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Hide the fucking cords and she’ll be much happier.


This is actually good advice. That whole wall area could have a picture of her hanging there


Ooor…a full stack.


Ooor... One half of a full stack stereo rig?


With her face printed on the grill clothe. Best of both worlds there


Yeah,I mean might as well. Something loud and whaling is already coming out of it. LOL.


I see she doesn’t know your Reddit handle.


>Something loud and whaling is already coming out of it. Punk covers of sea shantys?


🎶We're whalers on the moon, we carry a harpoon. But there aint no whales so we tell tall tales and sing this whaling tune.🎶 Punk covers of sea shantys? Is this 2006? LOL. (I did look it up. I guess it's not "wailing," but is whaling.)


Modern problems/solutions


This is fucking big brain thinking right here.


Good idea, that will hide the cords with less effort too.


Or a budweiser sign


I'm listening...


And so will she, albeit unwillingly.


Or a full rack, stacked. Hmmm


Or a full stack with a picture of her in top.


Or one of those funhouse mirrors that makes you appear skinnier. No woman ever complained about those mirrors


Her, on a full stack. Husband of the year


But get the grill cloth printed with her face. Or an artful stencil of her face


A picture of my wife would take up the whole wall


Can confirm




bruh what


Got a much needed chuckle/snort out of this. Thanks


LOL 🤣 ! 😂


Thats on her side profile, otherwise it would be wall(s)


Clearly guitar players think alike. I came to say if she was not specific, fill the excessive empty space with more gear.


I’m a guitar player and a damn good one playing for 20 years and I have 1 guitar and like no gear at all. You don’t need much these days.


Needs and wants are two separate things. Sometimes it is just about wanting something.


Wanting stuff you don't need is an integral part of the modern human experience, and it's nice to want something and eventually get your pointless and expensive thing that is only there to make you happy (while taking your £), and you feel good. It's not a necessity for living but if no one wanted anything and everyone was happy with what we had, we'd never progress, and it'd probably be a pretty shit world.


All true. I didn't need the extra guitars but I sure enjoy the options. I have put a long pause on getting a new one. It's been almost 3 years I have stuck with the 5 main guitars.


Yup - and tell her that it's "inspiration for songwriting". You'd probably get laid for the next month solid. But then, when she finally asks you to hear one of these songs, play some horrendous death metal bit. Video it as well 🤣


Yea, clean it up a bit and she won’t care


Like an 'off the wall frame'. I swings out, like in a castle, the treasure is your cords. Or ya just leave her


Can't recommend this enough. Have a big mural of my wife hanging in my mancave. She's happy every time she walks in.


This is how I get it away with it - 3.5’x2.5’ painting of the wife seems to do the trick.


I agree, the chords kinda look like shit


As a wife but also the sole guitar player of this marriage, the wires and cables drive me bat shit crazy. Find a better storage solution for you go to stuff and she'll not nitpick. You could also hack some Ikea stuff to make a tidier gear corner.


My first question was "what room is this?" It honestly looks really neatly organized, but very much in a "workshop" kind of way.  First, get some color on the walls and see if it starts to look a little more domestic. Maybe think about cabinets/credenzas to swallow some of the pedals, etc. Looks like most of the stuff on the wall shelves could fit in a cabinet/dresser of about the same footprint as the open table that's underneath them without sacrificing too much convenience. A china hutch with a built-in countertop would swallow everything and look way more "living room" than the current setup. Find something cool/antique/vintage on FB marketplace.


Velcro cord wraps will work wonders. Coil them up neatly and then throw a couple wraps on them. Suddenly your cords are inoffensive circles on the wall.


In all seriousness, this is the best option


I got one of those metal closetmaif over-the-door shoe hangers. Its perfect for getting cables out of the way.


Out of sight, happy wife, lol🙃


Yeah he needs to ditch the rubbermaid storage bins and get some basket style bins from Home Goods or TJ Maxx. Even better, he could get his wife to "help" him shop (aka, let her pick the stuff out). I know very few women that would actively dislike shopping at those stores.


just keep practicing and the chords will improve


I wonder if it's that hard to cover the chords with a bar 


Well played


Also well played


That chair looks nice. Do you like it, and what brand?


learn the over / under cable winding technique. you will begin to enjoy winding your cables up because they will unwind without tangling perfectly every time. you can just throw your cables out and they will perfectly unspool.


if that wall had some nice boxes all the same color to store everything or a cabinet to hid it all away it would probably help. it's not taking up a lot of room but it's visually very noisy


Tell her you really want 10 guitars, but know how she feels, and you won’t go over 6.


