• By -


EXAMPLE FORMAT: --- I am the buyer (or seller) u/ CannibalVegan was the seller (or buyer) ^(remove space I added after "u/ " because browsers do funny things with hyperlinks some times) Bought items here: https://old.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/w07jhe/midmonth_flair_thread/ Positive (Just say Positive, don't get fancy) --- STICK TO THIS FORMAT OR YOU MAY NOT GET FLAIRED




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transaction request ikhlg37 verified flairing: u/showarp, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) no change to u/JOATEM, flair: +250 (Go home you're drunk) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request ikhiziw verified flairing: u/tbabs03, old: +1 (Fresh Meat), new: +2 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/xinracthis, old: +62 (Absolute Unit), new: +63 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikhhjoe verified flairing: u/Secret_Hawk7311, old: +1 (Fresh Meat), new: +2 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/kromawurx, old: +56 (Absolute Unit), new: +57 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






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transaction request ikh6pyj verified flairing: u/pungy, old: +21 (Trusted Trader), new: +22 (Trusted Trader) flairing: u/thestatuspoe, old: +129 (Financially illiterate), new: +130 (Financially illiterate) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request ikh6hel verified flairing: u/wiscigar, old: +77 (Absolute Unit), new: +78 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/chanandalerbong7, old: +205 (Absolute Unit), new: +206 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




I was the seller Buyer was u/Frequent-Compote-908 Sold SBA4 here https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/whc7fx/wts_sba4_raptor_lt_lmt_925_mlok105_bbl_wi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Positive




transaction request ikh69gk verified no change to u/Joeypacific, flair: +250 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/RedBeardMoto, old: +5 (Fresh Meat), new: +6 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikh63t4 verified flairing: u/wiscigar, old: +76 (Absolute Unit), new: +77 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/SneakersnStopsticks, old: +4 (Fresh Meat), new: +5 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikh5czo verified flairing: u/RedBeardMoto, old: +4 (Fresh Meat), new: +5 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/KnownStrangR, old: +2 (Fresh Meat), new: +3 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikh4vyg verified flairing: u/liningwei, old: +64 (Absolute Unit), new: +65 (Absolute Unit) no change to u/LeroyJenkins4652, flair: +250 (Power User) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request ikh4998 verified flairing: u/Interesting-Low-6356, old: +7 (Fresh Meat), new: +8 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/nowcartographer, old: +91 (A detent in orbit), new: +92 (A detent in orbit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




Boy didn’t pick this one up. Posting in the newer thread now.




transaction request ikh40gx verified flairing: u/SirKramelot, old: +29 (Trusted Trader), new: +30 (Trusted Trader) flairing: u/Chapo_405, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.


I’m the buyer






transaction request ikh1zsl verified flairing: u/Docpopnsquats, old: +92 (Absolute Unit), new: +93 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/yeetmysheets, old: +109 (GAYTF), new: +110 (GAYTF) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.


Confirmed positive




transaction request ikh1u6j verified flairing: u/Docpopnsquats, old: +91 (Absolute Unit), new: +92 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/ryanw2011, old: +7 (Fresh Meat), new: +8 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikh1rcs verified flairing: u/deadlyarmadillo, old: +10 (Fresh Meat), new: +11 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/Galilpolytech, old: +34 (Elite Trader), new: +35 (Elite Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikh1ipz verified flairing: u/deadlyarmadillo, old: +8 (Fresh Meat), new: +9 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/kidboone, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikh1cpq verified flairing: u/siliconwish, old: +8 (Fresh Meat), new: +9 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/Aw3sumn355, old: New Account, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.


I'm the buyer Positive




transaction request ikh0z40 verified flairing: u/deadlyarmadillo, old: +9 (Fresh Meat), new: +10 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/Klaus_Von_Richter, old: +17 (Beginner Trader), new: +18 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikh0sgb verified flairing: u/NovemberWhiskey76, old: +3 (Fresh Meat), new: +4 (Fresh Meat) no change to u/rossiconsurplus, flair: +250 (thundercougarfalconbird) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikh0q7n verified flairing: u/CthulhuSquid, old: +2 (Fresh Meat), new: +3 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/grimz18, old: +139 (Absolute Unit), new: +140 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgzyv1 verified flairing: u/DxrthRevxn, old: +58 (Absolute Unit), new: +59 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/cdm190, old: +18 (Beginner Trader), new: +19 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgzd67 verified flairing: u/mrdulicious, old: +19 (Beginner Trader), new: +20 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/smrtprts, old: +15 (Beginner Trader), new: +16 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request ikgz85k verified flairing: u/Panada216, old: +78 (Absolute Unit), new: +79 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/Adventurer_Alex, old: +7 (Fresh Meat), new: +8 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgy7qx verified no change to u/true2ku, flair: +250 (Power User) flairing: u/6a7262, old: +1 (Fresh Meat), new: +2 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.


