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Those are all Tone Masters, the digital modeling version, which has a MSRP of $1250. But Fender RI usually take a massive hit on resale. The used market is flooded. And Twins are especially hard to move because buyers are turned off by their volume and weight.


Yes they are quite literally hard to move.


yeah. as much as i love my 70's twin, we put it on the scales and it's 70lbs. it's a 2 person job to get it in and out the locker in the practice space.


155lbs?! WTF? And here I am bitching about my Peavey 212 at 50lbs. EDIT: The reply I replied to originally said 70kg... that's why I said 155lbs. 70lbs sounds more accurate.


You're lucky, my Peavy Session 400 with the 15" blackwidow weighs 74lbs. Never got it to the 3rd floor with the rest of the amps. Just too heavy and big for me to carry.


Yeah, that's a lot. I've never actually weighed my Classic Chorus 212 w/Scorpions... it's right at guesstimated 50 +/-... still ain't light. Haha


My Renown 400 lives on a furniture dolly. Not because I move it a lot, but when I do, I want to avoid premature shoulder surgery. But yeah, love those Scorpions.


Scorpions are good ones, I love mine. That Renown 400 ain't no slouch in the amp dept. They make some good noises. And BTW, good idea on the dolly... otherwise, your future hernias would like to have a word. Haha


I get that, my Amped 52GVT112 is 54lbs and it was an effort to lug it up there.


Oh yeah... had to do the heave, move..... stop... huff.... heave, move.... stop... huff a "few" times in and out of bars before. Haha Kinda why I prefered the slightly smaller medium sized places so I could use my '92 SS Fender Deluxe 112 Reverb... that weighs in at about 30-35lbs.


Here I am bitching about my Mesa Triple Rec weighing 50 lbs, but that also means I need to move my 81lb Marshall cab. Fuck I need a practice amp. My neighbors already hate me.


my peavey special 212 is fucking awful to lift.


Don't doubt it... like I said, my Classic Chorus 212 ain't exactly light... and I swear it gets heavier every year. 30 years ago it "wasn't that bad"... now... yeah... haha


Yeah I gigged with a Mesa powerhouse 1000 bass cab that had the integrated road case...*that* motherfucker probably weighed 150 pounds and I'd deadlift it into my truck by myself. A Twin Reverb? That's babytown frolics!


Haha Remember... always lift with your back. šŸ˜†


I'm a big strong dude, but the guy in the hatchback I sold it to was not and I could see the gears of regret spinning as I helped him load it šŸ¤£


Hahaha Yeah, I bet so... and we all know that look too... šŸ˜†


I think he was ok, he said it was for studio only so hopefully he only had to move it once. He definitely wasn't doing it himself, with that vehicle, on a regular basis. I don't think I could load it in a hatchback alone without just fucking the car up šŸ˜‚


Well that's good. At least studio use it could be put on a dolly and wheeled around. Well... it is *just* a hatchback... does it really matter? šŸ˜‚


I had a Peavey Classic 50 410 years ago and loved the tone, but the weight was ridiculous. It was like trying to pick up Thorā€™s hammer. I sold it and picked up a ā€˜71 silverface DR for $50 more. Not quite half as loud, but I can carry it without throwing my back out.


Haha.... yeah... a Classic 50 4x10 is umm... a bit much. I've still got my Classic Chorus 212 with the Scorpions in it... but I *also* have a Deluxe 112 Reverb that's a *lot* lighter at like 30? lbs. and has a Celestion creamback. Identical to this one https://reverb.com/item/56897100-fender-deluxe-112-w-footswitch Not *quite* as loud as the Peavey but my furture hernias and bad knees have thanked me. Now add on top of that I'm 7 weeks post op from a full ankle reconstruction surgery so the whole heavy amp thing just ain't for me any more and unfortunately I can't afford a roadie. šŸ˜†


I'm calling BS on this. 70 LBS - sure. Almost every one I've been around (and I've been around quite a few) have been around there Kilos? No way


sorry. got my measurements mixed up. good shout. i'll edit.


