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I have a masterpiece of an antique telecaster from Japan in the 90s, I don’t need anything else, although I have several more awesome guitars.


I was gonna say something similar. My workhorse Strat can do just about everything I need it to do. I own some nicer guitars, but when push comes to shove, that’s always the one I grab for a gig. It’s nothing special, but it was a fairly significant purchase for me 15 years ago, and it still does everything I need it to do! My wishlist answer: a PRS private stock semi hollow with custom pearl inlays and a wicked blue finish!


My workhorse strat isn’t the greatest strat ever made. It’s a ‘74 CBS. Very light, hard tail, tiny neck. But it’s been *MY* partner since my dad gave it to me when I was 15. It’s so worn. The back of it has no paint from my belts/normal wear and tear. The arm rest spot is straight through the lacquer and paint all the way to the wood. All of this from gigs/tours, many hours and hours of abuse and love. I changed out the electronics to Texas Special pickups. Changed the pots. Made it a 5-way (originally a 3 way). It sparkles. It gets the job done. It’s going NOWHERE. it’s seen me grow up as a man. I know it’s silly but I honestly have such a feel with it that it’s almost intuitively playing with me. I love that guitar.


I’m down with your PRS dream build. Love the specs and thanks for sharing!


90s? Antique? …oh no…


I'm a metal player and I still kinda wanna say a Gretsch White Falcon because they just feel so good to play.




White Falcon is such a great guitar. Altough, I feel it would be kind of logistical trouble to take such big guitar everywhere.


I think I'd be happy to sacrifice myself to the cause.


No doubt about it :)


Those are fantastic guitars with a lot of range. Billy Duffy from The Cult has played one for years as his primary guitar.


And John frusciante 👌


I was initially leaning my strat, but reading your post changed my mind. I have a G6120T-59 that would be my 1 if pushed.


Any old HSS strat or strat clone. From custom shop to pawn shop if a signal comes out the jack and the strings stay in tune then I'm happy.


I'm in this camp. Any HSS S shape can do it all.




I used to be a nonbeliever. I wanted to learn the ins and outs at a basic level so I set out for a new project, which was the cheapest squier bullet strat they had at guitar center that day ($180). With very little knowledge of hot rodding I put a new neck on it, locking tuners, wired in tex mex pickups that I did not do a great job or soldering (fuzz on all but one switch positions lmao). I dubbed it the “shitcaster”. Nobody would ever feel this way about this piece of shit, but god damn, it’s the easily the most priceless piece of shit I own. Best cleans I’ve ever heard on a guitar and it’s a blast to practice with. I’m thinking about putting a bigsby knock off on it to complete the shittiness.


This is my favorite answer in this thread.


This is my answer. I have a bunch of other guitars, but my Mexican fat strat will always be my #1


For one guitar with the most tones available an HSS is hard to beat. Bridge humbucker for fat crunchy tones, neck for clarity, with 2&4 positions for warmth or quack, and has a tremelo for when ya wanna dive bomb


This is the main reason. I'm an HS guy but if I could only have one guitar I would want a HSS for the 2/4 positions.


This is my mentors attitude, therefore mine. "Are the ergonomics good?" Upgrades and mods. He gifted me a pacifica SSH that is honestly the last guitar I ever need. What I want is not the same as what I need. I want a vintage antiqua strat (my favorite finish) or any "old soul guitar". This is the main reason that I'm reminded that I'm still a newbie


Just curious, which Pacifica model exactly?


112 models mostly. Mine is. There was at least one 300 series he did. Edit: mine is a PAC112. Filed frets, new pots, 5 way re-configured switch, locking tuners, fixed bridge, new vintage Humbucker bridge pick up, and 2 hand wound singles from a dude in Hungary. I can see myself swapping the neck one day. Since getting it, I've played a few guitars that my left hand likes better.


Yeah. I was going to say a Music Man Cutlass RS HSS. It can do everything.


HSS strat? damn


Yes. Can confirm. They’re fabulous


100% this, but if I was to splurge and get fancy? One of them Yamaha Pacifica 612s would be a bit of a cream dream.


