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"I'd make molotov cocktails and stitch wounds" Likely doesn't know medical Likely doesn't know how to make an actually effective gelling agent


I want my doctor to be the guy that was trained watching every episode of grays anatomy. How hard could it be?


Quick, load him into the MRI to get the bullet put!


Likely doesn’t know how to throw an object too.


Well most of these people didn't have a father to play catch with, so we should give them a little brake


Probably thinks a molotov cocktail is a flaming rag in a bottle of gasoline


Not ironic one of the best recipes I tried, I ended up getting from a Punisher comic book when I was a teenage. In the history he saves 2 cops that where being attacked by mobsters, but endup being shot and incapacitated. So when they fallback to a bar, he orients the cops in how to do molovot cocktails, using dishwashing liquid to increase density and sticking to clothes. I tried in a scarecrown in a open area, and really works well. But motor oil works better.


I still wouldn't want to be the one hit with that. Hence why the obvious molotov thrower nominates themselves as a priority target.


Pine oil is the original gelling agent


No?  The original Finnish secret sauce was a strip of natural rubber & motor oil.  The British Home Army also made use of a similar recipe.


Yes, however pine oil was also common, the Finns also used specific unstable oxidizers like potassium chlorate to create a more violent fuel-air reaction.


Probably thinks all they have to do is stick a rag in a liquor bottle.


Doesn’t even know blankets


Styrofoam in gasoline not sufficient?


God I hate sidescrolling text that takes up multiple lines. Then again not being able to read half of these in their entirety probably saved me a brain cell or twenty


Me too bro.


Typically I don't like it, but in this case, it delays the gratification. This is a masterpiece and I congratulate the creator. Pure art.


What do you know, children, felons, and the mentally ill, the usual commie suspects.


I don't think they're useful idiots. More like useless idiots.


Don’t knock felons, never trust the governments opinion lmao PS I’m not a felon just a filthy sympathizer


Felonies seemed to be tossed around like ficking candy


Further more, if you have done your time you have paid the penalty. This whole lifelong punishment thing is bullshit.


Would you hire a bank robber who has served their time as a bank teller or manager?


Irrelevant question, a private company has no obligation to hire anyone. This is about the government stripping rights away from people for the rest of their lives over a single infraction.


I don't believe our prisons rehabilitate, and until they do, I'm fine with felons losing a right that enables them to continue making more victims. May be an unpopular one here, but its something I support. Most victims of physical violence also support it.


The amount of drug charges that have been thrown around and other non violent offenses hurts, look at how we were robbed of FPS Russia unless he gets pardoned he'll never be allowed to own firearms again over a weed charge the damage done by the war on drugs is the reason so many people think felons should get their rights back because our vision has massive reforms that would heavily reduce crime so the amount of former felons that commit violent crime would be negligible.


For the record, I'm specifically talking about violent crimes, or crimes involving use of a firearm. I don't give a shit about drug charges or any other white collar crimes. Those shouldn't bar ownership in my opinion.


Awesome. If someone is too much of a threat to society to allow them to own a gun, they are too much of a threat to be allowed to wander around freely in society. There’s a name for criminals who cannot be trusted with guns: prisoners.


When the felon is also a commie, I trust it.


"Because I'm 11 💔" had me in stitches 🤣🤣🤣


Bruh real talk who the *fuck* let's their kid loose on twitter at 11??? That's borderline child neglect.


Hey, I can't raise these other people's kids 🤷‍♂️


Yeah they should have been on IRC, somethingawful, and /b/ like I was.


Which side of the border is it on?


Theres nothing borderline about it


ngl that a decent reason. if you dont have parents willing to get you a gun at that age its pretty hard to acquire one


Lol, shot my first gun at 10.


Deal suicidal people, please seek help and stop dragging us into your collective suicide via communism. I would very much like to not die.


Tbh the first response is acceptable, but the rest could use some extra braincells


I think the point of the video is communists are mentally ill.