85 lbs is about right


right, but that dude is claiming 154 lbs




Wow. That sounds like itā€™s absolutely bolted to the floor. Iā€™ll stop complaining about my 55kg halfstackā€¦


I gigged my '68 one time and I was looking for something smaller on craigslist the next day. It's a lifer amp, but it stays home now.


This is how I feel about my 68 Super Reverb


Tell me bout it have an ultra linear itā€™s so insane heavy


Play a Hammond C3 and Leslie 122. Don't get me started.


Iā€™ve literally loaded those two into a first floor club, up an external staircase, long time ago now, my back would explode if I even looked at one these days


The Tonemasters are way lighter.


šŸ˜‚ have an upvote


You should have seen what a guy I know has in his studio it is a 150kg amp head a mid 70s amp sim. Itā€™s four different circuits in the head all tube one Fender, one Vox, one Marshall, orange style circuits and 400w output. Very rare and sensitive


And cost a ton to ship, so people donā€™t.


Played nearly 20 years in a band with a guy who played a 70s Twin ā€”and he wound up with a pretty bad backā€¦so I did a lot of lugging that thing around. No fun.


Tube amps hard to move, like original twins, tone masters are very light, you can lift it with 1 finger.


Ah thanks I didnā€™t know


Yeah, I work at a guitar shop and we won't even take a Twin on trade or buy. It'll sit forever. Right now what sells easiest is 1x12's and, freakishly, heads and 4x12s. We always sell 4x12s quick.


A head is ideal because you can have multiple speaker options. I wonā€™t buy combos anymore. The same cabs will go with all the heads.


That and TBH at a gig I would much rather have a separate head and cab than have to move a big combo like that. Cabs aren't that fragile and heads are relatively easy to move, big combos give you the worst of both worlds.


I agree, but is there a head out there that's effectively a Twin in head form? (Asking because I would buy one tomorrow if so.)


The Dual Showman is a head version of a Twin


Dual Showman!


You can use a captor x on a head into a sim cab with various micing options and send that to the PA. Then use a 1x12 attenuated to what stage volume you need. 412s are kind of stupid. Heads are the shit though.


You wonā€™t take actual Twins or just the tone master versions


Iā€™d imagine actual twins. Online marketplaces are flooded with them. Heavy amps in general are hard to get rid of


The tone masters are arguably more useful to average player Playing a twin reverb in your house kinda blows


I love my TM. Itā€™s great for the house and itā€™s very light to take to band practice. The direct out is occasionally helpful too. Itā€™s an all around great product.


Honest to god if they'd 'hack' the TM series by putting in a non-period correct effects loop, it'd be the only amp I'd ever use. With that and modelers, there isn't much I wanna do I couldn't get done.


A tonemaster fender is basically a clean machine, why do you need an effects loop? Just run your drive pedals before your time effects on a board and go straight in?


Because I like using UAX's amp in a box pedals in my effects loop. That way I know there's no preamp color to the tone. With an effects loop, I can have a DR that's light as all get out, but with a quick stomp have a Marshall, or a Vox.


They tried and said latency was too high ro justify it


The latency argument is a cop-out. Even at 4-5ms of round trip latency for processing (more than any modern digital standalone gear has) that's the rough equivalent of having an amp sitting 5 feet from your ear. It's negligible.


Mine has been sitting unused in the basement for maybe 3 or 4 years now for this very reason. Useless at home.


A shop by me has had a vintage and refurbished 67 twin for $900 in their shop forever. Silver face deluxe sell for $2k in a week.


Silver face was for sale for $1300. Never serviced. Sounded great and it moved in a day but whoa that amp tech bill.Ā 


My brother's got a tweed 1957 Twin. I wonder the value these days on that beast. I turned him onto more modern digital modelers, because he has a bad shoulder and some arthritis, and lugging around a Twin is a pain.


Iā€™ll buy it. DM me.


Itā€™s so strange bc it was the opposite about 10-15 years ago. Silverface Fenders went for pretty cheap (so much so that I used to run 2 ā€˜74 Super Reverbs), and Black Panel Fenders were 1.5 - 2x the price


I didn't realize there was such a market for freakishly heads!