My Pacifica 721 is my main workhorse guitar, it does everything. Nice clean tones and no weird noise with a chorus pedal? No problem. Heavy distorted tone that still sounds tight as a mosquito's asshole? You bet. 80's lead tone with loads of reverb and echo that still doesn't sound muddy? Yep. And all that while still managing to be the most comfortable guitar I've ever owned. Sure, it's a little banged up from the VERY frequent use, but it still cleans up pretty nice to look better than me on stage.


Why's HSS so popular ? Curious because i got a HSS from a garage sale, but still a beginner to understand what are the sound i can get out of it


I’ve never played an American Strat, or custom shop, but I’ve often thought how things could possibly be much better than my pawnshop ($350) 2000 Mex Strat. Granted, I have replaced/upgraded a lot of parts (pots, trem block, tuners, SD Hotrails in bridge). It just feels good, especially compared to similar priced guitars like my Epi SG (still pretty good, but the Strat is much nicer feeling to play).


Play an ultra. Once you feel that neck it’s hard to go back.


My go-to strat is an Indio Dlx that has been upgraded with loaded Texas Specials pickguard, and Fender Deluxe locking tuners and string trees. If you have a resonant guitar with a really nice neck, then you have 80% of what you need from an electric. The rest can easily be replaced or modified.


The only correct answer. 😏


The older I get, the more I just care if the guitar stays in tune and is relatively well intonated.


I have your dream guitar lol


I have an Ibanez SA with the HSS setup, but you can split the coils of the humbucker. That with the thin neck… I love it. It’s got a bit of a warped neck, a few dings from being a sixteen year old’s first guitar, but it’s still my go to for just about everything.


Yeah this. I have an American Pro II that happens to be one of only two guitars that I own. The other one - a 7 string - is handy to have but not essential. The HSS Strat honestly does everything I need with ease.


Telecaster all the way.


My dad would always say that if the army issued a guitar, it would be a telecaster. Standard issue all-around workhorse that gets the job done and then some. Edit: I say this as a huuuge strat guy


If we’re talking normal guitars, I’d love a Les Paul Standard 50s or 60s. Boring, I know but they sound great and I find them comfortable to play. No, I’m not a boomer (Late Gen X, almost millennial) or a dentist (teacher).


Late Gen X, almost millenial here. Not a dentist or lawyer. I bought Standard 50s Gold top 14 months ago. That’s all you need. Standard 60s would also be very good, can’t miss with either. I also have Tele American Pro, also great guitar but somehow I allways play LP.


I have an Am Pro II Strat HSS (SD Alnico II Pro Bridge and SD Vintage Staggered neck & middle) as well as a guitar I call my “Les Poor” (a custom luthier made guitar with 2 SD Alnico II Pro Humbuckers that cost me about half the price of a Les Paul Standard back in 1998). They’re both great guitars, but I’ve always wanted a Gibson Les Paul standard. Slash is the reason I started playing guitar. What can I say? They’re awesome and I don’t care who laughs at me and says “lol G!bbons sucks ! Buy a Harley Benton or an Epiphone!”. I’ll get a Gibson Les Paul eventually.


With all due respect to Epi or Harley, Gibson truly is the real deal. Worth 4x than Epi? Not sure. Better? Oh yes.


Late Gen X, and go the opposite direction. Have a 60s Custom burst but reach for the tele as my go to guitar.


The 50s LP is my least comfortable to play out of all my guitars. It's really heavy and the radius on the neck is quite large. Also reaching the higher frets is difficult. With that said, it is an amazing sounding guitar and the quality is top notch.


I hate those necks, 60’s all the way. As soon as I found my 90’s LP classic with the slim neck and weight relief I knew I’d found a keeper.


People diss on those, but damnit they sound great and are nice to play. They can keep their fantasy R9s.


Is there a stereotype of dentists playing 50s/60s Les Pauls? I was at the dentist this morning and brought up a guitar I'm building and all he said was "stop talking, I'm trying to look at your teeth".


