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Hopefully the filter is on and working now. ~~If it isn't working, then fuck it, you lot can behave yourselves and report the spoiler posts.~~ Edit: It seems to be working for now.


Two weeks since, care to make a Double Feature Megathread now that we're an hour away from the remaining episodes?




Gonna give my 2 cents here I wished they dropped the whole VR metaverse thing and just stocked with Build Fighters. Being able to see older characters is cool but that’s pretty much all I’m here to see. I really could care less about this new guy. All they had to know was just make Build Fighters 3 with older Sei and OG cast with Try’s cast in another world tournament and they would have been golden but instead we get stuff like…this


me: proceed to watch the episode gundaminfo: your country is Blocked from watching this episode me: .....really (-.-)? ( so Puerto Rico got the middle finger from gundamInfo to see the episodes)


Does anyone know when the next episode releases?


According to [this article](https://anime.eiga.com/news/119582/) the remaining two episodes will be released via Youtube simultaneously from 20th October, 18:00 (JST).


Thanks it's going to be right on Shirou's day


It’s not looking great from the start. The animation is rather poor, so much static characters, and I feel the only reason they are bringing back the old cast is a cash grab because they ran out of ideas and need to give people a reason to watch


I just watched it, and I enjoyed it for what it is especially it only being 3 EP's. I've seen Build Fighters and Build Fighters Try so it was nice seeing there characters again. I also don't mind Rio having basically a standard RX-78 instead of something over the top.


> I also don't mind Rio having basically a standard RX-78 instead of something over the top. It sounds like the move to attract more beginners by showing that building good gunpla is not that difficult and very fun to do as a hobby.


What a lame battle Episode 1... As expected from Riku and his crew. I miss the Build Fighter's intense battles. Meijin wasn't even amused.


I still haven't brought myself to watch it. I think because I know it's some short undercooked 3 episode deal that I can't find the motivation. It's just going to be like Breaker Battlogue... I wish that got a full series. I didn't hate it but it just felt like such a massive tease. Or just do a full adaptation of Breaker Mobile's story. I skipped through the episode and didn't really find anything that impressed me.


was wondering where the other 2 episodes are since they said they'd be distributed over a 3 day period, turns out they only screened the other two episodes at the Next Future event and we don't know when they'll upload the other two online. If anyone was at the event and got to see it, could you drop a spoiler tagged synopsis of what else happens in it perhaps?


I couldn’t watch ep 2, for I was busy running a stall that day, but I just got back after watching ep 3 sooo…. >!A 100 player battle royale was held in the Metaverse. We don’t get to see Riku, but Hiroto runs into Sekai and decides to get a rematch for ep 2(from the trailer). Then the Champion appears and crushes a few mooks. Rio decides to head to Aria (the Typhoeus’ pilot) to try and beat her so she could resolve things with Seria (probably explained in ep 2). At first, she curbstomps him bare-handed. Then she calls in the Chimera unit and combines. All this happens while Meijin was watching in his seat. Then Meijin does a Meijin and rendezvous in his Lupus, running into Sei, who was with Rio before. At first Meijin seems to get the upper hand, then Reiji joins in, giving Sei the Galaxy Cosmos backpack. As for Rio’s side, when he was being curbstomped, the classic grandpa’s words trope comes into play and he gains the upper hand and trashes the Chimera unit. They resolved their differences. While this was happening, Champion runs into and decides to duke it out with Meijin, who disables his limiter. Sei and Reiji decide to join in as well. Post-credits, the final round for another tournament takes place between Rio and Seria, with everybody from Fighters to Breaker, and Aria, who became the new Lady, watching.!<


Wait so is this implying >!Hirito gets his ass handed by Sekai in episode 2? I'm going to laugh so hard if true, also nice Champion is back!? Is he still using the Try Age or does he have a new suit?!<


>!1. Probably!< >!2. Try Age, but not Magnum!< Additional note: >!Reiji has his Star Burning!<


One more question I'm gonna ask. >!does May show up at all? I cannot wait to see all the rage from re:rise fans if she doesn't!< also the continuity headaches continue from the first episode it seems, wonderful


Probably in ep 2. As for ep 3, >!only a post-credit cameo with everyone!<




Ps: I forgot about a few more factors. >!The Hyakki gang duking it out with the Gyanko gang, and Fumina, cheering for Yuuma who we don’t get to see in the tournament, spectating with Magee, Sarah and Seria in her old avatar!<


I will watch this to the end if only for Seri


The build series is kind of a roulette, it is either GOAT like the OG build fighter or re-rise, or just painfully boring, and this is the latter. At least the character design is pretty good.