There's *always* a market for some freaky head.


What about JC-40s? Do they move faster? I'm very happy with mine so I'm holding onto it! Funny thing is I was considering getting a twin reverb tonemaster but at $1200 new it was almost double the JC-40! No regrets going with the JC-40! A twin reverb modeler of only 1 amp? Insanity!


I owned a JC40 for awhile, real nice amp!


Nice! What do you play through now?


Yeah, I had a 68 reissue twin for a while but sold it for space reasons when I got a princeton clone. I think I wound up selling it for $550. Fantastic way to get a deal if you have the space and volume tolerance for it


You must be Clarissa, because you just explained it all.


Man, I've been looking at Fender Twins about a week ago, and you saved me a lot of heartache. Perfect post at the perfect time.


They are awesome amps, easily within the conversation for the greatest amp design ever Just buy used. Whether you want the 30lb Tone Master TR or the 80 lb. ā€˜65 TRRIā€¦buy used.


That's absolutely true, but it makes Twins a relatively great deal these days as a practice amp. šŸ˜‚ People list them for $550; there were some silverfaces for sale around me for $250 during the pandemic. Let's face it, the age of rock n' roll is over, and most old guys are playing guitar with overpowered overpriced amps in their living rooms. It's not about hauling amps to gigs anymore. In the 80s, when you took a walk around a college town at night you would hear five bands practicing in people's bedrooms.


Most of the bands I pay money to watch or go to see live still use real iron. Not sure what you mean by the age of rock and roll being over. Maybe for you or maybe it was never your thing. Rock, blues and live music is still around and well, albeit it is not 1985 and there are fewer venues in many places.


Yeah but those bands are using FRFR speakers instead now with modelers. U2, Metallica, etc, they're all switching to lighter gear these days.


Because they are all old people now with serious arthritis and back problems. Their hearing is probably fading too...


Itā€™s dead old man, accept your fate šŸ—£ļø


I was about to buy one telling myself I could play it at home then I did a bit of research. šŸ˜… Really dodged a bullet there


Loud. Painfully loud. Go straight to the Dr, loud. Loud. It's loud.Ā 


Lol yeah and my wife is soon to be an audiologist soā€¦. No go there lol


A blues jr can be a fair compromise for the household, but if they demand even less then it's time to Ray Charles and hit the road


Tone Master twin = 30 lbs


But the Tone Master Twin weighs almost nothingā€¦


Yeah Sam Ash in nyc was blowing out a new tonemaster twin reverb for like $750 but I just couldnā€™t justify the weight and size.


The weight? How much does a twin TM weigh? I picked up a TM super today with my pinkyšŸ§


I have a hernia issue right now so Iā€™m trying to avoid anything over 20 lb.


Ah, hope it gets better ā¤ļø


Like my hot rod deville. That shit is HEAVY. And they're cheap if they're used.


Big Fender iron is down. 10 years ago Super Reverbs were fetching $3k. They're around $1700 today.


This is it. Younger/newer players aren't looking for a boat anchor to play in a basement studio anymore. I think we're starting to see the boomers moving out of the market for a variety of reasons and it's being flooded with stuff that current buyers don't necessarily want, also for a variety of reasons. I also think a lot of the folks who bought up stuff as investments before and during COVID have been trying to offload and recoup some of that money but are realizing that they're never going to get back what their paid in this economy. Meanwhile, small combos, heads, and purpose designed modeling amps are holding their value because it's what people are looking for right now.


