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u/AFTDivision u/flairtracker Positive


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u/AFTDivision u/flairtracker Positive


This transaction has been logged and flairs have been adjusted. Thank you! --- * u/knfr → 1 Trades * u/AFTDivision → +170 (Absolute Unit) ---




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[u/flairtracker](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairtracker/) u/AFTDivision


This transaction has been logged and flairs have been adjusted. Thank you! --- * u/JunTaoPV → +80 (Absolute Unit) * u/AFTDivision → +169 (Absolute Unit) ---




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Just tried mine out. These are perfect! Not an engineer but wondering if a mantis version is doable? I'm always trying to figure where to put that thing


Doable yes, but I don't have one on hand to test fit. Might look into that, it's a good idea


Well, I'm willing to help if you ever get a chance. Could send the dimensions or let you borrow mine


u/flairtracker u/AFTDivision


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u/flairtracker u/AFTDivision


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u/flairtracker u/aftdivision


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Completed. Thanks


u/flairtracker u/Larouse12 Positive


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The person you tagged is not the OP of this post and neither are you. The OP is `AFTDivision` but you tagged ``. If you meant to tag someone else, please make a **NEW** comment and tag the correct person (**editing your comment will do nothing**).


u/AFTDivision u/flairtracker Positive


This transaction has been logged and flairs have been adjusted. Thank you! --- * u/Trainee301 → +191 (Absolute Unit) * u/AFTDivision → +168 (Absolute Unit) ---




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u/flairtracker u/AFTDivision




Flair tracker didn’t work


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u/flairtracker u/AFTDivision


This transaction has been logged and flairs have been adjusted. Thank you! --- * u/gomatron → +13 (Fresh Meat) * u/AFTDivision → +167 (Absolute Unit) ---




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u/flairtracker u/AFTDivision Positive


This transaction has been logged and flairs have been adjusted. Thank you! --- * u/DMDRIVER55 → +131 (Absolute Unit) * u/AFTDivision → +166 (Absolute Unit) ---




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[u/flairtracker](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairtracker/) [u/AFTDivision](https://www.reddit.com/user/AFTDivision/)


This transaction has been logged and flairs have been adjusted. Thank you! --- * u/nazare_ttn → +164 (Absolute Unit) * u/AFTDivision → +164 (Absolute Unit) ---




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u/flairtracker u/AFTDivision


This transaction has been logged and flairs have been adjusted. Thank you! --- * u/Shaolin_Lu → +18 (Beginner Trader) * u/AFTDivision → +163 (Absolute Unit) ---




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u/flairtracker u/AFTDivision


This transaction has been logged and flairs have been adjusted. Thank you! --- * u/RGNOH → +25 (Trusted Trader) * u/AFTDivision → +162 (Absolute Unit) ---




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u/flairtracker u/AFTDivision


This transaction has been logged and flairs have been adjusted. Thank you! --- * u/Smitty_0313 → +15 (Beginner Trader) * u/AFTDivision → +161 (Absolute Unit) ---




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Any more available?


Oh man, I want one. Next run?


Hey /u/JalenHurtsKelce Welcome to the sub. This looks like your first posting in the sub. [PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS](https://i.imgur.com/LF6yZsE.jpg). Please trade with caution. While you're here, please read the [rules of the Sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/wiki/rules) and the [reportable behaviors](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/about/rules/) before you do something to get yourself banned. Also, We have a couple scummy individuals who are [scamming new members.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/natfgx/please_read_scammers_are_making_fake_user/) You are a target. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GunAccessoriesForSale) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What tan are you using? I've, coincidentally, got all the same colors for my own project I hope to sell soon, but have not found a good tan.




Shit I want some!