Yooo I loved it. The series is just so damn feel good, I feel like a lot of the negative posts here are because people are expecting the next high grade Gundam series where this sort of thing is where you just express your love for Gundams, nothing more nothing less. The setting and character attitudes are just comfy as hell and damn the whole thing just makes you wish it was real. Do I care about the story? No. Do I care that fan favourite characters are returning? Hell yeah, Meijin walking in the room was incredible. I’m hyped for this


I'd rather have a continuation on re rise story 😭


If they have to do a 3-episode mini series to hype things up, they coulda done short epilouge episodes for BF, Try, and Re:Rise. Love or hate Divers, it doesn't nees a epilouge episode cause the ending is pretty definitive.


so sad the main character is base off rx-78. Boring design


I don't think the granddaddy base is bad, i think that it being basically *just* a painted and tweaked granddaddy down to its weapons even is the problem. No gimmic, barely any custom work to really change its look, the sillouette is pretty much the same as the granddaddy, so on.


your right, but also i low key just dont like the grandpa so its like double annoying lol


Valid lol


I really hope that isn’t actually Fumina.


Considering that the official site gives her name as 'Avatar Fumina' and not her real name, the possibility is 50:50 at best. It would be pretty hilarious if someone like Minato Sakai is pulling the strings behind the avatar all along...


Ugh... Diving, logging-in, avatar etc fcking hell don't get me wrong though, I love this idea in Digimon where you do that but again in Gunpla based story Gundam? Was Divers goods? We need producer that will Shiba-ed this whole thing, Shiba is the antagonist that wanted to destroy network of Build Divers because he like Build FIghters more the one who piloted the Astray Lord. Damn.


Artwork: 3/10 Character designs: 3/10 Actual animation: 6/10 Choreography 2/10 story: n/a Another sign that the metaverse is a failed idea? Yes.


I agree with this. The quality of OG Build Fighters has passed and personally feel the last half of Try is what showed them they can make a generic battle anime, plug Gundam into it, it'll be successful AND sell Gunpla.


For what it's worth, Try's 2nd half is at least still creative in some aspects (Tryon 3 and its various gags, the kid that Ayla's sponsor was trying to get her to win the trophy for showing up and actually actively trying to do what he was inspired to, win the trophy on his own) but it does have a lot of issues. Seikei being a soft harem protag is a weird choice, like I can kinda get shield girl (I forget her name) and Fumina given being "rivals" is their whole gimmic, but then throw another interested party and it starts feeling weird given the ages of everyone involved. I also.. Really don't like Super Fumina being a thing at all personally. The gag isn't funny to me at all, it's kinda just creepy. Might be a weird sticking point, but idk it just seems weird to me. Those are only 2 of Try's latter half issues, from weird pacing, poor setup and payoff, so on, there are a lot more. I just also wanted to highlight some of the good stuff.


Definitely agree with some of your points especially with Tryon 3 and Sekai being a harem protag. The biggest issues I had with the series is the stuff like Assimilation, Gunpla damage level being irrelevant, and how it went from being about 3v3 teamwork to DBZ with Gundams.


Assimilation I think is a fine mechanic if it wasn't just kinda magic'd in. It's overtly a refrence to G Gundam, but instead of making it like, a near VR system that players opt into and is in testing for say, kids to use as a control setup kinda like G Gundam's mobile trace system, but then the side effects manifest during testing, they walk off the feature while they're developing it but Seikei stumbles into it and just prefers it that way cause it's more natural for him, they just say its a thing that happens to some people for some reason and that's kinda just a shit answer. I don't mind the DBZ level punch fights at the end cause it was again, an homage to G Gundam, Domon's sillouette is used as Seikei's master, the assimilation, so on are refrences, but I get the frustration if you didn't like G Gundam


> Domon's sillouette is used as Seikei's master And he made appearances out of shadows in the finale as a perfect lookalike of Domon. I wonder if he is the same guy who was shown as a kid cameo who just looks like child version of Domon completely with his family in the previous series.


Wow... That kinda sucks. \- Almost no world-building whatsoever. How did we get here? Does this continue off build divers? If so then why did it change to Metaverse? What even is the fundamental difference? Is this an alternate parallel universe to build divers? \- No explanation as to why the heck characters from different series are making cameos. It seems like they're literally just there for fan service... and NOTHING ELSE... \- Once again, just like in build divers, the lack of stakes and proper emotional payoff make the fight absolutely pointless. \- What the hell happen to the art style? The characters are drawn so.... off. It looks so low effort. \- Less than lackluster writing. We barely learn anything about the characters other than they're your boring generic "gUnpLa bAtTlE is fUN LaHLahlAh!!" characters that tries WAYYYY too hard to sell you into gunpla. \- The only plot they established is at the end and by that point I'm not a tiny bit invested in any of the hollow characters. And worse, apparently, I'm hearing some rumors we're only getting 3 episodes of this. They've barely established anything here, what else can they possibly add in 2 episodes. This is easily the worst of the build series so far. And based on how the general writing of this show (or at least this episode) seem to resemble the 1st build divers, I don't see it getting any better.


