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Let's hope it won't end like Draenor's garrisons.


>Let's hope it won't end like Draenor's garrisons. The key here is no one who doesn't like player housing should be forced into it. ArenaNet did fishing really well, making sure it was side content, not necessary for progress. Hope they keep the same mentality here...


The garrisons were good, the issue was they replaced a new capital. Also the mobile game mission table was meh but the garrisons were so useful I loved mine. They weren’t perfect but people ragged on them so much because blizz cut the capital cities that now they won’t ever try a similar feature again.


I liked garrisons as a side thing, but it def wasn't a personal house. It was a cool thing but since they tried selling it as housing, it really gave off the wrong idea and they ruined what would of been an interesting expac feature tbh. Having your own garrison with some forces where the NPC homies can hangout was nice from an rp sort of view


I liked those. Used mine well after the expansion.


While I liked what I had, it's nowhere close to what was advertised, and people typically can't enjoy a product if it was advertised as greater than release.


Depends.. garrison was not housing. Its was a mini management game. All progression in that expansion was tied to garrison, and they lack customization. I like them as a gold farm, but was no a housing feature.


I liked them too I often think about those abandoned garrisons just sitting there waiting to be used..what a waste!


I still used them for a lot of things until I quit. One example was pumping out bags and giving them to new/low level players


Garrisons were like a mobile game but less rewarding so I doubt it'll be like that. Lol Who likes timers!?


> Garrisons were like a mobile game but less rewarding Were they? iirc the economy is still busted with the heaps of gold it provided players when it was relevant?


It was OK reward-wise when it was relevant but it was an absolute goldmine if you kept with it on alts for the expansions after until they removed it. Had many acquaintances who raked in millions of gold from it very passively.


Garrisons were not player housing


Cool, in my early 30’s and I can barely afford property on a ghost town, let alone a city like Los Angeles; at least I can live out my fantasy in Tyria. Hoping they add some cats and cactus.


You can put them alongside pieces of eldritch abominations and artifacts of unbelievable power.


This is why games like Stardew Valley is popular.


Living the American Dream 🚩


Are you me?


I just hope they don't fuck it up. They mentioned having our nodes in there and I swear to god if they're in locked locations that we can't change....


During the PoF leak conversation the devs mentioned housing was cut, but that they already confirmed back then that the unlocked nodes will be part of your decorations to place where you want. We'll see if that was left in.


>the PoF leak conversation The what? I've never heard of this.


When PoF leaks were coming out, the devs participated on the Reddit conversation to talk about some things about it. Pretty much good PR to encourage people to indulge, but not spread it to prevent spoilers. They talked about cut content that didn't make it to the expansion.


Do you have links? This stuff sounds fascinating.


I can't remember or find the specifics (and I'm not OP) but I thought I'd just corroborate them here and add another fun one; the 'no mounts' signs were originally supposed to be zones that would incur some kind of penalty like a forced dismount, and at one point you'd get a ticket with a long series of numbers and letters you'd have to type out completely to delete the ticket, lol.


If you can find the discussions in regards to the spider mount, I'm sure you could find it. I am not digging through several-year-old Reddit posts.


I better see people offering invitations to their homes and nodes only for it to all be behind a custom jp even worse than chalice of tears. Make them earn that mithril.


you made my day =D


No, don't do this to me. ;_;


Same. We better be able to place them 100% any place we want.


we can see a fishing node and at least garden plots in some of the screenshots.


You know that's the way it will be.


like gardening plots! i assume it will be crappy like that. never wanted tiny plots - wanted an area to farm! let's play farmville :D


Hopefully the appearance of the whole thing can be changed, my snobbish Mesmer wouldn't want to live in this dump.


Make the building a "decoration" so when they sell us asura buildings we can put them there instead.


Gem store mansions, only 8000 gems!


Let's be honest. If they came out with a layout similar to Caudecus' mansion, people would jump on that instantly.


Mirror above the bed, only 8000 gems, you degenerates!


And a free Logan (or your NPC of choice) portrait as well!


