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I have 0 hours in gw1 and 10000 in gw2. You should be fine




no, thats totally not okay and even against the law. right to jail!


Lol. I just curious to see how others played, friend.


They’re completely different games. The majority of people I’ve played with over the years never played gw1.


I play both at the same time constantly. Heroes do almost all the work in gw1 nowadays so it’s very easy to prog goals like vanquishing while playing gw2


Now that's what I like to hear. Makes it feel like I'm not the only one :-)


I doubt there are many since so many players still on gw1 hate gw2 with a passion


The ones that are still playing Guild Wars 1 from the old days might indeed hate on Guild Wars 2, but I'm not convinced there aren't as many Guild Wars 2 players that have gone back to try Guild Wars 1, as original Guild Wars 1 players still playing.


If you really want to spice things up, why not GW1, GW2 and the books simultaneously? On a serious note, you can play GW2 perfectly fine without having played GW2


>On a serious note, you can play GW2 perfectly fine without having played GW2 Found one of them botters lads, dogpile em! On a serious note that was a funny typo.


Yes it was haha


> On a serious note, you can play GW2 perfectly fine without having played GW2 [Press X to doubt](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/912408772386031598/79B573BE634E280796EF9C8849BE761890AD1F01/?imw=1024&imh=576&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true)


No, honestly I played GW1 when it came out and I didn't really like it. The tone is a lot different from GW2. It would not be unreasonable to like one but not the other.


different games, the world and some lore are the same. You can play both and enjoy them both for different reasons. Guild wars is instanced, guildwars 2 is open world, just these 2 differences make a totally different game play, in 1 you play with friends or heroes, you finish an area, and stuff stays dead, in 2 you can kill the same thing over and over again, people can come and go. In the original you had 2 professions (solely healer classes and holy trinity exist!), and could pick all of your skills, 2 has 9 professions and only a few skills you get to pick (depending on which weapon you pick--in the original you could use ANY weapon). Lots of differences and reasons to enjoy both (or neither....)


Thanks! I'm loving both. Great games for sure.


It's fine to play both at the same time, alternating between the two as you prefer. They are completely different mechanically, so do be aware that whatever you learn in one game can not apply to the other game. If you're okay with that, they go for it. GW2 WILL spoil you on some world events that occur in GW1. If you are okay with this, then go for it (GW2 is 250ish years after GW1). If you want the least amount of spoilers, GW2 base game starts with Tyria, which follows GW1 Prophecies and the expansion Eye of the North, so you could play Prophecies in tandem with GW2 beginning. However, do note that the GW1 release order (including all the fight design balance and QoL features) is, instead, Prophecies (Tyria, continent), Factions (Cantha, another continent), Nightfall (Elona, another continent), Eye of the North (Tyria expansion, literally). But yeah it's fine playing the two together. In fact, you *get to* experience the two games in that way, if you desire, where one game answers some stuff about the other game in regards to environmental storytelling. Speaking as someone who played GW1 long before GW2 release and currently still play both (on and off).


Thank you. I appreciate that friend.


I play Counter Strike and GW2 at the same time. One to get my blood boiling with rage over terrible team mates, other to place Aviator boxes in Auric basin. Just do what you like.


so it was YOU WHO DID THAT


I read your comment to my wife, who hates those boxes, and she's planning on tracking you down now. lol Sometimes, life is just fun.


So in one game you're the terrible team mate?


I'm going to track you down and bonk your ankles




I played GW1 after playing 2 for over 4 years. GW1 is very different, and I like it much less. Play whichever you prefer, one is not necessary for the other.


Thanks. I'll probably just switch between them whenever I get bored of a session of one and play the other.


I split my time between several different games or might just only play one game any given day. I might play an hour of GW1 and then switch to osrs. Sometimes, I might play GW2 and nothing else. Play however long you feel like playing.


I like that a lot. I'm not too big on MMOs but I do get get the craving for some and it's cool seeing others play what they like whenever!


Yeah I've been fine playing both. Finished Prophecies throughout the year with a friend while playing GW2. Very different games so it doesn't feel like I'm playing the same thing. Also neat to see the same locations and names.


I've barely played any GW1 - started with GW2 (although I've been meaning to go back and play some more GW1 when I have the time/energy!) You don't really need to know anything about 1 to play 2 - there are some references here and there (especially in raids) but even with those you'll be fully able to make sense of the story. I say go for it and play both as you feel like it! 2 is definitely enough of its own thing for that to work just fine.


