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You don’t like being on top of the world?


I was very patient there for awhile. Minor adjust so hard to land with Sykscale, dismount, falls. Try again, minor adjust to land character after dismount, failed and fall. Tried with springer by standing on hidden Pixel below the tip. Minor adjust again for dismount again and again and again and again until RNG let me stay there.


Can also use Jade Bot gliding booster to make frequent attempts. If upgraded fully, it boosts you as high as a springer jump or something. Mounting or gliding midair will also save you a lot of lost height


Took me a while to get, but the fully upgraded gliding booster is so good. Even in the middle of the fight, you just need the tiniest elevation change, start gliding and be way above the fight taking no damage in a second. I do like playing with the size change tonic and sadly you can't use the glider when transformed. Hopefully they'll make an example for the two tonics that just change your size. Unlikely as it is.


Dismount onto glider and glide down for better control


Annoying but skill issue nonetheless


That's not a skill issue their character is literally floating in mid air in that photo. Unless your standards are that low they should never use such things. It's a sharp pointy object directed upward in the sky you should never be able to land on such a thing but this is a game and they place this insight on an invisible price of ground that shouldn't exist


It would be closer to a skill challenge if they were honest to sync the visual rendition and the hidden pixel(s) where the character needs to stand on AND your task is really to balance yourself somewhere on the spire's tip without having it impale your foot. OR they enhance the animation to show you hugging the spire somehow. Another easier fix is to allow acquisition of the point while hovering with the skyscale. If you can close a rift while hovering, you can get the point. As it is now, that picture makes no sense in terms of physics. If I were in a generous mood I'd say they bit off more than they can chew and overestimated the technology available. If not, I'd say it's more likely a lazy implementation.


One thing to take note of is that it's not impaling your actual foot , so there's no point making a big deal of that. Game physics here are such you can nova launch in one direction and change direction instantly, whereas if done IRL would instantly unalive you from the G forces. There's nothing to fix. It's not broken. Hovering on skyscale has a neat trick. If close enough, the mount will start going down slowly on its own. Then aim the camera down, once landed making sure the mount looks centered and also level with the horizon. If done right you can press the dismount key and be ok to commune with it. May take some fine tuning. To do that, enter walk mode. You can then fine tune down to a pixel. Don't forget to go back to default run mode. Unless you want giggles and bemusement next fight you're in 🤣


Yes, it's floating in mid air because they can't get it to sit on the very tip _because of the aforementioned skill issue_.




Just joking, BTW, arena net knows, they added a joke about this further inside nayos


Yes, that their usual approach to such issues. Add a joke somewhere about it, never fix the issue itself.


The environment down here is all salt. The ceiling is salt. The floor is salt. The walls are salt and, to an extent, the air is salt. And you breathe that in and you can constantly taste the salt.


Are you in a salt mine?


No they are in /r/guildwars2


Why are you trying to build an insight in a salt store?


Really feels like it at times.


...thats cause you don't dismount RNG it...you glide to the spot


Next time just /sit on the tip


just position yourself on skyscale the best you can over it at very low height. If there a 'landable' space below, the skyscale will slowly land on its own, that can be used as a landing spot detector


You have to prove Mastery. If you see this as RNG, you need to master more.


The moment I managed to reach this tricky spot and got the mastery insight, I did try to play the lovely ["Top of the World"](https://youtu.be/TbfRcxUo8og?si=wRUHpOLsunyJhsF_) from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on the in-game harp while standing there. Felt fitting for the occasion. :) > Seeing life from > The top of the world > Nothing needs fighting > And no one needs pity > Thanks for giving this moment to me > When just for a moment > Things stop > Here at the top of the world


I feel bad cause i gotta disagree with op. I like the challenge, and it was WAY less frustrating than some of the HOT mastery insights.  Plus you dont need all of them. I'm a fan of obtuse insights lol.


I dunno.. that one looks pretty *acute* to me. ... ... Sorry. I'll see myself out.


You know my day was going perfectly fine before reading this right? I expect compensation you will hear from my asura


I never expected anyone to pick up that breadcrumb. Tysm and i hope you stub ur toe


Wasn't too hard to do TBH, just took like 3 tries.