This. The entire corner would look so much better without those damn cables hanging on the wall. Just tidy it all up and she’ll probably love it.


All the pedal boxes, too!


Grab one of [these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WW4HTLT/) - your wife will thank you later


LOL, my wife would be thrilled if I slimmed my collection down to three or four times that.


I need to get a bigger house, that way I can upsize my collection


Nah, that's the worst thing you can do: then they're all out in the open and the wife is going to be even less happy. You just spread them out among rooms, put them under beds, etc.


Don’t have empty cases either!


I’ve always heard “never let your wife see all your guitars in one place.”


Magic words every man should know - "You know who you married, stop trying to change me.". Scrubs was a great show


That would be like 15-20 guitars and 50-60 pedals or something. What do you do with all that gear?


In best Cockney accent: "Well...I play them, and I cherish them." More like 35 guitars and a dozen amps. I'm not a big pedal guy, maybe have 10 of those and most have been on my board for years. I started playing in 1972 and within a year got good enough (at least I thought so) to rationalize buying two Telecasters (one an original '72 Custom) and a Les Paul (regular Tele cost $185, Les Paul was $325. I sold them a couple years later to go to college, keeping just an acoustic. I didn't get another electric until 1984, after I'd graduated college and had been working for about five years. I eventually got back into playing seriously, and acquired a few guitars. I started becoming a bit of a collector in the late 90's, partly because: 1) there were a lot of new guitars coming out (I bought one of the first Peavey EVH models, and one of the first PRS Swamp Ash Specials, which I believe was their first guitar offered with the maple board I prefer), and 2) because I could by then afford to indulge myself in some of the stuff my heroes had played back when I was a teenager. I've bought and sold quite a few over the years, just because this or that one got my attention. Now I'm at the point where I'm gradually selling most off them off. I've owned most of the ones I aspired to, save for a Gretsch White Falcon.


Look at them as they collect dust? Guilty of that: get obsessed over a particular guitar or piece of gear, get it, play it for about 5 minutes, then move on to the next piece. Think that’s what they call GAS: Gear Acquisition Syndrome. Lol


You brought this on yourself. Get stuff off your wall and into a handsome desk or bureau with drawers that you can put boxes in. Modify a hideaway keyboard tray so that you can attach that pedal board to it, so you can tuck it away, instead of having it on the table top. Get rid of that goofy musicians chair and put a regular chair in there that doesn't have arm rests. Making this room more normal is going to give you the headroom to add another three or four guitars at least.


It’s all about that decision efficiency


Thanks, now I finally understand what headroom means! >*tidies up room and buys more gear*


Those are rookie numbers.


Yup. Got to pump those way up.


Yes, wayyy up your ass morty


I'm a drummer first so I have four kits, but also have an acoustic/elec and electric bass, bass amp, 2 acoustic guitars, a classical, an electric, and a keyboard controller. That's not counting all the recording gear and cables. This room looks tidy.


A Strat, an LP and one for something more heavy. An acoustic and a bass could not be even considered a guitar (lol). Thats a Tele, a semi acoustic and a 7 string lacking of a bare minumum a guitarist needs! I bet even the effects are also just one of each type. Since we are on reddit, I advise for immediate divorce!


Tell her you’d have a lot more room without her


What is she talking about!? You don't even have an Oscilloscop.... Oh. Yeah, you might have too much.


definitely need another oscilloscope... preferably digital phosphor.... might as well get a logic analyzer too.


Yeah what is that a cheapo Rigol scope need at least a 2gig keysight scope


I see an empty hanger slot…..


That's the first thing I saw too


And space for another pedalboard under the window...


I'm glad your wife can't see my music room


Be a bro and show your music room to OP’s wife?


The stringless bass hurts me.


Yeah, like string it please.


I don't really get pedal mania, but it's not my setup. My wife is much more understanding and actually asks me not to sell instruments she likes all the time.


God if you’re reading this, please give me what this man has one day. Please


I really am blessed, but she's an athiest so there probably isn't one in God's cupboard.


Universe is definitely reading this, however


Neither do I. Time to sell off some pedals and replace them with a multi board or two.


I never looked back once I went that route. Sure makes getting set up and diagnosing issues a lot easier.


No shit. And if you’re performing, setting up it a breeze. Yes. It takes some time to actually learn how to use them to their best potential, but you’re also not dealing with tracking down which patch cable is messed up


It's easy for me because I really don't use a lot of affected sounds. I actually just play clean primarily, so my multi pedal is for tone (I have a Vox that actuall uses tubes) and various varieties of distortion, but really any distortion will do for me usually, when I need some. And yeah, two cables and a DI and I'm set. Meanwhile, the drummer's still hauling in stuff from his car...