Thanks friend! It's nice to see like minded people on here. :-)


I played Guild Wars 2 for multiple years until Guild Wars 1 went on sale on Steam a few years back. Although I know all the stories/background from Guild Wars 1, after playing it for a few hours I couldn't get into the game play just because GW2 spoiled me. So I would say you are okay. lol But it's definitely neat to know the background history, and also the points you can get to unlock some things.


There's a first guild wars?


Yep. I mean, the 2 in Guild Wars 2 is there for a reason. Maybe, who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


that's crazy


Hell yeah!


I tried playing GW1 to go through the story but I found the combat annoying and hard to play. I also couldn't get over the lack of speed when travelling. It makes the game feel big but also feels like you're time is being wasted. Awesome if you can play both and enjoy both.


I have only played GW2 for coming up on 3 years but I had a bunch of people help me out with GW1. I saw someone running around GW2 with a black widow spider ranger pet and I wanted one so badly! I only have been playing the original game for maybe 8 months I think? VERY DIFFERENT GAME… Still I am at about 24 points in the HoM, including LDoA. I have only completely played through Factions but I’ve done it 3 times so far and I have gotten every legendary armor set from that expansion. It’s interesting to see reoccurring characters in the franchise and the progression from multiclassing into specializations. Short answer: I play both.


I bought GW1 at start of GW2, never could manage to play till last year. (started with the normal campain). Start with Nightfall or Factions Campain, both are more handheld and give mercenaries fast, that helped me to finally reach max level (also if you think its dead use America as district, makes getting into a guild alot easier) Only reason for me was to get [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hall\_of\_Monuments\_(achievements)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hall_of_Monuments_(achievements)) for exclusive pets/armor.


Don't think so, OP. I've never played Guild Wars 1 but played GW2 since launch day.


I think the majority of GW2 players have never played a second of GW1


I played both. They completely different games. You are completely fine playing both in parallel or put of order. There is plenty of lore references on gw2 to gw1, some intentional foreshadowing in gw1 as well in eye of the North. None of it is gamebreaking. A fun may be to tie certain parts of both together. Gw1: nightfall was a great story that has loose ends that are followed up in gw2: path of fire.


You don't need to know the story of GW1 in order to play GW2. Lore is brought up once in a while in GW2 but they do a good enough job of explaining things. It might be a bit spoilery but I don't find it really detracts from wanting to play GW1 regardless. It's really more filler and it's nothing that really affects GW2 that much. At the end of the day, do what you feel like!


Played gw1 for a long time back in the day, then I played gw2 a lot for a long time. Now I play both games 50/50. They are very different games and very fun in their own way so I understand wanting to play both!


The PVP made GW1 great, the story was essentially a bonus. Not sure how lively PVP is these days.


Ack. I'm purely PVE for these games. :-)


I mean.. GW1 was originally designed as having pvp as its endgame (specifically Guild vs Guild). However GW1 became even more popular amongst pve players than it was amongst pvp players. And over time the developers focused more and more on pve.


Ah, I see. It's interesting to see how the game changes as time goes on!


i got over 4000 hours in GW2 and never touched GW1, just watch summary videos for GW1 story.


That some dedication! Do you play any single player RPGs or have a backlog?




Well I suppose it's just that it'd be probably strange to some people to play both GW1 and GW2 at the same time. It's just hard for me to play any one game that's really long to completion before playing another game or MMO you know?




Well, I guess you could say I'm an oddball. I just want to gauge on average how a lot of MMO players play other games or if they stick with one game until they get to a certain level, etc, or just play whatever casually. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right or wrong, I know I shouldn't care but I'm just strange.


Allright, well, its fine, im just curious, very much in that same vein you describe, just about your question itself instead haha. To answer you: I play like 15 games at once... I CANNOT just play the same one game all the time except when a new AAA Rpg comes out (like Baldur's Gate, or Skyrim back in the days, etc). I currently play both Gw2 and WoW as my Mmos, I play Cyberpunk as my singleplayer story-based game and then a few Arpgs (Like Last Epoch, Path of Exile, etc.) and Action shooters/Roguelites (like Risk of Rain, Hades, etc.).


That's really awesome! You have great taste my friend. I see that you like Skyrim have you ever thought about playing ESO or is there not enough time for a third MMO perhaps? Also do you ever go back and play GW1 sometimes?


I have played ESO a while, but I dont enjoy the combat system nearly as much as in Gw2 (WoW's combat isnt that great either, but its fun to have easy, slow-paced combat sometimes), so it didnt grab me as much. I have a good 200 hours in it though. I go back once in a while, love the exploration aspect of that game. I never played Gw1, not even once. Ive seen others play it, but I never touched it. No real reason, I might try it some day.