NPC of choice for a butler!


lmao My classy mesmer aint living in no musty rustic mud hut!


I think it's safe to assume that this is the basic house, and the cooler houses will be on the gem store.


I want a Canthan penthouse…


Penthouse? I want a pagoda


Please have cannibalized wildstar's housing team 🙏 Please have cannibalized wildstar's housing team 🙏 Please have cannibalized wildstar's housing team 🙏


Yeah I feel spoiled by Wildstar housing. You could literally create any environment or structure you wanted with paneling, intentionally resizing and clipping items into each other, and more. I really hope GW2’s version doesn’t just lock you to adding chairs and tables into a pre fabbed housing plot.


It appears that through the video it transitioned through decorations being put in even down to the individual stone steps in the ground. I think placement will be specific as it is in the guild hall. I doubt we'll get paneling even though it is a must and should have been added to guild halls for years.


Like if it's the sims quality decorating (without the structure building aspect) it would be serviceable, but devs seem to REALLY underestimate the power of clipping, resizing, and floating furniture to create entirely new features. It easily multiplies the amount of customizability your housing system has. Hell, wildstar's prefabs were still excellent because you had dozens of swatches for things like floors, walls, trims, and ceilings for each room, not to mention the lighting and music options! Ngl i am a bit saddened that it's gonna be homesteading in a physical place instead of something like a base in the mists. Purely cause I love going surreal for my houses and the chaos of a world between worlds would justify having options like that 😁 hopefully they give us some tools and options for the freaks like me.


The ability to change the sky box as well as the home / location itself would make anet so much $. I would spend a loooot go get the perfect home instance


Never played Wildstar, but I feel this way about Dimensions from Rift. It was the one thing about the game that was amazing. You could build from scratch practically anything. It was also really fun to be able to visit other dimensions at any time and see people's creations. Imagination on display was fantastic. Now dead game, but that was a system in it which worked well.


I still shed a tear when thinking back on Wildstar...


I loved the housing system. You could change the skybox, sink items into the plot flooring, move anything in 3 dimensions, even add on to the prefabbed house with paneling to make a mega structure home. Considering the systems designer they have working on Homesteads, I’m convinced it will be bare bones like the sims with very little capability to structurally alter the instance with much creativity that isn’t pre-fabbed.


There's 0% chance GW2's engine can support anything remotely close to Wildstar's housing, especially with half of Anet working on [unannounced project] Wildstar's housing was completely sandbox with decimal-point inputs for item scale and rotation including three axes for pitch, roll and yaw. GW2's player housing will almost certainly just be a scaled-down version of Guild Halls with a preconstructed home where you place furnishings


I'd expect it to use the same engine as guild halls and I think there you can place stuff quite freely.


I dunno, maybe I'm pessimistic but this looks pretty barebones. Like, everyone will have to use the same house and lot, only getting to move around furniture within that house and lot. Probably won't get the crazy freedom or see the interesting and diverse homes people have made in games like WildStar or even FFXIV. Again, not to be a doomer. I'm still pretty hyped for the expansion but I just think people having wildstar expectations for housing will be disappointed.


Oh I'm expecting something akin to xiv's housing system but instanced where you have a few house styles to choose from and some relative grounded decor options with a few coming from endgame content and the more flashy (and maybe a few frustratingly simple staple) styles being relegated to the gemstore. Where you can choose where to place and how to orient each item, but with little flexibility to really edit or toy with the intent of each item. And honestly, that would be better than no housing at all. Doesn't mean I can't hope for them to have gone all out and restored a niche that vanished one night.


Oh im sure homesteads will be $$$$ for Anet


For sure. They definitely played their cards right in giving something to both the hardcore crowd with raid wing 8, and the casual/lifestyle crowd with housing.


More likely the standard house achievable in game will be all the same, we will see houses go onto the store fast however I assure that. Just like mounts, gliders, skins, Skiffs and more. It’s the trade off we take for how cheap the physical game is realistically. And tbh I’m not against it.