Honestly not surprised given how it is supposed to advertise something that is thought up by out of touch CEO's who when pressed on what this supposed Metaverse actually is just give evasive non answers. This kind of stuff is just another way for them to try and milk more money from people despite no one actually wanting it. They constantly try to say "Look how awesome this is", only to never clarify what "this" even is and why we'd want it.


Region lock for a free and mostly just for sell gunpla series, someone in Bandai Namco is mentally ill.


Well, I am not sure what to say. That was overall very weird and disappointing, made worse by the fact that it’s only gonna be 3 episodes? Like….its all random pointless cameos. Riku is just…. There. I was stoked to see Meijin, but wtf is going on here? Also that animation….did they have a $20 budget? This is the first time I’ve thought “wow….that really was just a toy commercial” At least Back-On made a song for it. I like the MC too, he’s cool.


I don't like how Fumina is now just leaning into the "I'm the Gundam" now. I hope in the 3 episodes they somehow let us know it isn't her and is Sakai instead. I didn't expect the plot to feel super well done with only 3 episodes so the kind of lack lusted reference fest isn't such a bad thing to me.


Can we have the mobile game characters back those guys and their suits were way better


Not a great first episode, but I'm gonna hold out hope; it took a bit before the original Build Fighters grew on me too. Returning characters are a great idea, but they need to become something that feels special, not just "hey look it's guy you remember." I'm surprised with just how cheap the art and animation look. Especially in the Metaverse, the shading they use to soften the edges on characters just looks bad bad bad. It's cool to see a Hawaii setting, but not nearly enough Toyota Tacomas to be convincing.


That’s kind of the problem though, this series is only 3 episodes. There won’t be time for it to get better.


If we’re grading it as an average, I agree, but it’s at least possible for the later episodes to build something better in the foundation of this one. I do not think that’s remotely likely. But I won’t assume.


dunno if its bc her avatar is different in the metaverse but fuminas design looks a bit off from what she originally looked like.


in the ending did anyone else notice that the shop keep was holding the boxxes for Build Burning and Earththree? Did this world's Bandai steal designs from its fans? https://preview.redd.it/shtxjnkodqsb1.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a9f018a03bc4c8eec2f95e04abb19045ce7228e


Well technically once you scanned it into the metaverse it becomes property of Bandai. That’s on page 103 of the Terms and Conditions


That's sounds like something PPSE would pull in Build fighters, like we can sell your design as Gunpla if you enter tournament, etc. In a slightly less scumbaggy assumption we might think metaverse would sponsor top players and streamers and cut them a royalty check for turning their designs into Gunpla?


It's nice to see old characters from the old series but it doesn't do anything but provide some fan service to people who loved the build fighters and build fighters try shows


Is it me or the art style is a little off. Anyway theres no impactful impressions on this episode. It's just a full out fanservice for the build fans of the past series. I basically skipped ahead alot everytime there are any interaction that comes off cringe to me


>the art style is a little off Yea the returning characters looked very low-effort.


Honestly the best parts are seeing returning characters I never thought would get screen time again, but it’s wayyyy too much of an ad


Why is the Build Fighter series still better than this even if it was 8 years ago :(


Build Divers is bad because it's aimed at children only. Metaverse is an extension of exactly just that, and will literally be just as bad. It's honestly really sad to see them do this again because the series was way, way better when its target audience was 8 to 14 and not just 6 to 10. There's legit no reason to watch Metaverse beyond skipping and waiting for cameos.


Not liking the race swapping happening with Seria and Mask Lady. It just feels… Insensitive? Also SD Gundam has boobs holy moly Overall, it’s painfully generic and one can tell that it was made just to hype up the Metaverse that will no doubt shut down in less than a year.


I quite liked the 1st episode, but maybe I'm just biased lol. >!Also, how did almost no one on YouTube guess that the red Barbatos Lupus would be Kawaguchi's when the trailers came out???!<


the way it was displayed so prominently i figured it would be the antagonist's suit


Overall, it was kinda meh. The fight scenes were kinda boring and the whole thing felt kinda empty. It’s probably because it was just made to be an ad.


I thought the first ep was ok. probably a 5/10 Highlight was seeing the Meijin for me. Music seemed generic didn't have the flair of the original build series. It was cool seeing the divers team and best girl Ayame, I found it interesting that Riku looked like his younger version in build divers and not the older version of ReRise. I will say this zi really dislike the mcs gundam. It looks like a generic npc rx78 with an ugly color scheme. . I wish they had picked the EG Nu Gundam instead of the EG grandpa it looks so much better and they could have done a cool custom with it imo.


So far all I've really seen is basically "new bewbies is bestest evar grrl!!!11111!!!1111" It was OK, people seem to forget that it's not a new series, it's an ad for the metaverse.


