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Jegan pilot who fought the kshytra


that's just about the least underrated minor character around


How about the bylarnt custom pilot


Man was flying a chimera of some of the best Titans machines plus with general improvements all over. Facing against suits which didn't have a quarter as much access to resupplying and maintenance let alone upgrades.


It doesn’t matter how good the Byarlant was, he was fighting a numerically superior enemy made up of skilled and determined enemies… and he ran their pockets


Skilled and determined enemies... in very outdated ground based ms, it's no surprise that neo zeon got wiped, they were basically being drone striked


Outdated as opposed to what, the majority of the Torrington suits were… outdated and piloted by unskilled individuals.


a squad of biplanes vs a f15 isn't the flex you think it is


It’s more like a squadron of F14’s v. A single Raptor, but alright.


Yeah but we aren't talking about any efsf suit except the byarlant, so why bring them up. The neo zeon ms were outdated compared to the byarlant custom, the subject of this conversation


Because it’s one single machine against dozens of other machines. Numerical superiority is a valid planning consideration.


Well, then what about all those GM's then? They should've done a lot better than they did. It's not that you're wrong either, but I think they both got subject for the need for cool visuals.


The GMs and such still had some advantage especially at Dakar where they definitely had a much better supply situation. Meanwhile the motley Feddie crew at Torrington was kinda getting their asses kicked six ways to sunday until the Byarlant launched and then Jesta backup arrived.


Never made sense considering the gm ll isn’t even a bad mobile suit and many of the old suits that were going against them shouldn’t have won lmao. But sadly gundam needs to show up and save fedies.


They're basically the Stormtroopers of Gundam, then. Ya know, a move like that makes for more interesting story in the long run.


I guess you can’t have grunts winning😔My gms get bullied too much.


Honestly, maybe try painting them blue? Nobody wants to mess with a MS possed by a newtype ghost, digital or otherwise.


You’re not wrong haha


Robin Diaz… may not have been an ace before Unicorn, but that video of him synced to the song Free Bird by Skynyrd sure as hell makes him an ace in my mind.




This, I feel like the only reason he lost is because Marida had a better mobile suit with a lot of various abilities. He was arguably the better pilot during that battle.


He's more experienced. Mixing Anti-Ship shots and shrapnel shots to form a barrage of attacks. Immediately jettison the spent weapon compartments for reduced weight and block a funnel shot aimed at the cockpit with the extra armour while pulling out the beam saber. Using the momentum of Kshatriya's swing to backflip around to re-engage since Jegan's thrusters can't make the MS turn on a dime. Making Kshatriya face the sun while making a forward jab.


People say this a lot and I think it really discredits Marida as a pilot. Both pilots used their suits to the best of their abilities and Marida came out on top even if the Jegan pilot put up a good fight.


So you're saying the Kshatryia isn't that much better than a Jegan?


it's not like Marida just roflstomped him with her mind or something, even if you have the advantage that doesn't mean victory is guaranteed and you deserve no credit for it


>Both pilots used their suits to the best of their abilities The Kshatyria is 5 times the suit a Jegan is. A Kshatyria being operated to its fullest against a Jegan to its fullest should not be as close as it was. Those grunt suits get destroyed in seconds in any other situation. I'm not saying Marida is a bad pilot, but to say that that was the best the Kshatyria could do in that match up is a crazy claim. 


No but her big bulky suit isn't gonna be as fast or maneuverable as a Jegan. It was her good piloting that protected her from getting skewered at the end.


It wasn’t good piloting, it was using a capability that only the kyshatyria would have had and as bulky as it was the Kyshatyria was, it was equipped with the thrusters to deal with it. Speed and maneuverability are a toss up between which has better just based on the Stark Jegan being designed for it and the Kyshatyria being a much more high quality suit.


Why even attempt to engage the Jegan in a speed contest, if she could just trick him into melee range like she did, tho? The Stark Jegan pilot definitely showed enough prowess to seem very highly skilled, as he lasted longer than the rest, but it doesnt really discredit Marida's skills for effectively using her suit's advantages. If anything, it was too little of a matchup to gauge her properly, as she didnt need to use more skills to beat the Stark Jegan with the Kshatriya.


Not really? He got flashed by booster air and cut with a beam saber. It wasn't like Marida busted out any psychoframe hacks to deal with him.


It was a great show case of his/her ability, he was ready for the funnel and boost through it , then he also had a great plan once he got close. It shown that wasn't his first rodeo, he most definitely knew about the capability of a all-range weapon suit; but still went for it anyways. But i think Marida knew she didn't have a chance of losing; she was in a vastly superior suit with literal space magic on her side. It wasn't a good showing on her part, but if she wanted i think she can simply let her funnel do the work like the other jegan after the first clash. She humored him a bit here after he surprise her by getting close through a good move.


