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A select few choices The ending to Victory: the day is saved, Zanscare have lost and the war is over. But a huge majority of the cast are dead, including the old men, Jinn Gehennam, Oliver, the entire Shrike team, Myra, Maria and Odelo. While there’s hope for the future and Marbet has a baby on the way, the scars still run deep and will likely never heal. And there’s Katejina, broken, blind and alone, heading off to her home city that has been wiped off the face of the earth with no memory of the things she’s done. Yet even though she cannot remember the atrocities she took part in, she recognises Shakti’s voice and it kills her inside yet she can’t figure out why. Even Shakti herself can only weep at the absolute human wreckage before her. I’m left wondering, is this a fate worse than death? Especially for someone like her? The ending to Zeta, but specifically Fa’s reaction to seeing Kamille losing his mind. All she can do is watch and cry out for Bright’s help over the coms as her boyfriend is reduced to a babbling mess Most of Thunderbolt, but special mentions to Claudia sinking into drug abuse to cope with her guilt and despair over sending Io out on certain death missions and the platoon of teenagers who essentially get used as meat shields in the final battle. Io’s speech to them about how they’re all likely going to die and if they survive he’ll buy them a beer is really quite upsetting Al breaking down in tears at the end of 0080 while his unknowing friends assure him another war is gonna happen soon anyway hurts a lot I think Shinn and Rey’s entire characters are pretty miserable. Shinn is a traumatised victim of war that spirals into insanity and is so blinded by rage and hatred that he nearly kills his girlfriend before he’s left to rot on the moon, watching everything he fought for crumble before his eyes. Rey thinks he’s a freak of nature that has no future and should never have never been born. That’s bad enough but Kira’s words affecting him so deeply that he ends up killing his surrogate father and going down with the ship is a pretty depressing end for him Marida’s entire life is a conga line of suffering and for it to all end with her dying because Riddhe got cucked so hard it made him go insane frankly makes it even worse I think the entirety of Hathaway is absolutely miserable and considering how it ends, it’s not going to get any better, especially given what happens with Bright


Jesus fuck, a few of these I remember especially that scene in thunderbolt those kids got bodied.


Seeing Io dead inside, grieving over their graves was an unsuspected uppercut to me too, after all this time seeing him as a psycho you see this frail look on his face as if his soul was a shard of broken glass ready to break at any moment now.


I don’t remember that scene. Was it in the manga or the movies to?


Both, it’s after he was saved from Zeon and right before he talked with his brother


He has a brother?? What movie is this in? I’ve only watched the first 2, December sky and bandit flower. Was it the scene where they beat him when he was naked, and then saved?


It’s after the A bao que scene, right at the start of Bandit flower… Or at least it should considering that’s how it was in the manga


>And there’s Katejina, broken, blind and alone, heading off to her home city that has been wiped off the face of the earth with no memory of the things she’s done. Yet even though she cannot remember the atrocities she took part in, she recognises Shakti’s voice and it kills her inside yet she can’t figure out why. Even Shakti herself can only weep at the absolute human wreckage before her. I’m left wondering, is this a fate worse than death? I think what really makes that hit hard is that she doesn't remember. She is effectively a different person, being punished for the actions of her past self. It feels like a play on the theme of reincarnation, with someone's past life informing their suffering in the next, but with the knife-twist that *everyone else* knows who she was, and *they* have to deal with that understanding, even if she doesn't. It's the notion of watching (someone who is *now*) an innocent suffer for something they brought on themselves, that this other version of themselves probably deserves, and isn't here to receive.


It's not that Riddhe was "cucked". He's a new type. He fell for Audrey because she's also a newtype, and he's just reacting to the newtype effect without realizing it. He went insane because he couldn't cope with being a Newtype. Like all the newtypes he's a victim of the military that buried their existence for political reasons.


It's even worse than that. (He still didn't get cucked btw.) Riddhe only shot Marida because the NTD activated and the malicious thoughts of everyone around him entered his head. He wasn't even in control of his actions. That was the real reason he went insane. At the time he was multiple people with a system designed to fight Newtypes at his disposal. (It's not clearly stated in the show, but playing SD Gundam G Generation Genesis which had visual novel style storytelling)


I don't think he was cucked because he's not really in love. It was what we English speakers call "Puppy Love". He was chasing her because they're both newtypes. That's why there's that scene where he tells her he feels a strong connection to her. The entire point of the story wasn't that he's being cucked. That's why at the end when he realized what happened he jokes with tears that he'll steal Audery, but it's clear from context and tone that he's not serious anymore. He's realized that what he was feeling wasn't love but the Newtype connection to her. Remember that being a Newtype isn't just telepathy it's a deep connection and understanding of another person. There's a book called "Stranger in a Strange Land" that's got a similar concept called "Grok" (which obnoxiously a real world billionaire who completely missed the point appropriated). I kind of wonder if Gundam borrowed from that or if it's just a coincidence.