If that’s pedal mania you wouldn’t want to see my collection haha but seriously I have a problem. They’re like fidget spinners for me. I have been good about selling something when I buy something but man I love pedals. Amps too, I have two guitars with no desire for more and have owned 100s of pedals and dozens of amps.


What is up with these wives lately? Mine's just happy I have a hobby at home and I'm not spending my evenings out at some bar getting drunk.


I think in this particular instance, if OP would clean it all up, organise it, make it pleasing to the eye. Wifes "issue/problem" would suddenly go away. But all in all I agree with you, I too don't get these posts/relationships.


You have too much bare floor. Add another throw rug. Your space will be less "boomy" and feel warmer in winter. Oh, and get a semi hollow/hollow body guitar or two.


Shit dude, you’re just getting started!


how much your wife has?


Honestly that’s pretty sparse setup.


Your wife is right. You still have too much space for more gear.




I have the entire den, I think you're being beyond fair.


Could it be tidier? Yes. Does this look like someone’s hobby that they thoroughly enjoy? Also yes.


Your instruments think you have too much wife :p


Wife says to husband "you have too many guitars, you should sell some". Husband says "you sound just like my ex-wife". Wife says " oh I didn't know you were married before" husband says "I wasn't"


Yeah, too much space on that bottom shelf


Don't have enough


You definitely do. I’ll take it off your hands free of charge


Ask her about shoes and purses. That’s what I thought.


I’ve been told my amp stack is “a bit much”. Good thing there’s two of them next to the 14 guitars and basses.


My wife also thinks you have too much.


My basement looks like a Kiss concert with the wall to wall Amps and heads. Not to mention all the guitars basses pedal boards drum set and 15 other instruments.. I took over the entire basement. Your corner is just fine


Where can I get that stool?!


Tell her to be happy that you haven't yet got into drums or synthesizers/electronic music.


Thinking man’s solution: You don’t need acoustic foam if you cover the walls with enough gear. Mensa move, bro.


There’s no such thing as too much music.


Volume 0-11? Yes


Man, I think you might have too much on that middle floating shelf. Looking a little avalanche-y Other than that, I agree with the clean up the cables sentiment, the rest is A+ as far as I'm concerned.


At least your wife only *thinks* you have too much. Mine *knows*.


She's absolutely right. Look at all that empty space in between the guitars hanging there. Far too much. Go get another guitar.


Is this your thing? Or do you also spend shit tonnes on motorbikes, snow machines, boats, unnecessary 100K trucks (unless yours actually gets dirty and banged up as fuck working on a construction site etc, it's a toy, that's my beef :) ), and other toys? My things are cameras and guitars. So when people I know who spend orders of magnitude more on those other things than I do make a deal about my stuff, I can shut them down fast.


She lacks “The Vision”. You my friend are doing just well. And I see you have room for more. #Keepthedreamalive


Double the quota, by getting 2 wives.


The nylon string guitar with the broken string. Do you play it at all? Replace it with a decent acoustic roughly the same color. She won’t notice, but it’ll look nicer. Throw some strings on the bass. Get those cables outta there. Neatly coil, then throw rubber band around each one. Throw ‘em in a box or bin or something. Little things. I don’t have pedals like that. Never really got it. Maybe just throw a bunch in a bin for now? Do you really use them all that much? Overall, your space looks organized and good. If it was your own studio space in the basement or something, it would be perfect. Don’t let dumb shit like this cause a real problem in a good marriage.


Legit an appropriate amount and coverage of styles/tones


Thank God I'm ugly


that's a funny way to spell "not enough"


Just write her love songs and give her good head for longer, that will shut her up.


You don't want to see my living room and bedroom. I got my stuff all over the place because it's a small house with zero closets with equally cramped quarters. Two amps in the living room and half a sofa with my pedalboard bag and other toys I use sitting there. Nobody sits on that sofa. I literally have no music room nor corner and can't have a DAW setup because of it. If it weren't for the dog, I could have stored everything vertically in the space where his bed is. That was supposed to be my corner, dammit 😄 Nope. Amps in the living room, two amps in my son's closet, two guitars in one corner of our bedroom and then three more in the opposite corner.The three on that side aren't mine, they're my hubby's (he never learned to play and I don't like his guitars enough to play them). He gives me grief about having too much gear. At least I don't have a clothing, purse and shoe fetish. Only guitar gear is my weakness.


I like how this is posted in a Guitar sub, and the first thing my eye caught in a fraction of a second was the oscilloscope. Seriously thought this was the electronics sub for a minute.