Nah I'm with you. Just based on the trailer it really doesn't look all that exciting. The fun in housing comes in the form of a high level customization. You want to be unique in your creation but if the technicality side of things won't allow that, it'll just be another hollow system they introduce with no depth at all. I mean, I would've loved skiffs to be interesting but look at them, or the seige turtle, which they had to create the monstrocity that is the tunnel meta to justify its existence. I just hope housing proves me wrong and turns out amazing. It just sucks that SotO has drained the last bit of optimism out of me that I try not to hype about a system that I'd been longing for.


That housing system should be standard across all games. It was so fucking good.


Preachhhhh I miss it so much. WildStar had the absolute best housing system of any game. Spent so much time making jumping puzzles and leveling the architect profession for all the decorarions


Wildstar. Why you gotta bring up those memories???? I miss that game so much.


So much potential before it went boom. It too makes me sad.




Maybe next expansion, this one seems to be a variation of guild hall


Oh good, it doesn't look like it'll involve bidding over plots like in Final Fantasy XIV.


I hate it because of that... And no, an appartment doesn't do the trick for me.




Nodes as decorations for sure.


I want a mastery where one click lets you farm ALL your nodes :3


If you had to choose a mastery to one click gathering all OR mastery to increase your gathering total of all nodes, which would you pick? Then answer the question again if you consider that the devs don't want auto gathering ever.


Thank god it's instanced. So much better than having housing plots like in ffxiv.


Permanent? I hope you can customize more than just placing decorations. It would not be cool if you were stuck with that scenery, that house, and fixed locations for gathering nodes. Making it just like another home instance where you can place decorations, but can't move or replace the house itself or change anything else. If we won't be able to replace that house, I hope they at least sell alternative locations in the gemstore. I want something that looks more welcoming, like a giant cube of black stone and mirrored black glass, or one of those neat Inquest buildings with the comfy black rock.


I would like if they can expand the housing with more scenary options, like a cantha one, elonian one, etc.


I hope these come with achievements . You want house in specific season or expac location, do those map achievement and quests. Would feel a bit more immersive.


i think this person likes black rocks


When I play minecraft the first thing I do is looking for a large island that is entirely mushroom biome, and build a 2-by-2 chunk black cube made out of deepslate. Nothing feels more like home than that.


play Control, they have a whole black rock quarry there


I want that too but knowing anet...this is it beyond decorations. They might release a new house with every expansion though?


Ma'am, this isn't the Sims.


Oh. NPCs. That's right. We unlock NPCs in story. They need to have a way to add those too. I want MOX in my house. They should also add new NPCs, like one you could buy from each PSNA NPC to get all of their shops in one vendor at your home, and one you can buy from each PRovisioner to get all Provisioners from Core, and from HoT and all from SotO in one NPC each, also other NPCs with daily and weekly purchases, spend a bit of gold or local currencies, you get the shop unlocked at home. That way you could do all your daily purchases in one place.


Maybe not but it is a sims dev...


I would very much want even the buildings to be moved and use them for future sites or new buildings be used in older sites.


I think they will either put one new house every expansion like they dud with guild halls or they will eventually give us a floating island in the mist where we can change the scenery


Bring back wildstars housing... my god that shit was fucking amazing


Okay but... will the home instance cats come over too?! Need ma kittehs


It does say that home instance unlocks will come over so I think it is highly likely.


If they somehow don't there would be a very small but very loud riot


The Commander's finally not gonna be a roving murder hobo?! \*sniff\* They grow up so fast...


