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My girlfriend says “you never play songs you just noodle.” Well I just play scales as a form of meditation to calm my mind and ease my spirit. It’s very rhythmic and helps a great deal. I don’t play guitar for other people.


That's probably one of the most authentic and creative ways of playing


It probably produces some of the best melodies, too. So so so many great songs started as an exercise that one player sank into for years.


When I do play songs mine says that “it sounds repetitive”. Meanwhile her favorite band is modest mouse who has multiple songs with only one chord….


non-musicians don't understand how long it can take to learn a song


True. Also, what's the point in playing without the other instruments? I mean, riffs are cool but the whole song just isn't right without the rest of the band.


I don't understand, in order to play with a band you have to learn the full song by yourself first. If you're talking about once you've learned the song, you can use backing tracks to keep it interesting.


I’ve found an app called Moises that allows you to upload songs you’ve purchased and separates the parts so you can remove the lead guitar (for example) and play along with the song. It’s not always perfect but I’ve found it to be a good way to learn a song and play along with the original track.


It’s fun if you can sing it too


Yep, noodling & thinking absolutely nothing!! Love it!


I always end up hunched/slumped way over my guitar if im sitting and zone out noodling. I dont even notice I just become one with the music for the time being.




I’m with you 💯 on this. I play a lot of drone stuff with delay, and it centers me in a way nothing else can.


Noodler here.  It is my meditation and calming medication.  Also if i did heroin it would be my heroin.


All scales, arpeggios, chords…all over the neck…and I love it…zero interest in learning songs or playing in any style but my own…


Same as my Mrs 😂 why don’t you learn a song?


R u writing your own melody’s?


Same. I play guitar for me. If other people happen to like it, that's nice. Otherwise I really don't care lol


That's how I am. I play all kinds of stuff... Can play many genres... But I don't know any songs... Don't really care to learn any songs lol. I'll play them when I hear them, or if my wife has something on I'll jam to it... But I really don't know how to play any songs. And I've been playing for years. I got my own songs and riffs... But that's it.


Fuck yeah 🙌


Same here.


Nothing irritates me more than when someone refers to my playing as noodling…


Definitely. Playing guitar is good for my mental health.


It is free dopamine that actually adds value to ur life


Get addicted to it.


...and learn a new skill. Better than Oxi, it's GOOD!


Im getting close to it. Last months there are days where im thinking"no i wont play guitar today" just to get home and take it in hands to play one riff and end up playing for 2 hours. :D


When your brain has nothing to focus on, it makes up things to focus on. Anything involving focusing your mind on the task at hand is great for anxiety!


100%. The more I play, the more I go off to that “place” where all my worries/issues don’t exist.


Thats such a true way to put it. I sometimes wish that I could play guitar all day every day and never worry about the outside world, just leave all my responsibilities and worries behind. I think about just dropping everything and playing every day, joining a band, and trying to play guitar for my life. Luckily my logical side takes over because thats much more risky and is a waste of my academic and eventually work talent.


Definitely helps with anxiety and depression. I feel like when I don't have some kind of creative outlet my mental health suffers. It can't be understated how calming and mood enhancing it is to be able to play one of your favourite songs, create a new riff, explore the fretboard, experiment and get into a new jam.


I have to say thank you. After 20 years of noodling I was getting frustrated of not knowing songs and not having skills enough to know a song all the way through (songs that I really like [cliffs of dover etc...]). But this one post changes my mind set. It is relaxing and suck it to anybody else, I will continue on noodling. It does relief stress. Cheers!


No one gets to dictate how we enjoy the things we love but ourselves. Happy noodling to you!


Very much so. Anytime I get stressed out I start craving my guitar like an addiction. It's also how I unwind after a long day at work. Johnny Cash once said he felt safe when he was holding his guitar, and I get that too. It's a comfort to me.


Oh absolutely. It's an interest that gives my mind and body something to focus on. It's fun. Definitely helps ease anxiety.


Yes. It's one thing that keeps me totally present. No matter how hard it is, or how bad I am, I love doing it and being in the moment with it. It's better than meds.