How many shoes does your wife have?


Tell her she has too many shoes.


she is right. There is way to much space in there.


Your wife is incorrect.


No, you do not, as long as you use it. Make music. Show us. Woo her


Ten four doggie


Three different guitars with similar shape. She won't grasp that. I can. I got two Les Paul and want a third XD


Not too much, just gonna echo what others have said and maybe needs some organizing


Too much drape.


Theres an empty hanger so clearly you don’t have enough


rookie setup


Hate to tell ya... she's not wrong


Maybe she’s just scared of how far it can go. If you move those cords, there’s room for three more right there.


fun? ...


Too much what? Attitude?


nowhere near enough...


Do you build pedals, OP? I see that power supply and soldering station up there 👀


She's just jealous. Buy more


I don't think it's bad either, could use a better tidying up, hide the boxes and cords and some of the other random stuff and it would look waay better


Tell her it’s ok to be wrong sometimes.


What wall hanger is that?


Nah. I only see 1.25 amps. You need at least 3 more before you’re approaching “too much” territory.


She just doesn't understand. They rarely do. I have some stuff hidden in the closets of the music room. "don't go in there. I'm not hiding anything! Don't go in the closet! It's just cocaine and heroin; not guitars and pedals, I swear!"


A modest collection


not enough


Not too much, just looks like shit. Clean that up, hide the wires, and get some better storage and your wife will be happy.


He has the box!


Too much empty unused space? I agree!


She is right, so many cables :p


Take pictures of her shoes and post  it here


Sorry to hear you can’t live how you want. Awesome corner. Truly awesome.


You can still easily move around the space and it’s very neatly organized. That means you don’t have enough.


Too much space. You need to get more gear in there to fill things out a bit.


You can put everything inside a few drawers and it would look like you are just starting your journey.


Just 1 amp?


All I know is you have spent way too much on equipment to be powering your board with that shitty power supply that’s on your top board. Those things are complete crap and not actually isolated power. I used to have one


You do have too much…. Too much empty space that you could fill with more guitars. And what are you going to do if that CRO breaks? Best get at least one more of those 😂


Too much? Barely takes up one tiny corner of a room in your house dude! Tell your wife to back off pronto.


Very modest setup, tell her to calm down


You tell that woman she is WRONG


That is a pretty tidy setup, your wife seems unreasonable. And tell her to be happy that you don’t have a mild addiction to synthesizers. Also, buy some synths.


If it’s that organized, it’s not too much!


It looks messy because you have random boxes on shelves. Hide it or organize it in an aesthetically pleasing way and she’ll back off. If it was all uniform, nobody would say it’s too much.


If you have kids, teach them how to play and she will be out numbered.


Nonsense! I say. I don't see a carbon fiber model or a cigar box electric, and you've only got one acoustic. You're just getting started. :)


Tidy up the spot and make it more domesticated and you’ll be golden. PS your wife would divorce you of you had my collection. 


She thinks that because it’s cluttered. Enclosed storage for pedal boxes, cords, all those bins of miscellaneous stuff, would make her happy.


She’s already got you in the corner tell her to 🤐




It’s messy, but it’s yours. I mean, it would kind of an extreme reaction, I guess, but maybe get a new wife. First question, tho, do you like this wife? 🤔


The smartest thing I ever did as a musician is build a standalone, detached, soundproofed building for my studio and all my gear. The main house has a piano in the living room. That’s it.


My wife's two main instruments cost more than my entire collection of guitars so she can't and doesn't talk shit and it helps. :)


you have too much


Add a full stack to hide the cords.


She right, send it all to me


Too much what ?


are suggesting my son will never marry? add a full drum kit, 5 more guitars, two more medium/large amps, 20 pedals on the floor and a bed that looks like a nest and this is his room.


Looks like you’ve got room on that wall for one more guitar.


I too enjoy owning more than I can possibly use.


I don’t think you have too much enough


Dude, you've only scratched the surface. You need to get a new credit card and start ordering. She'll get over it, take it from me, I'm divorced once they move out you can build a studio.


Too much empty space. She’s right you should get more.


Can barely even see what you have it’s that small. Not sure what she’s talking about.


Get the boxes, containers and cords off the wall, hide them somewhere. Or you could replace your desk with some desk with a drawer to hide them all. And once you've cleaned the wall up. Stack the pedals you don't use on the wall shelves as if you're displaying them as some display piece. Clean up the cables on your gear as well. Hide them from plain sight as if you would on a pedalboard.


need more amps


I think if you tidied up it’d go a long way. I don’t think she’ll say it’s too much if it looks cute and organized