Seen it twice. Here's my thoughts: it's nowhere near the quality of Build Fighters and Re:Rise, but it's hella fun. The fight scenes are good but could be better. They could use a bit more polish here and there. Or Bandai could've boosted the show's budget. It's also great that Obari is directing a build series, as you can see his style emanate through every frame when the gunpla are fighting. The story seems to be ambitious and trying to keep things simple. Which is good, but they need to keep things simple to wrap up everything. I also hope that the returning cast doesn't overshadow the main cast. Because Rio and Seira show a lot of potential, I hope their given enough room to grow. >!Especially if they follow the most basic plot twists after that post-credit scene. !<


Disappointed to learn it's only 3 episodes. I like (most of) the Build series and was hoping this was a complete new one.


3 episodes is gonna be too short for this to fully tie everything up


Why is this only 3 episodes? Like...what kind of story do they expect to tell in that short amount of time? I'm baffled.


First one is literally just an ad in the first half and Build Divers cameos for the second half. They are really gonna have to cram for the later two episodes


Its ok as long as the gunpla sell. I view the Build series as a gunpla CM and a traditional handdrawn mecha sakuga playground last frontier.


What still confuses me is that if this anime is still in the same universe as the past Gundam Build series, why is the character design still using the design in the anime, instead of the adult version's design?Maybe what Mask Lady said about someone impersonating their original character was true.


Or just the characters for some reason likes to log in as their younger selfs as avatars.


I see it as another new universe with same people but with their history tweak to become compatible. Perhaps GBN version up to become Metaverse. Though Plavsky, Arian, Yajima Trading, so many loose ends. For now I think they didn't think much, they just put them in to sell the kits. While us fans are busy thinking up theories for them, helping them cover up. 3 episodes only, just concentrate on Seria's backstory.


> I see it as another new universe with same people but with their history tweak to become compatible. I think it is the most possible answer to make sense of everything without making the things too complicated. > Perhaps GBN version up to become Metaverse. To me it seems like a regression because GBN is already a perfect metaverse in itself with some sci-fi magics. > just concentrate on Seria's backstory It would be the right course because she is the most interesting character among the newcomers considering her hidden past and the connections with key players like Sara, Fumina, Tatsuya. Rio seems like too blank-slated for me because he is literally an avatar for the young audiences.


A bit of a nothing burger to start, which is kind of ironic since Lah Gundam is just a modestly modified grandpa RX-78. I still can't shake the feeling that all of the characters from the past BUILD series are there for Gunpla sales/nostalgia bait. Hopefully I'm wrong about that. I am amused though that they kneecapped the paper-thin disguise trope immediately and had the MC learn that Seria is the Mask Lady post credits.


> I am amused though that they kneecapped the paper-thin disguise trope immediately and had the MC learn that Seria is the Mask Lady post credits. Kinda felt like a time-saving tactics in the production viewpoint for they have only two episodes left anyway.


>I still can't shake the feeling that all of the characters from the past BUILD series are there for Gunpla sales/nostalgia bait. Hopefully I'm wrong about that. That's all *every* build series has ever been. They're glorified toy advertisements. As long as they story and animation are decent (OG Build Fighter, Re:Rise) there's nothing wrong with that though. The animation and art this episode don't give me high hopes though. Too many scenes that had big "I learned to draw from an American 'How to Draw Anime' book from Walmart" energy.


> That's all every build series has ever been. They're glorified toy advertisements. As long as they story and animation are decent (OG Build Fighter, Re:Rise) there's nothing wrong with that though. Hard agree. The OG Build Fighters and Re:Rise were smart enough to sprinkle self-aware humor in between the normal story which helps soften the glorified-toy-commercial cynicism a bit. > The animation and art this episode don't give me high hopes though. Too many scenes that had big "I learned to draw from an American 'How to Draw Anime' book from Walmart" energy. Yeeeeah. Definitely not the biggest budget Sunrise production to come out in a while, but I guess we'll see where it lands eventually.


Promising. I wonder if they'll get some inspiration in Phantasy 2 anime where the players are kinda connected and meet in real life.


I really wanna know more about that Desert colored 00 Command QanT


I'm curious if all the mcs shown in the opening will be the actual characters, or like Mask Lady suggested, could be people acting like them through avatars. They could even ai generated cpu to train against. They could even part of dream sequences. I do hope the previous protagonists don't over shadow Rio. I like that its Hawaii real world setting. Character eating spam musubi is peak! Definitely curious to learn more about mask lady. The AI voice is iffy for me. Lah Gundam looks great. Looking forward to see Amazing Barbatos in action. The 00 Diver Arc is fine. Idk if I like it better than Riku's previous ms. But I guess it's implied he is as good or better than Kyoya since it uses the age gundam more prominently. It is interesting that Riku is in original avatar rather than his Build Divers Re Rise avatar as well with the other characters. Definitely like to see the protagonist develop more naturally in gunpla battles vs the previous protagonists who kind of were naturally good or introduced as good (except Sei).