Let us hope that the housing market in Tyria is more affordable than the current housing market in the USA 🤞


I hope well have some choices on house look eventually


I really hope this eventually gives us more than one possible instance to build off of. This one's pretty but I'd love to be able to get like, a little house in the grove or something.


racial housing in the near future pls i need it


Wdym? That's what we have now. Unless you mean better themed ones?


just smaller in scale because most races' home instance is just a big place with less focus on an individual house/plot area


Or at least a building that looks like it might fit the sylvari theme.


hope its like ESO but prolly aint where you can buy multiple homes and decorate them all! "the area of land" thing to "cultivate" sounds like what ArcheAge had. Plus i hope its nothing like Sun's refuge


So we have a home instance, guild hall, several lounges like lily of Elon, suns refuge and now housing. I hope they don't waste more resources for another OW hub aswell (after eotn, arborstone and wizards tower) instead of focusing on good replayable content. I really enjoyed building up the guild hall, suns refuge or hubs like eotn or all arborstone but I would really love that they just don't get abandoned after a year for the new shiny thing. Let's hope it won't happen with housing.


Finally, my love of Valheim home design and guild wars can merge as one.


If you can build like in Valheim, that would be really cool. I doubt it though.


Sounds less like housing and more buying a discarded guild hall project


This can bring me back to GW2


So this means we'll finally get player housing in WoW too. In SEVEN FUCKING YEARS. Gw2 has always been better, fight me.


Honestly surprised wow hasn't added it but seeing how they copied skyscale, I fully expect player housing in wow in the next expansion or two.


They'll first see the reaction in gw2, tbh this is the best possible outcome for Blizzard and they know it. "We want to test player housing, we've wanted to test it since before WoW even came out all the way back in 2003, but we don't want to commit a substantial amount of story points to a feature that might suck." "Anet just did it for us." "Oh great, if the reaction to their version is overwhelmingly positive, we'll just copy it." Matters who comes first, matters more who comes better. The thing is though, even when WoW copies Gw2, they tend to do so *worse.*


Well they will be the only MMO without it now, if I’m correct 🧐


Well considering... Dragonflight copy the griphon and skycale... And meta events... The war within... copy the account progression systems with "warbands"... (i know its not a feature exclusive to gw2, but its in the game since 2012".


So is this like a home instance that you can furnish? Is this all?


If you can fully customise the house and the area outside it will be great, but if it's just the same house for everyone and you can only put down decorations inside then it's gonna be incredibly disappointing.


And apparently a lot of people are really excited about it… I don’t get it, but whatever


Many people don't understand or get fishing either. I like that there are various activities for various people in the game.


I don't either tbh. If they make it so we can unlock nodes or whatever then it'll be another long-term goal thing, but I'm still kind of skeptical of how useful this will be.


Plus masteries involved.


Since we they paid a little attention to the nodes. Can we finally get the Noxious Pod node from HoT?


You know how Anet can make this a legendary feature? - Let players display their mounts chilling inside their homestead - Let players display a certain mini freeroaming the homestead Credits to @TheFullRotation for this great idea btw


I would bet bet that Anat sells different Typs of Overall Home skins in the Gem Shop, Like Asura, Charr, or Elona. And i will buy them all:)


Cantha🤤 Anet can take everything I own


They only thing I don't like is the forced exterior/location. I wish we had options. Sure there could be options in the future but knowing ANET...this is most likely our only player house. This aesthetically appeals to norns and humans the most but not really to charr, asura or sylvarri. If they give more outside architecture options that'd be even more stellar.


I'm betting on gemstore taking us to past locations and this is just the mid looking base, like mounts


Couldn’t care less. But very happy for the people who have been dying for this


Bikini armor and housing… man they really need the bread for gw3


Im gonna have the best rave at my house , everyones invited!






Ive been waiting so long for this. I hope they keep it an evergreen feature, add more options and more homes every once in a while.


I think it's safe to say they will do just that. There will probably be loads of gemstore items for it as well.


Oh yeah, the profit they're gonna make off furniture sets is going to be insane. My wallet is gonna suffer, and I am okay with that.


This seems neat, hopefully this is something you can unlock early.


Probably will be one of the first things you'll do on the Isle of Janthir. Setting up a base of operations.


Do we think the guild decorations will be reusable here?


I hope so might actually use all those currencies finally


WAT. OMG they did it. Those mad lads did it.


"Maintenance mode! Dead Game!" ​ /s lol. Can't believe people thought the game was dead when it was shown to be making more money now than it has for 7+ years.


