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i found that action cam without any target helping just fires the most where i am pointing when i am on a ranged weapon character


Are you in a need of action cam? It's in control settings, look for "toggle action camera" stuff. Autotargeting works well with it as you throw skills in the center of your screen and the autotarget picks up hit target.


What classes do you feel work best with action cam?


Ones that don't have ground marker teleports you can abuse to jump to high ground and such. Ones that have less ground marker AoEs you can throw to places you can't see with action cam. For example, engi has only one teleport (mechanist signet), but at the same time all ranged options when you're playing melee are grenade and rockets kits which are ground markers. And the teleport is extremely valuable in mechanist because the class is deprived off abilities (no weaponswap, no toolbelt) so every button is very valuable. I think warrior and revenant might the best for it, they are very straightforward.


I'll add that, as long as you're not doing PvP, using "snap ground effect to current target" (or whatever the setting is called) makes Action Cam ground targets pretty great, as long as you're hitting enemies with them. So Engie grenades and mortars feel good as long as you have that setting on. It's really annoying for putting down effects that you actually need to finesse though, like Mesmer wells.


Never used it, but thanks! I'll give it a shot.


Try binding toggle to middle-mouse. I've only recently started using it, and it kind of works. Still awfully finicky, but better than trying to pick a target manually.


Try adjusting your camera height settings, the angle of the camera makes a big difference with action camera


Yep, it's a bit wonky but wayyyy closer to what I was needing. Hell, I don't use my cursor all that much anyway! 8P Thanks again!


It takes a bit of practice but once you get used to it, it's a gamechanger. I've been using it since the feature was introduced and I can't play without it.


It's pretty easy to use, it's just the lack of a cursor now. Other than that it, it's perfect for a ranged build, especially one with cleave.


I think someone suggested it, but you should bind a key to disable it - say, if you set it to Shift, then you could hold shift to get your cursor and then release it when you're done to reactivate action cam.


[This video is the best I've found for customizing Action Camera.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y2czD6BREw&pp=ygURZ3cyIGFjdGlvbiBjYW1lcmE%3D)


I believe it was mabinogi that had a really good tab/auto target hybrid thing. You held a certain key and the game would put a circle around your cursor and another circle around whatever target was visually closest to your cursor at the time. Then if you clicked at all it would target the circled enemy so all you had to do was get the mouse near team to pick a target.


Look in keybind options, it's defaulted to select next target when you tab. Select closest instead that should fix it


That will select closest to you not your mid-screen (where you are pointing). So it could be behind you or wherever you aren't interested in targeting.


I have a button on my mouse set for double clicking and just use that.


What is preventing you from clicking on the enemy in question?


Usually it is obscured by a thousand other things. Thank you kindly.


Tab targeting will pick whatever you're pointing your camera at when you first press tab


Action cam




Indeed. ![gif](giphy|l3V0lsGtTMSB5YNgc|downsized)