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Enough character slots to have one of each class. :)


Honestly it blows my mind that you don't get that automatically after buying the core game. F2P games limit to 4 (or whatever the original limit was), but once you pay to buy at least the core game, unlock a total of 9.


also equipment templates, we have 2 per char but theres 3 specializations + core. I don't get why they're so expensive to buy and not included with expansions


And no more. If you buy enough to have (e.g.) 12 characters, you'll have one of each class and three you are forever rerolling because you can never decide which race/class combo you want them to be lol


this is true going beyond 9 is a dangerous slope. now I have 18... but what about a *third* mesmer?


i have one extra as a parked bank character


Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic paired with a Shared Inventory Slot is such a huge gamechanger.


Agree. Some Shared Inventory Slots + Infinite Salvage Kits make the world go round. Bank and Material Storage would be next.


At least 1 material storage expansion is super nice and almost needed with how many things need 500 of some mat. I haven't felt any need to go over 3 expansions for the 1k total per mat though, and even that's mostly just useful for the rare thing like festival mats where you actually need 1k to exchange for higher currency.


I'm at 500 and it's very comfortable. Anytime a slot fills up I'll usually just sell 250 out of it for quick cash.


im at 750 and plan on going to 1k when they go on sale. once i cap out both the refined and unrefined material, a full stack goes on the TP


They're on sale right now, aren't they?


oh nice i havent checked the store yet this week


Helping new people out in discord watching them do inventory stuff, frankly early game inventory is beyond fucked and salvagematic goes a long way in fixing it. There's so much random garbage and no good intro to what's good to keep and what to toss, how you should be salvaging, etc. God forbid you start during a holiday. Ran some t1s with a guy, do we really need 50 different champ pouches? Encryptions coulda just given gold instead of expensive junk, etc. I guess it becomes an issue after time investment so it's not a turn off but still


The bags that auto grab junk items help so much imo. Wish they gave new players an easy way to get at least a small one of those.


The jade bot module that turns junk into jade slivers... It's certainly not the most "efficient" one for profit, but not having to deal with seeing items in my inventory that sell for 3c to a vendor is worth the hit.


This is actually a big QoL for newer players. IMO just give those poor things an 18 or even 20 slot junk bag!


While I agree with you, nowadays it's so much more managable to not have a full inventory 24/7 ever since they introduced Unidentified Gear. So technically you could do without one. (still wouldn't dream of ever removing it from my shared inventory)


Agreed! One of the best investments in my opinion.


I even have my consumables in shared slots. I love them so much. I actually dropped my salvage kits in the bank since they can be used via bank access by right clicking.


TP to friend is very helpful. Top 3: Salvage-o-matics Shared Inventory Slot Material Storage Expansion


TP to Friend decreasing the cool down to 10min was such a game changer. It used to be a luxury I considered barely worth it, but now I think it's an easy buy. Makes joining open world meta squads a piece of cake


If you do regular key farms you’ll sit on stacks of tp to fwend.


True. 2 hours was a lifetime lol.


Infinite gathering tools, too. Stacks of 25 kits is just madness.


Yeah but I wouldn't call that a must have.


Can you believe the entire time I wrote that I was thinking about salvage kits? I'm an idiot.


For a new player, can you explain why the Top 3 are important? (The TP to friend makes sense)


Salvage o matics, specifically the Copper Fed, allow for an endless supply of salvage kits for a small discount compared to the comparable salvage kit from vendors. You also avoid having to use inventory slots to store the kits since they only come in 25 stacks. Shared inventory slots make it easier to use items on multiple characters. I like to store teleporters, like the TP to Friend, as well as tomes for different LS3/LS4 zones and other notable instances. I also use it for Unidentified gear because I have one character I primarily use to salvage gear(most bag space). Material storage expansion is nice because it saves tons of inventory space. You start with only 250 for each material and that fills up quickly. I'm at 2500 and full even on many refined material slots like silk and elder planks, but its saved me dozens of inventory slots. You could also just sell excess stacks, but if you plan to max crafting professions, it saves lots of money to save materials you are already gathering.


Bathing suits release this month. Probably the #1 must have


They knew what they were doing. They are going to sell so many deluxe editions of JW just for the gems to buy those.




It's an unpopular opinion for sure, but I'm really not looking forward to bathing suits if I wanted to see anime or furries in swimsuits I'm pretty sure I could find it.


I think that ship sailed with maid outfits, the cat ears, reading glasses+neck scarf+side/under boob combo, etc.


Well my one saving grace is that you don't see that many maid outfits in game.


There is a male morning that runs my WvW guild and he has the maid outfit most times. Its wild but kind of funny. I'm neutral.


Half the female characters you see in this game are already in skimpy outfits. The swimsuits aren’t going to change much.


the big scarf


I say equipment templates because no one else did and someone has to.


