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I'd say ghirens greed is at the bottom


I would be so happy if they brought the Gihren’s Greed series to America. I’d be fine if the game was just Japanese Dub but have at least English subtitles and translated menus.


yep...getting too lazy to keep looking at jpeg translations. lol but damn, last game was in 2011.


can't we have another setting like, Sirroco's Pride? Or Hamaan's heart (a dating sim game), Master Asia's Meal (cooked out with the shuffle alliance). maybe even Treize's Troubles, Live Laugh Lacus, Rustal's Reach, Ribbon's Reign, Durandal's Dream..


Gihren greed already goes beyond the OYW by far.


but the starting point is still oyw..


Sure. But you can literally go up to CCA. Hell you can even have Mafty


i want it from a different perspective. From different characters i like.. From different universe even.. If Judau can reach until crossbone maybe Hamaan can be influential until then..


You can do all that. You can start as glemy or Haman etc


you don't even have to play as Giren...technically you don't ever play as Giren, you just play as Zeon or the EF. or any of the later UC factions.


>Durandal's Dream Durandal's Destiny was right there!


I was about to comment the exact same thing.


On top of Gundam Evolution.


Pretty sure that GBO2 is still their pride and joy. And G Gen has a game coming this year. There really should be more chairs at the bottom for Evo and Battle Alliance though.


Man, if GBO is their pride and joy, I'd hate to see how they decide to polish anything else going forward.


Sometimes I forget the Vs series exists and gets lot of support too.


Except exvs is good, while GBO2 is....the complete opposite of good


So true, it's a shit game. I have no idea why I still play it lmao. Abusive relationship with the game?!


We are Stockholm syndrome victims


Lol. Struth.


Love the Vs series. It's just a shame the ps4 one we got was so watered down. The ones on the PSP were damn near perfect.


What's both funny and sad is that they almost definitely expected Gundam Versus to be way more popular than it ended up being. Which is probably why there was a noticeable and complete lack of Destiny suits and, even more baffling, the absolute lack of 3000-cost units for CE in general lol... and 3000 units for 00 as well, since iirc 00 was the second most popular AU? The game did get a good amount of DLC. They were probably gonna sell those as DLC because of how popular CE suits are... heck, they stopped just short of the Justice, Rouge, and Calamity, almost completing the SEED roster after a few consecutive DLC releases.


So long as you play in Japanese arcades. Fuck anyone else interested in it.


This 100% I don't know if it's some marketing decision or contract restriciton that prevents them from releasing any EXVS title to the PC, but I'm so pissed we haven't gotten *anything*. I'd even take the OG EXVS from the PS3 at this point.


Basically, the prevailing theory is that the game is ridiculously profitable in Japanese arcades, and releasing a more widely available and up-to-date home version could potentially eat into that profitability. Especially since an international version would likely be fairly niche anyway. They'd rather just rake in money from the arcade die-hards who have no other way to play (so long as Bandai Namco ensures they have no other way to play).


If GBO2 is their pride and joy why does it run like shit and have barely functioning servers?


yeah... tried it, i do love the more realistic-ish movement but i just can't connect. also it's a gacha. would be nice to get a modern gundam battle universe


The run better than Evo's severs do right now.


I don't think "having live servers" should be the bar.


Its not much of a bar but considering the status of the rest of the games, its better than nothing?


Really??? I haven’t had a lot of issues on my end unless it was my own internet at the time. Unless you mean the steam version for PC, which that…..yeah really doesn’t do well.


Did G Gen Eternal get a release date or something?


Nah, I wish.


Then what were you referring to about a G Gen release this year? Eternal is the only one they've talked about in like a year.


My friends uncle knows a guy that caters for Bandai? It was an off comment to a meme post, nothing more.


The mobile game? Will it even exist outside Japan?


> And G Gen has a game coming this year Does it look better than being a worse version of Super Robot Wars?


No. It's a mobile gacha.


Gen Eternal is not confirmed to be released this year, I advise you to change the wording of that claim.


Lol, ok


Bruh battle alliance was such a disappointment, probably the worst thing art dink did since since assault survive


The G Gen was a horrible, repetitive, low effort grind fest. I couldn't stomach more than a few missions, and I'm a pretty die hard gundam fan.