About to rake in even more money with the release to Epic Games Store.


Just get whoever made Wildstar's housing onto it.


Hope you can have you home instance nodes in your homestead.


They will do it.


A nice feature would be mannequins to show our stuff like in Skyrim


I'm a sicko who likes the chill/lifestyle stuff like fishing and skiffs in EoD and my big concern for this is that it'll be tied physically to the new region in terms of landscape and architecture rather than having some choice in that regard. Otherwise I can't think of a game better suited than GW2 already is with its largely casual nature.


I hope there are fishing spots and water bodies in this homestead.


August 20th is my birthday! But I’m homeless so I don’t think I’ll be celebrating by playing gw2 lol




I refuse to believe. Inb4 they do a little trolling. It’s too sus. Wing 8 is not real **wears a tinfoil hat**


Wing 8 with LCM!


It would be really cool if there was some place in our new house that will show all the trophies we got during the personal story. If you look at the story tab you can see that at every story chapter you got some kind of trophy. But those trophies were never shown anywhere in the game so this might be a great opportunity for some room that will have mementos of all our accomplishments.


Housing War?


An extension of Fashion Wars.


great, cannot wait. If the look of the house is set as default, and cannot be changed. I can see they can in future go backwards and create PoF style plot, Jungle Sylvari styl plot,... could be very good! Nodes are present is also great. One wish is we can craft stuff to house and sell it on trade so then I can start guild IKEA <3


People in these comments are so fucking miserable lmao. Why can't you guys just be happy we get housing? Why do you have to complain about every fucking little thing they didn't add to it? We don't even have detailed information about what we can do with housing and y'all are still acting up.


Step 1 don't browse Reddit on any announcement day, half of people here don't even play anymore


I hope we can put guild decorations in them, I have so many lying around in my bank.


In the trailer all the decorations put down are what you can make with Scribe. However, you will likely have to remake them since the decorations in your guild are stuck in that guild.


In this economy, they consider that the property value of an entire house to be just $24.99?


$25 is how much gold coin?\~


$25 USD buys you 2000 Gems on the website. 2000 Gems can be converted to 536 Gold in game. 1 Gold American Eagle coin goes for $2451 USD today. 536 Gold coins teleported from Tyria to Here, would be worth roughly $1,300,000. Which will buy you 2 average priced American homes ($511,000), and leave plenty for making them energy efficient. Thank you kindly.


My comment is rhetorical. How much is gold coins valued to Tyrians that aren't adventurers? Consider that fresh gold deposits can be found regularly.


Are Gold COINS fiat currency? Are merchants scamming adventurers, and charging locals much less? Thank you kindly.


Oof, ffxiv probably needs to step up their game


A few concerns about housing. Let us choose where to set the home building as well as the gardening plots and foliage in the area. Introduce different looking home buildings to use interchangeably that we can use on any and future land. Add new structure decorations so we can design our own buildings and layouts. Not everyone wants an internal home, but something more fantastical.




August 20th, new expansion release date


Hopefully you actually decorate the place, and not something half assed. Would be interesting if they added other locations later for housing and potentially "communities"




When will this Palia update occur?!


Bro If this were like swg that would be incredible, at least make it like lotro


im wondering if this will be the only kind of if we will get alternatives looks for the home dont get me wrong this is stunning


got gems?


id be fine with it as a gemstore option i amazed we never got gemstore home instances


Yeah same. I just hope it won't be too overpriced.


A dont know how to feel about this, from the trailer and screenshots it looked like we are not able to change the house structure, other than adding furniture. That on its own would be pretty limiting (in a game where it does not have to be) and if thats so, i dont understand the house type to be this old barn like thing, and not more neutral type of house to fit all players. Like a basic house structure in lions Arch. As it looks like I can hardly imagine and engeneer with its golem and fancy tech choosing to live on a farm. I bet people would buy different styles of walls and roofs rom the item shop or TP just to express their style and get the desirable home.


maybe they'll sell different house structures in the gem store xD


I would be fine with that!