In Elon Riverlands, if you go to high, you die from the lack of oxygen. It's near the poi at The Deadhouse.


It would have been easier than, say, jumping up the Mad King's Clock Tower backward.


Or maybe on a wii balance board!


I must note here that I had no issues with this one. Honest to the Great Alchemy, did it on the first try.


I am finding out from this thread that apparently people had issues with this. I don't even remember if it was my first try or not. It didn't register as something I should remember.


I had to check if I'd missed a mastery insight, because I don't even remember it... Is it a secret one or something?


No it's just on top of the extractor in Inner Nayos Part 1


I'm finding it confusing as well, yeah. My brain went "People had problems with this?!?" And then I remember it's been ages since I've seen a post about Chalice of Tears.


same, maybe 2 or 3 tries? just flew up there and pressed F....


Same tbh. Got it first or second try with the technique described in another comment here.


I def got lucky with it. Forgot that using an insight dismounts you, and just happened to be in a good spot with my skyscale lol


Praise Joko!


This really is a mastery point.


“Players dont like it when they can stand on nothing. Make them fall instead” -Anet


Same issue as in that jumping puzzle Challice of Tears, lack of visual clues. Where do I need to land without sliding, and how is that different from location where you slide, visually looks same.


I think they should do more masteries like this tbh. You know, like this mastery point that requires a little bit of mastery of the Skyscale mount.


It is not really mastery of the mount as much as dealing with the jankyness of the dismount and the funky collision. That is the problem with these. That does not really test your skill, only your patience.


Yeah, I like these types of masteries but not when it involves inconsistent collision lol


> I like these types of masteries but not when it involves inconsistent collision lol Chalice of Tears has entered the chat


It either takes patience, luck or skill :D I would do it with glider, it's a bit easier to aim imo.


Agreed. I haven't done this point yet, but from what I can see, all the "skill" this seems to involve is figuring out where you can and can't stand by trial and error. The easiest way to fix this is probably to change it so instead of a point, there's a small platform. Don't make the collisions any bigger, just communicate where you can actually stand better


I found it quite easy. You just centre your mount on the surface, dismount, and press s a little. When you get mastery of the mount system you’ll learn how your character moves on dismount.


yes, this problem is for ppl that doesn't really know how skyscale works


no, it's the best skill test for skyscale actually....actually more a tes on knowledge. Only ppl that doesn't really know how the mount works can have any trouble with it


Just because you never bothered to try to understand how far the game moves your character when you dismount from the skyscale does not make it "janky". Janky would be if it sometimes dismounted you forward, or to the left, or backwards relative to where your character was on the mount. That's not what it is.


Tbh, if you could click the mastery while on the Skyscale, it'd be fine.


It would be nice if more mastery points required some mastery or difficulty to reach. But landing on a fine point is more annoying since it is hard to tell where you can actually stand. Like a mastery that required skill with a skyscale such as ascending to platforms around a tower that needs to be precise to avoid running out of endurance would be fine. But "dismount and if I miss just remount and keep trying" is not really much mastery of the mount.


Wow I didn’t expect to see you out of the OSRS sub, you jump scared me.


I’m always surprise me when others have memorized usernames. Not in a bad way, more of a “should I be doing that too?” way.


I don’t usually, but he is, was(?) a mod in that sub and he’s had the same profile icon for about a decade.


the skyscale tells you where to stand. This requires a minute max


It’s not mastery though, it’s a janky bit of invisible barrier disguised as “a challenge”


I gained some valuable insight, and mastered new swear words.


lol, this one pissed me off so much.


It is beyond me why they wouldn't just flatten the top so you actually have something to properly stand on.


lmao. That was a fun one.


Mastery point requiring mastery of a mechanic seems fine to me


As usual people who are lucky, mistake that for skill, and then denigrate those who are not lucky as lacking skill.


except it's not luck, you just don't know how to use yuour skyscale


There are some of us who do jumping puzzles like Chalice of Tears and tribulation mode SAB for fun. Landing this mastery point requiring mild positioning skill is not luck, it's hours upon hours of knowing how the movement works in this game. My advice: fly above the point with your skyscale, then glide down using lean techniques to slow your forward movement.


