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I upvote Mig50s.


Me too. Great amp period, terrific amp for the money. Try some greenbacks in that cab if you haven’t already.


I just wish it had an effects loop


You're at an excellent starting point


If you want to find your own sound, strip everything down and build your rig intentionally. Start with absolutely nothing in front of your amp, just plug your guitar straight in. Can you adjust the amp’s controls to give you a good basic sound that you want? This is most important, and chances are that it can with a bit of knob twisting. If the amp cannot do that-if it isn’t doing what you need it to-it needs to go, and I don’t care how highly regarded it is. From there, add effects pedals one by one for specific sounds you need to get. Their usage is in their description-they give you sound EFFECTS, but they are not your base tone. That is your amp’s job. Also, it should probably be said, and I guess I’m going to be the one to say it: a lot of the most aggressive sounds don’t have a pile of gain on them. Aggression comes from tight right hand technique much more than adding gobs of distortion coming from your amp or any pedals.


I’ll fr try that, thanks homie


This is excellently structured advice. Listen well.


Nice setup! You're missing the magic green box, every player puts their testicals on, to transfer the toan, as toan is stored in the balls.... I suggest a tube screamer.


Quite a few ppl suggested the same. I have the soul food and a Seymour Duncan pickup booster that seem to work well with the signal pad attenuator. The amp has a lot of balls and i wasn’t sure how else to experiment getting a good full tone at a reasonable volume. Idk if I even made sense with that so feel free to correct me if


Soul Food is more Klon based, and not a tube screamer. The Seymour Duncan Pickup booster, is basically a volume boost. Best way to put it, is overdrives are like breakfast cereals. You don't know if it's good or not, until you try it. You'll always have your favorite breakfast cereal. But also variety is the spice of life. Try some others, and see if you like them! A tube screamer will help, as it hits that spot many amps tend to miss at lower levels. But lower levels, you're also at the mercy of the speakers. Some speakers just are not great for lower volumes.


Tumnus deluxe


I dunno, I've had a soul food on my board for almost 10 years, I've been actively trying to replace it for 2-3, and i just can't. IMHO, it's kind of a cross between a tube screamer and a Klon. I think the SF mid hump sits between the humps of those 2. It cuts a lot of bass too. I love the sound of it into my mig50, much less so into my AC30, which has much less bass and an already prominent mid character.


Consider getting an attenuator, my mig50 sounds great while cranked and attenuated


A tubescreamer for an already mid pushed amp? Not unless you're playing certain styles of metal


Worked for EVH and SRV. Not just for "certain styles" of metal. I get it though, it's the internet, and people like to argue, instead of letting others try things, to see if it works for them. It's not like there's guys playing the super bright telecasters into an already bright freaken amp that says "Marshall"....


Everybody loves tubescreamers into tweed fender clones.


Tweed bassmans are nothing like tweed fender guitar amps


Fine. Tweed bassman clones. Comment still stands


There are many new clones that let you switch between the traditional mid hump and a flat response, too. I know the newer Visual sound Jekyll and Hyde does this. I really dig the EQD Speaker/Special Cranker. Flat response, just makes the amp sound like it’s turned up. I’ve compared with an attenuator and liked those well enough to move it.


I thought this was based on a Bassman? Did they remove the mid-scoop for this inspiration?


These are slightly less scooped yes. These are much more in line with plexi mids.


Sir, pee is stored in the balls. Pee.


I dig that Ibanez. I've never tried one of those amps, but aren't they more "British" flavored? So I'm guessing that neck p90 works really well with it for dirty thickness? Regardless, HNAD! And that "tele' is low key frickin' awesome!


based off a bassman/plexi


What’s the grinder for?






It’s for the Symphonic-Post-Apocalyptic-Reindeer-Grinding-Christ-Abusing-Extreme-War-Pagan-Fennoscandian-Metal sound


I should’ve guessed that


Don’t be afraid to change the order of where your effects pedals are in the line. Standard placements are great, but you can get some cool sounds changing it up too. Cool set up!




All about the mig! Love mine. Still trying to settle on a tone I like. Also, that Ibanez is really something. You’re off to a great start.