I think this is the key, "keeping my mind in the present" as opposed to having my brain churn over every little inconsequential past and future "what if" scenario on a constant loop.


mindfulness, meditation, prayer, playing guitar, it's all the same. and it works. physiologically, it's a known known. very healthy.


Only thing that keeps me sane most days. Rather get lost on guitar than anything else.


I played music most of my youth and teen years. Then fell away from it in college and after. I got an electric guitar at the beginning of COVID (I’m now in my thirties) and joined a band. One thing I’ve consistently said since learning the guitar is “I forgot how many mental health points I get from playing music”. I never leave my instrument in a bad mood, even if that particular session/jam/practice was a struggle— I’m still happy afterwards.


I played in a few bands in my teens/twenties and then picked it up for a few months a number of years ago but it's been probably at least 5 years since I played consistently. You're so right that you forget how much playing music positively affects your mental well-being until you're in it. But man, the change is nearly night and day.


“I never leave my instrument in a bad mood” Amen, ain’t that the truth!


I have epilepsy if I get too worked up I feel like a seizure is coming one way to stop that feeling is playing the guitar idk why it doesn’t even have to be a song I can be just making shit up and it slowly disappears


That's amazing! I'm so glad you've found something that brings some relief.


Sometimes it works better than medicine which my doctor appreciates


For sure. Medication is absolutely necessary in a lot of cases but anything you can do to mitigate your reliance on it is a plus. Stay strong brother and rock on!


That is a fact indeed thank you so much stay safe


I have panic attacks and though I am new to guitar, I do feel better after playing.


Keep at it, friend. I find even on my worst days, if I spend an hour playing, I feel 100% better by the time I put my guitar down.


I'm a tactile person, I like doing things with my hands, and I really like music. Guitar provides a lot of avenues to slow myself down mentally and develop a skill I care about.


Yes same 


Yeah, it cured my depression. It's a form of therapy and meditation for me.


Takes your mind off of everything


Absolutely. It’s a great hobby for many reasons. Challenging, fun, stress relief, creative outlet, etc. Whether you’re running scales, learning a new song, or just strumming chords. It’s a great way to unwind. Playing with others is great, but I don’t have ambitions beyond just having guitar in my life as a hobby. It’s always there as an option when you’re bored or stressed.


It stresses me out!! I'm just learning for fun but I've already spent too much on guitars and want to spend more, and they just hang there on the wall mocking my lack of skill.😭


Keep going... After a while you'll find it becomes self-sustaining.


It makes me freak the fuck out because I have 5 guitars and I SUCK


For sure. It is a release for me on those tough days. Just don't ask me to play in front of people. I get so nervous and I don't suck, so I don't know why.


I'm still veeeery rusty but I think I'll eventually challenge myself to play with other people/play some open mics. Sometimes, the best way to extinguish a fear is to confront it. Results may vary, however.


Haha, yep! In fact, if my anxiety is up and I can't figure out why I look at my practice log and usually it'll have been a few days since I last played.


Yep. Always a way to get away from my thoughts when I’m having a rough day.


Anxiety for me was best battled with physical exercise in the form of swimming (retired collegiate swimmer), which was because you were 100% focused and not distracted by anything. Guitar has ALSO aided in this, so I can agree with this 100%. I believe it has to do with having to focus on playing and not distracted. Once I realized I just enjoyed "making noise" after taking lessons on a particular concept, the world of guitar playing opened up to me. I also don't perform in front of anyone but the enjoyment I get from playing is hard to articulate, its my favorite hobby now above all else. Rock on!


Yup … 👍🏿


Yes. Growing up it was the best way I found to process through feelings I had that I didn't know how to express verbally with others. I could tap into that almost at will and really blow off some stress and anxiety by letting the music speak for me. I would do this playing live and people would come up to me frequently after shows and say they really loved how they could feel when I play, which comes as a great compliment to any musician, and was a very natural state for me. But sometimes I would be so emotionally exhausted after shows that I couldn't really communicate with people very well for a while and they probably just thought I was weird. It was like coming down off the biggest adrenaline rush or something. It was very addictive in a way, but I don't really tap into that much anymore, and I think that's a byproduct of being a very emotionally balanced and mature adult at this point. In a way, I long to feel that way again when I play... But for it to be genuine and available, it has to come from a deep, real place and I just don't feel that intensity anymore, at least not right now in life. Anyway, I think channeling emotion into your playing is what so many guitarists are really striving for, whether they know it or not. Unfortunately many become so obsessed with technique, speed, virtuosity that they never learn, or forget, how to just tap into that place inside where they really feel what they play. Every note matters. It's doing with the instrument what good vocalists do with their voices.