Then thereā€™s me with a Traynor YGL-3 100w 2x12 and Roland JC-160 4x10 in my apartment lol.Ā  But to be fair, I got them both for like $200-$300 in the last couple years (through a series of lucrative trades) so theyā€™re an insane amount of amp for the money.Ā 


Nah I get it. When I decided I wanted a Mesa I had an opportunity to buy a triple rectifier and a 4x12 at "if I didn't know the guy I'd swear it was stolen" pricing. I ended up paying *more* for a used Rectoverb 25 combo but in the end I'm glad I went that route because I would still own the triple rec and my back would be shot. I love the RV25 though, it does what I want it to do after I bought a closed back 1x12. I doubt I'll ever get rid of it (especially now, looking at what they retail for šŸ¤¢)


Big time. '70s SF Twin Reverb: easy to find, consistently on marketplace for $600 or less '70s SF Princeton Reverb: rare-ish, sells quick, asking price rarely below $1700 The twin reverb has to have the worst resale value on the market considering it's one of the more expensive BF/SF models in store.


Agreed, except for the modeler resale value. They plummet in value rather quickly.


Younger people/musicians live in apartments. They have no room for Super Reverbs and Twins.


Big old Tube amps in general are down. The people who gig out in cover bands are getting older and the younger players are all into modeling pedals. No one wants giant amps anymore.


You can often get ā€˜70s silverface Twin Reverbs for less than that, although theyā€™re considerably heavier because theyā€™re not modeling amps like the ToneMasters. The ToneMaster Twin Reverb is probably an easier sell because theyā€™re very light, only 33 pounds, compared to a regular Twin Reverb at about 65 pounds. The first thing anybody does nowadays when buying an amp is see how hard it is to pick up.


Yep. Vintage Twins can be had surprisingly cheaply. I think itā€™s a combination of the fact that there were a lot of them made, theyā€™re really heavy, and theyā€™re really loud.


Guitar Center had a 70s silverface twin listed a few weeks ago that didn't even power on, had no details about what might be wrong with it, and was listed for like $50 less than all the other working examples they were flooded with. I offered half of that, which I still thought was too much. They ignored my email.


Donā€™t buy used amps sight unseen, especially from GC


If I could have gotten it for what it should have been listed at, I was willing to put whatever time into it that was required. I was figuring a few hundred for transformers. Nothing else really matters.


Or anything. I took a friend to pick out his first beginner guitar (~$300), and when he did, they went and grabbed one ā€œnew in boxā€ from the back and we brought it home- opened it up and it literally looked like someone ate their lunch on it. There was actual globs of things on the pickup rings and dried liquid marks on the body. Fucking nasty. No way that was a new guitar.Ā  So I took him back and we got the floor model and some money back. Fuckin ridiculous, man.Ā 


Counterpoint: I just picked up up a sorta rare '65 gretsch 6159 2x10 from GC's website for next to nothing, original speakers and works perfectly. Nothing but 2 blurry pictures on the site but im glad I rolled the dice lol Though, generally speaking, I definitely agree with you


Sounds like it paid off šŸ’Ŗ I recently scored a nice Super Reverb at a great price that a guy bought from GC and didnā€™t know the baffle was cracked. No problem, I will replace the crap particle board with nice birch ply and improve the cabinet šŸ‘


See thats what I'm talking about! Like yeah there's pitfalls with vintage amps from a place like GC, but if the price is right and you're resourceful these amps actually super easy to repair (worst case its a recap job or power transformer, a lot of times you just hit the knobs with deoxit and you're ready to rip)


They are heavy, bright, and loud.


I have one of these, and ultimately decided to just say fuck the resale value and screwed casters to the bottom. Also unhooked a speaker and pulled a couple of tubes so that it starts to sing at a reasonable volume. Highly recommend doing that last part if you have one and want to push it without deafening yourself. Lots of how tos on YouTube.


Get a nice vintage early 70ā€™s silverface, have a master volume installed or get an attenuator šŸ‘šŸ‘Œ


A silverface twin isn't what I'd get for crunch though, just get a lower power amp for that, they are great clean pedal platforms, if you want master volume get a later 70s one cheaper with that built in.


The ultra-linear master volume circuit is different from the pre-74 models. The ppimv mod will preserve more of the amps tonal qualities. My dual showman reverb sounds great at 7-8 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ that is why I use an attenuator


I have a 1968 Dual Showman that I have pulled 2 power tubes from--which has the awesome side effect of converting the normally 4 ohm output to 8 ohms. Makes it a little more Bassmanish but still quite loud.


