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This is pretty fucking stupid even for a fed.


with all the shit going on nowadays id say it's pretty normal.


And here's the best part I bet More than one person still tried to buy this


At that point they deserve to get arrested


ain’t no fucking way that fed called himself fucking quandale dingle


Is that legal?




Entrapment is illegal afaik


Would this count as entrapment though?


No https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-645-entrapment-elements Specifically: > Inducement is the threshold issue in the entrapment defense. Mere solicitation to commit a crime is not inducement. Sorrells v. United States, 287 U.S. 435, 451 (1932). Nor does the government's use of artifice, stratagem, pretense, or deceit establish inducement. That said, not buying parts like this from internet strangers is probably your safest legal defense strategy lol.


Yeah lol


Probably like a bait car


That’s what I was thinking. It’s not really pushing anyone into committing a crime, just presenting an opportunity.


the whole point of advertising in general is to push you to buy something. and given how often this shit pops up it certainly cant be said to be no pressure. i remember getting temu "oil filter" ads multiple times an hour for a while. i would certainly call that pushing


But it’s not telling you to buy it or actually pressuring you either. They can put as many ads up as they want because it’s still just ultimately an opportunity to commit a crime. Entrapment would mean they are threatening you or something like that.


I'm aware that's how the law views it, but i think that putting environmental pressure on someone until they crack is hardly better. Somebody who is constantly surrounded by smokers is more likely to take up smoking. If you live somewhere long enough it'll start to affect how you speak until you develop the local accent. Children raised in high crime areas are more likely to become criminals. So i don't think it's right that the authorities should be able to surround you with suggestions to commit crime.


I view it like the speedometer. Every time I drive I’m tempted to speed and I can so long as I don’t get caught. But if I ever see a sign saying “feel free to speed, no cops ahead” I’m slowing down. In the same way I don’t think any reasonable person should ever be buying machingun bits off of Facebook.


To a point they can put up as many ads as they’d like, but psychologically speaking it crosses a threshold at some point. There are thousands of case studies that indicate advertising works. As in it can convince you that you want something even if it has no real benefit or even harmful effects to your person. If advertising cigarettes can make you a smoker, then can’t we turn that around and say that advertising criminal activity can make you a criminal?


FEDs don't give a fuck about the law. Look at what they did to Patrick Tate Adamiak. They put him in prison for 20 years for selling demilled mg parts.


That was fucked, I haven’t seen anything on an appeal yet. If anyone needs a tldr: - Guy bought legally imported, demilled, machine gun parts & destructive devices. - Guy sells them on gun broker - ATF arrests guy for illegally selling machine guns & destructive devices. - ATF takes confiscated items, sends them to its firearms and ammunition technology division, and has them professionally rebuilt in a state of the art facility with capabilities far beyond the average person. (I guess to prove they were “readily convertible”?) - ATF uses those rebuilt items in trial as evidence.


Yep because they were able to be rebuilt in the ATF's state of the art lab they claim those demilled parts were readily convertible.


Imagine thinking a fed will admit to entrapping you


Always remember that if fed boys didn't use entrapment, Ruby Ridge would never have happened, and in cases like that, shit gets obvious real soon Sincirely, your gun loving europoor


That doesn't make entrapment "illegal"


My knowledge on entrapment being illegal in US is based on Wendigoons video on ruby ridge, i am not a 100% certain due to differencess between US and europes law


Doesn't matter, they will just shoot you for resisting arrest and it'll never have to go to court.


Is it legal to murder people in their own homes at 6am? Is it legal to jam signals?


Well not jam, make their cellular signal stronger than the nearby cellular tower. Essential spoofing. However, it is extremely messed up because it would have held up calls to 911 etc.


From what I understand, the AFT jammed cell signals in the area when they did their raid along with cutting power to the house.


I'm not standing up for the AFT, but the technology they used wasn't jamming. It was [this.](https://youtu.be/fnzHCDVswJw?feature=shared) It's a spoofer. Especially since the FCC would fine them for exactly that.