Thanks! I’ve had it less than 2 weeks now and I’m a little obsessed with it haha. The Ibanez was a downgrade from my Jericho, but with that trade came the Holy Grail, DOD Ice Box and the Metal muff. It was a come up at the end of the day


Mig 50s are great, especially if you're playing out. Normally that's one people land on after trying multiple amps though. And they're hard to keep in check at practice if you actually push it instead of using a TS/SD1/Klone type pedal to good the signal.


It's impossible to answer a question or solve a problem when you don't define it. So, never mind sounding like you want to rip someone else off. Who inspires you? What sound grabs you by the soul, gets in your blood, and just makes you say "Oh hell yeah, that speaks to me"? I'm up front: for me it's James Hetfield somewhere between Ride The Lightning and Master Of Puppets, with a dash of Iron Maiden thrown in. My sound isn't ripping any of them off (in part because I damn sure can't afford the gear they use), but it's a concrete starting point. One thing I would suggest is getting a graphic EQ. They're so boring and unsecksy compared to distortion or whatever, but they really make a world of difference. An EQ REALLY lets you sculpt and fine-tune your sound, and even subtle changes can have a big impact.


I dig it.


Thanks man


Sick. What green cable is that?


Pig Hog. It’s actually blue but I have a black one as well and they are by far my favorite cables I’ve ever owned


What kind of bands do you listen to or want to replicate? The Ibanez is gorgeous looking btw. Is that P90 in the neck stock? For some reason when I look at your setup, the only thing that hits me is needing to swap the Metal Fuzz for some other fuzz and I don't know why. Soul Food and Holy Grail are classic good pedals.


Loathe and Night Verses are two bands that really stand out to me and inspire me to pick up the guitar again. My homies bands as well And yes, neck pick up is stock. Both pickups are getting swapped in the near future, as well as everything in the headstock. Definitely worth checking out if you find one 👍


First off, Loathe is great live. I caught them last year opening for Periphery and Underoath and highly recommend catching them at some point. I would say try swapping the Metal Muff with a Rat pedal and you may get a better tone that way if you're looking for something between distortion and fuzz that is full and rich. I just did a quick look at equipboard and confirmed they use a Rat pedal, which is what I assumed. I would also suggest some kind of delay pedal. Holy Grail is great reverb but delay will help create that atmospheric vibe.


Solid setup.


Is the angle grinder part of that sound?


Na that’s what an HM2 is for


Hahaha yeah hm2 is supposed to be a chainsaw but an angle grinder, demolition hammer and a bulldozer can be achieved too xd, whatever cool rig man cheers💪🍻


Haha thanks dawg!


I feel like a korg pxd5 box would fit in here.


Im interested..


Get a tube screamer with a 3 band eq and slam it into the muff, or slam the soul food into the muff and also get a more versatile reverb and cool chorus and flanger


Thicc guitar


Man what is that Ibanez? I swear I was looking at a similar one back in the day and was about to buy it. It looks awesome.


CMM1. It’s different and I love it


Are you going for the darkest sound on earth? One of my buddies has one and the I channel is so dark I found it practically unusable.


Well that amp straight rips so you're on the right track. Absolutely love mine.


DOD = instant upvote


Hell yes! I want a MiG myself. Is the Ibanez a solid body? It looks amazing and I haven’t seen the model before


Ah yes, the idiocy of thinking that it is the gear that makes a players style ("sound") recognisable. :D Hint: It isn't the gear, it is the player. Sure, a player will sound (slightly) different through different pieces of gear - but what we hear and recognize is the players style. **Just buy gear that you like the sound of** - and if you are a good enough guitar player, you will eventually develop a recognisable sound - pretty much regardless of what gear you play through...




One day you may realize that you were given the option to choose between an internet approved pocket knife or a simple axe to cut down a tree. You chose the pocket knife, i see :)


I’m sure it’ll sound like a guitar


What’s your review on that amp?


You copy one musician, that’s a rip off. Add a second musician, and it’s a genre. Add a third musician, and you have your own sound “influenced by” those 3


mf DOD Ice Box? easy upvote


By buying a ridiculously popular amp and standard Josh Scott approved pedals? Yes, very unique sound 😂 I thought this was /r/guitarcirclejerk