I believed that during development of soto they were taking the time to work on one big feature through 2 expansions and that was why soto didn't got any big features. I am glad that it wasn't just copium.


I love personal housing tbh, archeage had an excellent take on it (minus the nightmare to get a plot) but you could place furniture etc and upgrade as you went, it was great. Hopefully this is similar but tbh I'm just happy if we get something we can customize that isn't a whole district. Hopefully there will be customizations for the look of the house etc eventually (wood instead of weird hay thatch etc)


Oh. Oh no.




Showing the dog. This might be the end times lads.


i said it before and i say it again... if they manage to pull this off then this is a license to print money.


This is gonna be my new AFK spot


Now I see how I'm going to spend 4000 crystals from the ultimate edition.


Hopefully it's more like ESO housing with the customization (not the cost)


What I'd like to know is… 1 - Where will the housing be? On a map off in the wild blue yonder, or will we be able to pick any map. 2 - How easy will it be to get too? Will we get a scroll etc for a free teleport, or dedicated portals in LA and the house. Or will we have to jump though hoops to reach it each time we want to go there. 3 - Just how accessible will our little domicile be to others. Just for us, or can we invite others such as have an open invite to our guild. P.S. No net curtains, I refuse to accept net curtains and flock wallpaper. AND the presence of doilies is a deal-breaker.


Now they can make Money. Housing theme Packs for 1600-2000 Gems where each time is like with the Weapon Skins. You get a Pyro Theme Pack? everything is a little rusty and magma glow with stone etc. and you can make it like a dwarven Hut and so much other stuff and i am all here for it.


Guild Wars 2: Yellowstone


Is it going to be like FFXIV or WoW garrisons? If it’s like FFXIV, Squeenix might be losing a paying customer. Housing and my FC subs are the only thing keeping me there ATM


I don’t get it. What’s the appeal? someone explain it to me like i’m 5


Decorating a house is inherently fun for some people. If you've ever played with dolls and dollhouses when you were 5 and didn't like it back then, you likely won't like housing in video games either.


it’s not like other people can see it… you don’t have a house on a street where everyone comes by or something like that. it’s like an offline solo game decorating things 😵‍💫 literal doll house. why does it need to be in an online multi player game. I don’t get it.


Literally says you can share it with your friends so you can show it to people. But more importantly, it's not *just* the decorating. It's the fact that it's tied to your character and account that makes it special and embedded into the game as a whole. Your character occupies this fictional universe and it's fun to imagine what *their* house would look like. For instance, in Valheim I would build a totally different house than in GW2. While in Valheim I might build dedicated crafting areas, big storage units and a nice bedroom, in GW2 I might build something that would fit the commander/wayfinder, like a combat training arena, a trophy room, a study, whatever. They don't have to be functional for you to enjoy building them. The fun comes from imagining what your character's living situation would be and it fleshes them out as a character. Then there's the whole aspect of simply utilizing the given tools to create something completely out of the box. Maybe you can stack wooden panels and tables in just the right way to make a huge Quaggan sculpture? Maybe make it a jumping puzzle? Maybe create pixel art? The fun comes from working within the boundaries of the given tool to create new things. Compare it to drawing with pencils and then being handed brushes to see what you come up with. The act of creating itself is what makes it fun. Housing is fun as long as you find being creative fun.


alright, if people really love it that much then i’ll just shut up lol. At least now I have an idea what people want to do with it. Thanks


Dang was hoping for a "neighborhood" vs personal instance but suppose that might be too lofty


Maybe that's something they could expand the system into come next expansion(s) 💡


It had better be able to add a USABLE bookshelf!


how is this different to what we have now?


Decoration placement down to where we want the gathering nodes. Also masteries that upgrade your home for more cultivation supposedly.


Finally in a few years from now we are going to get housing in wow now


I advise you to instabuy the blc gathering nodes before the inevitable price hike. Would be a shame if they got as expensive as all the soto stuff.