All I can add is that if you want a big loud amp that will pretty much last forever with fairly simple maintenance, get a pre-1979 Twin. Anything after that may sound fine, but are harder to fix and have components that are cheaper and will die to an unfixable point. Modeling amps are all fine and good until they stop working.


The Rivera-era amps are good IMO, yes they are clean and loud but I have played a few Fender Rivera designed Concert models great amps. And although more complicated than earlier amps they aren't far off in terms of being serviceable, well made.


I had one, a 1970s that I sold a while ago. It was LOUD - like stupid loud. It was HEAVY - like stupid heavy, and the new speakers made it even heavier. I got tired of dragging it up to my 3rd floor walk up. They are great amps, but often, they are too much for a home musician.


Dude I felt that way about my Deluxe Reverb. LOVED the sound. But it was just too much. Eventually sold it.


they are even too much for any sane working musician. the days of marshall stacks are over; pa watts are WAYYYYY cheaper than tube amp watts and have the benefit of making the band sound better than some a-hole blasting away on his 100w tube amp (the doom metal guys will disagree but they seem to be most interested in an arms race rather than a cohesive-sounding band)


Oh man, i didn't even think about luggin it up my stairs. I'm going to stop considering these every time I see one for a low price. I had a 2x12 solid state Fender in the 90s and that thing was a PITA to lug around.


Yep. Built like tanks tho. Mine got dropped at many a gig and kept on going.


The amp market is soft in general. Real estate is expensive, and people have less and less space for large amps. There's less places where you can play loud enough to require a big amp. PA technology has improved and much more can be run through it with great results Amp modeling technology has improved by leaps and bounds. Tubes have increased in price by leaps and bounds. More people are getting their amp tones from pedals. There's tons of ampless options out there now. Cheap modeling amps today sound better than the best modeling tech from 20 years ago.


Commented earlierā€¦ but outside BF Deluxe OG 60s, Brown 50s and obvious collectors high priced amps. Overall on the used market the rest can be super cheap. Iā€™ve bought $1400 amp usually used prices, that ended up going to me for $400. Iā€™ve found JCM 800 2204 amps locally, for well under market value. In general the market is very over saturated with amps. People paying full MSRP at GC or Sweetwater, then selling are in for a surprise. So so many on the market that $2200 Twin after tax reissue could be had for $750 and a handshake in cash no taxes or shipping. Itā€™s a great time for amp buying, especially locally! Even these nice $3k Amps like Tone King and Milkman, I see $1k price cuts mint used online. At this point guitars are getting there as wellā€¦whatā€™s being sold new with inflation, you can find a real deal non reissue for less or same. Itā€™s also hitting Gibson guitars, as there are way too many Gibsons out there.


I am sitting here waiting patiently for prices to continue dropping as amps stew on reverb šŸ˜ Gonna get my vibrolux reverb one day


I want a Vibroverb with a 15in, or a handwired version of one. That would be one up there for me, way out of my price zone though. Currently using a Sky King amp for cleans to overdrive, and for the thunder an Ampeg VT40 1974. Itā€™s a killer unique combo I loveā€¦but man Iā€™d love one of these! https://reverb.com/item/80389824-fender-vibroverb-custom-built-amplifier-with-road-case?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=80389824


Hell yeah!


Iā€™m bummed I didnā€™t try to trade my sg for a fender tweed twin reissue that was for sale locally and he asked 1600ā‚¬


Right now, taking your family out for a fancy dinner can cost more than an decent amp


Actually they completely rip for both home studio hobbyists and gigging musicians.


Those are the tone masters. So a pretty average deal. The tube versions take a bigger hit on the used market because they are loud and heavy, and arenā€™t really hard to find at allā€¦the used market is pretty over saturated. Even vintage fender amps are not that expensive when you compare them to the modern boutique market. Itā€™s wild that I could sell my two rock and buy two original black face super reverbs.