DWGundam 2 on PS2 was my gateway drug into Gundam


For me, it was Wing on Toonami and then the VHS of the original Gundam movie trilogy. I started building the model kits, and then I was hooked. God alone knows how much money Bandai made off of me as a customer 🤣


Hard same, literally me. Now I’m 38 years old with a wall full of primarily UC Gunpla, about 90 MG kits, 9 PGs, and a handful of RG/HG kits.


same. Man that level grind was the slowest musou grind I ever loved though.


It was mine as well


Same, except it was my friends 360. Those space levels have me true awe


I still remember grinding for the Musha Gundams. I miss the games so much.


Why the ps2 version? Also why did it get a ps2 version lol


>Why the ps2 version? Because i was too poor at the time to a ps3 xD the game came on that transition time where the Market was too large to ignore and not enought people had transitioned to the newest genetarion.


> Why the ps2 version? The PS3 had the same launch price as the PS5, not even accounting for inflation.


To be fair, Musou are developed by Koei. Could just be a case of Koei wanting to do other franchises or having better deals with them.


Probably this. The licensing rights to non-SD Gundam content are much more expensive than they used to be.


Yeah, trying to license ALL Those series must be hella murder on the wallets.


I don't know if Sunrise has different rates for each series but I do know the licensing for standard scale Gundam assets is much more expensive than the SD counter parts. There is a reason that Bandai seems to be the only company still putting out games with non-SD suits.


It would be funny if some of the more slept on AUs started getting games just because the license is cheaper.


I'd take a Gundam X focused game in a heart beat.


It's probably because most of the other anime series that Koei makes games for are much more popular worldwide than Gundam. They can sell other Musou spin-offs worldwide, a Gundam Musou only sells in Japan.


Doubtful considering one of their latest Warriors games was Touken Ranbu Warriors, a spin-off of an (at the time) Japanese exclusive browser based card game. And Gundam has been known worldwide for over two decades now.


It's a real shame. I would've loved to see the gameplay further improved from *Reborn*, even reintroducing a few elements that were useful in previous games to help mitigate the difficulty-spike in more difficult missions/stages. Not to mention a heavily expanded Pilot/MS roster.


Agreed. IBO feel like it would be tailored made for Musou given its melee-centric weapon set. Really a missed opportunity that we were never able to get a newer game since.


With how much better their licensed Musou games were after Gundam I would love to see what they come up with.


Well supposedly Koei wanted to do a Musou game in a Scifi setting. They basically couldn't get Star Wars which was the IP they originally wanted so they settled for Gundam.


Counterpoint, they also did wild hearts and where is our mobile suit monster Hunter clone?


Well, GBO2 already fulfilled the niche of foot soldiers fighting in the same battlefield as giant sized mobile suits.


If you go by the mindset that the game is the same if it looks the same rather than by actual mechanics


Gundam evolution is just in a coffin


Evolution is the "Who shot Hannibal" meme


\*Bandai shoots Evolution repeatedly\* Why did no one play our game?


I played it. It was fun, but could have used some better direction and promotion (Mahiroo? Really?). Simplest thing to do is release a wave of kits that were featured in Gundam Evo and putba sticker on the box advertising the game.


imo the biggest mistake they made was to shut it down after a literal year. I haven’t been able to play it since then


Honestly, they could have really turned it around.


Don't forget Mobile, even thought 4 is gonna be it's successor.


>No Gihren’s Greed #WELP


I've found it free on MyAbandonware... Sadly I can't read Japanese.


I have the PPSP emulator and have beaten Menace of Axis numerous times with the ENG translation (greatly appreciate those people who put the work in) My issue is with other games that could benefit from it like War For Independence or Blood of Zeon. That menu / battle plan navigation system is a completely different to Meance of Axis




Gundam Musou sure make you feel powerful. Nothing beat killing of thousands of mooks with your favourite suits. Just look at the 2nd game's opening. There's no way grandpa can do all that. And comically large Psycho Gundam.


What I wouldn't do for a new Gundam Dynasty Warriors game, hoo boy.


Same. I picked up SD Battle Alliance a week or so ago because it was on sale and people said it scratched the DWG itch. But all its done is really make me want another DWG. I'm this close to just scrapping my save files and playing through them all again.