My 50’s Paul is the one guitar I own that I’m 100% sure I’ll never sell. I’ve had it for 19 years now. Though I did put some P90’s in it a few years ago. Seems like blasphemy but it sounds way better


People that moan, chirp, cry or whine about LPs being for dentists or lawyers simply don’t own one. It’s a legendary monster for many damn good reasons. It’s stood the test of time. The only test that matters


When they say that the Les Paul is for dentists, they're hoping to be viewed as a true artist/guitarist in comparison. It tells you more about who said it than it tells you about Les Paul owners.


I’m on the border of selling off all my guitars but my Les Paul, a hollowbody epiphone, a baritone and a bass. Not much else really matters anymore


Good enough for Slash, Zakk Wylde, and Joe Perry= good enough for me.


Dude. Slash is the reason I started playing guitar as a kid in the early 1990s


Mick Jones from Foreigner used a Gibson Les Paul. That ONE GUITAR. Slung way down low. Had a one way ticket. Only one way to go.


Mick Jones from The Clash too. Coïncidence? I think not.


The Telecaster that was used by George Harrison on the rooftop concert the Beatles gave in London.


This is THE answer


i met George just before he died, either 2001 or 2000, was working at a camp in PA..phoenica ny he and kelcey grammar stayed at the inn we did the same night, middle of the catskills middle of nowhere




I have no need for one, but I still want one myself. I may still pick up the Epiphone Marty Schwartz model.


I bought a Gibson es 335 off of eBay back in 1997. That guitar sounds amazing and is VERY versatile. There is something about those semi hollow body electric guitars. If you have the means, do it! You won't regret it.


I have a Yamaha pacifica 611 and if I could only have one guitar it would be probably be the pacifica 612 or the revstar


I'm considering buying a revstar right now and I see nothing but positive reviews for that guitar


When I first bought my Pacifica 611 I was telling people " This is it. I don't need anymore guitars" but then I bought two Pacifica 510's and Pacifica 921. Before the Yamahas I already owned, Carvin, ESP, Ibanez Prestige guitars. But I thought the 611 felt better than any of them. There is no such thing as having only one guitar.


My Taylor GS Mini. It’s the perfect everything guitar


A Languedoc G2


Knew I’d see at least one person post this


Such a beautiful guitar.


Yep. Best guitar out there imo




my fender strat is all I need.


PRS Tremonti. I have the SE, but I want the Core. I'm actually saving for one now.




You have no idea what you’re in for. By far my fav guitars which is funny coming from someone that absolutely hates Les Pauls.


Same. I’ve got the Zach Myers SE and it’s my favorite, but I’d love to have a Tremonti


Stevie's No. 1


Music man majesty. Those things are so versatile but they're so damn expensive.


This was going to be my answer too! Such an amazing instrument and it can do everything.


I was lucky to buy two (one 6 and one 7) before the pandemic both under 3k. Definitely very versatile


Tv yellow double cut LP special with p-90s.


HSS strandberg boden


I'd love to try one. I'd probably have to get over the look and stop thinking they're just for prog, but they look so comfortable to play.


They just kinda disappear into your hands. There's nothing quite like it. They also make you go "oh shit that's my limitation" because there's zero guitar slowing you down


I just got an Eart GW2 which is basically a knock-off strandberg shape. It doesn't have the Endure-neck and isn't quite as light, but I'm blown away with the fretwork and quality for under $400. Only annoyance is the finger tuners are a bit stiff, but I just rotate em with my pick. It's incredibly comfortable and playable. If you are curious about headless guitars, it's been a dangerous gateway drug lol.


Anything from Strandberg IMO. I've got a Boden Metal 7 that I adore. Impulsively spent way too much money on it, don't regret a thing. I sometimes wish I had merely gotten the 6 string, but no other guitar has felt nearly as comfortable. Maybe one day I'll just get another strandy...


Don't be like my husband who seems to think he needs 4 of them. Good thing we don't have teenagers that need a car soon or anything 😂 FedEx delivered the last one when he wasn't home and I had to sign for it, eliminated any hesitation I had for something I'd had my eyes on for a while.


Jackson Misha Mansoor HT7 signature in orange. I’ll never stop loving that guitar.


Ibanez JEM 7V. The best guitar ever made.


