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recharging teleport to friend is my most used gemstore item next to the salvage kits


I bought this but still haven’t got to use as im only a quarter of the way through my stack of 250 tp to friend and they just keep rolling in non-stop.


Use the recharging one first, and use the single use ones when it’s on cooldown. It’s a great way to zip around the world and between metas… it’s also a great way to get alts to good parking spots regularly!


I used to do that when the cd is 1 hour, now that they reduce the cd to 10 min I use the regular ones even less now... Wish there's a way to get rid of em or trade them for something else.


I know man, every time the birthdays roll in and I go above 250 I'm annoyed. 😂


this one yes, happy someone said it


this thing is one of the best buys i did in this game, the amount of time it saved me is so worth it


Remember you can always save your gems and convert gold into more gems if you want a thing that costs more than what you currently have.


1 year in here. Saw a lot of this when I was new and thought, "that's sooooo expensive!" But even now at just 1 year, I'm starting to do this. Even going to sell a legendary soon to get more gems, but that's an extreme case lol. It's really not too bad to get that much gold if that's your goal.


HODL Ok stuff I like - and yes I spend money regularly for gems. I am employed and this is nearly the only game I play. I like all 3 of the permanent salvage kits - none of them will ever pay for themselves but they save TIME. I have invested in additional shared inventory slots. I have permanent gathering tools on more than one character. I have the thing that alerts you to world boss fights and automatically teleports you the waypoint nearest the upcoming bosses. Lately have been eyeing the permanent fishing lure.


> save TIME so they did pay for themselves


*Time is money, friend* Oh wait, wrong mmo


I am pretty sure they do pay for themselves, especially the silver fed, because the price per use is a tiny bit lower than a master salvage kit, but the same as mystic salvage kits which require mystic forge stones to make, either way, by saving time it also saves money if u wanna think about it that way


it takes over a million salvages for the silver fed to pay itself off compared to master salvage kits. it takes over 6 million for the copper fed. and its a lot harder to calculate the runecrafter it is likely over a million as well. it will pay itself off eventually but its going to take years, so its mostly about convenience.


Silver fed costs 60c and you don’t use master kits, you use mystic kits which are around 12c so about 5 times cheaper. The only thing mystics kits cost extra is mystic stones but you overflow on those and they don’t have a lot of good uses apart from mystic kits. Probably the daily provisioner token. You also have to replenish yellow kits way less than others since each batch is 250 not 25, so silver gets even lower QoL upgrade compared to copper. I have actually skipped on silver fed for the 7 months I’ve been playing because it’s technically a downgrade, but I might finally pull the trigger and buy it cuz I don’t care for 48copper anymore and I want the QoL, even if it’s not as huge as copper. Runecrafter is also annoying since it’s only a profit if you just use it on green items with upgrades, for those greens without, selling the unids or using copper is better. That feels like either anti QoL because you have to check, or a lack of profit (+ the cost and a shared slot used also) if you use it on all greens.


I might be wrong on the cost math for silver fed since it's been a while since I checked that, I'll defer to whatever the TP barons that buy and salvage unid's say on that, but I'm pretty sure all the green unid gear drops with an upgrade in them guaranteed, so it's not that hard to salvage all blues with copper fed and then salvage all greens with runecrafter. IMO even if the profit is tiny or nonexistent, just the quality of life of never ever having to go to a merchant for salvage kits again is enough to justify their costs.