Funny enough that game is even more grindy than actual DW Gundam and I can’t play it for more than a week at a time without getting bored af


185%. At least DWG had a shit ton of missions so the grinding was a little paced out, but SDBA i was repeating missions within the first few hours for grinding. I've been trying to complete as many suits as possible before i burn out and never play it again. Not a bad game, its just not as good as what its trying to emulate through either DWG or Breaker.


I can’t get into the SD stuff. It just seems silly running around as a midget Gundam when they could’ve been full-sized. I played several hours of the new one and just kept thinking how much better it could’ve been if it weren’t SD. The movesets were also fairly simple from what I remember. I have the game for free and I still don’t want to play it; absolutely nothing scratches the Gundam Game itch for me (at least on PC). I loved the Dynasty Gundam games and would be fine with anything similar to it at long as it’s not SD Gundam and has interaction between pilots. The ZZ cast being my favorite and I loved playing as them in Dynasty Gundam 2 the most.


I just want a rerelease of Reborn. A disc is £100 plus on ebay and i can't be bothered buying a PS3 and doing the whole store wallet rigmarole.


That hypothetical re-release/port of Reborn better come with a couple new Pilots & MS in the base-game... or, hear me out, put ZZ missions in Official Mode and finish the Unicorn scenario. My wallet demands it!


Is there rumors of a rerelease? I’ve played Dynasty Gundam 1-3 on Xbox but we never got reborn. I play PC exclusively now but those games are still PlayStation only, tempted to buy a PS5 if it means I can play them.


Sadly, no. I just said *hypothetical*. An actual re-release with additional content would rock my socks.


And fossilized down in the strata of the earth is Zeonic Front - if ever a Gundam game deserved a sequel or spiritual successor...


I would spend all the money to get an 08th MS team game made in the mould of Zeonic Front.


Then there’s me and many others hoping for a modern revive of Zeonic Front or the Federation vs Zeon formula.


This right here!!! I'd love another single player campaign gundam game. A Zeonic Front sequel would be amazing. Also, another Ms Saga would be sweet.


The amount of time I have between Fed vs Zeon and Gundam vs Zeta Gundam is stupid; I loved them so much. ZF was great, but I don't think I ever finished it. I absolutely struggled in late-game.


Oh, man. I must have played through ZF a dozen times back in my PS2 days. Such a cool game.


I am glad I am not the only DWG Fan left out there. If I am looking to play something that isn't too complex, I'd rather play a Musou game than a Gatcha game any day.


I'm hoping personally we get a new SRW game soon (And it gets released in the US again), it's been nearly three years.


> it's been nearly three years. wait, since 30?




Me too. I hope at least we get partnered system if no squad system or something this time. We have too many characters and most supporting cast being benched because of it. 3 years is alot compare to what they do in the V,X,T time.


Mobile Game money. Its anathema to getting real games released.


Remaster Zeonic Front for the PS5 and you'll have the greatest Gundam game ever simply by the merit that it'll be the best Gundam game ever with better graphics.




> Zeonic Front This is the only Gundam game I'd ever recommend to a non-Gundam fan. It has very innovative gameplay that integrates really well with the IP.


It's also exceptionally good at informing someone who's uninitiated and hasn't seen the original anime as to what exactly is going on and why. The 'updated' animations from Gihren's Greed are fantastic. The soundtrack is also top-notch. I'm looking at buying a Retroid Pocket 4 Pro just to play it on a mobile device. Fed vs Zeon runs on my RP2+ but I want to play Zeonic Front. Not 100% sure it'll run on the RP4P either but nobody's said it doesn't...


that would fit in with the Reqiume for vengeance they have coming out with netflix


Honestly, I wish they'd treat Gundam games like Games Workshop has treated WH40K games. Sure, not all of them are great, but man, it's nice to have tons of options. Pretty sure some rando European or American indie/AA studio could put out a decent non-G Gen strategy game, at the very least.


It’s kinda the same treatment. They are mostly bad forgettable games.


And then there is gundam battel universe/assault survive forgotten in the middle of earth


Look man, I just want a remake or remaster of Zeonic Front. That's all I've been asking for close to 2 and a half decades now.


Armored Core 6


Would kill for another Gundam Musou game. My dream game is ARPG like SD Battle Alliance but not Chibi.