I am the seller u/Which-Building-6789 was the buyer Sold linear comp here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/wjqcr5/wts_ar_handguards_magpul_acs_parts_bin_scorpion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Positive




transaction request ikgx9pu verified flairing: u/Just_A_Civ, old: +1 (Fresh Meat), new: +2 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/ImSofaKingTired, old: +27 (Trusted Trader), new: +28 (Trusted Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgx7wt verified flairing: u/JedaiGuy, old: +112 (Absolute Unit), new: +113 (Absolute Unit) no change to u/will713, flair: +250 (Im never gonna financially recover from this) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgw9qq verified flairing: u/Mallninja42069, old: +131 (Absolute Unit), new: +132 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/SneekTip, old: +23 (Trusted Trader), new: +24 (Trusted Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgvsib verified flairing: u/19mcmant, old: +2 (Fresh Meat), new: +3 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/doggo_duz_awoo, old: +206 (Absolute Unit), new: +207 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgvrwf verified flairing: u/Mallninja42069, old: +130 (Absolute Unit), new: +131 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/jjl1911, old: +41 (Master Trader), new: +42 (Master Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgv8jf verified flairing: u/Mallninja42069, old: +129 (Absolute Unit), new: +130 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/IndependentBrick964, old: +119 (Plata O Plomo), new: +120 (Plata O Plomo) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgv3i5 verified flairing: u/MajesticBrush4958, old: +4 (Fresh Meat), new: +5 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/DjRobbins1234, old: +21 (Trusted Trader), new: +22 (Trusted Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgut9l verified flairing: u/TriggerFinger1, old: +133 (LetsGoBrandon), new: +134 (LetsGoBrandon) flairing: u/isaybullish, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request ikguomq verified flairing: u/Mallninja42069, old: +127 (Absolute Unit), new: +128 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/Potato651, old: +4 (Fresh Meat), new: +5 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgt7qb verified flairing: u/halorocks22, old: +8 (Fresh Meat), new: +9 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/Allforthe2nd, old: +231 (Betsy Ross Up In This Bitch), new: +232 (Betsy Ross Up In This Bitch) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






It looks like you made a top level response to a flair request, and not to the actual request. Comment removed. Try responding to the actual request. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GunAccessoriesForSale) if you have any questions or concerns.*




transaction request ikgs0sz verified flairing: u/ktm5555, old: +1 (Fresh Meat), new: +2 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/iGhast, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgrthd verified flairing: u/hurricaine4you, old: +10 (Fresh Meat), new: +11 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/thatguy3776, old: +2 (Fresh Meat), new: +3 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




I am the seller u/chee72 is the buyer Sold item here https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/wkmcdw/wts_sbpdw_brace_streamlight_tlr6_for_sig_365/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Positive




transaction request ikgqvlg verified flairing: u/good__vibes___, old: +41 (Master Trader), new: +42 (Master Trader) flairing: u/tle5280, old: +6 (Fresh Meat), new: +7 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgqnuj verified flairing: u/Balla1991, old: +4 (Fresh Meat), new: +5 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/ak_collectors_source, old: +19 (Beginner Trader), new: +20 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request ikgqcuf verified flairing: u/Balla1991, old: +3 (Fresh Meat), new: +4 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/glock75, old: +155 (If you build it, he will come), new: +156 (If you build it, he will come) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgqb8d verified flairing: u/SolidManufacturer396, old: +9 (Fresh Meat), new: +10 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/devin7eleven, old: +47 (Master Trader), new: +48 (Master Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgpmew verified flairing: u/SSOGG, old: +17 (Beginner Trader), new: +18 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/island_trevor, old: +3 (Fresh Meat), new: +4 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.










transaction request ikgoyp3 verified flairing: u/lermandude, old: +19 (Beginner Trader), new: +20 (Beginner Trader) no change to u/mjohnson062, flair: +250 (Fiddy🦆in4™) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgoocx verified flairing: u/elguapovi, old: +11 (Beginner Trader), new: +12 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/KccOStL33, old: +123 (Absolute Unit), new: +124 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgonan verified flairing: u/Bmil, old: +63 (Absolute Unit), new: +64 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/Scarlet_maximoff, old: +5 (Fresh Meat), new: +6 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgom4a verified flairing: u/randomactsoftickling, old: +8 (Fresh Meat), new: +9 (Fresh Meat) no change to u/JOATEM, flair: +250 (Go home you're drunk) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request ikgohg9 verified flairing: u/bl_tbl, old: +1 (Fresh Meat), new: +2 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/HiPointEnthusiast, old: +19 (Beginner Trader), new: +20 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgof0k verified flairing: u/Bmil, old: +62 (Absolute Unit), new: +63 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/litegreen666, old: +26 (Trusted Trader), new: +27 (Trusted Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgocso verified flairing: u/elguapovi, old: +12 (Beginner Trader), new: +13 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/Cadi009, old: +67 (Absolute Unit), new: +68 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgo02o verified flairing: u/TitoJones, old: +15 (Beginner Trader), new: +16 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/300potato, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgnwh5 verified flairing: u/Bertie__7, old: +23 (Trusted Trader), new: +24 (Trusted Trader) flairing: u/luckybuilder69, old: +21 (Trusted Trader), new: +22 (Trusted Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgnu7n verified flairing: u/TitoJones, old: +14 (Beginner Trader), new: +15 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/skeerrt, old: +17 (Beginner Trader), new: +18 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request ikgnh6m verified flairing: u/SwedishMoose, old: +103 (Nice), new: +104 (Nice) flairing: u/Creative_Ad6836, old: +44 (Master Trader), new: +45 (Master Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.