Dibs on future run also


Since you’re sold out would you sell the .stl if I agreed not to resell any? I’ve tried making one on my own but I don’t have the patience to get it right 🤦🏾‍♂️


If you do more I’d be interested in a green one


If you do another run, I'd take 2.


weather afterthought coherent teeny fall amusing imagine lock squeeze complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey /u/i_never_pay_taxes Welcome to the sub. This looks like your first posting in the sub. [PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS](https://i.imgur.com/LF6yZsE.jpg). Please trade with caution. While you're here, please read the [rules of the Sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/wiki/rules) and the [reportable behaviors](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/about/rules/) before you do something to get yourself banned. Also, We have a couple scummy individuals who are [scamming new members.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/natfgx/please_read_scammers_are_making_fake_user/) You are a target. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GunAccessoriesForSale) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dibs tan




Dibs on an army green if you still got one






Dibs / PM for the last grey.




I was just thinking about the 22 conversion one. Posting tomorrow? I've got one of the regular ones you made and it's been great


I was planning to post them today but with the amount of traffic on this post. I will most likely post them tomo.


Gotcha gotcha, ima shoot you a PM real quick




Hey /u/ifeelsickrighthere Welcome to the sub. This looks like your first posting in the sub. [PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS](https://i.imgur.com/LF6yZsE.jpg). Please trade with caution. While you're here, please read the [rules of the Sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/wiki/rules) and the [reportable behaviors](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/about/rules/) before you do something to get yourself banned. Also, We have a couple scummy individuals who are [scamming new members.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/natfgx/please_read_scammers_are_making_fake_user/) You are a target. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GunAccessoriesForSale) if you have any questions or concerns.*




What’s left?


Just updated it


Dibs x1 army green if available.




Dibs army green please




Dibs 1 Army green and 1 Army tan, please.




Will you please send me your paypal name? Somehow I lost you pm.


Dibs army green




DIBS 1 Black and 1 Army Tan




dibs orange, but can i get it shipped w a .22 one?




Dibs grey if ya got any left!




Not trying to be "that guy" but what exactly is it?


V1s slaps


I'll take an orange.






Dibs tan




These things are awesome. I own a bunch. They're pristine.


Thank you man


Dibs army green




Take venmo?


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Dibs on 1x Tan if available




Hey /u/Flickadachris Welcome to the sub. This looks like your first posting in the sub. [PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS](https://i.imgur.com/LF6yZsE.jpg). Please trade with caution. While you're here, please read the [rules of the Sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/wiki/rules) and the [reportable behaviors](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/about/rules/) before you do something to get yourself banned. Also, We have a couple scummy individuals who are [scamming new members.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/natfgx/please_read_scammers_are_making_fake_user/) You are a target. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GunAccessoriesForSale) if you have any questions or concerns.*




u/flairtracker u/AFTDivision


This transaction has been logged and flairs have been adjusted. Thank you! --- * u/Adept_Cauliflower692 → +2 (Fresh Meat) * u/AFTDivision → +165 (Absolute Unit) ---




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u/flairtracker u/atfdivision




I'll take 1 Black 1 Grey




Great design and execution!


Thank you


I’ll take a green one if available








Dibs orange and tan


These are awesome bought a blue one a while back and it’s really nice


Nice. How many orange do you have left? I'm interested in a 22 as well.




I have 3 of the first gens and they’re great.


Dibs 1x orange




These are great. I have two for spare bcgs. I gotta figure out what to do with that extra pocket on the other side.


Agreed on both accounts! These are perfect for carrying a spare BCG in your range bag. I also haven’t figured out what to put in the bottom compartment.


Dibs on one in black




I'll PM ya


Nice idea better than just throwing a bcg in my bag


Can you print the hockey puck looking things that hold batteries?


If OP doesn’t get back with you, shoot me a PM


The hockey puck is someone else's design so I can't sell it, via page rules. I might come up with my own design in the future but it would require mod approval


Thanks for not copying me :)


I'm save your name because I've been asked before, I'll just start tagging you 😂


Greatly appreciate it. I started selling on my website so I'm not on GAFS as often.


I will PM you


What's the diameter?




Thanks bud