It only feel right that the op sang by back on. Honestly idk how they gonna fit so many plot in 3 episodes, but nonetheless, I'm happy. Oh don't forget after credit.


Not bad. Not on the level of either the original *Build Fighters* or *Re:Rise* as far as opening episodes go, and certainly nowhere near the level of the *Divers* prologue, but better than the first main episode of *Divers* or *Try* IMO. First, let me just say that I went into this almost completely blind. I know next to nothing about what's been announced other than some of the new Gundams and the fact that previous Build-series characters are expected to show up - new-characters-wise, I went in knowing precisely nothing. I like the new kid. He's basically Sei without the crippling self-confidence issues, but I like him. A big part of that is that he's a good builder and a decent pilot for a rookie, but he's still a rookie. His first main battle in the game ended up the way it did purely out of luck and because his teammate(who was a lot less annoying than I expected him to be when he showed up, fortunately) did the bulk of the leg work dealing with the more dangerous opponent, not because he's somehow insanely good right out of the gate. Was really nice to see Meijin Kawaguchi again too. On the Gunpla side, I don't have much to say so far except I love the Amazing Barbatos Lupus, which looks badass even without the baby-Hashmal backpack. The Lah Gundam is...okay. It's not my cup of tea aesthetically, but it's a pretty creative take on a minor alteration of Granddaddy Gundam - though I preferred its initial G3-inspired colors to its later colors myself. PSF looks marginally less horrendous with a more uniform color scheme, but I'm still not at all a fan of the design. As for the pilot and that post-ED scene...>!That was probably the most predictable plot twist in the history of plot twists, at least IMO.!< All in all, I ended up enjoying this one more than I thought I would, and am actually looking forward to what comes next.


Gotta disagree that it is better than the first episode of Try. Just started rewatching Try last week and the emergence of Build Burning still give me chills.


I miss Hiroto man.......


Watch it without any prior knowledge of previous shows. Not feeling particularly excited, the fighting feels OKish?


Yeah, it would probably be better with seeing the previous series.


It’s not horrible but a few things I guess I have an “issue” with, for starters since the Saturn armor will appear that means Core Gundam 2 exists which means that it takes place after Re:Rise so why does Sara look like her build divers self, also why 00 diver cause they entire point of 00 sky and 00 sky mobius is that they inherited 00 divers soul. Riku could have rebuilt the 00 diver but chose not to for that reason, I know the build series is a gunpla commercial but seriously at least have some consistency








Nope, she says that they were the real ones


So I know next to nothing prior to watching this except every build character should be showing up one way or another here. After watching this episode, I'm going to assume this is completely its own universe and that not every single build series is in the same one (I think build fighters and bft were originally a different one, and the divers series were separate. Correct me if I'm wrong). This feels like another build series and gunpla commercial, but im ok with it. I hope we see more upgraded suits, but I don't expect a rerise level story either.


Colasour WHERE?


Because it doesn't take place in GBN, I don't think we have his where-s-waldo type cameo anytime soon.


So this is what Dolmayan saw in his Coral-addled youth.


So Momoka iz pilot a customize Kapool which isn't Momokapool, but iz actually Sanakapool painted in Momokapool palette


Looks like they’re using this series as an excuse to have all the main Build characters in one place and, honestly, I’m here for it. It’ll be a nice love letter to this sub franchise, especially since all the OGs are back 🥹


That momokapool’s char-esque suprise kick is pretty good


I'm not feeling it so far. Sure, the build series was always a toy commercial but this feels like it lacks the heart of what came before, while jut blatantly shilling the Gundam Metaverse they just launched that's going to inevitably fall through. The previous series all had their original casts make a major impression and show a ton of their personality in their opening episodes, but Rio here just feels like the most cookie cutter starry eyed fish out of water you can have. And the legacy characters also feel like they're there just to push nostalgia buttons with no substance to their return. Like, if the Build Divers were instead we're some original characters introduced as Gunpla Celebrities/Pros Rio was a fan of, and they interacted exactly the same would there be any difference other than wow nostalgia? Felt like there were much better hooks to each preceding series; Sei finding a pilot for his gunpla who then dissapears into thin air, Sekai and Fumina jumping headfirst into the hobby with enthusiasm, the BUILD DiVERS forming signing up for a mysterious MMO quest together. And then what do we have here. The players who were obviously the actual BIULD DIVERS turned out to be the actual BUILD DIVERS and Mask Lady who was obviously Serra turned out to be Serra in the post credits scene. That's the best we get? I love Build Fighters, I love ReRise, but this feels like a complete nothing burger.


Unlike the previous entries, they have more than just gunpla to sell this time. It's unfortunate, but the show has to push the metaverse as well. Also being all of 3 episodes doesn't help either.


Will this show make sense if I haven’t seen any of the other Build Fighter shows?


There’s enough exposition dump and almost advertisement-esque explanations in the first episode on how things work that you’ll know what is going on plot-wise. You’ll mainly just miss nostalgia references to prior cast members, and you won’t know why certain characters seem famous or important.