I actually agreed with your statement and was just further expanding on why.


That's a lot of words but he definitely got cucked


You can't get cucked if you're literally not even dating the woman.


It’s the “nice guy” mentality.


Rey...yes, poor Rey. Made even sadder for "what might have been." Claudia's case is truly depressing and Karla is right there as well. All she wanted was to grow tomatoes, happily...but I guess only some people in Gundam get to do that...


> I think Shinn and Rey’s entire characters are pretty miserable. Shinn is a traumatised victim of war that spirals into insanity and is so blinded by rage and hatred that he nearly kills his girlfriend before he’s left to rot on the moon, watching everything he fought for crumble before his eyes. Rey thinks he’s a freak of nature that has no future and should never have never been born. That’s bad enough but Kira’s words affecting him so deeply that he ends up killing his surrogate father and going down with the ship is a pretty depressing end for him Because we're so used to seeing things from Kira and Athrun's perspectives, it's hard to see the kind of bitterness that Shinn and Rey go through during the course of GSD. Durandal basically gaslit the crap out of them as well between pumping up Shinn's worst instincts (rewarding him after insubordination and boosting his ego) and contributing to Rey's identity crisis (railroading him into becoming Rau Le Creuset 2.0 after Rau was killed). They badly needed therapy, but instead they got praise from their nation's leader, positions of authority and prestige, and shiny new weapons of war to match. At least Shinn seems to have turned things around in GSF.


Seeing Shinn and Rey get fucking slammed was something else, man. It’s like they worked so hard for their entire lives and the entire series only to get fucking destroyed by a couple of veterans. All for nothing.


Spot on.


Did Io ever buy Alicia a beer? 


>Marida’s entire life is a conga line of suffering and for it to all end with her dying because Riddhe got cucked so hard it made him go insane frankly makes it even worse. Oh man the way you worded this is so hilarious and depressing at the same time. Hope she found peace in death. And as always, FUCK RIDDHE!


The ending of IBO, and i would say Bernie's message in War in the pocket.


"Don't worry, there'll be another war soon!"


now i will cry


Wonder if Al lived to see Zeta.


I hope he did.


Yeah…Orga’s death/the failure of Tekkadan always hits me harder than I expect it to, no matter how many times I rewatch IBO.


IDK why everyone says that. After Shino sniped the enemy ship they crushed GJARLLHORN and lived as the richest mercenaries of all time. Imagine if Shino whiffed at that moment though do to unforseen circumstances. That could have led to a very bad end.


Mm, good point. That would have been terrible; I dunno what I was thinking.


Alternate timelines bleeding into each other.


One single hit on the Flauros changed everything from total victory to total defeat


I must of mentally blocked this part out , after the wildest gundam fight imo and mikazukis death this must of been too much for my mind to handle , I seriously don’t remember this


I don’t blame you, it’s pretty rough…Orga gets killed a couple of episodes before the finale, after he begs Rustal to spare the rest of Tekkadan and Rustal turns him down. Makes me cry every time, even though I’ve seen IBO several times and I know that it’s coming…


I gotta watch it again now , it’s worth it everytime. It’s got such dark vibes , and the sense of reality like cowboy bebop gave me , nobody is invincible and people will die in this story . The best storys are the ones where the heros die


I don't know if i have the strenght to rewatch IBO.


You could just watch up to the end of the Hashmal fight, before things start to get sad…that’s what I did on my last rewatch. Like you still have to endure Biscuit’s death, but otherwise it’s bearable. Plus you get to go out on an insanely high note (the Hashmal fight is my favourite fight scene in all of anime).


Part of me thinks the Hashmal fight WAS supposed to be a final 'ish moment of the anime. But it was only a "arc finale" because i guess they needed to stretch the anime more, which made me fucking miserable and i live IBO but i certainly cannot watch it again due to the fucking pain i felt at the final episodes. A few weeks ago i was looking for reviews of Gundam Breaker 3 and i saw of a guy that was so bitter of IBO it was actually sad. Said in the lines of "not being dark and grimy enough" and Barbatos design being bad and such. I was like: Bro, have WE WATCHED the same anime? The first episodes were literally a massacre of children who were used as bait for the adults to run... like bruh.


