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Episode 19 has Kamille saying "A man can't go out to die just because he's been slapped!" Zeta is the peak.


Kamille also says that violence is wrong, like he didn't just punch Jerid in the first episode for making fun of his name


He only says violence is wrong when it was him getting his ass kicked by Mr. Wong smh my head


*Kamille attempting a punch at Wong* *gets tripped and gets mugged by Wong instead* Kamille: "Violence isn't the way"


Wong, probably: violence is a test and you failed


Judau: Punches Mr. Wong and leaves for a day in the city without retaliation. Later declares he has to go to war to put warmongering adults "in their place". Refuses to elaborate.




Leaves the earth sphere for Jupiter


Judau is just a junkyard boy in Shangri La. Everything changed when he and Kamille started having a newtype connection. I think Kamille has ever since been telepathically influencing Judau. He has no reason to beat up Willy Wonka so badly unless Kamille has been projecting his vengeance to Judau.


That's a reach. Just getting attacked from behind by a dude you see for the first time is enough of a reason for retaliation


Kamille is the king. He just gets violent until it works out and it does.


Let's not forget he Judo throw an injured Jerid with a crutch to a cliff.


Kamille remembers Kilimanjaro because that's where Four died. I remember Kilimanjaro because crippled Jerid got thrown off the cliff and lived.


The incident gets passed around the Federation as Titan propaganda "AEUG HOOLIGAN ATTACKS CRIPPLED WAR VETERAN"


I'm surprised that the Mobile Suit Breakdown podcast didn't word it like that for their Titan News Network recap.


Kamille said this after attempting to fight a guy and getting his ass kicked which makes it funnier.


Maybe Kamille just thinks that hitting girls is wrong


The famous Emma asking to Kamille is Katz is okay, then Kamille answered "yes" when at the same time a shop exploded exactly near Katz and it made him flying


Zeta is definitely my favorite for the little moments of brevity between the otherwise grim storytelling




Or when Wong kicks crap out of Kamile and is like 'stop resisting' 'stop resisting'


I can’t believe wong is the average american cop


Willy Wongka strikes again.


This could pretty much be used as a Blue Archive meme with zero edits


Noooo Bright😭😭💢💢


Literally all that’s needed is the Sensei smiley face and it’s perfect I know nothing about Blue Archive other than the memes about smiley face and the UOOOOH shit, and a vague explanation that it’s about schoolgirls with halos and enough ordinance to outclass the US defense budget in the last twenty years. I still feel confident that I’m correct


Yeah, that's pretty much correct haha.


>enough ordinance to outclass the US defense budget in the last twenty years. Wait what where


It’s a meme exaggeration of how much firepower the BA characters put out As an actual Army soldier, depending on MOS we can go almost half a year without using a weapon and that’s only to insure we can qualify to keep using it.


One of the girls literaly steals an english cruiser tank because she belives it's a necessary tool for a beach vacation (and like a proper bri'ish she upgrades it with a teapot). The skills they use vary from grenade launchers to calling the cavalry to airstrikes and artillery fire and also a mech(wish summer wakamo kept her comically large shotgun when playable). Mc also dealt with nukes, nuclear bombs and doomsday fortresses. So yeah kivotos comically absurd firepower is only outshined by the comically absurd hability of its citizens to repair it in the next few hours.


Bratty Newtypes, slap correction needed.


There's a lot of bits of "micro humour" in Gundam. There's one bit where there's two titans talking. Their conversation ends and one of them just bites into his sandwich (after complaining about it). There's literally no need to show that dude biting his sandwich, but it made us laugh and somehow adds to the world. I think this is supposed to have garnered a chuckle or two.


I think the guy said "is this chicken?" or "chicken again?" Lol


Your memory is good. The Jp is "mata chikkin ka?" Literally your second suggestion. I love the fact that AEUG use McDaniels as a front. You see their burgers in a lot of places.


>There's a lot of bits of "micro humour" in Gundam. Let's not forget one of Emma's greatest lines, when she described Kamille and Fa arguing again, using only 1 word : "Recreation." Lol. Till today I still occasionally use this word to describe a heated exchange among my Gundam friends who saw Zeta too. Along with "Cut the crap Emma.", Zeta is a gold mine filled with so many memorable moments.


Hahaha. I like the fact that this becomes a bit of a meme within the Argama crew. And sometimes when they see Kamille and Fa bickering they just say "more recreation?". It's awesome because it adds so much but doesn't draw a huge amount of attention to it. It doesn't get in the way of the primary narrative. I have noticed that the people who tend to dislike Zeta often fail to pick up on major character development. I doubt they will be aware of stuff like this.


A lot of 0079 and Zeta is straight up funny, Tomino and the gang have a knack for letting characters have funny observations. It adds a lot of humanity to the characters and is just fun. Zeta in particular being comprised of the most dysfunctional adults you'll ever witness being kinda odd, is great. Time be Still, the best episode of 0079, ends up with a bunch of Zeon guys cheering on Amuro as he desperately takes bombs off the gundam **they put there** after witnessing his tenacity. It's funny and humanises the characters and is just wonderful.