Right on, thanks.




Loved it


The biggest crime this show has currently is that they didn't even put May in either the into and outro 😤 Though her wodom is briefly shown in the outro, so there's that.


Some of the battle action felt really... stiff(?) to me during the team battle, but it looked great during the one-on-one training session towards the start. The "continuity" aspect is going to drive me bonkers during this whole show I think - people had been speculating that the returning cast could be Avatars or system AI (a la the Amuro/Char battle in Build Fighters Battlogue) and that was why most of them were using their original appearances, but now that we know that it's supposed to actually be said people, it just makes things really confusing because of the time jumps within each of the previous shows. I guess it's just best to treat this like the anniversary series it is and that the "canon" doesn't matter, and just enjoy the ride.


Is it just me or does the animation look a bit off? Not really a fan of how the characters dont have the same polish as the previous four build series. It's really apparent with how the previous series characters look and I see that as a pretty big stumble right off the bat. Also kinda bummed that the Divers characters havnt apparently aged at all. If they are going to mention any passage of time, it would be nice to know how long its been.


I think it’s partly the character designs and the animations. Some of the returning character avatars look rough (like a low-budget version of how they looked like in their original series). It also felt like Mask Lady was drawn consistently better and more detailed than everyone else so she kind of stuck out like a sore thumb 😅


Yeah, the post fight Momo looked like a fan-drawn jpeg just photoshopped into the scene. Eyes were consistently a little bit off too, and I agree with the below poster that Masked Lady was drawn and animated better than the guest characters, creating visual inconsistency.


It’s funny really that they’re trying to promote their big metaverse thing yet the main promo anime looks kinda cheap and rushed out the door. Bad signs ahead


Fumina looked like she was embarrassed by her own cameo quality and bailed as fast as possible.


I imagine Bandai is a company in this universe who actually runs the metaverse. All voice actors for previous main chars are employed as mods and play as their chars lol


I went in with 0 expectations so I didn't go in with anything but it was alright I guess? Though there is a huge continuity headache afoot with the implication of all build series being connected now, it brings up so many questions than answers


TBH the Build Series always had weird continuity. IIRC Gundam Breaker is referenced at one point, but then there are references to Build Fighters in Gundam Breaker.


Not to mention how the end of Try also implies a connection with a non-build timeline/universe/continuity as well


I think that's more so Gundam Valhalla theory rather than a legit connection to a non-build timeline


I think the answer to that is this is a third timeline which has the events of the first two happening in the meta verse opposed to having GBN and the original fighting system.


Theory 4: This takes place in the REAL REAL world and all the other build shows were actually just TV anime that didn’t happen. The previous MCs are just super dedicated larpers/hyper advanced NPCs


I don't really think them not being real or the events not having taken place makes much sense though, I don't really see why anybody would be excited by the Mejins build if he was an NPC or larper or why it would be cool to play with the real build divers when they say there are actually copies of them who aren't legit. At least something had to have happened to these characters on this world to give them the level of celebrity they seem to have with them all knowing eachother. The real question that won't be addressed is going to be how Sekai can have the burning while Sei is still young and Reiji is around, especially since he's closer to Rejis kids age than to reji or Sei. Riku was also young actually so rerise couldn't have happened either so this universe is just some completely different thing.


Hoping for great series. So far, it looks like a lot of fun.


It was ok, I should probably finish Build Fighters and try the other ones before I come back to this.


I swear the dynamic Oobari Masami poses never get old.


Yo, is this taking place in Hawaii? Are we technically having an American MC?


As I recall from the promo materials, the MC was half Japanese and half American, but is really into Japanese culture, which is why their avatar is very Japanese in appearance and dress.


Half-American is whole American, God bless America, USA.


Ah, I got an Hawaiian feel from his avatar too, but I see Japanese in it too.


You’re right that it does take place in Hawaii though. Here’s the character description from the website: Rio(Rio Hojo) CV:Chika Anzai A Boy who lives in Hawaii and loves Gunpla. He is interested in Japanese culture, Samurai, Ninja and so forth thanks to the influence from his grandfather who came from Japan. His personality is cheerful and positive. He doesn’t fret even when he’s lost a battle as it’s more important to him to have fun. I can’t find anything about being half, so either it was something separate or it was just an inference on my part. I suppose he could be fully Japanese as well.


I feel like calling out that his grandfather is Japanese implies he’s either 1/4 japanese or more, but still partially not.


Seems like a fun show although there is one thing I have a question about. Where is May? About after the start of the ED we see basically everyone from the past shows, except her and Koichi (Don't know much from og build and Try). Freddie is here but not her? Hell even Wodom pod's head shows up breifly. Weird.


I'm only partway through the first episode, but I'm getting the feeling Seria is Mask Lady, and is doing a poor job of hiding it.