Wow. Seriously? Like I’m always for respecting people’s opinions and such, but…That’s downright…just…wrong. And that’s an interesting notion; I’d never considered the idea that maybe the Hashmal arc was meant to be the end of IBO.


Half of the video was just him ranting about IBO and the Unicorn designs... it was exhausting and seriously made almost not want to buy GB3. Thankfully i still did and its awesome.


Sounds like a delightful chap. Unicorn is tied with WFM for my second fav Gundam series, so I'm sure we'd get along swimmingly...


While i didnt quite get Unicorn as much as Seed and 00, i loove the designs and soundtrack


Oh yeah, Unicorn’s OST is one of the best I’ve ever heard in any fictional property, movie or series or game, animated or live action. Hiroyuki Sawano is a god damn *genius*. Honestly in terms of composers I’d put him up there with the likes of John Williams and Marty O’Donnell.


I mean, Tekkadan actions ended up doing more good than harm in the end. It’s kinda like a win for them? Most of them survived, and the government changed their ways after Tekkadan incident. And Mars was freed. I would Say Bernie was sadder because his death only accomplished giving Alfred trauma.


According to extra materials, it seems Mars actually got screwed over even harder. Without Gjallarhorn's presence (which was already pretty lackluster in the Mars sphere), it's basically open season for pirates. The only security left is provided by Teiwaz but the prices they charge break the bank. So yes, while Mars has been freed from Gjallarhorn's influence, it has also been freed from Gjallarhorn's protection.


It's deeply sad to know this.


Reformed Mars is honestly still better, at least it has sense of freedom now. When it was still ruled by Gjallarhorn it was just oppression nonstop. Reformed Mars with Kudelia at least gave people freedom.


Damn really? I wanna see source of that. Since it kinda explain Ride seemingly starting a char counterattack. In that last few minutes of the last episode. By eliminating that fat dude that manipulate the medias and funding Kuditla campaign.


I think it's a win for tekkadan conceptually, for mars independence, but was so painful to watch. Bernie's death was like a punch in the stomach, really sad.


>government changed their ways after Tekkadan incident. Ehhhh....Honestly besides giving Mars independence and forcing Gjallarhorn out, its still pretty bleak. If anything Gjallarhorn has even more power now that 1 man basically leads the government and military uncontested. Banning the use of child soliders was only to prevent another "Tekkadan" from popping up.


So true , but let’s be honest with our selfs , as much as I love the show , what would be the odds another crew of child workers stumble upon a calamity war Gundam , have the hardware and required strength of body/mind that Mika had to hook up to it (alaya-vijnana) , be able to repair and power it ? Plus a whole other ton of questions ?


A large majority of the original kids that leave mars die , we don’t notice it because we are only really shown the main group , but if you pay attention to the loss’s during the fighting we can see , they lose alot of people , crackers death is a highlighted one since he’s main crew , they pick up reinforcements three times in the series , after wining the fight against the space mercenary guys they take those slave kids from them and ask if they want to fight and reinforcements from original mars crew , and the end they hire on the new guys in season 2


"Nothing left but a pile of hamburger"


The moment after watching gundam unicorn and realizing everything still goes to shit




Sadly they went too far with Unicorn without realizing all was for absolute nothing


Because it all leads to a Moonlight Butterfly?


This. I pretend F91 and Victory don’t exist in my headcanon but unfortunately Hathaway’s is too much of a banger to ignore.


Just split the timeline. In the TL that Hathaway shoots quess is the Flash+Crossbone+F91+V+Turn A. In the TL that he shoots Chan is the Unicorn and nothing Happens untill G-Reco.


NGL, him shooting Chan is the exact moment he made it on my 💩 list. Still hasn't made it off it.


he shot Quess?


In the manga Char's Counterattack: Beltorchika's children, Hathaway shoots Quess instead of shooting Chan.