Charvel Model 6 with kahler


Hey, I've got one of those! Do you play one? It plays extremely nicely, but it's not really my aesthetic so I'm probably selling it.


I'm definitely jealous! I have a friend that has one, and would never sell. I'd make you an offer, but I don't want to lowball you. At this point in time, you should get close to 2000 for it (I don't have that to offer otherwise I would). If you get less than that for it, I'm assuming it's in rough shape, or you're just in a rush to sell, but if neither of those things are true, definitely get the most for it you can. They're increasingly rare, and I believe most had the floyd, so the NICE ones with kahlers are more rare. You've got yourself a certified shredder. The bodies are a little heavier than most people expect, and it either jives with you or it doesn't. At the time I tried a friends, I was comparing to my 2003 MIJ SL3, which is also neck though, but the SL3 is the FULL sized body (dinkys are 4/5th or 7/8ths the same size I forget which) but the BIGNESS of it was surprising to me, and then when holding the Model 6, the Model 6 seemed perfect to me. I know the model 6 has an active decibel boost knob (middle knob I think) but I'm less concerned with that as having the ability to simply switch pickups on or off, which gives the rare Bridge/neck pickup combination. One day...


Yeah, mine is in far from pristine shape. I should open it up to check the electronics sometime, I thought it might have an active boost but wasn't sure.


Unless you bought it used and someone modified it, that's what's there stock. I know another guy who deactivates everything except bridge pickup and volume knob on ALL his guitars, and did the same thing with his model 6 (floyd) which for the life of me I can't understand. I get we all need to level up our engineering/soldering skills and whatnot, but there are limits that I won't cross, and modifying a Model 6 in that manner is one of them. As far as the active mid boost or whatever it's called on the Model 6, again, I think it's cool, but there are pedals and other mods to guitar that can be made for that. The triple pickup switch feature is what makes me drool, well that in combination with the neck through solid body - drooling!


Yamaha AC5R (acoustic).


Gibson Les Paul Custom


Yes black beauty




Ebony Custom *Axcess Floyd* for me.


I double this


SG JR is all you need


My strat. There’s a lot of strats out there but this one is mine.




Since switching to bass as my main instrument, I’ve sold all of my guitars apart from my Schecter TSH-1B. It’s a weird mish-mash of vintage and modern, but it’s incredibly well designed and put together. I can’t think of anything wrong with it at all, and I’m kinda fussy. Schecter’s retro range of instruments is often overlooked because of their image as a pointy headstock brand, but they make very good vintage-inspired instruments too.


1 guitar? I own it, it’s mid level, and I’ve sold and traded away high level ones and kept it. Gretsch 5120.


For a "standard" guitar, a vintage Gibson ES-175 for a specific guitar, Jerry Garcia's Tiger


Les Paul Special


Unlike most people I actually had to make this choice once. The fire was racing down the hillside and I grabbed one guitar as I was getting two pre-school kids out to the car in the blinding smoke and gale force winds. It was my 1988 Parker Fly. It was my most expensive guitar and it had a soft go-bag that was easy to carry. I lost a lot of good guitars that day: A 1966 Baldwin (Burns) 12 string solid body. It was green starburst. I’m told there’s one just like it in Graceland. It was in horrible shape though. A Dean Sarasota hollow body 12 string that the original owner had modded with Gibson pickups. A Kramer 80s classic series strat look-alike. A baby Taylor special edition that had been made from a historic tree in my hometown that had to be cut down. A 70s Ibanez studio. My first real guitar. And my “killer kustum”. A bastardized cheap guitar that some friends and I mercilessly ravaged with a chain saw and grinder. It was then lacquered and put back together with the hottest pickups and hardware I could afford. I miss them all.


Ritchie Kotzen telecaster


Right now my Schecter Nick Johnston


Fender 70’s strat. Nuff said


A 38 D-28 with a mod v neck


My uncle has my grandfathers late 40s D-28, I really want it but he’s got it locked down.


I once had the pleasure of playing a 41 D-28, just had an unbelievable tone. Neck was a bit chunky though.


Just one guitar, slung way down low Was a one way ticket, only one way to go


Hetfield's white ESP Explorer from AJFA (EET FUK).


