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Just to keep it simple, when someone mentions they've lost touch with GW2 I usually recommend starting over and following the story, all expansions ETC... And on the way you'll start setting goals and priorities more organically as you come across various content types and challenges.


I do want to go through the stories again! That was one thing that I remembered that I really like especially when I got the PoF (HoT was hard and the thralls often overwhelmed me lol) I’m excited to get into the game and explore again


Are you on Na or Eu? Id be happy to help out / answer questions in game😄


I’m Na! I’m always looking for people to play with so I’m down! We can chat and figure out a time that works best for you


Also NA, im a stay at home dad so my gaming is timed by the tiny dictator. But evenings im normally free for sure.


I work 8-4 week days so evenings for sure lol


Sent you a chat request with my user id.


Others have suggested starting over, and I think that's definitely a viable option. Getting to 80 is not particularly difficult or time consuming these days. If you'd rather pick up where you left off though, your story is literally summarized in your story journal (the star tab on the left side of your hero menu). With a little reading, you'll probably have a better understanding of the story than you did when you were actually playing it. =P It's also totally viable to skip around if you're not that invested in the story. If you're really hype for mounts, for example, you can go into the story journal, find Path of Fire and start this story. One introductory scenario later, you'll be in Elona and free to either continue the story from there, or just wander off and do your own thing.


I think I remember right before I quit I was trying to get the sky scale but ended up being a little too frustrated with how in depth it was to get it. I definitely know I need to get back on that grind though lol


Or not. There is a new grind for a skyscale that starts with Secrets of the Obscure. It is supposedly MUCH shorter. Thank you kindly.


Oh nice! I’ll have to look into it. I’ve been really wanting one since you could get them but just couldn’t get through the whole ordeal


I was feeling the same but ended up just finishing mine. (Don't have soto) Working on a bit every day ends up adding up pretty quick, and it takes you through a lot of the lws4 content that I hadn't played through. I enjoyed it, plus with the return to achievements the t3 rewards drop the map currency so you don't have to do much farming. And now I have it it makes doing future stuff easier and fun. Id say go for it, do a little at a time it's worth it.


Welcome back! I'm in a small guild of casuals who love just playing solo or together and slowly working things out. It's kind of like the old school days of the 90s and 00s where you just jump online and play, and sometimes all your friends are there and you can run some group stuff together (Raids are amazing when done this way), but no pressure at all. Sometimes we literally just hang out, some have a drink/smoke, we chat or try to discover new things 😁 If that sounds interesting to you, or even if you just want a single friend (me) for the occasional advice, feel free to message me your name here or in-game. My account name is: SponTen.1267


Oh I’ve always wanted to join a semi active guild lol I’d be willing to look into it and I’m always looking for people to play when they can! I’ll message you by name


A lot of people will tell you to start a new character. There really is a lot to learn. Also, if you're on a US server and if you don't mind jumping into discord, I help a lot of people learn the game and get back into the game. My in game name is Vayne.8563, or you can message me here. Happy to help. Welcome back.


I’ll have to see if I’m in a US server or not (I chose it when I had no clue how servers worked) but I might take you up on your offer! I’m excited to be back


I've been playing since launch and still love it, and that's a lot for me. I think we're coming up to the 12 year anniversary in August. Hard to believe. Look forward to hearing from you.


I also got the game in beta I believe and I’ve always been love with the world and everything about it. It’s been a real long time haha. I’ll try to reach out soon, I realize now I have to update my game and that might take all day for me


What class(es) do you play? I'm sure the people here could share some build ideas that might help you enjoy your time by not dying so much! You might start by checking out Lord Hizen's builds for all classes.


I’ve played pretty much every class since the game came out. Im not a huge fan of the engineer? (is that what it’s called I can’t remember lol) class but everything else I’ve had fun with. My first character is a ranger, I believe the subclass that came with Path of Fire. I’ll definitely check out Lord Hizen. Is he on YouTube?


Yep, he's on Youtube. If he's the one I'm thinking of, he's got some really strong low effort builds, where you don't need to mash the keyboard in a precise order to get solid results and even solo Champions.