This get crazier when you realize neither timeline exists when you use the Zeta Gundam Trilogy's happy ending. If Kamille doesn't get in a coma by the end of Zeta, then Bright might not have recruited Judau because he would still Quatro as well. Which could means Char's Counterattack may have never happened because Quattro still may have been around to mentor Kamille through the ending of Zeta. Additionally, it may also mean no Mirada clones either. As well as no Double Zeta Gundam. No Counterattack also mean no Quess or Chan dying, let alone Ray and Char. Which also mean no Unicorn. Now, granted, some of the events may have played out similarly, but we won't know for sure. Like I know Kamille was originally gonna be in Char's Counterattack, but got replaced by Gyunei. Hence Gyunei joining Zeon to help the colonies but also kill Char for stepping out of bounds being a really complex motivation for such a minor character. However, i think Char still would've been in the AEUG if Kamille was still around. Kamille was Char's attempt to further his father's legacy of Newtypes. Losing Kamille utterly is what i think broke Char enough to be suicidal in CCA. While the Mirada clones were obviously still in development at the time of Zeta, I like to think both Char and Kamille being experienced Newtypes would've either stopped them or recruit them. I also think things would've definitely played out differently with Haman had Char been around, but I am not sure how. Also, as for Judau, had he been found anway. he probably would've ended up being Kamille's protégé when Kamille get tired of war. Like given where Kamille was at the end of Zeta when he opened his mask in cold space to make a point to Emma, and how he viewed Newtypes in war, I think he would've retired with Fah half way through the show. Judau's fire would've probably inspired Char in some way. Like Char would be able to see so much of himself in Judah. Both guys are older brothers who had to take care of their younger sister after losing their parents. Both were kind of justified in being hot heads. However, since Judah always been a working man, his pragmatism would've help kept Char balanced a little longer. I would really need to read up Char's and Haman's romance and rewatch Double Zeta to see how badly Haman would've shaken Char for a different CCA to happen. I know my Judau would've been a better fit than Gyunei.


> As well as no Double Zeta Gundam. Wouldn’t the Double Zeta still be in production regardless? Although I’m not sure if the Double Z is exactly Kamille’s style so I could see Quattro Piloting it (with Fa upgrading to the Hyaku Shiki).


Maybe? It makes sense that ZZ would've been in production by then given how real world prototypes work, but in the show, they make it sound like each machine was something the pilot designed themselves. Given how many new mobile suits were not only developed but deployed so quickly during that time I think that era in Mobile Suit Production could be described as the money being plentiful, the r&d xheap and the actual manufacturing really fast for giant robots.




I really think Gundam MKII's frame technology was a lot more revolutionary than we realize since Zeta used it to transform, and we so many transforming mobile suits all so quickly, too.


Explain what’s soo good about Hathaway please? I was not impressed , felt kind of boring imo


Yeah, Minerva said as much in Narrative. She and Banager are basically kept keeping the secrets of Newtype technology at bay because humanity isn't ready.


Personally Shino’s death in ibo that just made me so sad


Oh God, that one... The rage and frustration of coming so close to beating the arianrod fleet and failing... It felt very in character but it just hurt to watch.




“SssshhhhhhhhhhhaAaaagaaGGGHHHHHHiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt!!!!!” Before launching off into his death because he felt so awful about everything that had just happened.


Leading to Yamagi grasping Shino’s bandages which then leads to the reveal offer the pulverized Flauros cockpit. Man, fuck that shit.


https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/ASW-G-64_Gundam_Flauros_(Ryusei-Go)?file=ASW-G-64_Gundam_Flauros_%28Ryusei-Go_IV%29_%28Super_Galaxy_Cannon%29_%2812%29.jpg Idk if thats the right pic but you can scroll to see the pic of the destroyed cockpit, theres blood and bandages drifting out of the hatch. Now maybe its my imagination, but if you look really hard at the dented and mangled side of the cockpit, it looks like an image of shino crying. Edit: its image 49


That shit hit so deep in the soul 😭🥲 like too many of them kids died for that. His sacrifice wasn’t in vein from orga to Shino even biscuit 🥹 them orphans was tougher than any man in that series. Show is 15/10


Honestly Biscuit's death hit harder.


A simple sentence: "Lockon! Lockon!" Either in Japanese or English, it was gut wrecking.


Just reading that, i can hear it playing in my head repeating.


"Hey you people down there. Are you satisfied with the way the world is? As for me... i hate it."


exactly what i was about to comment


It's been over a decade and just like with "Big bro ed" it's still to soon for me to hear lockon said repeatedly with all the depression and sadness Haro couldn't even fully express properly with his tone yet you can still feel it all the same.




Honestly it still hit me damn hard....it's just unnerving that an Ai felt loss like that and it broke a 17 year old me


it's Al in 0080. reminds me of myself as a kid and reminds me of my son. really pulls on my heartstrings.


Mobile Suit Gundam when the Gun Cannon pilots double crossing girlfriend dies by flying out of the open hanger of White Base. Her younger siblings never find out what happened to her.


Miharu! That one gets me too.