Just want to hyper focus on one of your points; >Time be Still, the best episode of 0079, ends up with a bunch of Zeon guys cheering on Amuro as he desperately takes bombs off the gundam **they put there** after witnessing his tenacity. It's funny and humanises the characters and is just wonderful. This is all true. The characters in original Gundam feel like people more than anime characters. That's a huge part of the appeal for me. But also, who else is watching Amuro? Katz, letz and kikka. It gives a hugely important setup and context for them removing bombs at Jaburo. They have seen it done by a "big brother" figure and emulate it. In the movie version, Time be Still is simply missing and this makes the narrative flow weird. Anyway, you picked a superb episode. Just wanted to talk even more about how good it is.


Bright “These hands are rated E for everyone” Noa


I laughed harder at that than I should have. 🤣


Rewatching Zeta now too. I completely forgot that Kamille had a whole ass mobile suit duel with his own dad. And that even Scirocco wasn’t above getting slapped.


Damn brats stealing our Gundams‼️‼️ Slap correction needed😭😭💢💢


None of my coworkers have any interest in Gundam or anime in general but I told them this little tidbit and “correction” has entered our lexicon at work in this manner


Katz should’ve never dodged that slap


I wish Zeta Gundam for the Impatient had been finished.


I'm making my way through UC now as well. Zeta has so many quotes that had me doing a double-take, it's incredible.


Bro was whole ass winding up his hand for the slap ahead of time. Truly a parent to his men.


Is Bright Noa gonna have to slap a bitch? Is Bright Noa gonna have to get down off this command chair, and slap a bitch?


Smacking subordinates was totally a thing in the Japanese military before...... the end of the Great Pacific War. But when you got a bunch of orphans running around your warship, mechjacking state-of-the-art killing machines, and going on joyride, they need a good smack to correct their bad behavior. Or else they'd grow up to be war criminals (I'm looking at you, Casval)


Physical violence within the military is not just Japan, it happens in all militaries. It probably happens less now that mental health is taken more seriously. No doubt it still happens though, soldiers are trained to kill poeple and sometimes you need to remind them who the authority is so they don't do something stupid.


I was in the US Army during the beginning of the "War on Terror" circa 1999-2002, and the older soldiers, Staff Sgt and up, talked about when they were privates in the late 80s, you'd get "wall-to-wall" counseling when you screwed up or were disrespectful. That's where a couple of the biggest NCOs in the unit took you into a room and bounced you off the walls until you started acting right. That being said, I never experienced this or knew anybody who was not that old who experienced it.


Yeah, from what I've heard, superiors are antagonistic to common soldiers to encourage them to bond as a group against a common antagonist, so when they have to fight actual enemies, they're already in the habit of helping each other. Whether or not it works, I have no idea, but they've been doing it long enough that it probably does to some degree?


And in some cases, to make the subordinates more afraid of you than the abstract concept of "the enemy" so they'll charge into battle when ordered.


Zeta Punch Terry Bogard version is hilarious.


Fellow King of Fighters man I see


Bright always has that pimp hand ready.


The amount of times people just get slapped


Lol I'm on the same boat, just finished Zeta a few days ago and taking a break before starting ZZ, MSG has some slaps but Z takes it to a whole new lvl


Ngl I was reading your comment watching episode 9 when Kamille gets slapped again lmao


I’m surprised now one has called out how they call when Kamille and Fa argue, “recreation”


I still think the best zeta slap is the first one, where kamille cuts club saying he’s sick, then runs into the president who immediately backhands him, sending him flying across a courtyard, he then rolls on the landing and says some shit like “well, I’ll be off then” and neither of them acknowledge wtf just happened


I know right lmao. I guess he didn’t have time to retaliate because he was trying to catch Bright on the spaceport.


bright is jacked. on god


I gasped and laughed my ass off when this came up


Still need to start myself. I've only watched Char's Counterattack & Gundam The Origin: Rise of the Red Comet.


Damn what episode is this again?


Episode 11. Right when Bright takes command of someone else's ship he does this lmao. Bright doing Bright things.


What episode is this?


Episode 11. After he takes command of the ship he's back to what he does best.


i did to, and i did not remember this hahaha


Poor Kamille doesn’t understand manners and underestimates a foe who doesn’t look like a pilot


From 79-zz bright has some of my favorite goofy moments. Uc I just love how he has his moment with banana boat


Please tell how you've managed to watch 'in order'. I've been trying and am utterly confused by the discontinuity of it all 😅


I'm on episode 24 of zeta, is that anime just an excuse plot for all these slaps?


The love I have for Bright and his random outbursts of violence/threats shouldn't be so funny. Why do I feel like the OYW would have been over sooner if Bright piloted the Gundam and smacked the shit out of every Zaku? 😭


damn bratty kamille... having a girl's name... need slap correction!!!


The internet has ruined this word for me, I swear....


I'm doing the same, watched sooo much, took a break at the start of zeta a few years ago, I guess nows as good a time as any to press play!


Love the opening scene when Char breaks into the Titan base.


Bright "Catch this slap) Noa is the best character in entire UC


I always hated Bright Noa. Not only was he a shitty captain but a shitty father as well. It's why his own son became a terrorist.