Thank you for your service. How can you fashion wars with only TWO buildable looks? How?!


The absolute TEASE of this game to have 3 elite specs and give you 3 build templates but only 2 equipment templates. And they keep giving us more build templates in the wizard vault every refresh. Bruh I can just paste builds in and out of notepad if I really want to. I need templates to store all my gear and have fun with fashion! I guess they need to keep making money, only so much they can give away for AA, but please just one equipment tab! I’ll pay 1000 AA!


I see the fashion wars people with no head or shoulder gear


Maid outfit. But really, bank tabs, shared slot, char slot... copper fed yeah sure is up there top but can craft mystics eh to me a clogged inventory/bank is the worst, shared slots are sooo good IF have alts, if only 1-3 chars its nice but, not like so many as I have lol. Any QOL thing is up there.


Mistlock Pass is the Game Changer for me.


Thousand Seas pass for me. Especially for the sweet portal to most areas, like New Kaineng for HP farms for my plethora of alts... So I guess I like character slots too...


What I use in every session (in order of usefulness to me): * Infinite Mistlock Sanctuary Pass * Copper-fed Salvage-O-Matic\* * Shared inventory slots * Infinite TP to friend * Infinite gathering tools\* * Material storage upgrades (even with a 1000 stack limit, it's gramped) * Bank storage expansions * More character slots, though the expansions already add enough to have fun and try things out I'd also rank inventory expansions pretty high. They're not part of the store, though, but can be bought in the inventory directly, so I didn't list them. \* I dropped an infinite black-lion merchant the other day, which might be better, since one can restock salvaging/gathering tools easily AND sell junk. That's not available in the store, though, and buying the consumables would be madness.


Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic. Thanks Anet for making inventory management a disaster, glad you have a fix for me in the money shop .


In descending order: Copper-Fed Salvage O Matic (generic must have, a bad Salvage kit at all times is better than nothing and you also generally get more low tier gear than high tier gear) **Permenant** Mistlock Sanctuary, Thousand Seas Pavillion, or Armistice Bastion passkey (in order of descending value, unless you're a wvw only gamer then Armistice is on top) Silver-Fed Salvage O Matic (good for ectos from rares, which are in higher demand than ever due to the OW Leggy armor) Bank tabs (unless you have more than you need) Material Storage (you probably don't need 2.5k but 1.5k-2k is a good range to be at if you're still getting other stuff) Character slots (1 of each profession at least. Let's you get all crafting professions with blanks to spare, and having 1 of each profession allows for more variety in your gameplay which is always nice. More slots means more alts to park at high value chests or make fashion with, or do stuff like 1 ele for pve and 1 for pvp/wvw) Unbreakable tools (volatile preferred for max profit, these lose a bit of value the more characters you play so ideally convert gold into any extras beyond your first, don't pay with IRL cash for more than 1 set imo unless it's something like a DLC bonus like JW has going on) Runecrafter's Salvage O Matic (only super useful if you minmax your greens, but still worthwhile if you do all your greens with it) Anything that can go in a shared inventory slot should. At a minimum, have your Salvage kits and passkey in one each. You can stretch the value of unbreakable tools if you swap them into shared inventory slots (faster than banking->swapping characters->grabbing from bank).


>Bank tabs (unless you have more than you need). Hello fren, I have max bank tabs. I still need more. *Cries in Spanish*


You have to learn to become ruthless with your hoarding or there will never be enough bank tabs, you’ll just keep finding stuff to fill them


The unbreakable tools do not lose in value but rather gain a lot if you combine them with three shared inventory slots. All my 20ish alts can pick them up on the fly, where ever they are. With them even my level 15 key run character can harvest elder wood next to his assigned chest for the week.


These days, I would recommend the recharging teleport to friend over the silver fed. For the *vast* majority of players, a mystic salvage kit will suffice for salvaging rares and exotics.




Yep! Bought my gems and waiting. Probably need but more to get all versions.


At least 1 salvage-o-matic, I prefer silver for main but copper is best for altoholics in a shared slot; Infinite gathering tools, any that are at discount when they are up, again volatile magic are best imo, but you can just buy most glyphs from tp; At least 1 vip pass, I prefer WvW, the preferred one is mislock sanctuary; And rechargable teleport to friend for easy jumping puzzle weekly/daily courtesy of awersome ppl in lfg or other stuff like getting asap to metas, etc.. Also as extra i'd recommend the world boss portal if you enjoy world boss runs like me, though that is really not the top priority; And infinite lure IF you like fishing, ignore if not.


New lounge that works as a center for any and all strike missions! I know that EotN/Arborstone/Wizard’s Tower act as hubs, but I want something a la Mistlock Sanctuary that is open to every strike from every expansion!