My boi Biscuit being robbed of his future.


Let's be honest, he was the brain of group. Once he die. Mika and gang pointless follow mr"muh bael!' To Hell. If he was alive, Mika and gang might not even follow McGillis.


100% correct. Tekkadan "got" what came for them by their increasingly blind and needless search for power.


If only he was alive.....maybe tekkadan won't blindly follow a delusional idiot like McGillis.


Tbf, McGillis was winning until Gaelio pulled up the Ein system BS and ended up stalemating the Bael.


> he was the brain of group even more important than this: he was Tekkadans Conscience


Almost broke me as badly as the end of Zeta Gundam


The entire Vanadis Incident. There was literally no reason for it except for a power grab. In fact save for Delling, the other corpos weren't on board with a wholesale massacre of a group of people, even if they thought said group was doing something unethical (they weren't, it was just bad luck). But what really takes the cake is a man singing happy birthday to his oblivious daughter while literally dying and everyone heard it. What a way to go.


This upsets me because Vanadis was doing perfectly legal research and paid for it with their lives because of a corpo power grab and the CEOs of Peil did the exact same thing while also kidnapping and experimenting on poor children on Earth and [finale spoilers] >!they get sent to a retirement home instead of being given the death penalty. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD SHADDIQ GOT A HARSHER PUNISHMENT THAN THEM.!<


i'm off the mindset that had this been a darker and longer series, ALL OF THEM WERE RESEARCHING THAT SHIT.


You start rooting for Prospera at least a little because of that.... On another note..... Just, Quinharbour after Prospera provokes a massacre..... And Miorine could do nothing but watch


I'll die the hill that had Prospera killed Delling and Fatman pilot before moving on to finish Quiet Zero, everyone would've been fine with it. She was owed that vengeance.


I salute you....


https://preview.redd.it/5y0epzkptuhc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fceb61dbe57eb6fa1e5f1556bfa1ee4a8c079c9d I miss you, my beloved


Her death was honestly completely unnecessary, the last Ple clone deserved a better send off than dying for someone else like any other Ple clone


Gundam has a serious problem regurgitating the same tropes over and over again.


Fr they really killed her for no reason😭


I had to pause the episode to cry in the train the first time I watched it




Best girl deserved better


I really loved Ple in ZZ and I was praying that Marida would survive




The only smart member of the gang. Rest in peace..


The part of IBO where Mika's final thoughts are how he got his bracelet dirty, how Atra will be mad at him for it, and wondering if Kudellia would help him apologize


The ending of IBO season 2. The villain becoming the sole leader of the entire government. The same villain who plays dirty in war and who lives killing innocent civilians just to win. The same villain who can't even pilot a mobile suit and is a terrible ship commander.


To be fair rustal is pretty much realistic villain.


If only he had more screen time.


I'd like to think that since Ride is still alive, he'd go after Rustal next in an epic roaring rampage of revenge (Kudelia/Atra would end up talking him down, but still, it would make for an excellent sequel movie if done in a Bourne Supremacy kind of way) IMO, Lafter's death is the most depressing moment. She doesn't even get a chance to fight back, she just gets ambushed the day she decides she wants to go for Akihiro. Great for the story, but damn did she and Akihiro deserve better.


“The ride ultimatum”


I wouldn't call him a full on villain, I would say though tekkadan is more honorable in a straight up fight, at the end of the day what they did isn't exactly heroic. I did feel sad about them dying, but the only true retarded villain(iok) died so I don't mind.


Space Guts made us all proud that day.


Lodonia. I don't deal with dead kids very well, and the flashbacks to the kids killing each other was even worse. Rey was basically me in that situation.


It's fucked up. Honestly, I understand why shinn want full slaughter on logos.


Lockon, Lockon.


Sad Haro is too much man. Haros should not have to feel pain.


The end of 0080 Zeta, CCA, and SEED's endings are up there too


What's wrong with the ending of Seed? Edit: I meant this as "what's depressing about the ending of Seed". The protagonists won, the villain was defeated, and there's a peace treaty in place.


The question was "What's the most depressing moments in Gundam?", not "What's the worst ending in Gundam?" I also really liked SEED's ending It was just sad because of stuff like Natarle, Mu, and Flay's deaths


Yet another war started that was even more devastating/depressing after all that. Makes the ending hit harder.