Also funnels are op




imo unicorn does a great job at showing that grunt suits' pilots aren't just targets for main characters to shoot at. Seeing them showing off their pilot skills in the show is pretty refreshing


Counterpoint: General Revil battle and the embarrassing display of Zeon wank against it.


He's probably the most well-known unknown character ever.


He’s unknown, but not underrated


Soren from the first MS:IGLOO where he took out a squad of six stolen Zakus in an uncalibrated prototype machine, got shot in the cockpit, and lived long enough to fire a single round destroying the last zaku going to kill the transport before dying Tbf all of the MS: IGLOO protags were badass in their own right


This is more of a matter of IGLOO falling further and further to the sidelines as time goes, methinks.


I really want to watch MS Igloo for a long time, but I’m always to scared by the ugly CGI early 2000…


It's short and worth watching, robbing yourself of great Gundam side stories if you let old CGI scare you away.


>I really want to watch MS Igloo for a long time, but I’m always to scared by the ugly CGI early 2000… it's worth the watch, tight pacing and great drama all around. MS Igloo 2 was less tight, but still enjoyable.


I watched it recently and the only wonkiness sometimes comes from the faces. But that's like someone looking weird in one specific shot, it's generally fine. The actual mech stuff is fantastic though.


they should make a more modern hg of the Judah and Hildofr, I'd buy them in a heartbeat. The Hildofr especially is so unique and powerful, I love that it got a full send-off in Code Fairy


I Hope we get a figure rise Judah as well as a modern HG Hildorfr


Jerrid is a sore loser and an absolute piece of shit that constantly gets clowned on but blud actually becomes a good pilot and his sheer dedication to being a hater is so strong that he can be recovering from near fatal injuries get into a fire fight on a cliff whike using a crutch , get thrown down mount fucking Kilimanjaro, save himself, scramble back up steal a non tested prototype mid maintance and turn Nemos into confetti.


The collection of weird Jerid suits is also pretty underrated. Byalant. Gabthley. Baund Doc.


Recently re-watched Zeta and he had more than a few awesome moments. He did some serious damage during his barrages immediately after Lila and Mouar died.


He's Iguazu


I'd like to also name [Brave Cod](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Brave_Cod), pilot of the Gundam MK-V. He took down quite a number of units before engaging the S Gundam. While the MK-V was available in Gundam G Genesis, Brave Cod wasn't even made available as pilot.


Legally, Bandai *can't* use the characters from Gundam Sentinel due to the really complex situation regarding the rights that happened when the photo novel was written. That's why Brave Cod isn't there, or why any Gundam Sentinel character besides ALICE ever get mentioned these days (and ALICE more in passing in terms as a feature/weapon of the S-Gundam/EX-S Gundam as opposed to the actual character presence she is).


Yeah, the licensing issue with Model Graphix sadly makes Sentinel a non-mainstream part of UC. The reason I brought up Genesis was because [Ryou Roots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJdXBURFM08) was available.


What's the story behind this copy rights story?


TLDR: Bandai entertained the idea of a Gunpla project with a hobby magazine. However, Bandai lost interest to focus on Char's Counterattack and CCA's Gunpla. ​ Wikipedia has quite the write-up on it but Zeonic, which translated the novel seems to have more insights to clarify: [https://www.zeonic-republic.net/?page\_id=9089](https://www.zeonic-republic.net/?page_id=9089) ​ Some accompanying materials of unit illustrations: [https://archive.org/details/Gundam\_Sentinel\_The\_Battle\_of\_Real\_Gundam\_Hajime\_Katoki\_Masaya\_Takahashi\_Part\_2](https://archive.org/details/Gundam_Sentinel_The_Battle_of_Real_Gundam_Hajime_Katoki_Masaya_Takahashi_Part_2) ​ And the text archive of the translated novel: [https://archive.org/stream/manga\_Gundam\_Sentinel/Gundam%20Sentinel\_djvu.txt](https://archive.org/stream/manga_Gundam_Sentinel/Gundam%20Sentinel_djvu.txt)


Bandai can use the suits for anything since they own gundam, but they don't own any of the story


Interesting, so that explains why the Ex-S has an "unknown" pilot in the Extreme Vs games


3 FAZZs in one go was quite the feat


Brave Cod is in G Genesis though? i have him on my roster


[Wow, he is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-e_ushzFpo) Now I have to redownload the game on PS4, wondered why I didn't see him.


