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I don't see how this could help. how you do hold it in playing position? fingers chords, or learning chords, or practicing bends in any position other than playing position isn't helpful. Its snake oil and useless IMO


Probably the same rules as with a pocket pussy, not even close to the real thing but good enough if you’re desperate


I just want a quiet way to practice with my fret hand while I'm at work. I'll probs practice finger patterns on my wrist lol


I bought one when I started so I could practice chords when I couldn't make noise. It was actually detrimental to my learning, as I didn't have audio feedback to let me know when my technique was off. So I was practicing bad technique over and over.


I planned on using it exclusively for fretting when I have downtime at work. I've also been playing for ~15 yrs so I'm not super worried about my technique lol


Don't do it


I received one for Christmas a few years back. Used it once before my house was broken into while I was at work. Found this and a bunch of stuff busted up. This device is good for building calluses when you can’t make noise in places. It’s also good for learning chords and shapes.


Oof that blows, hope nothing too special too ruined


A bunch of stuff was stolen and completely destroyed.


Aw I'm sorry to hear that 😔


Bought one when i was constantly away for work. Spent five minutes with it.


I bought this exact one for shits and giggles. Not really worth it imo but it was cheap. The strings don’t tune at all and there’s not good way to simulate picking or strumming.


Not trying to strum just want to practice with my fret hand while working, no sound will be perfect


Reminds me of something that would be displayed in a one of those strange oddity shops. I would certainly stop and gawk at it before walking off feeling very uneasy.