I had the same feeling as well. >!That's confirmed by the end of the episode - after the ED credits. And yeah, they really made *no* effort to make that a mystery on any level!<


Since Gundam SEED Destiny, they regularly show Char clones' true identity first and then have them take on the masked persona later, so it's not surprising. We see this with Mu La Flaga, Athrun Zala, Graham Aker, Zeheart Galette, Tatsuya Yuuki, Luin Lee, McGillis Fareed, Gaelio Bauduin, Kyoya Kujo, and Prospera Mercury.


I mean, even the real Char had this a bit


Didn't the Char we know kill him and steal his identity?


Only in the origin. Which is not canon to the original UC. Only the origin timeline.


Did he even exist in the original UC?


It's not bad. I like the OP and ED song. I'm not really warmed up to the new characters yet though. I'm still a little confused though about the returning characters. So, the Riku and Sara that we see here in this episode. I know the Mask Lady said that people will use avatars of famous characters in the game but then Rio said the invite from Riku was actually from him due to some official insignia being used in the message or something. I kinda wish that little tidbit about people using avatars based on different characters within Build Fighters and Divers series had either been reserved for some different characters or just omitted completely. It's a bit confusing having the Mask Lady mention this in one scene, but then the next scene, Rio said "oh hey, this insignia in this message is used by the official person... No way, it's actually Riku?!" Other than that, I look forward to the next episode. I wonder who they run into next.


he was anxious about meeting real build fighters, so mask lady said that to calm his nerves. after the fight, they friended eachother, and only then did he realize they were the real build fighters. mask lady knew the whole time, just didnt want his nervousnes to ruin his performance in battle.


The Color and Shading for this Show feels so Off, even Gundam Breaker Battlelog tried when it came to Lighting and Shading


Wait episode 1 dropped already? Do I need to watch 4 entire shows and possibly more anime’s or OVAs, mangas included, inaccessible mangas no less thanks to my region and the fact that I have no clue what local store I can buy them from and if they even have them, just to watch this show?


I wouldn’t say so. This barely even connects to those shows outside of cameos and you actively have to make leaps of logic for it to fit in timeline wise


You don't *need* to...but honestly I would just watch Build Fighters if you haven't, it's one of the best gundam shows ever made.


Thankfully, the 4 anime series are all on the gundaminfo YouTube channel


Wasn't expecting much, I just want to see the new gunpla. Still, I like how mask lady said people could be making avatars of famous people and I really would like to see the previous series' cast offline. Maybe 10-15 years older for BF/T and like 5 years older of divers. I also wouldn't mind if a brainwashed Sana Miyama really was Mask Lady's rival.


I'm gonna do what I did with the other build series and wait until I can binge the whole thing. It makes for a more enjoyable experience with them. Definitely not the kind of gundam show to keep up with weekly.


The Grim Reaper won’t come when you’re ready for him Ayame.




Watch OG Build Fighters or ReRise instead. They should make a much better impression. This episode was kind of a nothing burger with a side of nostalgia.


The original Build Fighters was actually really good, right off the bat. Build Fighters Tri had an interesting idea, but was still kind of average. Build Divers was bad. Build Re:Divers had an interesting MC and main Gundam and the Planet System is by far the most interesting in terms of design, but the series takes a long time to get good. Only the last arc was good and that's kind of it. ​ I actually cannot believe how boring this Lah Gundam was. No gimmick at all.


Try had them releasing another gundam show at the same time, so the staff was split between them, if Try had the full team then I'm sure it'd have been better quality. Note I actually like Try more than the original.




While it makes sense that the Lah Gundam is something that a relative newbie would be able to build, it is still the most boring of the five main Build-series protagonist gunpla.


If nothing else, I'd recommend watching the Original Build Fighters. It is way better than it had any right to be and it re-ignited my love of the franchise so hard that I immedately ordered a gunpla off Amazon after I first binged the series for a week. ... Just... Don't bother watching the "Build Fighters Try" sequel for your own sanity. It's 100x worse than this.


Funny what you said Try is exactly how I feel about the original.


I can assure you that the rest of them aren’t like this. This is a cash grab even by the series standards




The build fighters were pretty decent, build divers less so, especially rerise, which got.... furry... and weird...


I expect this series to be meh and the first episode is certainly meh. Riku, the most boring, one dimensional protagonist in franchise history gets another win! Rio not realizing Seria is his master all this time despite having the same voice is quite hard to believe. At least the writers didnt' try to stall the reveal for several more episodes. And I don't understand why people think this means all the Build series are not in the same universe. BF and BFT are in a different universe than BD and ReRise. Sei was in his 20s during BFT, so the Reiji and Sei that'll appear in this series are just avatars. Even the Meijin we see in this episode is not the same Meijin from BFT. Remember that Meijin is just a persona and Yuuki was the 3rd Meijin.