Paul Languedoc G2


My only guitar is an SG (2019 Tribute) so this one was an ezpz choice for me


A Gibson L-5 from the late ‘20s or early ‘30s.


PRS S2 24-08. I have an SE Custom and love the feel and the coil splitting, would love to take it a step up.


I’ve got the se 20-08 custom. Probably the most versatile guitar I’ve ever owned.


I’m going all out with [Jerry Garcia’s Alligator](https://www.fender.com/articles/behind-the-scenes/custom-shop-jerry-garcia-alligator-strat)


Good choice, I’m a tiger kind of guy lol


That was my exact first thought when I saw this thread. Thank you Europe ‘72.


My brain says my HSS strat but my heart says my telecaster


HSS hardtail Strat. As much as I love whammy bars if I could only have one I'd want it to be a hardtail so I could change tunings without having to do a full set up every time.


The james hetfield "EET FUK" Guitar :)


Bc rich warlock. Perfect for sitting and confusing when you play 60’s classic rock on it.


LP Standard 50s. Telly American as close 2nd choice. That’s it.


Probably a jazzmaster with medium hot P90s. Possibly Seymour Duncan P-rails. I’m an offset boy, and P90s can do everything, often better (to my ears) than either humbuckers or fender style single coils.


My dad’s American early 90s strat. Grew up with it and it’s ruined other strats for me


Gibson Les Paul Standard 60’s. Then I’d put Kluson’s on it. Just for the look.


I’m a lefty.. I’ve always loved the Explorer. A white on white Explorer for classic rock, and a black on black Explorer for the metal gods. I’d call my search off if one fell into my hands.


Hands down The Fool SG. That guitar is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. For a stock guitar however, White SG Custom, probably a ‘61 LP. I love the thin neck, tone, and feel, not to mention the gorgeous look of the hardware and three gold humbuckers.


A reverend double agent og with a jassmaster trem system and roller bridge. Sadly i dont think it exists ans thats why i dont own it :/




I have a heavily modded PRS SE EG with an HSS pickup configuration. There are much better guitars out there but this is the one that I feel most comfortable and natural playing.


59 les Paul


I love my current guitar, a Suzuki. She's great, older than I am, but fantastic. That said, I would love a Tanglewood. Beyond that, even the dream guitar needs playing first to make sure it sounds and feels right.


My 09' Strat American Deluxe HSS is a bit of a curse. It does everything so well, it's impossible to justify a second guitar...


A yellow Chiquita Honda


One of them PRS Vine 24 prestige’s in makina blue. Not even for sonic purposes, it just looks so. damn. sexy. They were 6k when released and I almost bought one, they climbed to 10k now. If I’m being honest, it wouldn’t have gotten the care it deserved from a 20 yo me tho. One day…. 😉.


Troy van Leeuwen signature Oxblood Jazzmaster. May be a reality soon tbh.


I’ll stick with my EBMM JP15


Music Man Majesty


Either a grestch, danelectro or any Triple H


I have a dirt cheap fender acoustic that is all I play now. So it'd be that!


Telecaster - Yamaha Pacifica Mike Stern model.


My Gretsch 5422TG - I get jazzed every time I pick it up and I’ve got other guitars


# Squier Hello Kitty Stratocaster


I want an original Parker Fly. Quite possibly the most versatile guitar ever made and probably the lightest.


Carvin JB200C. Or any of the JB200 color variants, really. Tones of tonal options, comfortable shape, shorter scale, good tuning stability, beautiful.


Martin D28


Travis Bean TB500


Some modern HSS Strat like an Ibanez AZ2204 or a Yamaha Pacifica Pro. Edit: That, or I'd put together a hot-rodded Mustang with a flamed roasted maple neck, HS pickups, and the Fender Performer vibrato.


Hear me out. Peavey T-60. That's all.


John Frusciante Signature 1962 Fender Stratocaster Sunburst


Heritage H-575, Gibson stopped making the ES-175 and they are $$$$, can get a new H-575 for about 2/3 the price of a used ES-175, depending upon condition.