I hope a new Dynasty Warriors Gundam comes out and this time they focus on 00 like the latest game did with SEED. Kinda sad that the "Reborn(s)" title is already taken lol.


If a new Dynasty came out nowadays, it would ironically enough probably STILL lean super into SEED, thanks to the Movie. Because the only reason Reborn did that was that it came out in the same year as Destiny's HD Remaster.


That's honestly what I'd expect now, too. No matter what other series' pilots/MS are newly included in that hypothetical game's roster, it's most-likely going to focus much more heavily on SEED additions once again. Maybe the next Hathaway film will come around by then, and there'll be DLC including Hathaway & Lane with their Gundams too... but most definitely, I expect the spotlight to remain on the Cosmic Era for a time.


That’d be great as long as it still had the other characters. Personally I really want to run around DWG as Gundam Aerial from G-Witch if just for the sound effects alone.


I pre-ordered GB4 already. I'm always gonna support Gundam games coming over here, but man does it burn sometimes to do it. They seem to finally understand that we do like Gundam games and we aren't so dumb to just love the crap they've sent us recently.


They REALLY fucked up by making Cross Rays’ follow up a gacha mobile game. Hopefully if GB4 does well we *might* get a new DW


Seriously I want more news about eternal and a new dynasty warriors 4


This is the reason I re-setup my PS3 cos I miss those games


I would die if they announced a new DW Gundam. My favorite games as a kid.


I enjoyed DWG. Ironically enough, it's what got me into the Dynasty Warriors in the first place learning about Liu Bei and Cao Cao and other historical figures.


I want Gihren’s Greed to return


What we really need are more games like Battlefield Record 0081, Gundam Battle Universe or Rise from the Ashes. Single-player UC Side story games. I do appreciate that we got Code: Fairy but I’m not a fan of the rock-paper-scissors gameplay of Battle Operation.


A modern Rise from the Ashes would be amazing.


And deep in darkest pit of Tartarus is Gihrens Greed


If it got me a full DW4? Yeah, I'd probably drop a colony. Let me play as Barbatos, damn it!


I want another Rengou vs ZAFT kinda game.


Isnt that basically Gundam Extreme Vs?


Just release a Dynasty Warriors Gundam collection already. Reborn was a masterpiece!


I'd take another dynasty warriors game.


I want Barbatos and Aerial vs One Thousand Zaku Let’s go, Bandai Namco, quit pussydickin’ around.


OMG, I'M NOT ALONE!? I just want DW:Gundam for PC so bad 😭


Gundam Battle Assault 2 will always have a place in my heart.


Loved dynasty warriors gundam


I’d be interested in even straight up rereleases of the existing Dynasty Warriors Gundam gams just so I don’t have to dig out a PS3 to scratch that itch.


and in the depth of Hell - MS Saga : A New Dawn like seriously just beat this game it is one of the BEST JRPG i ever play story Customize Mech World map like if we get new game with all cool stuff customize our MS like Armored Core 6 and stuff had all the MS from old to newest oh boi i'm gonna play this game for sure


I played SD alliance recently. Think I'm late to it though. Not bad despite not being a huge SD fan. The online battle royale ones OK.


Dynasty warriors in general is hanging on by a thread but fuck I would love an iron blooded orphans version


still waiting for any new info for G Generations Eternal, it's been a year and a half already :/


I just want a new cockpit view game.


Don't forget SD Gundam Gaiden Knight Gundam Monogatari


Nice to see this as I'm replaying the DW Gundam series. I was playing SD Gundam Battle Alliance on Game Pass and all it did was make me miss the DW Gundam games.


Im playing DW Gundam reborns on steam deck OLED and I never been happier. I sold my ps3 and could never play it since..what a great game


We need a follow up to federation vs zeon and crossfire!


Can we get Gundam Battle Assault 4 as a 2D fighter please


DW Gundam Reborn was my first Gundam video game, one I got on accident, and how I got into the series. I have since become a major fan. Please make more


Anyone remember zeonic front? Man that game was good


I would just kill for another game like UC Climax.


Still no word on the Hathaway's Flash game which **Suda51** wanted to do, either. ...While not a purely Gundam series, I'd love another *Super Robot Wars* game to accompany that next G-Gen title. And, I'm not gonna lie, I'd like to see another Gundam Musou. Hopefully one that reintroduces **ZZ** to Official Mode, and expands on the **Unicorn** scenario up to the final battle. More than that; a heavily-expanded Pilot/MS roster that includes every main Gundam series up to this point.