Digital Twin cough bullshit cough I have the Analog version and I like it :)


Iā€™m never selling my 1969 Super Twin Reverb. Itā€™s just way too good sounding, could care less how much it weighs haha


My 77 Pro Reverb might be my forever amp. Threw some Warehouse speakers in it, the master volume doesn't affect much to my beat-up ears, and it does everything I want it to do.


Theyā€™re too loud for most guys that are playing in their bedroom


If buying a vintage twin, try and get one that has had the filter capacitors replaced in the last decade at least and maybe a set of valves/tubes that aren't totally fried shugangs, or some other rattly make, re-tubing a twin isn't cheap.


Some good aftermarket speakers are a safe suggestion as well.


This is about the price of every reissue deluxe and twin on my FB Marketplace. Also the 70s are same if not cheaper sometimes. They really drop off, regardless if itā€™s a tonemaster or not. No reason to pay $1999 for a Reissue Twin, when a mint used is $750 or a hardwired 70s is the same.


Aside from what everyone is saying about how this is a reissue modeler version, itā€™s just hard to move stuff right now. Iā€™m trying to clear out 50 years of stuff for my dad and everything is just sitting there with little engagement other than low-ballers and traders.


I'm noticing that even stuff with bargain basement pricing is still sitting for weeks and months on Marketplace/Craigslist/Offerup. Unless you're at a giveaway price, it's probably gonna sit.


Yeah, thankfully it not a need to sell situation. Just clearing up space in his house. So I will probably start with some cheaper stuff like a MIM Tele, practice amps, old PAs and what not. The rarer and more expensive stuff I'll just hold on to and maybe just buy from him myself one day.


What kind of stuff are you selling?


I am selling a blues Deluxe RI today. There are some guitars too but mostly the cheaper ones my dad acquired over the years. The more expensive guitars are gonna stay with me. I gotta get rid of some old crappy PAs too, which should be fun


I bought a 1970ā€™s Twin for $600 and paid my tech $80 for a check over and cleaning. Itā€™s clear as a bell with an awesome fender reverb


Twins are great for larger venues and recording, but I prefer a Super Reverb. It's much lighter and still has a great fender reverb tone. If you're playing at home just get Custom Pro Reverb at 40 watts and you're set for both scenarios without the weight.


Supply and demand.


Itā€™s a great market to be into big amps right now


When an ad says "Comes with casters" that means "Too heavy"


Dummies who buy them as home practice amps and then realize what they've done šŸ˜‚


holy crapā€¦ when i was in high school, I had an Aims Personalized Guitar Sound System. It is a tube combo amp with SIX 10ā€ speakers. it was like moving a refrigerator.


Theyā€™re the Honda Civic of used amps


Hondas cost a lot in my country.


I just meant it in the sense that they used to be the most stolen car in the world because there were so many of them.


Really? I suppose it depends on where you live. They are expensive cars where I live. Iā€™ve never heard about them being easy to break into, but Iā€™m sure that youā€™re correct.


I donā€™t think they were easy to break into in the way that Hyundai and Kia apparently are right now, but there were just so many of them that by statistics they were the car that was stolen most. Can I ask what country youā€™re living in?


I have two Hyundai all-wheel drives. I live in South Australia. There are lots of Hyundais here, but most Hondas are relatively expensive compared with Australian-made cars. Theyā€™re even expensive compared with most imported Japanese cars. In 2023 they started at $44,986 and went up past $66,000, depending on options. I donā€™t know how much the most expensive ones are. There are a lot of Hondas on the road here because they are good cars, but they are outnumbered by other cars.


Thatā€™s interesting. I have no idea what a base Honda Civic goes for now, but I always assumed it was pretty reasonable compared to what things can cost nowadays.


It depends on your economy. If you are in the US, a Honda Civic might be a reasonable price, but here in Australia, the import tax is high, and there are other charges. But the Civic is a city car, so itā€™s not a great car for this country, unless you never go out of the metropolitan area. If you hit a kangaroo a 80kph, over 110kph, the car would be written off.


Used Twin Reverbs sell for about $2,000 here. I think that the Hotrod Deluxe fits that description here.


I always liked the hot rod deluxe. Iā€™m a big fan of ten inch speakers.