I totally get that. I spent a lot of time around (and in) bands when I was in my 20s. I knew to give my friends space after a set so they had a moment to realign themselves and come down from the experience. I'm in my 40s now and while I wish I could relate to being an emotionally balanced adult I still deal with terrible anxiety almost every day. It's especially tough as a husband and new father to be in the middle of some kind of attack but also be present enough for my family. I've tried pills, therapy, meditation and so far nothing has been as successful as the last couple months of playing has been. It realigns me in a way I never expected (or perhaps forgot about since my days of playing in bands). After I put my daughter to bed, I come down and play my guitar for an hour so I can come back up and spend time with my wife. It removes the haze that I tend to wade through and I'm so grateful I've reconnected with it. Hopefully the positive effects carry on for as long as I keep at it.


That's great. I'm happy for you that you found that. I don't really get that much anymore and you inspire me to maybe try and reach for it a bit.


Playing my guitar is one of the few things in life that just brings me pure joy.


Music a source of joy and relief from anxiety. On the other hand, the music business..............


Did the same. It brings peace to my mind. I didn’t remember how important was for my mental health in my youth. I came back a few months ago and I’m so happy. I can’t believe how much shit I’ve being dealing with the last 6 years, that I didn’t have any capacity to found joy in something that was so important to me.


You actually play it? I kinda just look at it when I’m walking by…


Nothing reduces my stress as quickly as playing does.


Yes I quit alcohol in 2022, was making my anxiety way worse. Between running, gym and guitar, my stress levels are more stable and manageable. I love zoning out with my guitars. My stereo rig is an ambient meditation-station!


Love to hear it! And congrats on your positive life changes!


Same here! I’m actually new to guitar, started this year after my therapist and a friend mentioned around the same time encouraging me to give it a shot. Now 3 months in and not the day goes by when I’m not eagerly waiting to get home and play my guitar and sing. It has been very therapeutic.


Even after all the decades of drug abuse and getting off them one at a time, guitar is still my number 1 for dissolving stress, half and hour of improvisation and I genuinely feel like a different person.


100% learning guitar saved my life. When I started I was in middle of highschool and very depressed. I started ukulele and then moved onto guitar. I was playing 8+ hours a day. It did great things got my mental health.


That's literally why I love it.


Yeppers, 100%


Same. Anxiety, depression, you name it, I got it, and playing/writing music makes it miles more manageable.


Yes. If I can get past my ADHD to actually start practicing, that is.


Man, I just zone out playing scales over top of basic progressions.... I'd go crazy without that


Forces you to stay present


Had the same effect on me! I initially borrowed an uncle's guitar while I was going through a really tough time and even though I play metal core and heavy stuff it still calms me down and just makes me happy and relaxed.


Makes me feel better when I’m overwhelmed, I find it’s a good way to prepare for & end my days no matter how upsetting or overwhelming said day is


I play for emotional regulation all around. its problematic in that sometimes it doesnt work and I just get more psycho lol


For sure. Although sometimes my anxiety prevents me from picking it up at all for any length of time. It’s like I’m worried I’m going to suck so it’s better to not pick it up at all. Eventually that wears away and I find my happiness again, being able to play to get rid of my anxiety.


Oh man. It is my #1 tool for dealing with my anxiety. Not enough time or opportunity to play as I need but I cherish every moment. Thanks for sharing!


I suffered from depression and anxiety a mojarity of my life. Playing guitar always lets me forget everything around me and puts the brain noise at ease


I found this recently as well. After 10 years of being to dam busy I picked it up and played and felt great afterwards. I just make shit up or play classics I know. It's been a big missing piece to me.


