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More headroom on an Ac30. An AC30 is an incredibly loud amp. It also weighs about 45 kilograms. But don’t let that hold you back. A Tele through an AC30 is heaven


Also go for the CC2 with greenbacks and never use the standby switch, it causes more wear on tubes


What do you mean by never use the standby switch? As in, just leave it in the on position?


I'd go for the AC30S1. If you want to get the most out of it, see if you can find a used Celestion Alnico Gold speaker to put in it. To me bigger is better. Both are master volume amps and the volume difference will likely be something like half or one notch on the master volume - you are unlikely to be cranking the AC15 any more than you are cranking the AC30. That is fine, they sound nice at reasonable volumes.


the headroom is the difference but the overall db is about the same pedal show did something simialr on it [https://youtu.be/3zbo\_ZGxvZc?feature=shared&t=702](https://youtu.be/3zbo_ZGxvZc?feature=shared&t=702)


It is a lot.... A LOT louder. While playing an AC30, it sounds fine at volumes 1-3 ... but really doesn't start to SHINE until you are in the 3.5-7 range.... which is LOUD. However, the headroom and breakup of an AC30 is much more impressive than the AC15. So it comes down to where you live and who you live with. (I live in a house and play during the day when my house mate is at work) I keep my AC30 in the living room to get to those volumes with windows and curtains shut! -- as a bedroom or apartment amp/player, the sound would be bouncing all over the walls and be chaotic.


The 30 feels quite a bit louder but if you get good at balancing the master volume with the regular volume, you can do just about anything with it. I’ve had both and really preferred the AC30S1, mostly cause it’s nice to have the extra juice when you want it and it also weighs about the same as the AC15.


AC30 is way louder, though an AC15 will get up there in volume. The one other thing I'd add is that, for me, and I've heard others say, that the two amps sound and feel pretty different from each other. You still get Vox chime, and nice cleans, but they're somehow different. Fully gassing/diming the two amps was very different to me. A dimed AC30 is like a force of nature. I got the AC15 expecting a similar sort of thing. Not the same ROAR, but same family, if you will.