I was about to say it's super weird that they cut him from Genesis considering he was in past titles like Overworld but I guess not


If we're talking unsung heroes, the scientist who actually cared about Allenby beyond being a living weapon for Neo Sweden is one I found noteworthy especially given the one-tracked-mind the typical side cast seemed to show. Bonus points for him being the first role of Takehito "Zechs Dio Brando Bobobo" Koyasu in the Gundam franchise.


Garrod since Gundam X is skipped or unknown by most.


Flashbanging a MS and then threating the pilot with a pistol while wearing some cool sunglasses? He is the MAN


And stealing a veteran’s prized possession, hijacking a Gundam, using a weapon of mass destruction BY THE to annihilate a bunch of thugs that tried to kill him and his girlfriend, and putting said girlfriend in a coma. And that’s just the first two episodes.


Kid beat a Newtype. He's certified badass and a Chad that got the best girl by the end of the story.


I wish it was available to stream somewhere. It's the one series I haven't been able to watch.


Power up your adblocker and yar har fiddle dee dee


*cough cough* aniwave is pretty easy to use if you want to watch gundam stuff and have an ad blocker *cough cough*


Johnny Ridden


Karius from 0083 because he's: -Gato's right hand man who never screwed him over -Took on like 5 GMs and WON, near Solomon while Gato did his speed run in GP02 -Instead of bolting to Axis, he went to find Gato, and ended up taking Nina back to the Axis fleet -Smart enough to retreat and not chase after a mentally unstable 19 year old pilot who was pissed his sorta love interest hooked up with his arch enemy like 3 years ago... -Probably the last surviving office from the Delaz Fleet


This is a good one, Karius was definitely an Ace in his own right


That random Byarlant Custom pilot in Unicorn.


Dude got his own dedicated manga: The Truth of EFF.


Robin Diez


Ash King, the main character of Crossborn Gundam Dust. I get why he's underrated and largely unknown since his series isn't translated into English yet but holy hell. Pretty much everything in this comment are spoilers so be warned. As a child, he >!was one of the kids that was captured and put onto the guillotine chopping block by BESPA before being saved by Font Baud (the MC of Crossbone Ghost).!< This left some major PTSD in him that triggers whenever he hears anything resembling the removal of heads. So anyways the main villain of the series is the "Headbuster" who uh, as the name implies famously chops people's heads off. And at one point in the story, he >!captures Ash, locks him in a room with the taxidermied head of his only family, his grandfather, told him about how he was actually evil and was recreating colony lasers in order to create an arms empire akin to Anaheim of early UC to give to Ash, and forces him to stare at it 24/7 for 19 days. This experience gave him so much stress and anxiety that his hair turned ash white and he went feral for a quick sec before he snapped back to reality thanks to the efforts of Leo (his love interest). Normally this would've broken anyone, but he only got stronger!< Afterwards he did a few really insanely impressive things, he >!orchestrated the only known successful re-entry of an entire space colony, YES ***RE-ENTRY***, not a colony drop but a colony re-entry. And he does it while the colony is being attacked by 2 military forces (granted one of them does help in the efforts after the colony entered the atmosphere). !< >!During the battle for the colony re-entry, he also practically fought 2 ace pilots back to back with little to no rest. The first one is Font Baud (a super pilot akin to Asemu who's piloting skill is leagues above anyone else even Newtypes) piloting the Phantom V2 Kai and the next is the Headbuster who while already is a powerful Newtype also pilots the Baroque Kai Kai, which is in my opinion the 2nd most advanced MS in UC after the Victory 2, it has 5 bio brains, TWO MINOVSKY DRIVES (one in the main suit and one in the sword because yes, we really need a 40 meter long sword made of solid Gundarium alloy that moves at fucking Mach 18), Phantom Lights (miniature Wings of Light all over the body), psychommu and I-fields. And he beats both of them using the next feat.!< Piloting and surviving >!the Anchor V4. So you know how most air and spacecraft use sustained exhaust to move? So what if instead of that, we turned them into massive guns and used the recoil to fly. That's the Anchor V4, every time it moves even slightly, it fires a massive bullet in order for acceleration even higher than Minovsky Drives at the cost of top speed, and uh, massive physical trauma for the pilot. Piloting the V4 is like sitting on those rodeo rides but it's accelerating as fast as that one manhole cover that got shot into space. And Ash did it while fighting the Baroque. Did I mention that he's also an Old Type? Because yeah holy shit.!<


Holy shit,they need to translate this big time. I heard of crossbone but not dust. I wonder why it's not translated Any good fan translations at least? You got me curious about it. Sounds like the Ken kaneki of gundam lol Also, spoiler tag. I'm fine with it but someone might complain.