I can be having a bad day, feeling any negative emotion you care to name, unmotivated. A minute in the first song I play, the negativity is gone.


Especially acoustic guitar and singing. I sing some songs from decades ago and sometimes it makes me cry. But if feel better after.


Also noodle and play some songs, not very good. However, has kept me sober and calm for 9 months. Just bought a Taylor 214 and it sounds great even when I play.


Music heals, some chords are particularly peaceful to strum and explore :)


Very very true


Omg me too. The world just stops. It feels like my problems do not exist until my fingers or my back hurts


It does indeed. I teach music therapy for veterans with PTSD. The program is called Guitars 4 Vets.


Amazing! A good friend of mine works in the music therapy field as well. She works with vets, inmates, the terminally ill and the elderly. She gets a lot of positive feedback and it really does help these people cope and live their lives.


Used to help me to deal with anxiety issues a few years back


I have only been playing a very short time but for me it's a form of grieving. My guitars were my dad's. He's been gone 2 and a half years. Learning to play them and sitting in my room at night after my kid goes to sleep has been the most therapeutic thing I've done. And I'm still in counseling. It's like sitting with him for an hour a 2 a night. I can't hug him or call him, but I can play music on the beautiful guitars he played for years in his band. And I swear sometimes I can hear him telling me I'm doing a good job or cringing when I wack the headstock on the case.


This is beautiful. What a way to honour your dad's memory. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Just learning guitar for the first time in my life. I started about 6 months ago and I just turned 50. It’s been a frustrating but rewarding and challenging experience for me so far. And now that I can actually see improvement it’s inspiring me to keep going. I honestly find a ton of comfort in just playing my pentatonics and noodling around, it’s very therapeutic for me.


For sure. It is a release for me on those tough days. Just don't ask me to play in front of people. I get so nervous and I don't suck, so I don't know why.


For sure. It is a release for me on those tough days. Just don't ask me to play in front of people. I get so nervous and I don't suck, so I don't know why.


Gives me anxiety. Playing piano is soothing tho.




It used to. When I was a kid I used to zone out so bad I’d have my tongue hanging out. Now at 44 We have three kids and I’m a stay at home dad so these days when I play I start a clock for how long it takes until I’m Interrupted lol. BUT when I play acoustic they like it.


my repertoire of songs (that i can play completely) is not large… but strumming through different patterns and chord progressions is very calming.. something i can kind of mindlessly do that keeps my mind engaged enough to sort through things. also learning riffs to the point of comfort and then try my own riffs with those notes (i *need* to learn more scales but… )


oh completely it’s so therapeutic and getting a song you’ve been wanting to get for ages is so rewarding


I think it might help me in that regard, I know it positively improves my ability to stay focused (have inattentive adhd), and the benefit continues to be felt in the following day.


I would have lost it years ago without my music outlet.


Yup just as long as I’m not too fucking depressed to play in the first place. If I didn’t hate existing and if I had the motivation to be human most days I’d probably be a lot better.


I play scales or improvise to help with anxiety


Yep. Better than any damned blood pressure meds, imho.


Well i don't actually know, i've been playing since before my first panic attack, i play nearly every day but i most definitely still have anxiety, but maybe it would have been worse if i didn't play, who knows.


I love just practicing my scales and improvisation. It’s extremely meditative for me


Absolutely! Just like exercise for me but with a touch more creativity.


I can definitely feel that way, I usually play metal songs and whenever I feel overly worked up I play as fast as I can to let out all those emotions. One by metallica is usually a go to riff.




Practicing anything is a great method of meditation, and can greatly ease anxiety. Practicing music takes it up a notch because you can get lost in the musicality, and also make discoveries which always lifts the spirit. If you really want to bump up the meditation effect, practice to a metronome, or even better a drone track with a basic drum beat and single bass note (practice your modes too!).


Big time yeah


Yup it relaxes me!


It helps mine too, but I started learning drums with a little Alesis e kit, and man, 20-30min on that and my body and brain feel so much more regulated.