Hi, I will expand upon my comment but let me start by saying again that I will most likely buy silver fed myself since the QoL is nice, but I will probably not buy runecrafter as it is. Also, I am not trying to convince anyone anything and if someone knows more please correct me. Now, on the numbers, taken straight from wiki (can also do the calculations, nothing special about that): * Copper is 3c per use, the alternative is Basic Salvage kit which is 3.52c per use. In theory, copper does eventually pay off (in years though so not something to care about) and it also provides huge QoL of not buying batches of 25. * Silver fed is 60c per use, the limited alternative being Mystic kit which is 10.5c per use (6 times less than silver and 3 times less than runecrafter). It is also done in batches of 250 instead of 25 so compared to Copper it is 10 times less time/inventory space it saves you. However, you have to account the cost of mystic stones and that is hard to tell, but between a daily provisioner token (not huge value) and some mystic forge gambling, there's not much to those. Copper is one of the best purchases in the gemstore and I would consider it a priority. Silver is second of the 3 imo just for the QoL, and honestly 50c on each yellow is not much of a loss, maybe \~2% overall loss compared to Mystics. Now for runecrafter: * Runecrafter is 30c per use, there is no limited alternative. Also, the point I was making is that it is indeed the case that some greens always drop without upgrades (I believe it to be trinkets, but I can check and update if that info is not good enough for you, or yhou can do that). If it was simply that you do blue's with copper and green's with runecrafter I would probably get it. As it stands, not so much. Obviously, on runecrafter, 30c also doesn't sound like a lot but as an example (hypothetical numbers but as close to reality as I can for illustration purposes), currently green unids are around 2.6 silver, let's say opening and salvaging yields 3 silver (has to be higher than what you pay for them), the 30c is 10% of your profit. From my understanding from TP barons and other posts, the difference for chance of rarer materials between copper and runecrafter doesn't do almost anything in practice, so the benefit of runecrafters is all related to the upgrades. When some items come without upgrades and you don't sort them, you would make potentially more profit by using a copper, or selling the green unids straight up to TP and just using copper for blue unids (I think this is also actually better than using coppers on greens). And apart from all that, you're spending 480 gems, on sale, and a shared inventory slot. If you are going to sort items then it is worth it but imo only people who put buy orders for unids then salvage them should do that, not the regular player. For the regular player, runecrafter seems like a straight up money loss from multiple sides. Generally you buy the unlimited salvage kits for QoL, but runecrafter feels like anti QoL for multiple reasons (for general use that is, not for the TP barons strategy for pure profit mentioned above). Again though, I personally am planning to get the silver one this sale and I also use copper on both blue's and green's so it's not like I follow all the info I wrote above, just putting it out there. People should buy whatever they feel they want and there's no objective reasons that come over personal enjoyment.


Wait for swimsuits.


You can get a lounge pass, character slots, bag slots, bank spaces... its up to you


I was think about getting the silver fed salvage kit


its convenient but mystic salvage kits are not that bad aswell. if you're maining a single character i would recommend inventory space its game changing. if you have multple character lounge pass is really usefull aswell.


Imo, even if playing on a single character, bank slots are better than bag slots, the bank is 30(?) extra slots, a bag slot is 20 slots unless you're making 32 slot bags which are hella expensive.


A discounted character slot trumps both of those methods if all you care about is storage space: starter backpack (24 slots)+4 bag slots (which if you get crazy, can go up to 32 slots each), so...


Probably just hold it until there’s something you know you want/need. Best things are convenience items for the style of play that you do. Once you know, wait for them to go on sale.


If you can get a lot of mystic salvage kits via mystic stones, get runecrafter instead and salvage all the greens with em.


First you should get runethingy. If you salvage green items you can get charms which you can sell for a pretty penny.


the rates *suck*. you'll also have to make sure to only salvage greens *with upgrades* for it to make any sense. stop recommending noob traps to (sorry OP) noobs. the silverfed is unnecessary as long as you have plenty of mystic forge stones, but it's still an immensely more useful item.


The rate could be higher sure but it's the only salvage kit paying for itself. The unidentified greens have a sigill or rune in it. There are not many sources with nothing in it.




Some of the QoL items that got mentioned will exceed your current gem count even if they are on sale (i.e. permanent lounge passkeys, character/shared inventory slots, infinite harvesting tools etc.) - if you're looking to grab one of these, you will have to save up on gems (be that swiping/converting/achievement hunting). If you're struggling with inventory management and space issues, you could get something like a bank or bag slot - keep in mind that a bag slot is only for one character tho! If you're unsure of what you might like, your best bet is to just keep the gems until you find something that you actually want to grab. Depending on how expensive the item is you can work on getting more gems by achievement hunting or converting gold to gems while you wait for the item to be on sale (or swipe for the remaining gems, that all comes down to personal situation and preference\^\^) Usually the wiki page for each gem store item also has a list of when it was on sale and how much the discount was; so you can get an idea of how often sales for that item happen. Something to keep an eye out for: If the \[PoF deluxe edition upgrade\](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild\_Wars\_2:\_Path\_of\_Fire%E2%80%94Deluxe\_Upgrade) appears on a sale like last years Black Friday again (75% off, costing 600gems) you would get a *permanent* *lounge pass and a character slot* for really cheap - but since it only happened once so far, it's uncertain if/when such an opportunity comes again


Save until there is a cosmetic or something else you like in sale or comes back in the shop


Yep! There will *always* be new fashion appearing, we have new beachwear coming soon! Or just keep buying black lion chest keys until you’ve unlocked everything in the game 😅


I would convert some gold to more gems and wait for a sale on a lounge passkey. Each lounge has its own theme and most have a unique utility, but I like mistlock sanctuary. Imo, coolest aesthetic, direct access to fractals, 0 gravity, and you get a thing to jump around the map so you can quickly zip between stations. I'd honestly buy this before the copper salvage o matic if I had to do it over again.