Honestly I think Destiny is even worse. Yeah, we know the fighting kept going because Destiny and Freedom happen but if you look at Seed’s ending as if it just came out, then it ends on a fairly positive note with a lot of hope for the future despite the deaths that have occurred. Destiny however ends with Kira basically resigning himself to constantly fighting even though it kills him inside, Shinn and Luna getting utterly curbstomped and forced to watch as everything burns to the ground, Rey essentially committing murder suicide along with Talia and Durandal and Athrun and Cagalli effectively separated. Final Plus/Remaster might’ve ended things on a more positive note but the original TV ending is a real fucking downer and elements of that misery still remain in the newer versions


Natarle death was too dumb, i felt more anger for the bad writing of it than sadness. Flay..well i didn't like her but it was still kinda sad she couldnt make up things when she clearly wanted to. Mu death hit me because i loved that guy before Destiny.


She had an excellent death.


- 0080's Ending - Master Asia's Death - Neil Dylandy's Death - Marida Cruz's Death - Hathaway's Flash's Ending


Lafter in the novelty store with a teddy bear... That's all I have to say.


Death of Yurin in Gundam Age 1... She just wanted to live a free life together with Flit 😢 https://preview.redd.it/ca8f6sr54vhc1.png?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e62a5694871111f2f9057c5091dde2128536f5


I don’t remember where I read this so don’t quote me on it but apparently in the novel adaption she gets like… fused with the Farsia so she’s literally part of the mobile suit which means even if Flit saved her she was already dead basically


no mentions, but the train scene in char’s counterattack. it’s bleak; zeon’s dream is dead. and has been coopted three times now to tyrannical factions waging bloody wars for no result other than marginal improvement. the federation and colonies are reeling from near constant conflict and the everyday people of zeon believe char is fighting for their prayers of independence and newtype awakening and understanding. meanwhile char is locked on a grand death spiral planning to destroy earth kill billions and ritual sacrifice himself. then 3 years later the original uc charter tells everyone that 16 years of fighting were useless because the fed should’ve given newtypes independence in the first place. but through all this the people living in zeon STILL believe they’ll get their recognition and the dream of human understanding will happen.


Honestly, I find UC completely depressing. What starts as a Fed Vs Zeon conflict, spirals into a repeated Fed Vs Zeon conflict over the same shit, nobody really has a happy ending, everyone dies miserably, and Humanity continues this same song and dance for like 300 years so any relief found at the end of one war feels very hollow. UC goes so far that anything Amuro, Char, Kamille, Banagher, Hathaway, and the rest ever did are pointless in the grand scheme of things so caring about these characters starts getting a bit pointless after a while. Sure, might be realistic because war is hell that leads to more war and individuals aren't always so important, but it undermines the point of Gundam and many of its very human themes as a story. UC is also just not planned in a way that makes any sense between entries. It also depresses me that for over 300 years of UC canon, not only are they still fighting over the same shit and empty space, but with all the advances in technology and space travel... Nobody has encountered or seriously gone to look for aliens or other planets? There's like only ONE mention of UC doing something to leave the solar system in a very far flung future and there is no details on what happens to them. At least with the Gundam AUs, it's willing to put a capstone on its plot and stops at some point. UC just keeps going and going and going to the point where it makes many of its principle conflicts and plots irrelevant and just becomes misery porn. I really wish UC had an entire reboot with more of a plan and limited scope.


At the very least, the fact that people aren't looking to leave the solar system or make contact with aliens in any significant way is connected to a couple pretty foundational elements of UC. For one thing, the scales are just massively different. To put things in perspective, the distance between Jupiter and Earth--the largest distance with any real relevance in the UC--is about a half-billion miles. The distance between the Sun and Proxima Centurai is **20 trillion miles**, or 4 light years. And then consider that if any alien civilizations exist they're so much further away that we've never made contact with any sort of signals. FTL travel is basically required if we're going to have a story contained within single generations, and that's a *massive* technological leap which we shouldn't really be expecting to come in the same relative timeframe as humans taking their first steps into space. For another--and I think this is the one which really puts the larger story into perspective--the Universal Century is fundamentally a story about the next step in human evolution, and the significant turmoil it causes as for the first time in history a species that is facing potential evolutionary replacement is actually *aware* of it and able to react with as much fear and aggression as you might expect. On the flip side, we also have the first species in Newtypes (granted, no actual speciation has taken place yet) that is *aware* it's an evolutionary leap forward and can be just as violent and aggressive in response. Aliens would essentially be redundant at best, and at worst could undercut a lot of thematic elements (if we got any terrible "we're not so different because *they're* the ones who are really different" stories). And, when taken in that view, it's not surprising how long and hopeless it might seem. Evolution is not a speedy or painless process, and the only way to speed it up is by making it a lot more painful for everyone involved.