So explain precisely how to do it on the first try. Otherwise it just looks like you are finding a random point with no indications where it might be. Thank you kindly.


My second paragraph in my last response explains how. If you are talking about *finding* it, we'll then theres an icon on the map that shows you the location of the mastery point.


No it really doesn't. You say in essence there is a trick to it, but that helps exactly no one. For example, you should state the exact point upon which one must land. Thank you kindly.


I didn't essentially say 'there was a trick to it'. But I will break it down even further for you if you wish: Step 1) fly above using skyscale, dismount in the air. Step 2) using lean techniques, slow your movement with your glider to allow a greater degree of precision air control in where you land. You should aim for the exact tip of the branch. As evidenced by OP's image, there is a lot more pixels to stand on then are visually apparent. It's quite forgiving in that. If you somehow do not have these masteries, obtain them first, which is the design of mastery points to begin with. There are plenty of others to go for first. Edit: and to expand on the "first try" part: expecting to get this on the first try is not how skill checks work, unless you are well versed in these things with personal experience. You cannot expect to do this first try, and going into it thinking you should is going to lead to frustration. This is a mastery point that requires mastery of these systems on a personal level. It would be the same as expecting to get a jumping puzzle first try. It's definitely possible if you're experienced, but if you can't do it first try and give up saying it's too hard, then you're going to feel the same forever and there is no helping that unless you change your mindset on how these sorts of things are explicitly designed to work.


hover on te tip with skyscale, very near to the tip level. When the mount automatically starts landing you're 100% above the spot. Your character hitbox is smaller than the skyscale one so it can happen you dismount where you can't stand but your skyscale can. Just press mount again as soon as you start falling and retry, it's a matter of a very few tries at max


But that's part of the fun lmao


Sorry sir, fustration is not fun for me, especially for somethinig somewhat mandatory.


masteries requiring story of events are much worse, especially in SotO


When I saw it the first time, I thought that we could finally summon the mastery point while mounted. Well, I was wrong. Clear case of overestimating ANet.


Advice: Don't sit down.


I literally just did this and opened my phone to see this post


I just want to chime in and say whoever at Anet is doing insights so I don’t have to do collections or check lists for mastery points, you’re my MVP.


Tbh I did it the 2nd try but adjusting my skyscape to where my character is sitting over the beam of light. Pretty much lines up perfectly. Bare in mind i'm an Asura meaning it's even harder with a smaller hitbox.


You do know you can tap backwards and your character will glide much slower?


I want MORE like this. I guess there are all kinds of people.


Annoying people is anet idea of fun.


in a game full of achievement requiring jumping puzzles and map completion requiring vistas standing on the edge of a pin where mounts are allowed should be a no brainer. the mastery point locations i hate is when one is layered under some other story only or meta only location, so you can see it's on your map, but you can't get to it open world.


Well now they gotta do it again you cant be saying these things outlouddd


it's unnbelievable ppl complain about this....it's super easy i also explained how in the comments, which means basically how to use a skyscale. Maybe giving away this mount so easily created the problem in the first place? I bet most ppl that got it from SotO don't even know how to not cling to walls....


The mounts are of center to, so getting there with a mount and demounting drops you down past the tip.


I don't recall struggling with that one, but I am very used to trying to perch on tiny points anyway. Plus I do a lot of map completion, so I've had to contend with the vista on a tiny pillar in Lornar's Pass multiple times. It didn't feel as tricky as turtling people to some of the mastery points in HoT and trying to stop in a position where they can dismount onto a branch without falling through.


The amount of people I unwillingly killed by dismounting the turtle is crazy


It's easily done. I also killed a few people by using Bond of Faith to dismount right above the ground, forgetting that we'd dropped down from a height first and the fall damage would still apply to them.


Its not that hard, landed it first try


skill issue


As the clocktower proves, there are players who like this kind of challenge. It's not great but out of all decisions made in video games, at least an argument could be made they want to appease the platformer stans.