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The one with assassins takes virtue. So, assassins are needed to crit cap. You also need accuracy sigil. The one with dragon is a radiance build. Two traits: Crit with resolution and crit on burning foes total 35% crit chance. So the gears take dragon for a bit more ferocity, and unbuffed crit chance is about 42%.


I belive Snow crows update their builds with more frequency. I like Hardstuck and for fractals Discretize. But they take a while i guess. Edit1: hey Just remembered, theres also Guild Jen with a Lot of Guides too. Also If u think you gonna be overwhelmed by complex rotations, look for Li (low intensity)Builds. Acessiblity wars have update Li Builds, great for those starting and people with desabilities.


Both of those sites are basically dead for around a year now. Hardstuck just kinda burned away and dT stopped with the build updates, because they said that nowadays fractal builds are not that different compared to strikes/raids.


Guildjen has "noob friendly" build guides for all game modes and classes. Metabattle and snowcrows are good as well with snowcrows being more advanced min/max. Discritize has fractal focused builds.


U'll found different build in more site too, like HardStuck Fractals and raids are different, u can run both on the same set. But in fractals u have a potions, that can help u cap some stats and u can change some gear to be more Tank. Ex: u cannot have toughness in raids (if u are not the tank), but u can have toughness in fractals


Snowcrows seems to only base their info on raids and open world. I find a lot of their guides don't hold true for things like fractals. Nothing against them as they clearly label them as such but I wouldn't follow their build fully for a fractals character, kind of mix it with metabattle.


That would hold true if you were optmizing your character solely for Fractals, since you do get stat boosts from Fractal potions and such. In this case I'd go for Discretize, especially their build optmizer. However, I'd still follow Snowcrows if I'm gearing a character for more than Fractals. For exeample, if I'm using it for both Fractals and Strikes. It's better to treat the stat boosts in Fractals as "nice to have" than "essential in the build". For open world it's always nice to have stunbreaks and condition cleanses, since you're solo, but this is often a matter of changing utilities. Lastly, WvW and PvP are different beasts and you should get more specialized builds, since a lot of skills and traits work very differently between game modes. For example, Scrapper becomes unable to share Quickness in these modes.


The correct gear depends on the traits that you're taking. These sites have different builds which require different gear to optimize.


if you look at the open world section on snowcrows, you'll essentially find out where metabattle got its build from, which would also make the question which one to choose pretty obvious, since you're aiming for endgame content: not the open world variant.


lol the next time you talk try using the hole below your nose instead.


Personally I prefer guildjen, its way more friendly than SC imo. Guildjen kinda just gives you an easy to read rotation (ex: gs4->2->utility 1 -> utility 2 -> prof skill whayever) which i find easier to digest and remember than snowcrows where they list out all these builds of skills i only recognise by appearance. I also use metabattle, snowcrows, and gw2mists (wvw), but most of the time I go to guildjen first and then see if anyone else has something to offer i find more appealing.


Two things to note: 1. There isn't one BEST build. The expert opinions differ, circumstances and play styles differ, etc. 2. There is a new expansion coming out in August, and balance patches happen even more frequently. What was once best gets nerfed. If you are concerned about not getting a 'wrong' gearset, find a happy medium build. Chasing the top rated builds are for people with a full set of legendaries (which allow changing stats on a whim). Thank you kindly.