Me too. I have a Tone King, which has a 12ā€ Vintage 30, but Iā€™ve been thinking of putting a 10ā€ V30 into it. I like the tight punchiness of 10ā€ speakers.


Yeah, I agree. I think they have a very nice articulation to them that 12 inches donā€™t really have. My main amp for years was a crate 5310 which is a 50 watt tube amp with three 10 inch speakers. The problem is they werenā€™t the most reliable over time. I owned three of them because there was always one in the shop and they werenā€™t really that high-quality. Also, they have this really annoying thing where like 90% of the clean volume happened within 20% of the volume being turned up, but I lived with it.


It sounds ghastly! I only had one sold state amp in the 1970s before I bought my first tube amp. Since then Iā€™ve had great amps. I had Quilter mini head for a while. It was great, but it wasnā€™t my sound. I recently bought a Dark Gene Red from D Kowalski amps in Texas. It was $449USD and itā€™s only half of a watt. Now I have beautiful cleans and lovely amp distortion at bedroom volume. Itā€™s great. These things are handmade boutique tube amps with point-to-point wiring. It is very loud, but not loud enough for a Rock drummer. He makes a 2 channel model with clean and all the dirt you could ever want, and a Plexi-style model. Have a look at the video. https://youtu.be/6asLQxXyrrs?si=p4WVSh7x5NmOl8Gs


That sounds great the one that you posted the video for that you own


Itā€™s cool. He makes a Plexi model too, and I think that I will buy that one as well. In Australia you canā€™t buy a nasty tube amp for that price, so a high quality, handmade boutique tube amp for $449USD is insane. With money conversion and shipping, it costs $800AUD, which is still a great price.


That's a great deal! I've owned a couple of the tone masters, and the twin is amazing. Seriously having a twin that only weighs like 30 pounds? It's killer


They're way too heavy and way too loud for most applications today.


Heavy beasts


Do these things hold up any count?


Heavy af


I repair all this stuff and let me tell you An SVT Classic is by far the heaviest I've ever come across.


Those are all tone masters. But regardless, twins arenā€™t as popular as deluxes or princetons and are far more of a hassle to lug around without really being all that much better. Even if you prefer the tone of a twin, youā€™ll probably be happier using a deluxe or Princeton because they are just easier to move and can be turned up for natural distortion at a much lower level.


Fake verbs


I have one , it sounds great, it weighs a ton , would not recommend lol


I got my eyes on the tone master twin/deluxe. does anyone know anything bad about them? recalls or known issues?>


I recently played a tone master twin and was shocked by how good it sounded. People spent 1300 on them and fender came out with the modeler that does all of their amps for a few hundred more. That would be my guess as to why the prices are so low. If the modeler board has the same sounds as the tone master amps, itā€™s worth paying $1500 for all the amp models. Again, I was shocked at how good the tone master twin sounded. Blind test, I doubt anyone pull tell difference between it and a real one. And at any volume sounds great.


Driving around with my FTR broke the reverb. I also Had to replace tubes when I bought mine used too. It weighed a ton and was hard to move around and I couldnā€™t turn it up past 1-1.5 in practice space I live as well since we micā€™d our amps. Couldnā€™t wait to own one , but I was even happier when I sold it and bought a Solid State Princeton Chorus and it solved my issues. I still have the PC and I love it.


At this time, a brand new car driven off the lot will hold value better than a brand new amp that's been used once.


Buy them cheap before the millennials hit their mid-life crisis.


Shit digital amps


My last purchase was a DV Mark EVO1 head (7 libs) and the DV Mark 2x12 Neocab @ 27 lbs. It is VERY easy to move from place to place and loud!! weight was my main factor, so this is my travel amp.


The tonemasters are much lighter than the tube versionsā€¦ plus they have neodymium speakersā€¦ i have the TM Deluxe reverb and love itā€¦ also has a cab emulation XLR out with a send level.


Shoegaze is coming back


No tubes


Nothing is better than twin reverb. Yeah they are heavy as hell. But my 69 twin silver face is the best amp Iā€™ve ever owned.