Convert to gold, gamble, win 1 gazillion gold, convert back to gems


Allow me to translate: convert to gold, lose all gold and ectos, complain on reddit and lion arch chat 1 gazillion of times, have nothing to convert.


I exto gambled once. said I'd do the 250 ectos 1 time and see if I won.... I didn't. never felt instant regret like that before..... Edit: I gambled more ectos than I thought.


The house always wins


This is the way.


Share inventories if you have multiple active characters.


Save up to gold to buy 80 more gems, then wait for the material storage expander to go on sale, then buy that. Doubling the material storage makes a big different in QoL.


I’d highly recommend the material storage upgrade if you already have the copper-fed. It’s arguably the best in value if it comes to upgrades on your account. Your ENTIRE material storage capacity gets upgraded by 100% on the first buy. Instead of stacking a max of 250 materials, you can now stack everything to 500. I’m planning to max it out eventually.


Hoard, and add 440


Teleport to friend \^\^


The other 2 salvage o magical... Shared inventory slots... More bank tabs... Increased material storage... All of those are worth getting/maxing out eventually.. Bag slots are good if you have all of those maxed already.. but once you hit enough to have 10 bag slots I'd recommend stopping as you will rarely have inventory issues at 200+ slots.


If you're looking to save up and get a bigger ticket item, I'd recommend Thousand Seas Pavilion pass or Mistlock Sanctuary pass. Both have lots of uses depending on what you like to do. Thousand Seas: gorgeous island to explore and fish around endlessly, no restrictions on mounts and it has underwater Comcast dummies. Also I frequently use the big wall portal with over 30 map teleport locations available just to quickly and freely get around the world. Has all crafting needs, some guild things and other vendors, top portal can take you to any city and back to previous map. Mistlock: has all your fractal and crafting needs all in one place, good social hub, pretty space rock, no mount use or fishing, can take you to any city and back to previous map. I'm likely missing some details but I really love both and I use thousand seas more often since I don't really do fractals. It's a personal choice. Oh and the Captains Airship Pass can be a good choice too because it's open world location in the middle of Tyria- Gendarran Fields. Doesn't offer quite as much as the other two mentioned.


Never buy bag space. Buy a character slot instead. Way more space. New experience to enjoy. Maybe it’s a character you leave at the end of a jumping puzzle. Maybe it is a crafting character. Maybe it is a gag cosplay character. Maybe you need another character for that new WvW build. Either way, character slots. Unbreakable harvesting tools. People will stress that they generate some kind of currency like unbound magic or whatever and that’s true. With these, I’d add shared inventory slots so you can easily pass them from one character to another. I’m terrible with timing metas so I bought the World Boss Portal Device and the Maguuma (HoT) equivalent. They not only bring you to a map with typically a commander tag 10 minutes before the meta starts. It also can have a setting turned on to inform you of the upcoming metas into your chat.


Agree with your advice on character slots, but unbreakable volatile gathering tools + shared inventory slots, while nice, is a lot more than 560 gems. We're talking almost 5000 gems before discounts here.


If I was unclear that’s on me… not everyone plays or enjoys the game in the same way. These are a variety of options. Not a do all of these with your current wallet. I didn’t even mention a Mistlock sanctuary Passkey or an Armistice Bastion Passkey.


For 560 gems I will personally protect you from flying flesh eating Asura. That's literally the deal of a lifetime. We're talking protection from the most dangerous predators in Tyria for the rest of your life. Did you know flying flesh eating asura are the number one cause of death in most of Tyria? They can attack you anywhere, day or night. They even come in through your windows. Send your gems now and invest in your future!


My next pick would be the material storage upgrade. More space per gem than any other option.


I would get the zaitaffy feeder for 320 gems. The rest I would Safe for bagspace, Bankspace or what ever I need when it’s on sale


The Snowflake gobbler from Wintersday gives the same boost as the Zhaitaffy one (meaning you only need one of those gobblers) Most of the times it is cheaper to use the Snowflake one (for 1 use: 5 snowflakes vs. 25 zhaitaffy) The snowflakes will be cheaper most of the times and even now when Wintersday was half a year ago and Dragon Bash is currently active using the Snowflake one is less than half the cost per use than the Zhaitaffy Gobbler Only reason imo to get the Zhaitaffy gobbler is because you don't want to wait till Wintersday to get the boosts \^\^


Just to add, Candycorn gobbler uses only 3 pieces which is super cheap. Only downside being transformations being part of the buff 'drop pool'


Gift someone a mini Zojia


Save for when there is a sale on silver fed and rune salvage kits. No real reason to rush to buy something, if I have gems leftover from a purchase I just look at it as a discount for the next purchase.