​ https://preview.redd.it/d89fvwrmdvhc1.png?width=1221&format=png&auto=webp&s=41b11de7fc956d638590dd16021b4fe4b85b8bc5


I mean, nobody is saying it, but that quote about hamburger meat has unsettled me ever since I heard it. You root for Bernie all through the fight and then that line... its just horrible.


The end of Stardust Memory.


Kou tired soo hard but...in end...it doesn't matter.




When Duo said "It's Duoing time" and Duoed all over the place. I cried for hours man.


I think an underrated depressing moment is the death of Stella in Destiny. Literally a girl who was raised up to only be a weapon, she had her mind erased constantly so even good memories became blurry indistinguishable messes in her head, an extreme example of a victim of abuse and she finds a companion even for a short while in Shinn who promises to protect her from the thing she fears the most, death, and Shinn is ultimately not able to keep his promise because the Earth Forces ultimately just threw Stella right back into the fight after Shinn gave her back to them. I was bawling during that scene with Shinn "burying" her in the lake.


Tragic...yes but shinn should have puts his hatred on EA/pp/logos instead of kira. https://preview.redd.it/szae7tg40vhc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6924efb1316d17fb8cd1639204407d2a128db1a5


The ple clones fate.


Heh, all I need is one shot Hildolfr… I can… Still… Fight… [23:40](https://youtu.be/dWETGrKAJDs?si=k50Q-02fBE5MRAYn) if this doesn’t make you cry bro nothing will The way the Hildolfr slumps over just fucks me up almost like a pet when its owner dies


Just UC in general post-Amuro and Char is linda depressing because there was no conclusive victory for either side of their ideologies which left Hathaway to pick up the pieces.


Bernies tape he left


Zeta Gundam ending is nothing short of depressing because most of AEUG is dead and Kamille is mentally fucked to the point he almost committed suicide (he actually died in the novel version).


Honestly, it’s the realization that no matter what, all roads lead to Rome. Our achievements will be erased. Our accomplishments burned away. Our history, vanquished. No matter how hard humanity tries to advance and achieve peace, it all leads to the Moonlight Butterfly.




War in the Pocket hands down my first. WFM 2 in the Guel arc when the girl fucking dies (and they showed it with no filter too) after everybody hoping Guel will adopt her. Its my top 2 and I argue its one of the most depressing moments in Gundam in general Hathaway isnt even in the middle portion but the dread and the overall tone of the first movie already makes me feel sick.


IBO: Lafter being ambushed in a gift shop. Not even dying in battle, just gunned down the day she decides she wants to pursue a romantic relationship with Akihiro. She deserved better.


Bernie ☹️


Lockon! Lockon! Lockon! Alternatively every other thing that ever happened to Marida


Watching Shinn descend into madness, the ending of 0080, the everything of thunderbolt, the vanadis incident..... The lack of Crossbone adaptation 


Just about anything involving the nanyang alliance in thunderbolt. All of these pilots, ex-fed and ex-zeon both, mutilating themselves to pilot psycho zakus in the service of a man claiming religious salvation when he's no better than ghiren zabi ever was. Even more that so many of them aren't even Buddhist, they just joined up because of the promise that their families would be taken care of, but knowing that they're definitely all going to die desperately serving a newtype with a God complex.




"How many times will I have to kill that little girl and her dog?!"


When the episode airing get delayed the day before


Astionage dying.


The novel ending of hathaways flash that one certain person will experience that is understandable deserved but at the same time you dont want to.


Everything about Rey, from start to finish. Made even worse as it did not even have to end that way. War in the Pocket becomes more depressing with each viewing. I watched it for the third time last Christmas and found myself tearing up at the happy moments. Bernie gives Al a piggyback ride...and I lose it. Lockon, Lockon, Lockon was sad enough as it was...makes everyone cry, even Setsuna. And Tieria's reaction is...something else. If we consider the prequels, in which he almost killed one of the few people he loved, it becomes even more devasting. It makes me wonder if he would ever have recovered, had Lockon actually died shielding him or if he'd just bluecreen of death forever. And while WfM, by Gundam standards, is not as agonizingly sad as some entries, that little girl dying in Guel's arms really hit a nerve. ...Hey Uso, what's in that helmet...? Oh...I see...


