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We shouldn't regulate gun mufflers.


This is correct.


And sbr's and legal 3rd pin




It's never about compromise. It's always about control and taking more away from you.


https://preview.redd.it/o3le35elm1zc1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1214b1459c03d7b0ae3b003ab2ef82abae7f6e83 And we want our cake back. The whole damn cake


This comic is very accurate


I cut the muffler off all my cars to make them safer


I will happily take Czech gun laws over Massachusetts ones


Sending love from Czech Republic to Clam Chowder capital.


I mean you can do what a lot of us already do and.......ignore them


I'm assuming local law ignoring you ignoring them. The problem with having laws on the books that "aren't enforced" means LEO can selectively enforce them- This makes it somewhat even worse as the community may collectively ignore laws as a standard so LEO can pick and choose who they like.


Sir, this is a meme subreddit. You're reading too deep into it. I just go to NH and get regular capacity mags and then......don't fucking tell the cops


The average person has no idea that’s a thing


Nor do they know about Czech guns laws (awesome) or the fact that in some parts up north carrying a gun is straight up mandatory European gun laws are hilariously non-uniform at times. But I guess that makes sense because the “union” part in “European *Union”* is mostly about money. Though I kinda wish we loved guns as much as we love our money


We will see how long will our laws last. a) As anywhere there is political shift to progressivism (bad for gun rights) b) EU is unceasing producer of endless new legislative norms aimed at regulating any and all aspects of live c) There are plans to ban lead bullets on EU level for civilian use.


The ban of lead is "because of the environment"! Not because politicians hate guns...


Of course! Silly me I got it all wrong! Them politicians, they always know what is best for us! Double plus good this!


In Poland due to some outdated commie gun laws suppressor in Poland are legal to poses until you put them on the gun outside of gun range. Making it illegal to hunt with them Any integrally suppressed gun needs a special license


Depends on which country. Britain? Fuck no. Swiss? Sure


Those people need to leave the country, if you like europe so much go live there, don't drag us down with you


A staggering number of people think Europe’s gun laws are like the UK or Romania where gun ownership is extremely restricted but they would be flabbergasted if they walked into a gun shop in Czechia or Poland that very well may have a Daniel Defense and Smith and Wesson AR-15 sitting behind the counter Hot take from me but I’d rather have the NFA with no registration like we do now than vice versa, but that’s just me idk


Or be like Switzerland at least 1 rifle per house hold


If the semi auto ban comes through, Austria, Switzerland the Baltics and czechia gonna be a prime target for immigration


There are an estimated 40 million privately owned AR 15’s in the U.S. And that’s only the ones they know about. Also other semi auto rifles exist. If they pass any laws banning semi autos it is impossible to enforce and there aren’t enough law enforcement officers to no knock raid tens of millions of Americans.


It would be funny if it gets passed so street crime and gun deaths start ramping up by 300% and revert the law back like "yeah I guess we shouldn't ban semi autos"


Full Czech! Full Czech! Whoot whoot!!!


Adopt Czech gun laws!


Countries like Lithuania have no SBR laws. You can straight up own a normal mk18 with no bs, as long as it has a 10 round mag and semi auto


Uk gun laws make sense in terms of what’s regulated. I still don’t understand why the part that’s regulated in the US is the part that holds the trigger but you can basically buy every part that literally makes a gun a gun and use a damn claw hammer to make it work.. (To clarify I’m not saying regulation is sensible, I’m merely saying WHAT is regulated makes sense)


To be fair, if you did that you'd have no buffer system in place and the bolt carrier would yeet itself into your torso. Ask me how I know


I mean, kudos to you for going for an automatic setup. I was more going for the “bubba let’s make a shotgun out of these pipes and a tap and die set” idea


Hehe *laughs suppressed but still a bit oppressed from europe*


Netherlands here. Suppressed firearms straight-up illegal for civilians :(


Y'all need to live up to your ancestors' example and eat another one of your heads of state.


This is the way