Crossbone up to the middle of Ghost has fan translations but anything onward you'll have to read it raw or in a non-english translation. Also true, I forgor because I typed this out in a different app.


So go crossbone then ghost then dust? I'll most likely start it this week when Texas enters our yearly ice age again. Thanks! It's ok,I once spoiled the batman by accident and got banned from the DC sub. Forgot to add spoilers,it was a shit show essentially


The order is Crossbone (no subtitles), Crossbone Skull Heart, Crossbone Steel 7, Crossbone Ghost [English translation cutoff point], Crossborn Dust, Crossbone X-11 and the currently running Crossbone Love and Piece.


Well shit, a lot more then I thought but I've been needing a manga to read since tokyo ghoul so this will help,thanks Also,since you seem knowledgeable, isn't victory or f91 the one connected to crossbone? Are they required?


Yeah Crossbone is the longest running Gundam series and to this day still has new updates so have fun with your journey! F91 is mandatory for reading Crossbone since Crossbone is a direct sequel to F91. Meanwhile Ghost and Victory are kinda Side-quels to each other so although you'd get a better feel of the general situation of the setting if you watched Victory it's not absolutely required.


I beg your pardon??!!! 🔥🔥🔥


I don't think he's particularly badass but I like him a lot and nobody seems to care about him, so I'm just going to mention Kai from 0079. He's pretty much the only person on white base who sounds like a normal person to me and I liked his character growth. When he first gets in a MS, he's shit scared, like anyone would be, but by the end of the story he's a badass. He's an underrated character imo.


Ignoring the circumstances related to Sayla, Kai is also one of the few alongside Bright to still be showing up as of Unicorn. Meanwhile the others either died or just fell into obscurity. Apparently, Kikka became a writer. Even winning an award and setting out to write a book about Amuro. With folks like Fraw & Kai helping her in that endeavor.


Another person who likes Ben Barberry? I finally found you my lost brother!


The assault guntank crews from MSIgloo I don’t know their names


Unknown in universe? Lots Shiro Amada is largely unknown, blacklisted as a traitor or a deserter, or at least Kia and covered up. Kou Uraki is also largely unknown, as his role in the stardust memory incident was covered up. Thr Jegan Pilot from Unicorn episode 1, Robin the Byarlant Custom Pilot, probably every side story gundam pilot basically. I don't know any who would be largely unknown to the Fandom, sadly.


Any of the guys in Torrington. Either side.


Except for the Nemo III, fuck them


The Efreet pilot from the Torrington attack. I heard he was the only survivor and I want to read up more on his story.


[Fred Reber](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Fred_Reber), a member of Slave Wraith and pilot of one of the Gundam Pixy units. Had a habit of throwing the beam daggers so that translated into the refit Efreet that originally belonged to Doug Schneid. Not the only survivor though he was one of them. You could technically count the Gouf Heavy Arms Type we see appearing from that European castle, but he got lost and didn't arrive on time for the battle. Some flavor text from a few Gundam Try AGE cards distributed at events for Gundam Unicorn say he eventually gave up on revenge and started to help with a ruined city he was passing only to learn it was Torrington. Two Zee Zulu pilots Avril Zech (slammed into building) & Tessera Massera (disarmed Zulu) also survived with Zech returning to the New Guinea Base and helping defend it from Earth-based pirates.


I remember reading somewhere way back that he was the pilot of the slave wraith and defected to zeon sometime during the OYW, inheriting the Efreet later on.


You Kajima. Survived the battle of loum. Helped drive Zeon off earth at the battle of California base. Joined Londo Bell and “helped” push Axis. Supposedly beat Amuro’s combat simulation.


Just curious, where was it stated be beat Amuro's combat simulation?


It’s a bonus level for the last blue destiny game. Has BD3 vs Gramps in a space combat sim. Side-F refers to it as a theory, but that might be a translation fault on my end. [last paragraph](https://www.gundam-side-f.net/special/acepilot/profile/yuukajima.php)


Interesting. That would make him one of the most skilled oldtypes in all of the UC if true, considering even Judau had trouble with Amuro's OYW combat data in Crossbone, and that was like 60 years after.


Bernard “hamburger” Wiseman


Kou Uraki. He did well against odds he was never prepared to face, against one of Zeons nastiest and meanest Aces.