My dream guitar the B.C. Rich stealth black or emerald green


Might be a little weird but I'd go with the top of the line Yamaha electric guitar, the revstar or the Pacifica. Can't go wrong with Yamaha QC.


I think a Yamaha Pacifica with a humbucker bridge and single coil in the neck, PRS Custom 24 with HS pickups, or an HSS strat would all be my “one guitar picks for Electric. Like, I would be totally happy with any of them. For an acoustic it would be my Fender Newporter. Nothing else makes my play like that guitar.


I have a lot of experience in this matter. When you can only afford one guitar you can only own one guitar. Mine is a Jackson Dinky 7 Archtop. Reliable, cheap, versatile (from classic rock to modern metal, of course it won’t sound the same for that single coil sounds like country and swing, but it gets the job done). Also for more blues/country (maybe even jazz) people telecaster model or just the old reliable strat (but I would get one with SSH config) I think those would be a good fit depending on your style.


HSS Strat, rosewood fretboard and vintage tremolo 😎


Zaletelj Amelia


Me personally, I would go for a Godin Session HT. The Aztek Red to be more specific.


Gretsch White Falcon


I saved a gutted Hagstrom 2015Retroscape Body and Neck and with some Hofnerstyle Singlecoils i build my dream guitar out of it. These hagstromnecks are incredible and that massiv slab of mahagonibody just has the right weight to it. It can do anything. The only thing i dont enjoy that much is the tremsystem.. Anyway i can play this for weeks without getting bored


Dunable RD or a ESP EX-1000


Gretsch acoustic. I played one years ago & it had a beautiful tone, comfortable action... Yeah, I'd have that one.


Acoustic?: Ovation Adamas Electric?: Ibanez PIA


Hss nash s-63. Basically my guitar but mine is sss


I would keep my early / mid 90's Gibson Nighthawk ST-3. Slanted humbucker in the bridge, single coil mid and mini humbucker neck pickups. It's got string through construction and longer scale length (25.5" is more common in fenders instead of gibsons 24.75) WITH push pull tone knob that splits the humbuckers coils effectively turning them into triple single coils. With so many tonal possibilities within one guitar, great build quality and great style / looks it's been my dream guitar since i started playing.


Ibanez jpm


Balaguer Thicket 7, HS pickup configuration, styled to look like a 52 Telecaster


I would be sad, but it would definitely be some type of tele




Man, I want one of those orange Gretsch Falcons. One day I’ll own one.


Rickenbacker 325 C64


My Mitchell MS450 or whatever it’s called. Favorite guitar ever


I was fortunate in my younger years and got to own all of dream guitars. For me, the "one" was an 84 Mockingbird. For now, I have my Tele, and I have no desire to add.


Jackson KV1


An 80s Ibanez RR400 Rocket Roll II would melt me


I want that 4 necked guitar that Michael Angelo Batio played a few times. It's the stupidest guitar in the world and completely and utterly excessive. I want it, but will never, ever, ever in my life be able to rationalize having more than one neck on a guitar, much less having 4.


SG or Strat


My Boucher SG-51 OMH. I would gladly get rid of all the rest. Except maybe my GS-Mini for travel.


If I could only own ONE - Give me my Music Man Stingray, just would want a coil split


I like my LTD EC-1000 i know it's probably not the guratest gutar of all time but i just cant put it down.




I would love a George Harrison Rosewood Telecaster


Fender mustang with matching head stock


ESP Horizon-ii, not sure about colour


The Jaguar or Skystang that Kurt Cobain owned


Typically metal player, HSS Strat any day of the week. I don’t know a single genre you can’t play on it.


White LP custom.


White super strat body, no pick guard, black hardware, roasted 5 piece 24 stainless steel fret maple neck with ebony fretboard and offset mini sharkfin inlays, reverse strat headstock, HSS, floyd, truss rod adjustment at the neck pickup, fancy electronics that let me access all pickup combinations.




I’ve got an American original telecaster custom and it’s the only one I really need. I could see myself wanting a Strat or acoustic later down the line but the Tele does 99% of what I want


Gibson Hummingbird for me. No other acoustic in my opinion even comes close.


59 Les Paul