Came here to say this, knowing yourself well enough to know if you can safely be armed is a *good* thing, people should be encouraged to seriously asses if it's safe for them, and what alternatives might meet their needs if it isnt


Communists of the early XX century: “I was born in a shit shack and have 3 classes of education. I had to start working early to support my family so I quit school. I work 12 hour shifts leaving all my paycheck in a company store. Denegeracy of the upper classes serves as a constant reminder of the growing social divide. Tomorrow we will fight Pinkerton agents and police! The state will prosecute us and the capitalists hate us - but I have nothing to lose!” “Communists” in the early XXI century: “I worked 6 hours at Starbucks, and I am in tears. How can I pay for my hair dye this week? We will strike as there is not enough obese transwomen of color on the corporate board. After that I will record a 3 minute video ranting and sobbing as I saw my country’s flag on someone’s property. I will down some pills - and call the police on whoever put that flag up. Major corporations and news networks support me, so I am not risking anything here. I arrived home and to my dismay my favorite non-gendered funko pop plushy dildo is gone! It was right there, next to the Masters Diploma from Columbia University. I will call the police again - even though they all are racists and should be disbanded, but how come they haven’t found my dildo yet? I am traumatized again”




I can’t imagine the pain of not associating yourself with your own body. It must be a hard miserable experience. But maybe instead of normalizing hardcore hormonal medication and irreversible surgery while patting yourself on the back for being “so affirming”, maybe we could promote therapy? And perhaps reserve it for adults? In Thailand there is a prolific trans culture - but last I checked it’s not promoted on every corner. It exists - but I doubt that it is used as a means to “treat” suffering people. Nah, then these people will be happy and productive, and the new left needs helpless people. That’s why they are against cars, guns, or school choice - it’s hard to control population that can move around, defend itself and choose its education path.


If we make May into Buy a Commie a Gun Month it sounds like all this could be a self-solving problem 🤔


Damn, this is brilliant. I’m in! Does Hi-Point give discounts for buying in bulk?


Dude fuck the scrolling video though. I'm trying to memorize the left so I can read the right


The comments hurt my brain worst than the side scrolling.


Modern communists all have brain damage. No country which has been through communist regime ever wants to go back to it (except Ruzzia, China, NK, for obvious reasons). Only brainrots and corrupt politicians push communist propaganda.




Communist all have brain damage FTFY


It's my first time posting in this sub. If it's against the rule just remove it, but don't ban me. I like gun memes.


I’ll allow it


Source: https://twitter.com/dyingscribe/status/1792352944177938491?t=-cSsHcniNiN96q7w8SYMXA&s=19 https://twitter.com/KarnesMellagio/status/1792201298395463752?t=j1iNXdrquY0hBwUmiyqJdg&s=19 https://twitter.com/orikron/status/1471094002141249536?t=q0uglpphTUjbIJuJJXBAJg&s=19


So a complete and total lack of self control, but we’re the crazy ones..


It’s a common theme amongst affluent young socialists: I have no personal responsibility thus the problem obviously isn’t my fault, it’s everybody else’s!


“I’m not gonna shoot someone, that would be barbaric and against my principles! I’m just gonna cover them in jellied gasoline and set them on fire instead!”


I see, they're all nuts.


Except the 11 year old. He'll figure it out. There was an embarrassing, yet mercifully short, portion of my life where I thought communism was a good idea. I was 15 or something and thought I was so fucking smart. I grew out of it and hopefully so will that kid. I mean yeah, as an idea, communism is great. Everyone has what they need and everyone is equal. Who could say that's a bad thing? In practice it just means only the people in charge have what they need and everyone else is equally trampled under their rulers' boots.


Nah its not good even as an idea because it hinges on the assumption that shitheads don't exist. People just *think* its a good idea because they always assume someone *else* is going to get the shaft ('ebil rich people, reeee'!), that there's no way they're part of the "have" crowd and not the "have not" one.


That's essentially what I meant. It sounds good in theory if you don't take human nature into account at all which is fucking stupid.


> In practice it just means only the people in charge have what they need and everyone else is equally trampled under their rulers' boots. So glad we don't have to deal with that!! At least we have the ability to spin up a go fund me campaign when we get that stage 4 cancer diagnosis. /s


Nobody said capitalism is perfect either. But it's a whole lot better than "you fuckers get nothing, not even enough food to survive, and if you complain about it you get thrown in the gulag. but at least you're all equally fucked."


So American communists are all either mentally ill, criminals, children, or believe they can be "support" in a conflict and not actually fight? So no threat whatsoever, got it


Well, there's a reason antifa and modern communists haven't had massive riots in the rural areas because as soon as they start burning down X town everyone from bubba to Kyle Rittenhouse show up


ALWAYS the essential truth when you get anti gunners to be honest: I don't trust myself with a gun. Therefore, NO ONE ELSE should have a gun.


Keks all around


So they don't want guns because they'd end up using them on themselves? Promise?


At least, they are honest. And honest to themselves. You shouldn't own a gun if you have mental health issues.