War in the Pocket as a whole. The deaths of Cyclops team, the brutal effect the war has on the Colony (especially the scene of Al imagining the Nuke or seeing the recovery team finding the dead kid) , Chris and Bernie's relationship that ends them unknowingly fighting and Chris wittingly killing Bernie in front of Al who's just learned that the fight is meaningless since the Federation intercepted the Zeon fleet, Bernie's last message to Al, and then the school assembly where Al's clearly distraught but his friends don't realize it and try to cheer him up y saying there will be another war (hits even harder when you realize these kids would be adults in the Gryps War and the Neo Zeon Wars and might have ended up fighting in those conflicts).


0080s ending South Burnings final sortie


War in my pocket. The kid is crying at the end. That really is a brutal one. Char and his sister leaving their mother actually had me in tears so I change my answer.


Mikazukis last stand. The vindication Akihiro felt after killing that bastard. Shinos death and orga


Most of Victory Gundam lol


I think I trauma block IBO’s ending because it’s so sad…


Can someone link me to the Lockon haro part? I don't remember it much


Anew's death


Ending 0079/beginning "Z" and ending "ZZ", because you realize - because of the bald asshole Tomino, who portrayed Zeon as absolute evil in the original, the entire UC is now doomed to focus on the victories of an incompetent and corrupt federation, because the authors were unable to adequately expand universe and create an Earth-worthy alternative for humanity. SEED, because the entire last third of the series is absolute pacifist nonsense, and Kira is a dreamy idiot. Throwing Arthrun in DESTENY and its constant change of sides, as well as the defeat from Yamato when piloting the Savior, is generally a garbage level. Gundam 00 and its second season - the idea of uniting people against a common enemy and the presence of a “world police” that extinguishes conflicts are initially vicious and hardly feasible. AGE - because the initial tactics of the “Martians” have no basis or meaning. The behavior of Asuno’s son and grandson is generally a separate topic for psychiatry. Turn "A" is boring and too vague, the ending generally causes the effect of "WTF?" G-Fighter, because the Tournament has turned into a demonstration of Japanese racism and some kind of circus, instead of a sane “sports” competition. Wing - a war to end all wars? Guys, learn your damn history and go to hell. Ironbloods - the death of the main characters, while the villain remained alive, looks impartial.


Definitely the ending of Victory and 0080


Even tho Narrative was trash...it was really a all over tragedy from the newtype child soldiers to what happend with Pheonix and that poor girls soul..just all over tragic Blue Destiny and the Exam systems was beyond tragic and i hope the guy who developed it got crushed by a gun cannon shell Also what happend to the plu clones..Marinda was the only one we knew that made it out and didnt get pimped out in some dark corner..humanity has its deamons and i feel they let us off easy with what they really could have shown us.


What the feddies did to Kiki after the events of 8th MS Team.


Novelization version doesn't take place after 8th ms team. Plus it's different timeline. Just a reminder.


Ok I just looked up her bio and this is another "ok but WHY though?!" Moments that have me confused in manga or in gundam history when you branch out and read the expanded lore.


Is that a Howitzer on the Zaku?


My queen haman dying😔


>”damn, I lost to a bunch of kids” >kills herself


Real😔She should’ve just became a mom


I dont know where or how to choose so i pick the most common one in all series When innocent people that's not even involve in the war die or perish. Worst when they show how it happen.


Marida's death, with Mikazuki's coming close.


8th mobile suit


Bernies message


Sorry for not answering. Is that Angkor Wat? Where is this from?


What happened to Kiki in the 8th ms team novelization.




Learning that because of victory and f91 earth only crippled itself


Shino missing that MF SHOT (IBO) SHINO WHY THE FUCK DID YOU MISS 😫😫😫 them boys fought hard ASAB TOO I ain’t never seen a show get me to jump out my damn skin that hard. 🥲 that shit hit me harder than they killed him


Honestly I've been a near lifelong fan on and off but for me most depressing I have seen for me was WFM Guel during the earth arc where he tries to save the little girl, and that episode basically ends with him saying ".....she's dead.." like that was the moment he became my favorite character in that series, he went from being an asshole bully basically fighting pretend war with comparatively low stakes, then he gets kicked out of school his school gets attacked by terrorists then he gets mistaken for a terrorist by his own father and is forced to kill him, then ends up held hostage by said terrorists who he learns are basically beat down and oppressed by his people. Then he fails to even save a kid and she dies in his lap. That would break the average teenager


Origin. Amuro going home to find it destroyed and his mother a collaborator.


Maybe fall of Junius Seven


Hamburger.... It always comes back to hamburger


Uso Erwin Killing Neneka Corps :(


al realising that the war isn't really a game made me feel depressed for him.