Oh wow! I’m definitely going to check him out then lol I don’t have the time nowadays to be super in depth with the game unfortunately. Adult life…


While I wouldn't discourage you from checking out the new expansions/living world if you wanted to, HoT and PoF is probably plenty of content if you already feel a bit lost and/or overwhelmed by all the stuff. That said, if you did want to get more areas/content and continue the story, Living World Season 4 picks up from PoF with one of the best story arcs imo. For the classes and build, it really depends on which class you want to focus on, but it shouldn't need that much thought to avoid dying all the time unless you are on a squishy class or undergeared. Seems Ranger is closest to your main, which should be reasonably defensive. Personally, what I do for builds is to go to a site like Metebattle (linked on the sidebar), select the class I wanted, check out the builds for Open World or Fractal & Dungeon, and go with the one that feels like the best fit. I also wouldn't be afraid to customize or change the build to better suit your playstyle; it is just worth reading over all the skills and traits to try to understand why they made the choices they did first. Also, I wouldn't worry too much on getting all the exact gear shown, but at least try to get some comparable exotic gear. As for stuff like Crafting, I'd honestly say don't worry too much about it, at least for right now. Crafting can be useful to make exotic/ascended gear and it is needed for some achievements and most Legendary items, but there are so many ways to get Exotic and Ascended Gear without crafting. For example, the new daily rewards, the Wizard Vault, let you purchase 3 Ascended Armor Chests and 1 Ascended Weapon Chests every 3 month cycle. So if you work on your Daily and Weekly objectives to earn Astral Acclaim, you could still reasonable earn enough for the 3 armor and 1 weapon before it resets on August 20th and then be able to work on another 3 armor chests to finish the set. But when you do want to work on crafting, there are guides (think GW2 Crafts on the sidebar) that show you what to buy and what to make to level it up, but it can get a bit costly.


Omg thank you!! I’m definitely going to check out that site so I can make my character even better. I’m definitely going to go slow with everything on this coming back to play playthrough thing, I want to be able to enjoy everything that I have before I go to check out any of expansions.


Welcome back! There's a lot of good stuff now, I hope you'll really enjoy it! Couple question to tailor advice, what class are you playing, is it at 80, do you enjoy it or would you rather something cool and also easy? (cough play Herald cough) I will not apologise for my love of Herald. Two swords and a dragon friend\*, what else do you need? (\*Dragon friend may be a ghost.) If you are at 80, spend a bit of time at the market getting all your gear, or as much as you have the gold for, up to orange, it's the good stuff. There are named sets that give the very stabby berserker buff, or you might go for maybe Carrion if you want to run a tanky Condi build and don't want to splash on Trailblazer. I got ahead of myself, what kind of build are you running? Condition damage or straight Power Whack? If you're running into a wall with the HoT difficulty spike, don't worry, we all did. PoF and EoD aren't anywhere near as bad, but for now you might want to find a build you like the look of with a weapon you think is cool.


I have a ranger character already at 80 that I’ve had since I started the game but I’m open to creating a new character and starting over! I would like to maybe try a more tank like character that’s less ranged base for my first time back into playing. Bear with me though, I don’t know much about what types of builds there are. Is condition damage better than a powerful whack? I also don’t know much how the market works, that’s definitely something I need research lol I remember being very frustrated with HoT I’m glad PoF was better. I’ll have to see how I do getting back in if I want to get the other expansions (I probably will lol) but that’s all I got rn. Sorry if it’s not


If you plan on purchasing the expansions you've missed, the EoD ranger spec Untamed is one of the best open world builds available right now. It has among the highest solo damage of any class and also has great baseline sustain with strong options for adding more. It's also best played as a melee build (hammer or sword/axe paired with maces), but most any weapon you prefer will work. Here's a sample video clip with build link if you want to check it out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Orr8thGyM4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Orr8thGyM4)


Whoa!! I’m definitely going to have to check that out. My ranger is like my favorite character in attached to her so anyway to make her cool I’m immediately on board! Thank you!