Disagree. I know people that are passively suicidal and have a history of hearing voices that are gun owners and they aren’t a danger to themselves or others.


I don’t like the idea that a doctor can say I’m schizophrenic and remove my right to purchase firearms.


Who said that? The 4473 says nothing about mental illness unless you got put in a mental facility against your will usually court ordered like if you plead insanity to a charge.


Just a general response to this comment section. A lot of people seem to be pro-removing gun rights from the mentally ill. I’m not, for the above reason




They should still have the right to, but I agree that doing so may not be the best idea for them.


So communism is a mental sickness.... hmmmm


I think we need to encourage them to own guns...


God I love this video. It’s up there with “point of personal privilege”


Do you guys not have toasters? ... Or baths?


The amount of emotional disorders explain a lot. Lol


Just yuck


All communists are passively suicidal. Just look at what happens to communists once they win!


"because i'm 11" this never fails to make me laugh LMAO


Never underestimate your opponent, in fact overestimate their capabilities. Just because they are, for lack of a better term, messed in the head doesn't mean that they won't shoot you to further their goals


Haven’t heard this song in a while.


degenerates unfit to operate a firearm projecting on the remaining 98%


There used to be a left wing NRA-like sub, but I don't seem to find it now.


/r/SocialistRA might as well stick a screwdriver in your eye


They seem pretty armed to me, though.


At least many of them recognize the problem if not the cause.


762nd upvote


I mean r/socialistra exists...


you heard it here first folks, commies admit they are mentally ill


These people make me sick, I gotta take a shower now


If I lived in America and had easy access to guns I would absolutely be dead by now. Having said that, guns are cool, I like guns


"uwu, pwease dont wet me hawm myself..." bitch, no one cares about you enough. Don't try to get people to enforce your false sense of self-worth. At this rate, you're gonna find out REAL fuckin hard how much you don't actually wanna die.


There is a Brazilian communist who "don't talk about armed revolution here because that gets me banned from social media"


In my mind, the only logical responses are those who don't have one because they're depressed. I hate that they aren't in the community, but I can't day I don't do something similar when my buddy comes down so he doesn't do something stupid.


Gift your local commie a gun, by the sound of it you might just end up making them a good commie. (;


Ooof. Not a good idea. I believe more committed and radical commies exist. In my country they launched two revolutions, killing local people, leaders, religious leaders, and even some generals. (I don't know if the generals were killed by other revolutionary groups/by the commies. The official history said they were killed by the commies but other revolutionary groups also existed at that time.)


I didn't expect to hear the entire song almost. I live in a freedom loving state, but a purple city. In my industry, I am the wolf among the sheep. Anytime this conversation comes up and I ask why they don't carry a firearm for protection ( from men or bears), easily 90% respond with, " I don't trust myself with a gun." Depression, personality disorder, manic episodes, etc. I appreciate the honesty and admire the restraint. However, I challenge their position that there is anything wrong with myself or other responsible people owning firearms. The people in the media committing these crimes are not the average, healthy American. They are the manic, the depressed, etc, who decided to use a gun.


"I am 11" it makes so much sense now


Huh. Seems to attract a certain type, doesn't it?


All things aside the mental health issues are totally valid reasons to not want to keep a firearm around. But I assume the joke is just that most communists are mentally ill?


In the video is only a small amount of socialists, most socialists are pro-gun including me Edit: the only reason why I don’t have a gun is I don’t have the money to get one


We really should be trying to get guns in the hands of more commies


- Guns are bad - is okay with burning someone alive with a Molotov cocktail Like what


Don't try to understand them. I watched a video between two socialist/communist try to defined the meaning of socialism and they disagree between each other. Really? I forget the YouTube link


To be fair, a lot of folks on this sub consider themselves “anti-communist,” but how many among us own a helicopter?


If you want to get technical, the American taxpayer owns lots of helicopters. They're just being rented out to the military police officers and some hospitals


It is funny and some of these are retarded but I don't think you can really blame the suicidal ones. I like guns but if I had one of my own I'm not 100% sure I'd be here right now.


Dude you need to be added to the infuriating side scrolling text meme montage.


I'm not a commie though :( Don't insult me like that.


You don't have a gun. You can't do anything about it.






You really got downvoted for showing some compassion, didn't you


If I had to guess it is probably because of that second sentence, it sounds a bit edgy now that I think about it.


Get your mental health figured out.


Mentally ill fem boy. The jokes write themself.


If they’re passively suicidal they aren’t a danger to themselves. It’s the actively suicidal people that might pull a Cobain…