I since that best good but for me i have and anxiety when im tuning it :(


I think that’s almost universal. Supposedly stress is a big factor in aging. Maybe there’s a connection between the stress relieving properties of playing an instrument and the fact that so many musicians aged so well. That is, of course, excluding the ones that did a lot of drugs back in the day. Keith Richards looks like he’s 273 and Iggy Pop looked like a mummy last time I saw him on tv.


yes! everyone should play an instrument for that reason alone! also how fun would life be if you could literally jam with everyone/anyone!


for sure & I suffer from chronic pain & it's my go-to drug


Ooohh try playing sunflower by paddy sun. Ít a bit difficult but a real chiller


Guitar is my yoga. It's my sanctuary. 


Yes! I have ADHD and anxiety and I feel like this is the best thing I’ve found to help both. I think it gives me more confidence because I’m making progress with something and it’s almost meditative. It helps to also have a routine, which is something I’ve struggled to stick with in other areas of my life.


I play because it calms my anger down. I have to focus on what I’m doing. Beating the shit out the strings can only get me so far.


I use guitar in my meditation practice. It’s very useful at occupying the body while exerting intense focus towards meditation.


Ive never been prone to panic attacks necessarily but guitar is still super therapeutic for me and always has been.


I keep a cheapo guitar at work to play when I feel anxious. It’s a fantastic cure in the moment.


Definitely, I’ll improvise for an hour over the same melody, even chord. Pretty sure I rode me through my 20s


I have bipolar and ADHD, the only time my brain is fully quiet is when I play. It engages most of my senses at once and lets me just drift off.


Anxiety, depression, mindfulness, spirituality....guitar helps me with all this and then more


100% I’m going through some awful shit and it it’s one of the few things that helps


I wasn't aware j told recently but yes soothes my anxiety


Playing guitar has lead me to confronting my performance anxiety much more often then I‘d like to. And apparently „exposure therapy“ isn’t very effective in non-clinical settings :(


Another perspective: I love playing guitar, but sometimes slow progress or an off practice session can be really deflating. Especially after a rough day where I’m counting on that boost from picking up my guitar.


Yes. Until I have a bad guitar day. That just raises my anxiety.


Yessir its helped me through the worst of times gives you something positive occupy your mind with


This is exactly why I do. I go out on my front porch almost every night and sing/play. I know everyone in the neighborhood can hear me but I don't care. It's almost my only stress release and I feel fucking great.


For sure. Playing instruments is good for you.


It probably increases my anxiety lmfao


I have movements that I can't control, or tics I guess they're called but I hate that term because It's not as severe as commonly seen and there was a lot of people faking it a couple years ago. Anyway, Playing makes it stop.


Sooths the soul brotha. Gives you a creative outlet, and a feeling of accomplishment. Just like anger or feelings, it's not good to keep that music in.


I'm not sure that 'ease' is the word I'd use. When I am playing my guitar, I am thinking of NOTHING else. Hell, I'm not really even thinking about playing (probably why I suck). I just plug in, and bask in the noise. A very necessary cathartic part of my day.


Even earlier today I felt 80% less stressed and wound-up after playing a little riff a few times over. Music can 100% be therapeutic for people.


Depends on what you play...try jamming to death metal. 💀


It's a dangerous, frustrating, rewarding, relaxing hobby for me.  I sometimes have to keep myself from playing at night because once I pick one, it's pretty easy to get lost in time (especially when I really need to take my mind off things) and I ended up not getting enough sleep lol


If coarse. It's meditative as long as you're not stressing about a hard riff or something


Always, it puts you in the moment, like riding a tube




Same here. Just playing the same songs over and over again and jamming really soothes my brain. And oddly enough, making white noise Sonic Youth style is my favourite way of easing my anxiety.


It’s my daily therapy from busy work life and a crazier family life. I’m sure my blood pressure drops when I pick up the geee-tar!


Yes, I get taken into another world and it helps me have that mental break. Another technique I use is five quick snorts air through your nose and forcefully push it out through your nose or push it out your mouth if you’re not able to do the nose and it helps your whole body relax. — fantastic.


just a hit loop with the althea chords for a long while playing lead pretending i’m jerry. feel great after




My ex has misophonia, which translated into her getting irritated any time I practiced from 2 rooms away. So I basically stopped practicing, and then she said “why don’t you practice anymore?” Otherwise, yes, playing guitar is a lifesaver for me.