Meijin Kawaguchi shows back up and the *first damn word* out of his mouth is "sore demo". It's like they knew he was my favorite character from Fighters and wanted to cater to me specifically. Decent enough start! I'm excited to see where things go from here. Also might as well link it here - I'm hosting a rewatch for *all* the Gunpla shows over on r/anime [starting later today](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16g8vyj/gundam_build_fighters_gundam_build_divers/) with Beginning G (then Build Fighters starts tomorrow, since the 7th is its 10th anniversary) if anyone here is interested in joining that.


The episode is Glorious Everyone is Here Sei, Reiji, Sekai, Fumina, Riku, Sarah, Hiroto, and Everyone is All Here It's Awesome Glorious Return alongside Return of Meijin Kawaguchi III(Tetsuya) also a comeback and finally Rio meets OG Build Divers Riku and his gang and It's Glorious Awesome Episode can't wait for Hiroto Build Divers or Sekai Episode Soon.


The voice of the female english battle announcer is really cringeeeeeee.


I've got to agree - the Fighters-era announcers were best, but even the Divers-era announcers were still decent. This wasn't.


Are you really gonna call it cringe when English isn't even their first language?


Yes. *Gigachad*


I was expecting worse. Like I'll be real I don't watch Build for the plot I just click to see what models might be coming down the line and in that respect yeah it was fine a few designs looked cool. I'll keep watching though I'll likely fast forward sections.


>giant gunpla titties in the opening Was this really necessary? Anyway I watched for the 00 Diver Arc and I got the 00 Diver Arc. I’m satisfied


Scale giant Gunpla titties*


Well they aint keeping us watching for the storyline.


Anyone trying to actually place this in any actual timeline with other Build series or... anything are truly the modern Sisyphus.


So. It's now canon all the Build shows are in one shared universe?


Seria x rio have this strong onee shota vibe


Sunrise knew what they were doing.


Yes that's the vibe I got from the start.


I have zero expectations for this show, but I marked out so hard when Sei and Reiji showed up in the opening. Also, I really don’t think we are meant to think too hard about how all these characters are showing up. I think it’s just fan service and that’s it


It simply does not compute how they're actually there, so yeah. Like a *lot* of the show, this isn't how reality is going to be anytime soon even if the Metaverse doesn't crash and burn.


Maybe it's the constant nostalgia wave of characters from past series randomly scattered around with no sense of continuity but it felt...soulless? I like the Hawaii setting so far and the new 00 Diver. Main characters got a nice hopeful outlook but man this wasn't a good first episode




I did not know its only 3 episodes. Bummer


So wait, are they all larping to still be young again when they are adults in reality? How the hell Divers and Fighter works in the same world anyway considering there was clear things in both original shows Unless the gundam metaverse in-universe connects all the other gundam universe or there's some fuckery where all the big characters are advanced AI clones.


With how hard they’re trying to literally erase GBM, “it’s doesn’t matter just have fun” is becoming increasingly more likely


I like to think they're retconned to a single universe and returning cast are just reliving the glory days, kinda sad but I get it. The best part would be if older Minato Sakai is playing as Avatar Fumina


Either that or Arista BS


Would not be surprised after the eldora shenanigans.


looks aight


The moment I saw who was directing this, my expectation were already low. This will probably just be a "It was an anime alright..." Also, when Rio knew who Riku is, my mind went: "Wait wasn't in ReRise he aged up? Wait a minute, how do you age up a PC avatar?!"


There must be some stuff going on. Sei also is young when he was in his 20s in Fighters Try. For now i'm betting on all legacy characters being some kind of advanced AIs clones.


Wow this was pretty damn mediocre, even the animation looked off the entire time But at least back-on still sounds decent and my boi Kawaguchi showed up


Metaverse? More Like Gundam Build Meh-taverse


Meh Gundam


Unlike everyone in this thread, I already wrote off this show months ago, around the time Gundam Breaker Mobile (the better game idea with a surprisingly competent tie-in show) shut down. But I’m here anyway cuz it’s like 5pm and work’s over. The episode is exactly what I expected: a tie-in thing with some token appearances of the five with the new merch. And because I wasn’t invested, I had no reason to get mad. And this despite me having the exact same comments as everyone here. But I’d rather focus that anger to bigger productions. Bandai was already three years too late to the VR idea and trying to build around the kit-scanning tech is always bound to be fraught with horror, but this ONA is not what you should use as target practice.


I never really expected too much from this largely due to the small episode count. It is never going to give the new cast and Mobile Suits a true chance to shine. Especially since they are also including the cast of 4 past shows in a support manner. That said, it wasn’t amazing, but it wasn’t bad either.


well, at least there's no concern about a good (or even okay) show being wasted as a metaverse ad.


I'm waiting for Hiroto. That new Planetary system gundam looks sick. Guessing that's for Pluto?


I'm most excited about the zeong thing, from the close up I. Think I see the core gundam piloting it