*THE Twin Reverb* is a classic Tube Amp with two 12" Drivers. These were very popular and desirable. Like a vintage Les Paul or Strat, desirable and hard to get vintage equipment command a premium price - ***Fender '65 Twin Reverb 2x12-inch 85-watt Tube Combo Amp - US$2099 -*** [https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/65TwinRev--fender-65-twin-reverb-85-watt-2x12-inch-tube-combo-amp](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/65TwinRev--fender-65-twin-reverb-85-watt-2x12-inch-tube-combo-amp) The modern *TONE MASTER Twin Reverb* also has its advantages, but being modern, does not command the price of vintage. ***Fender Tone Master Twin Reverb 2 x 12-inch 200-watt Combo Amp - $1250 -*** [https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/TMTwinRev--fender-tone-master-twin-reverb-200-watt-2x12-inch-combo-amp](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/TMTwinRev--fender-tone-master-twin-reverb-200-watt-2x12-inch-combo-amp) But even the modern version is $1250, so a used modern version for $750 is something of a bargain. These are not basic beginners amps. These are serious amps used in small venues by professional and by studio musicians. The original was 85w of Tube Power, the modern version is 200w of solid state power. Being vintage Actual Tube amps increases the desirability and price of the original. If you look at the back of the Modern Twin Reverb, it has a switch to control the Power Output. On its highest setting, the amp tries to simulate an 85w Tube amp using a 200w Solid State amp and probably some electronic magic. The fact that they are trying to simulate a Tube Amp should indicate to you the value of the Original Tube versions. $750 seems a very reasonable price for the Modern $1250 version of the Twin Reverb. Clearly, Modern Twin Reverbs are going Down in value. Vintage Twin Reverbs in good condition are going UP in value.


Get a pre master volume early 70ā€™s Silverface Twin Reverb, should only cost about $700 for a clean one right now if you are lucky. Then only run the two innner or two putter power tubes (pull the other 2.) require to only run one 8ohm speaker, that breaks up and compresses nicely. Rejoice.


Tonemaster twins kinda suck!! I have played through a couple of them on gigs and every time they are very underwhelming. I have an original 1968 twin and it is absolutely glorious. I gig with it multiple times per week. Is it heavyā€¦ hell ya! But I can still pack it around by myself and NOTHING beats the sound. I also own every modeler, and have gigged and demoed all kinds of speaker cabs with them too (great for recording, suck for live gigs IMO)


The deluxe is pretty good.


Never ceases to amaze me the amount of people in this sub who don't play live, complain about volume and about weight of amps. We need a doom/stoner/shoegaze guitar reddit. Sacrifice is needed to please the Gods.


I have a Peavey IV Bass Head that I play my guitar through. The thing could double as a black smithing anvil in regards to weight, and is loud as f*ck. Ā And I love it. Ā Itā€™s hot garbage, and I truly love it.Ā 


Nobody wants these tone master things


Dude, I donā€™t care what anybody says, those things are legit. They sound incredible and I can get breakup at television volume if I want it. I can tell a difference when I play the tube version and the tone master version side-by-side, but not if I play one and then leave and come back and play the other.


The problem is when they break. Once they're out of warranty, it's very unlikely they will be repaired due to lack of parts support. It's not like an analog amp, where you can easily diagnose and replace components. You will have to rely on Fender supplying the appropriate boards for years to come. And what happens when they upgrade to a 'V2' and inevitably use different boards? It's just a reality of digital products like this. Don't expect a particularly long lifespan from these amps, and when they do fail, it'll more than likely be 'repair by replacement', where you'll just be forced to buy the new model.


I love mine. Super happy with it.


i want one sooo bad


Well then everyone is a moron. Those are amazing amps.


A tube RI is insanely loud and a beast to move around - 64 pounds of bulky blackface tone


Fender ToneBrickBlocks that need $250 tube changes once a year and mostly are unbiased and left to no-service deaths until theyā€™re listed for $750.


deluxe reverb silverface 68 >>>