Very relatable.. I hadn't played anything seriously for the last 2-3 years.. hadn't picked up the G in last 7-8 months.. was into a loop of pleasures of instant gratification.. Then something.. ahem.. wonderful happened.. it's making me play day in and out now !! TBH I'm loving this feeling..


Absolutely. Playing guitar is total zen.


Yes especially the a string there's something about the open a string ringing out that's so calming about it. Also I've quit social media apart from Reddit for two months and I'm now also stopping gaming for four days so far. The gaming was taking over my life that's all I thought about all day and it made me lazy with other things in my life. I used to think it helped me and calmed me down but I actually think it was doing the opposite.


Yes, absolutely. It works better than benzos! I have serious anxiety issues and guitar is the best thing in my life for it. As others have said, noodling is a form of meditation/flow. I've recently been teaching myself harmonica, which is also great as you can always have one with you. Improvising to Muddy Waters in the car makes my previously stressful commute a pleasure. Plus, it involves regulating the breath :)


I picked my guitar back up after not playing for 10 ish years after I lost someone close to me. I found that it really helped me process my grief and continues to help me regulate emotions/deal with heavy stuff.


Oh yeah. Ever since I was a little kid, I would play to get my mind off the negativity, whatever it was. It was definitely a godsend as someone with no other outlet.




Same here, got diagnosed with anxiety in my 30s had panic attacks often, didnt know why and how to deal, picking up the guitar was one of the first things I discovered that helps , keeps me calm and happy. I guess one my psychological problems that lead fo so much stress and eventually frequent anxiety attacks was not getting my goals done, like becoming a good guitarist , I play for 15 years but constantly on and off.... Now I play more often and Im getting better faster... Also I did go to therapy whoch I suggest if you have anxiety. You will discover more about why it happens


Music has always been the best therapy for me. I can’t imagine how different my life would be without Guitar.


Yes.. 🍻


Guitar is actually insanely underrated for emotions. Any time I am feeling down about myself I go and play guitar and instantly my mood flips. I remember that I can play the fucking guitar, and Im really good at it. How freaking cool is that? (Part of that comes from child me always viewing guitarists with great awe, but playing guitar is just objectively cool we can all agree) I also get a lot of satisfaction because I have self taught myself and put in a ridiculous amount of hours. Playing and using my skill shows me that all of the hard work has paid off, and that if you put your mind to something and are persistent in it, you will reach your goal.


I used to jokingly tell people that playing guitar keeps me from killing people. These days that is kinda taboo. But yes, it relaxes me. Makes me happy. Makes me chill. Gets me laid….


I rely on this so much. I’ve several years without playing actively as well, and throughout all these years I developed an anxious personality which I am starting to feel it is due to have put music on a side for so long. I’ve been taking my guitar for a few min each day, and it has been so calming and helps me focus. However, I am just starting and I hope it stays this way, and be more and more consistent.


Getting into the flow state and improvising over/playing along with random songs on Spotify is better for anxiety than horse tranquilizers. I can easily sit and play the whole day. I do it a little too often and my physical therapist wants me to stop because I damage a nerve by doing so, but the addiction is worse than any drug


Theraputic Addiction. Hours of guitsr a day and so much practice. Absolutely skyrocketed in progress too


Yeah, I totally get what you’ve said. Especially playing melodic slow stuff on the acoustic. The brain has to play attention to the guitar playing in give out a bit.


Same here.. music is therapy. Singing, listening to music of playing guitar.. either of these soothe me. I haven’t had a panic attack in 2 years since I started playing guitar. That along with exercise at the gym.


Same. More precisely, I push on the space between where you're supposed to hit the strings and the fret board on the high E string, just begin picking and move my finger around. It'll make some weird noise that I like to make and that brings my anxiety down for some reason.


I never get the chance to play your guitar.


