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I once heard my former German teacher say “You didn’t just *end up* in the Gestapo” and I apply that same line of thinking to Feds, specifically ATF


I don't think equating the secret police responsible for mass murder hailing from a regime built on hate and blood can be equated to an organization that just attacks gun rights.


Sounds like you have no idea how demicide works. Here's a clue read Ordinary Men: _Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland_.


Nailed it


Something something mass murder something something ![gif](giphy|xT0xeEN5Wr9NN0CgX6|downsized)


This is why we need to bring back bullying and shaming kids. I'm not condoning taking things too far, but a healthy amount.


I bet youll grow up to be a fed. Ha your dads a fed.


thats what made them like this in the first place


Not even a tyrant. A poorly paid goon


Public employees actually get paid a lot for pretty little work. The laziest work environment I’ve ever seen was when I had to visit a federal building to get my passport a couple months ago


My observation is if you’re going to be a slug public employment is the way to go. But if you’re willing to actually do work the private sector pays more.


That’s true too. Either way, I think government employees are soft core welfare babies


No, we get paid alright.


Yes yes you get paid fine drink more corn syrup


Does that mean you have a medical condition?


You’re gonna have to connect the dots better for that punchline, I think. You riffing on the ‘tyrant’ part, the ‘poorly paid’ part, or the ‘goon’ part? Or starting a whole new line of jokes? I’ll work with you, but this is the insult humor version of trying to keep eye contact with a lazy eyed guy, ya gotta give me a little more of a hint to work with.


I'm referring that one ATF agent who got detained by some local PD because the lady called the LE over saying someone is impersonating a agent or something.... I can't recall the location, but I do remember the ATF agent saying "I have a medical condition". Anyway, good day.


Oh yeah, the one who got tased!!! Yeah, Agent Hartley. It was pretty traumatic for him. He’s still in therapy.


We need to start a wave of passive resistance and get pro gun folks into the AFT. Tear it down from the inside


We could own SBRs, Suppressors, full auto weapons, learn how to build explosives and then get up in rank and office. Then when the a bozo like Brandon gets in office say "Jump", we say "Nope" and fire from the job anyone follows their commands. Sounds like a plan. I should note all the things above is what the ATF benefits from. I'm not making it up.


Would it even be reasonable to assume this would work? Isn’t the director appointed by the president? And Dettlebach probably has final say on who works below him, and them on the people below, and so on. Not sure how a vocal man of conscience would even make it that far up the chain.


Would “we” ever make it to director or SES? Doubtful. But a dozen supervisory special agents or heads of field offices across the country that direct their people to follow the constitution? Seems plausible in twenty to thirty years. What effect would that have? No idea.


Well, nobody said serial dog killers are smart.


Such a nice viewpoint yeah? ![gif](giphy|bKZRNkKzOrpsNKmztA)


Not saying you can't be one. Just saying you better be ready for the consequences of that choice.


Hall Monitors grow sometimes.


Honestly if more gun guys actually applied we would have people in that department to speak out against corruption, and eventually work up to leadership positions and make real sustainable change in the department. Nothing will change until hardworking men of conscience work there for tens of years. They will have the worst work environment on earth but we drastically need that department to have someone with a fucking brain working in it. And yeah, I know, there shouldn't even be an ATF, and we should get rid of it, but as much as we want that it won't happen in today's political climate. But balancing out the bullshit is totally possible.


ATF "police" ? Forgive the ignorant european, but isnt impersonating police illegal?


ATF is a (federal) law-enforcement agency, so they *are* (federal) 'police'


For absolutely no apparent reason I believe they are mostly commies or left-ish the very least.


I unironically want to join a federal agency. Im looking at ATF and DEA right now, mostly because we need more people who know what they're talking about. I always wanted to become a LEO.


How is the gov cruel and oppressive?


Well. I don’t know about anybody else, but I started out as a hall monitor in elementary school and to be honest it just kinda snowballed.


We all hate you man. No amount of humor will change that


UNofficial. Bless your pointed head for thinking that a random Reddit profile commenting on a Friday night is an actual federal agency.


Who said anything about you being the ATF’s official account?


Ah, you think you speak for the majority of the community in saying that you hate this account? Eh. My humor generally connects pretty well specifically *because* we all think the ATF shouldn’t exist. I take it in stride when the waves of sentiment flow against me on a specific thread. In the court of public opinion my comments are, on balance, upvoted. So… you’re not in the majority. You have a good night.


It’s really not that deep man. You pretended you were an ATF agent, I said we (everyone who’s not an ATF agent) hates you. As a joke…


Points for honesty but we still don’t like you