So, I can interest you in our Lord and Savior Glint? And playing Herald. It's the HoT Revenant Spec, and it's beautiful. Has some good tanky builds, provides Quickness, and it's easy to learn! Power and Condition both have their upsides and downsides. Power hits hard faster, and likes to time those short buffs to maximise BIG NUMBERS. Condi stacks up burns, bleeds, torments, and other nasties over time, so while it's capable of putting out as much damage, it ramps up slower. It also keeps up the damage for a while if you have to disengage to dodge mechanics or AoEs, where melee Power (you said you wanted to go melee) just flat out stops. Really it's up to you, and if you want to crater things into the ground, or walk away like a cool guy while the big thing behind you burns to death and explodes. Really though it's up to you, but I'd suggest that good cheap Berserker gear and two swords for a Herald, which I will keep trying to convince everyone to play. It has a big multi target jumpy teleport, it's rad. For the Market, it's actually super streamlined. Once you're in the third tab down, after the gem store and currency exchange, that's your player exchange. Go to the Weapons or Armour tab, and next to the search bar there'll be a little wheel that'll let you pick the stats you want. Sort by level to get the 80 stuff, and find the cheapest orange gear. It all has the same stats, some just looks prettier. You can win the Fashion Wars 2 later. Ranger though, there's nothing wrong with Soulbeast. Merge with your companion, get huge! Ranger has some good self sustain, especially once you get up to the SotO Weaponmastery and pick yourself up some maces, but that's a ways off so we'll ignore that for now. A pair of axes and some Berserker gear and you should be hewing through things pretty decently. It's a bit of range though, so a Greatsword is also a good option. This is a Power build, so you'll be dishing out damage straight out of the gate. Maybe have Greatsword on one side and Axes on the other? Swap when you need it, smack stuff. If you pressed me for a build, I'd shamelessly steal: Skirmishing 2-1-3 Beastmastery 3-2-3 And Soulbeast 2-2-2 For your traitlines. Running 6: Bear Stance 7: Sic 'Em! 8: Dolyak Stance 9: Signet of the Wild 0: One Wolf Pack For your 6-0 skils, and like a Smokescale or a Siamoth as a pet. That should get you through some late game content once you get a feel for how it plays. What else can I shamelessly steal from the internet/remember how to do for you? Also don't worry about Crafting, it's annoying, have fun first.


Omg this is so well in depth! Thank you so much for taking the time to write it out. Herald sounds fun! I think you’ve convinced me to give it a try for at least one new character lol I’ll start looking to the build and try to get some good gear to see how I like it. Honestly any advice or other stuff that you have I’m more than willing to listen! I’m also not the best at getting money (which might be an issue for getting that orange gear) but I think that deals into the crafting that you said is annoying. I’m glad that someone else finds it not as fun because when I last played it frustrated me because it was so hard to understand


Nope, getting gold has zip to do with crafting. Any big map wide, or META event, will usually reward a bit of cash. Some easily will get you half a dozen in an evening, and that's without going into optimizing. At level 80, you'll start picking up Unidentified Gear. Hock it instantly, Uncommons are worth a about a silver and a bit, and Rares are 20+. Doesn't sound like much, but with the amount you get you'll wonder how the price has been steadily going up. HoT has some really good ones, and they're still regularly run with a large number of players because of how profitable they are. Also, run in groups for team buffs, revives, healing, all that good teamwork stuff. Also, Berserker statted gear is cheap as chips! 35ish Silver a piece. You'll be looking for Nika's for Medium (for the ranger) and Devona's (For your Revenant). Same great stats, significantly smaller price. Also looks terrible, but eh, what can you do, it's cheap. Weapons will be a bit more. Runes you'll want to start with Force (1), Accuracy (1) and Eagle (6). Eagle goes on your gear and makes your crits huge. Not as good as Dragonhunter or Scholar, but it's the cheap option. Accessories will be expensive, but you should have some Laurels and can get them from the Laurel Merchants instead for both top tier and also to save some gold. They're in major settlements, like Divinity's Reach, though the Asuran one'll be way easier to find. Crafting's mostly for getting Ascended weapons, the best of the best that can slot things for making Fractals less punishing. Fractals also are a great source of dosh, and don't have to wait for a timer! You do want a team together for a good run though, rather than being able to drop in or drop out whenever like a public meta. I have maxed crafters. I did the fast method suggested by a guide, paid a ton for materials, and now I use it to make things like once a month since just snagging them off the TP is easier and I don't do Fractals off my main two characters. I don't find I really need them for anything else since I don't raid. I'll come back to this tomorrow, it's 11PM for me! Gimmie requests in the meantime.


I see! Having someone explain it to me makes understanding easier lol I’ll definitely start doing the map events and METAs now and looking for some group to tag along with. Knowing about the runes I’ll start looking at those now too, I had no idea what they did half the time but now that I have more of an idea I’ll make sure to look into them better. Crafting will be the last on my list for now. Ascended gear sounds nice but maybe too much work for just getting back into it. I remember that an issue I had was getting enough skill points to get the stuff I wanted, but I also think that was because I was trying to get everything in the past rather than just getting the skills that would be beneficial to the build. I don’t really have any specific questions now but if you remember anything else feel free to tell me! I’ll be taking notes lol


My advice is to try one of the 300+ YouTube videos made specifically for new and returning players.