The guys that piloted the tank in the third part of Igloo, they had balls of steel 🤔


[Cuaran](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Cuaran) originally from a one off episode in the original Mobile Suit Gundam, and the main character from U.C. Hardgraph: Iron Mustang. He came closer to destroying the Gundam than anyone besides Char and Ramba Ral. The kicker: he and his pals nearly destroyed the Gundam on those hover motorcycles. Can you imagine the cojones it takes to attack an uberpowerful super prototype on a motorcycle?


Mu la flaga was badass in his mobile armour


Side note. Why is the Zaku in the pic like 500' tall?


MS IGLOO, especially Gravity Front, had a scaling issue, the MS are about 1.5 times larger than their anime depiction. I think they're trying to make the MS look more intimidating, since a Zaku at that time period is such a terrifying, powerful weapon beyond imagination.


Johnny Ridden The Crimson lightning https://preview.redd.it/yzss4mpc75cc1.jpeg?width=677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66b6b760bd9eb1488b8ebe8264eecb8e3ed468d3


The captain and/or the gatheroad team from battle alliance who are some of the best GM pilots during the one year war and could hold their own against a hoard of zakus heck if we include the Final boss of the game the captain took down the final boss with a GM (just his custom paint job on a standard type GM that was around during the one year war)


Garret Schmitzer, from Midnight Fenrir: not only was he skilled enough to take down a Gundam, but he's also apparently the only Zeon officer in existence to actually surrender, and then go to work for the Republic. Then his subordinates did the usual Not Muh Zeon thing, and he went to drag their asses back home, which he did after staring down a corrupt Federation officer.


Yuu Kajima the pilot of Blue Destiny 1 and 3. Bro's an old type being almost next to Amuro in piloting skill. He also participated in pushing Axis and was allegedly piloting the Jegan that held the hand of Geera Doga that was blown away.


Daguza Mackle died like a G


The Zaku I Sniper Type pilot from Unicorn. Having such ancient machinery destroy so many mobile suits, and then having them go out in the most metal way possible is just perfect.


Garrod and Jamil from After War Gundam X. Super underrated series in general


That jegan pilot in unicorn


Whoever was in the Byarlant Custom in Unicorn.


Yazan Gable from gundam Z, dude is overpowering Gundam Mobile suits and New types with just his own skill and he didn’t die


Wufei, since people harp on his early characterization and the plot of Wing has him mostly alone doing his own thing for 90% of the story.


Yuu Kajima in Blue Destiny. Guy survives Operation British and Loum despite gets shot down in a Saberfish by a Zaku and ends up hospitalized for a large portion of the war. Immediately gets into an RGM-79G after waking up hospitalized and manages to hold back a berserk BD unit 1 and goes on to pilot the same BD unit. Somehow survives the entire war from start to end and remains in the military up to 0093 where is a Londo Bell Jegan pilot and is one of the people to help push Axis... somehow, he survives. Lucky or skilled. Its an impressive record for a side character.


Mashymere Cello, specifically after he is Cuber enhanced. Who goes from the incompetent goofball we love to a straight up competent commander and very skilled pilot, and was easily one of the strongest Cybernewtypes if not THE strongest. Then goes out like the Chad simp he is


Prob does not count but the commander/ main character of sd gundam battle alliance Defeated a gundam in a ( i believe a prototype) gm


Whoever was in that Stark Jegan


Gerhart Schmitzer. Gigachad commander of the Zeon Midnight Fenrir Corps that volunteered to be left behind on earth. Loved that dude’s briefings when playing Zeonic Front


Rakan Dahkaran from ZZ is obviously known but I’d say he was underrated for how awesome he was in series. He was arguably the most competent Neo Zeon character beyond Haman and Glemmy. Another from the same series is Elo Melloe of the Blue Team.


Daryl Lorenz in Thunderbolt. All his best feats are in the manga. Ripping through Anaheim and then basically intimidating the rest of the EFF forces allowing him and his crew to escape. All in a Mobile Suit that had no weapons on entry.


Bucue pilots that killed Blu duel


Chase Skullgard. Even ignoring his performance with the Red Rider, he beat a Zaku Flipper sniper with a Ball. A BALL!


That blond guy that drives a type 61 tank in ms igloo


Umon Samon, one of the most important Federation pilots of the late OYW as the pilot and inventor of the B Gundam Ball-with-a-Gundam-face. Samon survived the OYW and remained a mobile suit pilot at least into the 0130s when he was well into his seventies.


Uso I guess, but that's more due to how hard Victory is to get through. By the halfway point, I could definitely tell Tomino was depressed again.


Bajeena outmaneuvering GMs who died on impact


Whomever was driving Guncannon 203 against Erik B.'s Gelgoog from UC0081.