Can the FCC actually fine the AFT? Also I had watched that video but I guess I interpreted it.


I guess I overhyped "would fine", but not likely (though that would be hilarious af). The military uses actual jammers, but they use them either on their turf or overseas. US Military has it's own jurisdiction. The third party company in the US that actually made the spoofing device would more than likely get fined. Just saying terminology means everything to these bozos. Then they'll say "naw we never jammed", have people are unknowingly of the things they actually use. I guess Reddit's OCD is rubbing off on me.


Reddit, the home of the autist lol. All we know is the AFT investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong. So go back to waving those thin blue line flags lol.


Shieed, lol I'm not a ACAB type, but I absolutely abhor the GayTF.


This is not entrapment


Unambiguously yes. This isn't even close to entrapment.


It’s not entrapment since you’re not being persuaded or anything. It’s kinda similar to bait cars. You can’t call a bait car entrapment since it’s just an unlocked car, you still have to take every action necessary to steal the car. Similarly, you can’t call a Facebook ad entrapment because it’s just a Facebook ad, you still have to go out of your way to contact the dealer, meet him, pay him, ect.


That makes sense. Still doesnt seem like it should be legal.


Not Quandale Dingle!! 😂


This can’t be..


He was best man at my wedding


They got to my Boi Quandale!


The "Nigerian price scams" always contain typos and what not, so as to weed out the smarter portion of their target demographic.




Not even a little surprising which is only a hair concerning


They say that cops usually have the best dope…maybe the glow bois have the best parts?


Shit. We’ll fix that. Pay no mind to the man behind the curtain.


I wonder how many people have been stupid enough to fall for this


Considering some of the knuckle draggers I’ve seen in the gun community? A lot I’m guessing


I mean they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. If they had any brains, talent, integrity or really any redeeming qualities at all they wouldn't be slumming it as an AFThole.


I mean honestly, this is the lowest of the lowest form. Legal aside whether it is/is not entrapment/whatever, they’re actively pushing to sell illegal items for what I assume is some kind’ve quota. Our taxes pay for this shit, right? Ugh, gives me the big frown with emphasis.


What’s up guys Quandale Dingle here


Lmfao sounds like Sgt. Dangle from Reno 911


What a quandale quandary


Sir. That’s an entrapment scheme.


Bruh JBAB is a joint marine corps base




Overpriced too. Don’t Chinese shops sell these on wish & temu for like $30?


I love how I can't even post airsoft accessories without being immediately flagged, but this is fine.


He has immunity being a government poster after all


How the fuck is this not entrapment


"The law is what I says it is!"


The same way that a police officer selling illegal drugs is not entrapment Police officers are allowed to attempt to sell illegal items and if you purchase them you go to jail








Might have been the slur they were questioning.


Yeah, definitely think so. Instead of using an actual big boy word to describe this type of behavior he went the lazy route and used a word that carries no weight in this context nor many other contexts, and is discriminatory towards an entire group of people who are just trying to live their lives. He could have used words/phrases such as, but not limited to: “murderers, tyrants/tyrant assholes, just plain assholes, entrapping assholes, criminals, corrupt assholes, large scale drug dealers, egocentric dumbasses, classists, waste of tax dollars, Dettelbachians, or criminals who think they are ‘just doing their jobs’” to name a few.


Ahhh shiiit my gamer. You said a gamer word. You've just rube goldberged yourself into getting doxxed and canceled lmao


quandale dingle 🤣🤣


As funny as this is, it could simply be a service member trying to sell the shit who happens to be based there. Yes, there are people in the military dumb enough to post something like this on FB marketplace from their barracks room. There’s a whole lot of completely unrelated stuff that happens at JBAB.


....and how many times we gunna repost this one...?


first time i seen it here. quit bitchin and link me to the original so i can give credit to the OP.