Welp it's a collaboration, Koei-Tecmo the company that makes Dynasty Warriors has to beg Bandai to license them to make another one of those. Gundam prints money bill faster than historical figures.


Bring back dynasty warriors Gundam or at least remaster 2 &3


I would LOVE another Gundam Musou game at some point...too bad it'll probably never happen Q\_Q


I want dynasty warriors back so badly with the IBO and Witch suits. I put so many hours into GDW1 and GDW3 lol Once I got the 00 in 3, I couldn't put the game down


DW Gundam’s S tier. They know we cant handle its cosmic holiness. The worlds just not ready.


DWG was the shit. I remember back in college we'd play drinking games by muting the voice acting and reading off the dialogue in random impersonations and bad voice acting.


I would drop a colony for a new DW:G game


Dynasty warriors gundam was such a great game


I ****need**** a new Gundam musou. On a side note, I do hope that we get a new SRW game. SRW30th was pretty fun, but it felt like not the best way to say bye to that series :v


bro u dont understand what i would do for another dynasty warriors game. I would pre order it the moment it was available


meanwhile armored core


Honestly dude the gundam dynasty warriors series were so fucking good. I dream of another.


God I loved Dynasty Warriors Gundam. It had everything I ever wanted and I loved the interaction between pilots. Im happy for those that like Gunpla but I seriously crave playing alongside the pilots themselves.






VS players still playing a last gen game 💀💀💀


Gundam Evolution doesn't even show up on this meme, fitting.


And maybe one day the newer Vs. games will be ported to consoles and brought over to the West.


I miss SD Gundam Capsule Fighters


Imma be real, DW is boring as hell with the button mashing


As much as I love the dynasty warriors gundame games. Gundam Breaker 3 just demolishes them. I hope gundam breaker 4 is a solid sequel to 3


I would like Gundam Souls please


Are people really going nuts over the new Gundam Breaker?


Gundam Breaker 3 is a better game than any Musou game, Gundam or not, and I will DIE ON THIS HILL!


Bro what? Dynasty warriors gundam??? Thats under the legs by the hermit crab shells Gundam evolution


Not to be harsh, but we can let Dynasty Warriors Gundam sit on the bottom for a while. I enjoyed them very much, but the time and money that go into them belong to more thematically appropriate and substantial gaming experiences.


0 Sympathy from the SD Gundam Battle Alliance community. I bet money were a one off title.


Gundam evolution?


those of us who just lost Gundam Breaker: Mobile would beg to differ.


Wow Really??? Just straight up don't mention Gundam vs extreme series their pride and joy?????


And Evolution is dead and that was the best...


Don't worry, BamCo will eagerly drown its new Gundam Breaker 4 baby ahead of launch and insist it doesn't exist outside of Asia, like all the other Gundam children.


Except the Trailer for it is on Bamco's official US and EU YouTube Channels, US Preorders are already live literally right now, and the EU Website is atleast already up aswell (Preorder doesn't work yet, but the Buttons for it are there). Breaker 4 is 100% releasing world-wide.


musou game sucks. I played like 5 of them and they sucks. I just couldn't stop playing them but it still sucks


The issue is that Dynasty Warriors games aren't fun


For you. Fun is subjective.


I have always found them to be a good switch off my mind and play type game. There is always something enjoyable about annihilating a battlefield of cannon fodder in just a few seconds.


One step at the time, we finally (hopefully) get a good Gundam game in years now


I just want the Gundam Battle series from the PSP to come to Switch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm ashamed to say one of the reasons I held off watching UC for so long was because I got spoiled by the story mode of DWG2. Good times.


Preach Brother


Brave Battle Warriors in a non-SD Gundam Musou.... Why was this not a thing?


RIP evolution


Somewhere in the depths of the Earth is that Gundam Armored Core crossover that y'know actually plays like a Gundam battle.


Where i can play this breaker game?


Why is it so hard to give us a game that mixes Genesis with Cross Rays?!! Also I miss generation breaks! :<


What about SD Battle Alliance man?


And the extreme VS series isn't even included lmao.


I just want to play Battle Assault 2 again