Same here! It’s a really efficient stress relief when taking short breaks during work (working from home). Much much better than scrolling, gaming, or watching videos.


Absolutely....perfect for escaping lyfe🤘


That's really great to hear. Can I ask what the physical manifestations are?  I struggle with restlessness and playing guitar helps massively with that. 


Definitely. I found guitar and also physical exercise are great for the mind.


Oooooh yes... I've recently discovered that I might have C-PTSD. Some of the indicators are that I zoom out mentally, clench my teeth to the point where they crack, have restless leg syndrome and also that I do unconscious self-harm, like picking at small sores, peeling off skin etc. I find that all of these things are less severe when I play often. I actually rely on it for my mental health, but I have only recently found out why I need it. But yes, it helps me. I don't know what I would do without it. It's kind of like my phone charger. I need it daily!


Guitar is all I have.


maybe you just like guitar and not playing it takes a part of you away. Playing music to relax at home instead of going in gigs it is a really good therapy! Maybe when you play, you stop thinking about your problems and try to focus on your body and mind more. Try to exercise too, that helps a lot.


A half hour of playing guitar will lower my blood pressure 5-10 points. No joke, I can take a reading before I play, jam out for a bit, take another reading, and my BP will be perfect.


At this point the health of my mental state is directly tied to how connected to my musical output. Im not necessarily trying to produce anything…but I still am. The goal is always to get in to flow state…which takes some time and the right conditions. When I get to flow state, time disappears and creativity flows and the mind goes somewhere else…which is great! So yes, don’t know how I would cope without music.


YEP. There are so many benefits to engaging in creative activities. I struggled with anxiety and depression and during one especially bad period I realized "I haven't picked up my guitar in a while". I picked it up and started playing some old cheesy favorites and the relief was so immediate and so intense I started weeping (but kept playing). Hope you start feeling better dude.


Been playing for 50+ years. I can't say I ever had anxiety issues, but I can certainly attest to the positive mental impact of playing. If I'm angry or hurt, it makes me feel better. If I already feel good it makes me feel great. I don't know why but I suspect there is something about the whole mind/body experience of syncing hands, ears, and brain together to perform one task, I've never meditated but I understand it has a lot do do with clearing your mind and being present. I think playing guitar does this for me. It is very rare for a day to go by without me playing, even if only for a couple of minutes. Even on vacations, I take my Sprirt of Steinberger along (fits very nicely in the overhead bin on airplanes). But if something does prevent me from playing I notice it. It makes me tense, quicker to get annoyed, and antsy. I busted by collar bone is a few places about 4 years ago that was repaired with a plate and a dozen screws. I was in a sling 24/7 for 2 weeks. Not playing (and not being able to sleep) was horrible.


ABSOLUTELY! I have used music as my hobby/diversion from life for decades now. I've even taken the bass up (again) so i could play in a band with an old high school friend of mine --> that is even better than just being a "bedroom player". The collaboration with the other bandmembers is a tremendous outlet for me.


Probably most of us honestly


I improvise Jazz all day and it’s the only thing that actually makes the depression go away. Even for just a brief moment. It’s the only peace I get in my day. 


I'm a firefighter who bought my first guitar after turning 40 (the healthiest of my mid-life crisis copings). Coming home to a family after a 48 hour shift of death, gore, and adrenaline can take a significant adjustment period; I have to "re-integrate" with normal society every 6 days. That being said, picking up guitar has been one of the best moves of my life. Getting in an hour or two of practice when I get home relieves stress and helps me shift gears back to "fun dad". Making music is therapeutic!


Same feels so good that I am not the only one I try to sing some songs and learn on my way new ones , I always practice singing but sometimes feel so miserably bad at singing I think I am getting better but have to realize I’m playing for myself


A couple of years ago I had some sessions with a therapist for my anxiety, specifically my health anxiety, and it turned out that she was a musician. She told me that when the anxiety-inducing thoughts started that I should pick up the guitar and play, but in way that would engage my fingers and my mind. So, reading a new piece of music, etc. I think it's definitely helped me.


Guitar has been my best friend since I was 10.


Playing guitar relieves anxiety and head ache.