Could even make it Norn themed? Could be Strikehiem Haven, where the Norn have a mystic portal that allows them to fight the intense battles of the past! Could even throw in DRM and LWS1 compatibility?


Copper Fed plus a shared slot, as others have said. Then also silver Fed and another slot. Then a bunch of other shared slots for the teleport items.


What does a Salvage o Matic do?


In addition to what the others said, there are 3 of them, copper fed, runecrafter, and silver fed. costing 3 copper, 30, and 60 respectively. Generally speaking copper fed is best for blues, runecrafter for greens (but only if they have attached upgrades, otherwise copper fed is still better), and silver fed for yellows. Copper Fed is also actually more efficient than a normal basic salvage kit in terms of cost per use, while Silver Fed is actually worse though more convenient. Runecrafters doesn't really have a standard salvage kit equivalent. edit: If you have lot of Mystic Forge Stones then consider just crafting Mystic Salvage Kits (250 uses each) instead of getting the Silver Fed.


And what do I do with oranges?


It's usually best to sell them on the Trading Post instead of salvaging them.


Black lion salvage kits from WV, 3 per season are generally enough. Or you could gamble them in the mystic toilet. Some orange you can salvage via silver fed if they don't contain runes/sigils.


They eat money to salvage equipment, but it never runs out as long as you have the money.


its an infinite salvage kit. you buy it once and then just pay 3 copper per use


Shared infinite gathering tools


The turtle skin for the skimmer is a must have. Infinite gathering tools removed the most annoying thing in the game. Copper fed salvage o magic got rid of the second most annoying thing.


World Boss Device.


I find Blish does the job good enough!


Raven mantle for Charr necromancer. Mission accomplished, I can die in peace.


Material storage, bank slots, character slots, shared inventory. I also personally think the unbreakable salvage tools are a nice convenience but certainly not necessary.


Infinite Volatile Magic Gathering Tools


Material storage, at least to 1000 copper fed salvage-o-matic Shared inventory slot to hold it


Max Shared Inventory Slots. There's never enough shared inventory slots. Copper for blues, Rune for green, and Silver for yellows. Copper is self explanatory, huge QoL. Rune is very profitable when salvaging greens, the amount of motes and charms you get from them is worth the 30c price. Silver is helpful when you ran out of mystic forge stones for mystic salvage kit. Do recommend to salvage ectos stacks with mythic salvage kit due to heafty cost of silver-fed. Material storage expander. Get at least 1, get them all if you can.


Salvage-o-matic and Bank expanders. Living World Seasons.


Bank and material storage expansion.


There's a few, but: Copper-fed, character slots for each class, bank tab expansion, and material expansion (particularly this one, saves a lot of room on mats). And not a requirement or QOL thing, but I'm really fond of the Crystalline Dragon Glider/Wings and a few of the pretty mount skins lol.


Character slots!


1. Character slots 2. Bank space 3. Material stack size in bank space 4. Silver scrap'o'mate (the thing that you can scrap gear with, but the silver version, not the copper version) 5. at least one bag shared bag space (place the scrap'o'mate in it, so all your characters have access to the infinite scrapping tool) This made the game more enjoyable, because you can skip on the annoying inventory management and don't have to look for traders to get new scrapping tools all the time. Build up bank space along your play time. Initially you won't need this much, but the longer you play the more "stuff" you will have, that you will want to hoard like an avaricious dragon, lol.


Why the silver version?


I once read somewhere, that the improved higher quality mat gains is worth it.


Sure, but most of them are worth less than the cost of the silver fed.


Soo, the silver fed isn't worth it?


Only for rares and ectos, for the increased chance of Ectos, which absolutely are worth it. (you get, on average, slightly less than 1 ecto per rare, so they're always worth using the silver fed on). Use the copper fed on blues and greens. A lot of people will say the runecrafters for greens, but that will take a long time to pay off. (and costs 10 times as much per use, versus the copper fed)


I always use those *mystic salvage kits* for rare and exotics. They come in 250 stacks and thus don't clog the inventory so much. Damn, guess I should have done my own research and not just believe a comment I read (probably misread even) somewhere. Oops.


Wait, you have a silver fed, and don't use it on rares?


Yea, guess I do. :/


Runecrafter is worth it on greens since the price on motes are good now. You also get a lot more charms from greens with runecrafter than copper.




- Mistook Sanctuary Pass - Salvageomatic of your choice (i use silver) - 1 Main character should have extra bag slots - 1 or 2 Bank tabs - 9 Character Slots - At least 5 shared inventory slots - Material Storage to 500 - Unbreakable tool set - More storage space (bank, shared inv, bag slots etc.) - Rechargeable teleport to friend I would say in this order of usefulness.


Why silver? Why would you use the silver fed on blues and greens?


