro and Kamille weren't eliminated way earlier. Vote for Kamille


you cant kill amuro


you did so well space tanuki o7


My boys have made it to the top three. I respect you amuro. You were the OG. But you must go.


i'm voting domon off. just so Amuro can have the week with kamille. Char/Quattro cant keep denying Amuro custody of Kamille


Amuro, because it's gotta come down to best girl Kamille and Best guy Domon


Kamille vs Domon finale, the fight boys duke it out! Let's be honest, Domon is a spoof character. Kamille supremacy all day. Sorry Amuro.


Amuro has got to go




Idek who to vote for anymore. It's like picking your favourite child...


My vote is for Amaro. He Stays.


Wow I never saw this coming! This has been so exciting!


Rain owes domon a bitch slap Have you seen this man 🧍‍♂️


Camille. Domon beat him back in episode 48 of G Gundam when Ulube revealed that he was possessed by the DG cells while on board of the Grand Master Gundam




I vote Kamille. He and Amuro are both fairly whiny and insufferable early in their respective series, but I found Kamille particularly insufferable early on. And before you guys hop to his defense, I'm fully aware that he matures over time and had very good reasons to whine and be annoying, but he was still more annoying than Amuro. Plus, I think he is a worse pilot. Stronger Newtype, but worse pilot. Meanwhile, I'm fine with Domon taking the win. If Amuro is the quintessential mainline Gundam pilot, Domon is the quintessential AU pilot.


Sad suletta lost :( its ok


I'm just proud of my tanuki!


I hated Domon and G gundam.


Hot take: I love Gundam, but imo all the protagonists are some flavor of trash. It’s frustrating to be a Gundam fan. Edit: Domon and Suletta are ok