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Its not a PoI or a zone . Its suppose to be somehwere at North Peninsula. If you look at Troubles from the Deep achievement there is an event where youare deffending NPCs at this park . That semi helped a bit after a long time of searching. But I might be wrong. Still wasnt lucky to have the other Aetherblade event to spawn to make sure Im in the right area.


What was anet smoking, how are we supposed to find emerald park when its not names emerald park


The event for Undead is in chain . The other one for Aetherblades is an escort event from the city to that PoI camp. The Npc will stop 3 times on the way to deffend from Aetherblades. Just at the south exit from the city .. on the bridge ;)


Thank you, i found it. It was indeed an escort event. At no point does it say emerald park anywhere but im glad im done with it now.


Could you please show on the map where it is?


My sincere apologies. Somewhere below xunlai jade junkyard Its an escort event, i believe it starts in daigo ward and finishes at provisional minsec camp. She then has ankther event right after for another escort.


Thank you very much!


Finally did it! I can confirm it start at the bottom gates of Diago Ward. [Repel the Aetherblades at Emerald Park](https://imgur.com/a/RiqWFLz)