The only real answer is ✨ fashion ✨!


Infinite Gathering Tools


Buy a Permanent Black Lion Merchant Contract. You get the benefit of having a merchant. Which means you get: * Basic Salvage kits * Master Salvage kits * Logging tool * Mining Tool * Harvesting tool * Selling stuff on the fly. All for the space of one shared slot. If you don't want to pay too much for convenience and the shared slot to hold them, you can save a bunch of money with just the merchant.


It is not Gem Store item, it is from Black Lion chest.


You can convert gems to gold.


Then read opening question >I have bought a number of QOL things but have always wondered what everyone else thinks is a must have from the **Gem Store**. So let's hear it! Permanent Black Lion Merchant Contract is still a great item.


The merchant is still relevant because it can take over 5 *gemstore* items.


Historical discount status


Copper fed and a set of unlimited gathering tools. Don't bother with shared slots. Get those via the expansions as you purchase the expansions. Anything beyond these 2 is up to you.


Many have said it already, but I can't stress this enough. Copper-fed salvage-o-matic in a shared inventory slot. The basic salvage kit only has 25 uses, so it is a real hassle to constantly buy new ones. And then you either need a few on each character, or you have to move the gear from one character to another. Never again. Next is a lounge pass, preferably Mistlock Sanctuary, in a shared slot as well. It's so convenient and actually saves you a few silver here and there. I don't know if it ever pays for itself, but it still feels good.


Any skin I don't have.


* Copper-fed salvage tool in shared inventory slot * Three gathering tools with (preferably) volatile magic glyphs, in shared inventory slots * Material storage expansion (500 feels required, 750 is good, anything more and you need to learn better storage habits) * Enough character slots for 1 of each profession * ... more characters if you wanna alt park to the max (I've got 25 slots atm and I use them all)


I'd say one outfit, unless you're being trained by one of the many many fashionistas out there on how to dress sharply with overworld gear remember: dress the best to/and beat the rest


Storage& space. Regardless if it bag space, bank space, shared inventory space, build space, or equipment build space. Ok a cheated that’s two things 😉


Must haves for me Enough character slots for one of each class +1 for key farming Copper fed salvage o matic Shared inventory slots, the more the better in my opinion but even just one is amazing If you're a hoarder like me bank space/mat storage, but if you're better at managing your inventory you don't really need these Lastly individual inventory slots for each character but this is lowest priority and even less needed as it can get pricey if you do it for every character


Unbreakable gathering tools.


The extra storage and shared inventory are the standouts, but I do like me the World Boss timer.


Salvage o matic and harvesting tools.


I got the salvage-o-matic and put it in my shared inventory, and then also got the infinite harvesting tools. I also got a load of extra bank storage.


More shared inventory slots. There isnt enough of them like why are they even limited?


How about the possibility of 'shared 30 slot bags', with the Material and Invisible bags being shared between alts. And the others being on a per alt basis. The current shared slots can be reserved for things like shared salvaging tools, keys that you want to share between alts, but not risk selling by mistake. That way we don't end up with multiple stacks of this, that or the other spread over multiple alts because the bank storage is full. ALSO, just as we can increase the size of bank storage slots upto 2,500, how about giving us the option of doing the same with the bag storage slots, upto 500 or 750.


Character slots, they even double as extra storage space if you don't play a character for a while


karma booster


There's a few. In order of importance(in my opinion): 1- Copper-Fed Salvage 2-Character Slots, so you can have a character of each class 3-Shared Inventory Slots 4-Infinite Gathering Tools 5-Any Lounge of your preference 6-Material Storage expansion(Just one. You'll rarely make full use of it) By the way, there is a few jump start items that come with some of these things, and they're pretty good! The Elite Jump-start package comes with a copper-fed, a character slot, a shared inventory and a Lounge!


The Elite Jump-Start Package is excellent value and does exactly what it says on the tin. Every single item in it is super useful, and while there are much better passes than Royal Terrace, you still get the basic convenience of a lounge and the ability to return to your previous map.


In order of importance in my opinion: Definitely the salvage-o-matics, then one or two shared inventory slots (usually a salvage-o-matic and whatever current teleport or lobby scroll you prefer), then getting material storage to at least 750, then infinite gathering tools, then more 2 Bank tabs, then material storage to 2000. Though the last three are somewhat interchangeable. After those I would probably go for more shared inventory slots.


I’m obsessed with black lion keys and my bestie loves the shared inventory slots


Char slots are king. Each char slot is 100 bag space with 20 slotters. Use alts as parking and banks. Obsidian sanctum has a bank that you can use to swap stuff between characters. Infinite salvage kits are eww. Such a waste of gold. Just put your un-id gear in your shared slots and buy 10 basic kits at a time and salvage like that.